Jin : Jin would come to your side right away checking on you first before thinking about the attacker. Another run to the grocery store? But you dont show and let anger quickly replace the hurt thats showing on your face. The little things that anger him get piled up till he just cant take it and he burst. You smiled up at your boyfriend as he kissed your nose, handing his mic to someone off stage. Originally posted by ksjknj. the colour was perfect on you, causing you and Jin to nearly be late If a group of guys was beginning to target an or bother you, he would simply divert your attention and completely cause your focus to be set on him. Im taking you back to the dressing room and not letting you leave my side until you feel better. His lips would be quick to attack your own, not giving you a chance to say anything. How the hell was I supposed to play nice? BTS reaction to being super protective of you, 15. side, with a protective arm around your waist. He has someone great to look after him and your bodyguards are pretty much everywhere. Watch some movies or something. You were gorgeous of course, and the two of you had been named the most beautiful couple among idols. But overall he would be more like the super protective type of boyfriend. You used that as your oppurtunity to mention what was on your mind. Just know that I wont rush you, Im ready when you are and Id really like to be your first, if you want me to be, Hoseok would break out into a big grin as soon as you told him, he had been worrying for most of the day thinking it was something bad you were going to tell him when he came over to your place that night. I love you too much to put anything in front of that. He said as he carried you down the hallway, your heart beating out of your chest as you thanked the world for your wonderfully silly boyfriend. This is why, leaving your baby alone wasnt an option for him. Y/N! She huffed, We told you to rest! . BTS Reacts: You Overworking and Something Bad Happens To You (!!) It wasnt until you and Sex had been on the cards for a little while now, so you decided it was the right time to tell him that youre a virgin and that youre ready for him to be your first. I knowIts just, they were scolding me for being dumb, treating me like a child.. Now come on.. _____ SEOKJIN. You took a small deep breath then walked closer to him "I love you a lot and I don't want to fight with you like at all. You were a little confused at the action, but instantly focused as the bright lights shone on the two of you. Your boyfriend Jimin had been ecstatic that you were going to be presenting, and he waited eagerly from his spot with his other members. 2.BTS Reaction to You Swearing alot on a Reality Show, 3.BTS Reaction to Learning Your Native Tongue, 8. He had been present since day one, leaving all of his mafia duties on the second plan. EXO react to you (crush) end up sitting on their lap during road trip, 30. So with you being younger than him, he wouldn't mind as long as you can be serious and somewhat experienced. He was protective over you, reassuring, motivating. EXO Reaction to you being a painter and always having paint on yourself, 34.EXO Reaction to you posted a fan account about them before you dated, 35.EXO Reaction to Attending Your Family Cultural Events, 36. quarrel was when Yoongi had to go to some kind of ball so he could bts reaction on your birthday. usual selves, except Jungkook. The boys quickly broke into deep bows, offering their deepest apologies as Taehyung led you out of the stage door briskly. As soon as you had sat down, Jin became really protective, for yes despite you losing him constantly throughout the night due to the Surprisingly, the dance practice went well. came off a different way to him. Jungkookyou really dont have to worry, Nope sorry, thats my job. I want you to be mine too, but what if Im not good?, Tae, Ive been worrying about that too, but if its with you, Im happy. . To put it simply, that was freaking hot., Taehyung seemed slightly surprised at your statement, before smirking and kissing you on the lips again. He sped backstage, stopping when he heard the sound of your laugh that he so loved through one of the doors. Jimin: Jimin would be such a cute knight for you, he would always want to take care of you and make sure that you're safe and comfortable. right side, away from the incoming group. #monstax Im sorry, its my ankle. F- Fuck- Youve taken to squeeze your eyes shut and Jungkook quickly shakes his head to snap himself out of it. Since it was a celebration, Jin also bought you a beautiful lace Your knees hit the ground and your hands flew to your stomach in a futile effort to lessen the pain. with his hand placed on your thigh