If you want to see Russia squeal, put sanction on oil and gas. All he has to do is just stop. It begins by asking a question about how the world will end. If he gets away with this crap, whats next? Now we can really understand the miracle of life. 2 years later barrel was above $100 bucks. So it would be unfeasible for SU to fly around them, while at the same time, Finnair, and other airlines that depend on using that airspace could continue to do so. However, my feeling is that it would have been done much earlier if there were no sanctions or better yet if they were targeted in an entirely different way. We don't need politicians to "make us great". However, I suppose the news that both the EU and Canada are banning Aeroflot caused Aeroflots operations people to cut their losses while they could, and have the flight return to base. Its better to have a bad deal than good fight. Long ago when I worked in Government Policy Coordination at a major oil company, it was federal policy to encourage depletion of foreign oil reserves, leaving US reserves in the ground as "last man standing" if no alternate energy source (solar, nuclear, hydrogen, etc.) Well done. So many people are coming in from other countries who knows how many Russian terrorists are coming in now from that way. Aeroflot was two years into an eight-year-long plan to reshape itself as a world-leading carrier. And get off Joe Biden's back, for Christ's sake. In focus: Irkut Corporation presented a virtual tour of SSJ-100 aircraft at the EEF-2022 In focus: UAC to Showcase its Products During the Army-2022 Forum In focus: Another Serial Production IL-76MD-90A Aircraft Put into Operation My family moved here from Europe and had to go through legal channels to become Americans. I imagine the Russians were leaving Miami by that plane all the oligarchs that are hiding out in Miami. Who pays for these tickets? As a result, the British Civil Aviation Authority issued a blunt warning to passengers, which said that airlines, should review their procedures and the manner by which passengers are informed of pre-flight safety information. Send in ground unit "volunteers" with no markings, uniforms, etc. Hello Team of Bazooka Snipers ,, I think the sanctions should have been more towards individuals than general public. He is one man. Delta Boeing 767 Engine Fire During Mid-Flight. We, Russians, are without hope, and the world is increasingly hating us. Two of the victims are thought to be children, and one US citizen was said to be on board also. Aeroflot plane crash: Russia jet 'struck by lightning' Published. The flight from Miami to Moscow had redirected its flight path to conveniently fly directly over CFB 5 Wing airbase (the place I was born). It is currently over the North Atlantic after taking a circuitous route that took it east over Cuba, then a sharp northward turn before it would have entered US airspace over Puerto Rico. Jeremy Brooks, 22, is believed to be the only American who died in the crash of the SSJ100 jet, which was bound for the northwestern city of Murmansk. Think before you speak! If anything, sanctions I was mentioning only prolonged the suffering of many. February 6, 2023 . What, exactly, would you do that is guaranteed to deter Putin? I agree Trump adds fuel to the Jan 6 fire. I think it will turn Russia against it's leader Wich we allno is Putin.. That flight was full of American citizens including many kids who were trying desperately to leave Russia (including two of my family members). Called "strategic" reserves. Fellow mericans! They are barely surviving now. Looks like Greenland is also off limits for them. Or it's even harder to topple with all those sanctions? Sop. It's been over for a long time now, we are talking decades. A video of an aircraft crash landing at an airport, while going up in flames, is doing rounds on . Another useless "countermeasure" by the West that does nothing to address what's actually going on. Give the Russian soldiers a way out and when they flee thier tanks, use them against the ones that stay. The airline will fly from Sochi to 17 destinations in six countries. These are scenes from a video that has been making . Like a snowflake rolling down a hill, each sanction will snowball. . I don't begrudge you the right to live in the US. Like or not Russia its part of the world and plays an important roll in many issue. Would there be a "Trifecta" for someone who gets the date of all three. Feb 25 2022 11:50 PM EST. The SPAC Fad Is Ending in a Pile of Bankruptcies and Fire Sales. Where are you from and what is your country doing to help. Putin has locked in his fate. If Greenland is off-limits (as it should be, since it is part of Denmark), the only route to North America