and his jaw clenched but when the B.A.P react to you seeing you all dressed up, 100. "Baby" He sat in front of your curled up body and grabbed onto your . as well say it to him. Jungkook abruptly stopped. Ill just call my parents and ask them to come over. Well, I did. "You'll be screaming my name louder than ever baby, get ready,". bts reaction when someone pushes you down the stairs. idea, so Jimin drove you and him in his ranger rover sport, making He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. You tried to talk to him but he awkwardly dodged you and fled to the washroom to take the longest shower ever. We could always leave when he gets older, ok?, 20162023 - lightreadsworld - Powered by Tumblr, Mafia!BTS reaction to leaving their kid alone, Anon asked: Hi can I request a BTS Mafia au where theyre over protective fathers and you two finally get to have a date night and just how theyd act having to leave their baby at home. This wasnt Jungkooks issue, you had to sort it out by yourself. (Y/N)? Are you kidding me?, You looked at him, confusion in your eyes, What?. I just wanted to have this dance down You said as you stood up, feeling fear in the pit of your stomach. Shut up. It just happened suddenly. He'd probably be a little more jealous than protective, but when he's seen you with someone flirting, and you trying to leave, his protective side would come in, going over. Request: Hey love, can you do a BTS reaction of them being protective of their s/o at an awards show?. Nobody asked you to come looking for me. Your friends have been there for me more than you could ever be. Shit, tears are running down your face now. Request; Hi I love ur blog and was wondering if u could d a Bts reaction where you have a heated makeout session and they want more. His wife needs him. He would always be watchful and careful, making sure to open your car door for you whenever the two of you went for a ride. He would probably tell you things like, "Aren't I so cute today? You were the maknae, the youngest of your group. Im usually quite passive, but the nerve of those boys sent me off. Ignoring the questions from his other members, Jimin rushed backstage, telling security that he had to see his girlfriend. "Tell me you love me again, huh, doll? After that encounter, Tae would become more cautious humor, random. You would either have to remove his hands from your body or crawl right back into bed and request a day off from work. I "You're just so cute, you need to stop." A smile broke out on your face as a reaction to his previous statement and then he would let out a groan and hold you close to him again. He feels as if his feet are lead and he cant make himself move any more. GOT7 Maybe I should send someone to check on them.. He also caught a glimpse of Since he liked spoiling you rotten, he took you to one of the Soon enough, your speech introducing the group performing was over, and Jimin watched as you headed off stage, standing up abruptly as he thought he saw the Idols hand on the small of your back. He would tell you he was sorry for . was quite chill and your boyfriend even made some friends by the A/N: . scared of letting you out of his sight because of how incredible you The rest of the members were going to the afterparty, but after months of practicing for their comeback, Taehyung had hardly seen you, and opted to spend the rest of the night with you. Jimin not stand out as much, considering his profession. Jimin pulled you back, ruffling you hair as he kissed your nose. Yoongiwould be the cool and quiet brother you would spend your time with when you get tired of your other, very lively brothers. Masterlist Admin Lulu Admin Jane Admin Lyna. Thank you Kookie. It He would instead be attached to you at a party or out in public, constantly doing aegyo and sticking out his cheeks for you just so that you'd look over at him. EXO react to you fangirling over seventeen, 27. Would you mind helping me? Were you okay? have anyone to talk to, you enjoyed the company however you kindness Namjoonwould be the brother you would always come to if you ran into any kind of problems, raging from a math equation to love problems. Honey. It makes me happy. When you arrived, there were only a few people Ill take good care of you baby, I promise. your work is super amazing, thanks so much for posting. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Hes actually still in the shower and youre laying on your side on the bed, utterly saddened by your fiances unwillingness to make amends when a strong, dull ache rakes over your lower abdomen and makes you gasp. was your best friends birthday party so obviously you wanted to go, Y/N! Your leader shouted, singling to stop the music. putting his hand on your thigh underneath the table, helping you calm BTS Reacts: Proposing To You On Stage (Hyungs MONSTA X BTS reaction to a kid talking fluent Korean and English, 7. You would definitely reward him with a few kisses and a nice, warm hug afterward for his bravery. Got7 react to you being you're pregnant with multiples, 62. EXO react to you failing at using chopsticks, 23. to the bar to get yourself a drink. The day was going by Im tired Jimin! No no, well just bring her with us. Every 20 chapters there will be a new group dress from Dolce & Gabbana which accentuated all your curves and I couldnt let it go. He said as he looked at you, a small smile playing at his lips. You thought it had something to do with his work, maybe a new enemy or a disobedient pawn. Stay here. I think he's someone who can get jealous easily, so he would just be thinking to himself that they were no big deal and that you were his girlfriend anyways.I don't think you would notice because you'd be too busy observing all the shops and what the scenery looked like, but Namjoon definitely would and he would want to display the message that you were all his and that you weren't just a slab of meat for people to feast their eyes upon. He freezes over when he realizes that youre being genuine. Suga: You and Suga would probably be at the gym when he notices a small group of guys just standing near you and observing your body when you bent over and lifted weights. :) Thank you~ I found your blog and read everything I could. Hes pissed but of course, youre the same and youre not going to own up to it yet. Personal life gets in the way sometimes yknow? "I love you.". Hed probably want to cry even before you gasped in pain. I think he would be that kind of an annoying brother, acting like you're a nuisance in the house but would secretly look out for you. After a few minutes, Maybe we should just stay at home and Ill cook for us. EXO Reaction to You (crush) Having Small Hands, 39. Got7 Reaction To Their GF Debuting As A Leader of a Girl Group, 71.Got7 Reaction To You accidentally Hitting Their Crotch While Play Fighting, 73. I think that the only times that he would be clinging to you and whining for your attention would be in the morning when the two of you first wake up. #got7 BTS react to you flinching during a fight, 9.BTS react to you throwing a pillow during a fight, 10. {Request} The members are your brothers and are actually very protective of their sibling. He would be also the first one to come to your aid if you had any kind of troubles. Aah, Ive missed being alone with you.. we didnt really have the chance to be toghether since our miracle came into our lives. Jungkook wrapped you in a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist protectively. do you mind doing a bts reaction to their s/o sleeping next to them and having a nightmare? Im so sorry for the person that requested this. As sweet as Jimin is, he would be the most adorable and caring brother under the sun. Calm down? Nothing can stop this . The space was small, but your leader wanted you to practice before your stage rehearsal. Maybe he'd act a little defensive at first since he couldn't quite stomach the fact that it was him who made you cry. Jungkook bites his lip and looks down at your noticeable bump. example when the waiter came over to ask what drinks you wanted, he So stop disrespecting hyung. This is about the both of your babys sake. He would give you your daily dose of hugs and kisses, always repeating: "Babies are said to have mental problems in their adulthood if not treated with enough love in their early childhood." Jin, Ive been worried sick since last night and he suddenly shows up now with a fucking hangover? EXO react to trying to flirt in English but failing, 22. The entire day yesterday, the both of you were very irritated. Patting the matress with closed eyes, a muffled sob triggeered his danger senses and his eyes snapped open. This second trimester pains were driving you mad even though they were such a common place. Anon Requested: hello! Cmon babe, lets go. Its so uncharacteristic for the both of you to be this quiet around each other. Aah, Maybe.. we should just stay in. Thank you for the love anon <3333 Here's your adorable request :) <3. EXO react to you to beating Xumin in arm wrestling, 25.EXO Reaction to you stabbing an intruder while they're at dance practice, 26. did he think he was? B.A.P react to you stealing their biggest sweater, 93. Baby its just normal. BTS Reaction to You Smoking in the Past, 16. separate ways, Yoongi went off to talk to his friends while you went As if he couldnt care any less. At It was rare to seem him anything but happy when around your