would be over North Africa, Turkey and then turning north over the Caspian sea. I am afraid I will not see her for a long time. Punished by Western sanctions, Russian airlines are struggling to keep their fleet flying. A video of an aircraft crash landing at an airport, while going up in flames, is doing rounds on social media, with the claim that it is the Boeing 737-800 which crashed in a forested hillside in southern China on Monday, 21 March. Taking a cue from this, we used keywords to look for reports of an Aeroflot plane on fire. However, Fact Crescendo found that it is an old video of 2019 from Russia. Puti will never get away with this. I remember better dead than red was the norm for decades. Despite safety instructions clearly asking people not to stop for their belongings in an emergency evacuation situation, many of the survivors exiting the burning plane clearly did just that. Published Mar 20, 2022. US and NATO is to blame for Ukrainian crises. The Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100-95, operating flight SU-1492 from Moscow Sheremetyevo to Murmansk (Russia) with 73 passengers and 5 crew, crashed at Sheremetyevo. Ordinary Russians cannot afford to leave Russia, much less hop an Aeroflot flight to North America. What they should have done is made a "wall" of countries that do not have intercontinental services from their countries. Just close the air space to any and ALL Russian flights. The West is taking various measures that, while of minimal effect individually, will hopefully combine to have some sting. Putin invaded Ukraine on his own terms. Archives of more posts with the same claim can be seen here and here. Who are you to say who should be allowed into the US and who shouldn't? 2019, shows the Sukhoi SSJ100 aircraft of Aeroflot Airlines on fire, at Sheremetyevo airport, outside . You are very smart along with others, who do not even question the value of life being on that plane guided to the crush by idiots who supposed to be What if they are american citizens, amigo? Viable to claim they were goven to Ukraine. Our future is dark." In 1966, Russia signed an agreement with Japan Airlines to allow JAL to fly over Russian airspace using aircraft and flight crews provided by the Soviet national carrier, Aeroflot. Not true. What a ego maniac barbaric spoiled idiot. Putin may still give you a nuclear holocaust over sanctions, much like Japan gave us Pearl Harbor and WWII over a crippling oil embargo. This is so wrong on so many levels!!! Come on Puton Aeroflot's passengers planes are parked at Sheremetyevo airport, outside Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, March 1, 2022. But Passenger flights are putting, to my mind passengers at risk. Forty-one people have died aboard Aeroflot flight SU1492.The Sukhoi Superjet 100 took off from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, destination Murmansk, at 18:03 local time [15:03 GMT]. He was employed by Aeroflot and had made the transition onto the SSJ-100 in 2016. . It was initially thought that an electrical fault caused the fire, which meant the aircraft returned to Moscow for an emergency landing. Is crazy! He is so much like dumb ass Trump, unwilling to accept that he's done and that most of his own people don't want this war. The Russian News Agency says the plane caught fire mid-flight with 78 people onboard. Why not?! They will soon run out of planes. Aeroflot 111 from Miami to Moscow was scheduled to depart at 1:55PM and arrive at 8:35AM on Monday morning. People stopping to collect bags is a common problem for airline crew. Canada literally sent Americans back to Putins Russia. 2. I flew from Detroit to Japan and we went over Alaska. The same goes for Kim and Trump. If an Aeroflot plane did fly over Canada or EU or UK airspace, what would be done? Aeroflot, Russia's flagship carrier, says it is suspending all international flights - except to neighbouring Belarus - starting on March 8, as Moscow faces a sweeping range of Western . Aeroflot published a list of survivors (in Russian) who have been identified so far. The flight took off roughly on schedule, and continued a standard northerly routing for around four . The EU sanctions are acts of defiance - nothing more. Of course not. Our president needs to be removed from office and put somebody in that's strong and capable of doing the right thing. For context, below is what a standard routing would have looked like for this Aeroflot service. Now in war times for sure there will abuse AMERICA'S kindness and take advantage of their entry. So 787 just curious what you would like to see happen? For all we don't know, he could be wealthier than Elon Musk. Erratic autocrat and the Russian citizens and Russian politicians are too inept and cowardly to do what needs to be done. We may have to do more drastic things. . Besides, Putin is still allowed to fly with the hope of talks. It's unlikely that Putin would nuke his own country but his own country can remove him (however they choose) but he can nuke any other country that gets involved which is what a cowardly bully would do. First Joy Behar fears her trip to Italy may be compromised,now Russian bon vivants have to endure an extra hour of pampered business class..how could Putin do this?! If one would look at the earth from a point in space in which one could draw a straight line directly from the flight's starting point to the destination along a plane surface that would intersect the center of the Earth, you would discover the path (a Great Circle) is actually shorter than any route plotted as a straight line on a flat map. Nukes, Artemis, nukes. Politicians make wars that poor ppl end up fighting. . Where ever we can hit them with these type of situations, will ultimately frustrate the Russian citizens to keep protesting against their leader who is doing this. It is the most valuable airspace which connects the west and south east Asia. I'd agree on All Cargo Flights, by Aeroflot, also charters and privately or government owned flights to be banned. The broader threat to Aeroflot is from the corporations that lease these aircraft to the airline. We do not NEED to hasten our environmental demise by drilling for oil or gas, in any location. I say continue on comrads But dont you dare try to do business with the rest of the world. I think that Putin has gone insane from his bout with covid. Let aeroplop use EU and canadian airspace. Such a shame that the Russian peopleand Aeroflot, which I recall from one of Bens reviews is a perfectly lovely airlinemust all suffer because of Putins megalomania. Because of the "great circle" on a sphere, the direct path is over Greenland. Subscribe To Our Daily Newsletter And Get News Delivered Straight To Your Inbox. Several social media users shared the video linking it to the recent plane crash in China. Landing those planes, even in countries without landing restrictions will likely result in siezure. To 787. Passengers could clearly be seen departing the aircraft with wheeled suitcases and other baggage. We need leaders who put the people they represent before any special interest group or political affilation. The way Trump did, make us energy independent so the world buys energy from us and not Russia. In case you forgot Russia has nuclear weapons and still has one of the largest militarys in the world. :) you sound like a looter, bro;), Too bad Biden is too gutless to ban Russians from US airspace. Also, EU wasn't playing this one too smart. I happy to know that so many businesses are Swifting Putin out of business I am surprised that Putin hasn't been assassinated yet. Mr Putin, this is 2022, not 1980. 1492 2019555:5078 . The broader threat to Aeroflot is from the corporations that lease these aircraft to the airline. Because the truth is worth it.). You are very smart along with others, who do not even question the value of life being on that plane guided to the crush by idiots who supposed to be responsible for the safety of passengers: adults, kidsRussians, Americans, Jewsand you call someone murderer?! The flight took off roughly on schedule, and continued a standard northerly routing for around four hours, over Finland and Sweden, and then toward Greenland. Biggest asset that Russia has is their oil. Actually, it is pretty pointless to ban Russia from US airspace mostly because every Aeroflot flight must pass over airspace that they are already banned from. All us What its needed its diplomacy, and to listen to the concern of the other side. Hes a pathetic old man full of anger. On a related note, are there any flights to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad? And no one seems to call it out. It's not just planes. Aeroflot Group announces operating results for March 2022, slightly down year-on-year. What its needed its diplomacy, and to listen to the concern of the other side. A Russian passenger jet burst into flames on Sunday while attempting an emergency landing at a Moscow airport, leaving as many as 41 passengers dead . Hope he dies soon. Most helpful comments ( as chosen by the OMAAT community ). Take that loophole away and suddenly Aeroflot will be a lot smaller. Why don't you say let's close the border with Canada? However, in this case, there are many innocent citizens aboard as well as the complimentary Russian spy or 2. Thats now being investigated. So you can check that box off. We can & have risen to meet the challenges set before us through many wars. The curvature of the earth makes it a shorter flight. We are praying for and stand with Ukraine!! It shows a Russian passenger plane, Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100, which caught fire while making an emergency landing on 5 May 2019 at Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport. That should have been a starter for sanctions! You might have overestimate the impact of these sanctions. Maybe the sanctions sound like a better option now, doesnt it? They harm the EU airlines more than the Russians. Wake up, we are Americans. So in the end Aeroflot operated a roughly eight hour flight to nowhere. About Asia and Dubai. US has not put troops into the Ukraine in part because starting a direct "kinetic" war between two nuclear superpowers is not intelligent, it is a sign of testosterone poisoning. Jam Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Did Canada allow this as a one-time exception, which would be reasonable, since the plane was returning to base? It's a no brainer really, Aeroflot: Dont set foot. What is a fact, though, is that those privileged few who had access to black markets - and they are, you guessed it, the ones very close to the regime - have gotten awfully rich in the process. The plane was said to have bumped the runway three times, causing fuel from the tanks to spill and flare, engulfing the back of the . Seizures are already taking place as leasing companies realize its likely the airlines will not be able to make the payments. He is trying his best to reinstate the old Soviet Union & it's regime & this time the world ain't having 1 sip of this crap. Poland? They are designed to hurt the people. Let's try the careful approach first. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member. Sunday, 31st July 2022. EPA Get the latest updates in the Russia-Ukraine conflict . Registering the planes in the Bahamas as SU did does not avoid sanctions. Peace to you and your family. Russians lying to Canada about humanitarian flight what a surprise Russians lying!!!! Eventually Aeroflot will become grounded with no where to fly..Close Russia to the world and the Russian people will revolt from Putin. The decision is to to avoid seizure of leased aircraft abroad. This is a military airbase that was built during WW2 as a major refueling base and later became training grounds for NATO allies to practice low level flying in order to evade radars. Mr Putin should remember history. Time to put that back in to place. Glory be with Ukraine and it's President. To bad for them. Most Russians don't want this war and when it starts effecting their quality of like it puts pressure on Russian Gov't. Russia's federal air-transport agency, Rosaviatsia, has recommended that domestic airlines . These people would otherwise be stranded there with their credit cards not working, etc. He is in self destruct mode. Putin is threatening nuke strikes and airplanes can drop a large nuke on human beings; therefore, it is prudent to shut down airspace without whining for the poor widdle Russians who voted the homicidal maniac into power. A plane from Moscow bound for New York performed a U-turn over the sea mid-flight and headed back to Russia, amid fresh restrictions in the wake of the Ukrainian invasion. . And how should Western Europeans, e.g. . Half the Aeroflot plane was burned. After all, Putin's extreme paranoia is admission that he is sure of it. Identifying target markets and consumers: The report will provide information on the demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns of the target market. The flight was supposed to depart at 2:40PM and arrive at 5:20PM, and was operated by a Boeing 777-300ER with the registration code VP-BHA. a wheel on canadian soil. You know, back before the Renazikkklans lost their minds and committed treason. That is correct. Firefighting Boeing 737 Air Tanker Crashes in Australia. In some cases, the language barrier could be blamed for people not following instructions. Now, if these flights are "true" re-patriot flights to get Russian citizens back to Russia, that's fine. ), (At The Quint, we are answerable only to our audience. First published on Sun 5 May 2019 15.30 EDT. Effective March 2, 2022, BIS imposed similar controls on Belarus, including this new license requirement. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau/File Photo Regarding China? Talking nuclear war will only destroy everybody how crazy is that. Advertiser Disclosure: Some links to credit cards and other products on this website will earn an affiliate commission. . As in 5-10-15 years. Stay out of everyones airspace. 8partly because Western governments have closed off their airspace to Russian planes, but . Review: EgyptAir Lounge Cairo Airport (CAI), Another Year On The Executive Platinum Hamster Wheel. I had an unfortunate opportunity to live in a country that was hit by UN sanctions - much broader and much harder than current restrictions placed on Russia. I'm glad I left the Democratic party the best thing I've ever done. 2022, 4:42 PM UTC Updated on March 8, 2022, . We need to close our border to mexico. Russian citizens need to rebel and Zelenski should offer any defecting Russian solder a path to amnesty and freedom in Ukraine. Under . March 7, 2022, 1:33 AM PST. Except for a few countries, this is becoming the world against Putin, who do you think is gonna win? My name is Gulkhan And In This Channel For Discover Knowlage Videos Pleas. The EU sanctions are acts of defiance - nothing more. Six minutes . A statement issued by the Russian Investigative Committee and reported by Euronews said [] Hopefully, the oligarchs will tire of being confined to Russia, and losing millions, they will force Putin out. Chimney fire at SW Bend home causes $150,000 in damage, losses . Besides, Putin is Banning Aeroflot does little to Putin, and more to ordinary Russians, who are the other victims, with even a worse condition/future than the Ukrainians, because, as told by an academic Russian friend, "the Ukrainians are under fear, but have the world's support, and have hope. Putin fault..his not a human beingno love..no heart..only for his goal evil.. except that in Cuba we had BIG NUTS JFK What treason against the US did bad man orange commit to get millions in patents off China, which is insanely opposed to granting patents to round eyed devils? Like or not Russia its part of the world and plays an important roll in many issue. . Russian investigators probing the Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash at Moscow Sheremetyevo a year ago are still awaiting results of specific fire and structural analyses before releasing their . Until China sanctions Russia too, it's not anything close enough for the people to topple Putin. The EU or Berlin? I wish U.S. would follow suite and ban our airspace as well! The Russians should realise that the economic squeeze and social isolation by the West is just the start of severe hardship for them ..mad morons like Hitler , Saddam etc managed to attract more powerful forces to destroy their countries.. Putin claims to be a student of historybut alas.. just another failed power hungry idiot who did not pay attention to his history teacher Dick-tater One is murdered by Dick-tater Two or torn to shreds by their victims. How many years have it been since? We need to close our border to mexico. Human Rights . My foot. Again in August 2022 the same video started making rounds claiming to be scenes of an airplane crash in India. Putin still hates her and pays for endless disinformation against her and the West. They should be evicted and the condos forfeited and sold with proceeds used to help Ukrainian refugees. Who pays for these tickets? That's it! BY Nicholas Gordon. For Boeing aircraft there are: 37 737-800s, averaging about six years, and I know its basically no help to this matter, but I wonder why they dont fly straight across the Atlantic to New York or Miami instead of going to Greenland. Russia will not be able to do anything anywhere if this keeps up. The video . Canceling airspace limits cooperation between nations. This is all petty bs and will have no effect on the war. Or, maybe you people think nuclear fallout is a hoax, like you all claim about climate change. But the rest of the world does. I think that all space in the US should be banned for Aeroflot as well. Using relevant keywords, we looked for more reports of an Aeroflot plane crash at the Moscow airport from 2019, and came across a BBC News report dated 6 May 2019 that identified the plane as a Sukhoi Superjet-100, noting that the emergency landing claimed 41 lives. pic.twitter.com/t5eKyP9euc, Airport Webcams (@AirportWebcams) May 5, 2019. Starting April 7, 2022, Aeroflot will begin operating international flights out of Sochi (AER), with tickets now on sale. And by the way, all 4 proposed countries offer inter- and trans-continental slight services. They haven't any solutions. Credit cards don't work and the price of borrowing has doubled make it difficult for putin, not the Russian people. My comment is regarding the flight pattern. I suspect the reason reason they turned around us the prospect of aircraft being seized by lessors. Trump among others with him. The remake of the old way of the soviet union will not work any more. Difficult for Aeroflot to sort out getting their crews and equipment home. Saddam didn't have them. An Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow on Sunday violated Canada's ban on Russian overflights. It just seems odd to me how some mericans have no problem insulting fellow mericans people on how stupid or useless they are, but have no problem complimenting a russian. (Photo | AP) A video still shows a Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft on fire after a hard landing Sunday at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. However the stakes of war are different than 1918 or 1941. He making Ukranians homeless, let's make some of his people homeless. I don't know what the hell is wrong with our government letting it go this long we should have been in full force weeks ago. The U.S. is the #1 oil producer worldwide, and that has NOTHING to do with Traitor Trump! If we need to produce all electric transport using solar power we can and will do it successfully. Yet most aircraft not built in Russia (Boeing-airbus) but owned buy Russians or Russian companies are registered in the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands. Initial reports suggested that everyone had evacuated the aircraft safely. Two aircraft, registered as HK-5307 and HK-5327, both just over 3 years old, have already been sent to storage, Planespotters.net data shows. So @Marco can you please update the latest situation in the said country? Danny Lee. Although Aeroflot state that the evacuation was completed in just 55 seconds, it is somewhat telling that only 37 of the 78 passengers and crew escaped with their lives. Others have been maligned on social media for filming inside the plane. And you were probably a troll beforehand!! However, as time passed the number of fatalities grew to 13, 20 and eventually to the current toll of 41. The republican party is the party of hate. I think putin has become a megalomaniac and has this personal thing about the Ukraine I would even go and fight for the Ukraine even at my age of 88 years I can still pull a trigger by God. Aeroflot and S7 Airlines have announced the suspension of all international flights in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. :) may be we just go ahead and start creating for them internment camps? No flights no revenue. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and Russians soldiers are fighting because they are forced to. How to Get a Free Flight to Hong Kong in 500,000 Airline Ticket Giveaway. Did you forget the time, when Putin went to Syria, because Asad asked for help?Zelensky asked for help!! Unless there is a corridor in international air space between Greenland and Iceland. There is a high risk of foreign-leased planes being impounded due to sanctions . However, by the time the flight departed Miami, new restrictions had already been put in place by both Canada and the European Union. Putin is too stubborn to stop now. With Russia, he's now dealing more than he can handle. Of all things to lie about, humanitarian flight was a very odd choice when the truth would have surficed in those circumstances. Not a single M1 Abraham tank was destroyed in the 2003 invasion. That alone will bring him down when his own people start revolting against him. Why all decisions are so weak? Aeroflot flight SU124 . Assessing market size and growth: The report will estimate the current size of the market, as well as its projected growth in the future. Jesusand what is wrong with their properties?! While the United States hasnt yet banned Aeroflot, it looks like Aeroflot may be canceling flights to the United States due to lack of feasible routings to operate these flights, at least temporarily. Funny, the 787 was making loud noises earlier. As further details emerge surrounding the Aeroflot crash landing, a worrying trend has become clear. In a broader context, if there is no incoming revenue, Aeroflot will be in default due to no payment as spelled in the lease agreement. Clearly, a 2019 video of a plane making an emergency landing before going up in flames at an airport in Moscow, Russia is being falsely linked to the recent Boeing plane crash in China. Have been identified so far 1918 or 1941 is the # 1 oil producer,... Aeroflot as well their entry for Discover Knowlage Videos Pleas, whats next people think fallout! Homeless, let 's make some of his people homeless best thing 've... It to the airline will fly from Sochi to 17 destinations in six countries so businesses... Putin is still allowed to fly.. close Russia to the world a world-leading carrier with no markings,,. That are hiding out in Miami for all we do n't need politicians to `` make great. Is made a `` Trifecta '' for someone who gets the date of all things lie. S ban on Russian Gov't authors alone, and one us citizen was said to be from. 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