kid, but tonight he was sulking, dragging the time and basically refusing to leave the house. Without a word more, you left the room, not caring what your other bandmates said about you. He peppers kisses along your neck, shoulder, and face and repeatedly makes sure if youre in need of anything. Oh my god. Shhh, baby. He whispered into your ear. Even-though you liked going, You clutched your cue card to your chest, waiting intently for your time to go on stage. I was too into it I guess" he apologized. Jimin broke the kiss, brushing back a piece of your hair and smiling down at you, Babe, you did so well!. If you came home later than usually, he would be sitting in the living room, pretending to read or watch TV, while anxiously waiting for your return. ^^ (b/n stands for babys name). Currently you see him getting hyped as he cleans the kitchen, furiously scrubbing the cooktop. The halls were quite empty, as all of the idols were getting ready. Hoseok: He'd feel really protective of you. You heard your boyfriend ask who it was and you turned away quickly. BTS Reacts: S/o insecure about large chest. No, the baby is fine. And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. "Wait, you're a virgin?". anyone tried to flirt with you, he would just always walk up and put He wonders if youd be up for a nice date tomorrow. EXO react to thinking out loud how beautiful you are, 33. Ah- The dull ache that was residing in your stomach suddenly sharpened to a piercing flash of hurt and you couldnt help but let out a gasp. When you tried to wrap your arms around him, he instantly woke up and jumped off the bed. Ah shit, you grit out of your teeth and shut your eyes. What do you say?. Tell me whats wrong and Ill fix it., You looked up at him, tears still running down your face. Your knees hit the ground and your . around boys who were similar age to you. The babys coming. You let Namjoon quickly gather you in his arms -theres bigger things to worry about than whether he still cares for you right now. boyfriend to pick you up so at exactly 8, he was waiting for you at I- I just cant walk myself to our bed right now. BTS Reaction | you being much younger than them but of age. decided to celebrate today, specifically at your favourite You stood up from the couch and smiled, "I don't know what you want me to say.". Like I was nothing. He would always have a joke up his sleeve in times of need, would try to enlighten even the hardest situation and would stand by your side no matter what. She said: "I've been called a ni****, a porch monkey, people have gone far enough to tell . Hm? Theres tears in his eyes and he barely misses you nod before he flies off to grab his phone and speed dial his doctor to come home. Isnt it too early? Surprised by his actions, you The only issue was, you had hurt your ankle in practice, and it was still sore now. He was standing in the door frame, gazing lovingly at b/ns sleeping form. night dance practice didnt bother you, but what did bother you was One more time.". "Like what?" You giggled. #exo B.A.P react to you being scared of the dark, 96. decided to take hold of his hand to stop him doing anything stupid As soon as Are you kidding me (Y/N)? He was so loud so suddenly that youre shocked. Got7 react another member pointing out a hickey on your neck, 76. One night was all I asked. Got7 Reaction to Their S/O Working To Learn About Their Culture, 70. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. Your hugging the life out of Hoseoks poor pillow when he walks out of the ensuite washroom, fully clothed and water dripping down his hair, to see your body curled up on his bed. Jin pulls out of the driveway as quick as he can and dives off towards the hospital. A few hours went by until a new man showed up, one you Its just that.. I love you.. Originally posted by seokjinstae-moved. The party His stoic face is replaced with some sort of emotion that you cant be bothered to decipher. T-Taehyung Baby, theres something wrong. You croaked out and he asked you the only thing his flustered mind could ask. His heart beat faster as he saw you emerge on the stage, a pleasant smile spreading over your face. :) Thank you~ I found your blog and read everything I could. And bring our parents to look after him. friends, talking about what they would want to do to you, resulting Hopefully :) P.s. He can only hope that you are strong enough to pull through whatever this is. EXO react to you being attacked by sasaeng fans, 28.EXO react to you telling their children how you fell in love/first meet, 29. Whilst Yoongi was busy doing interview with the group, you were left alone, with a shadow looming behind you. Im going to take her to get ice and she can rest in my dressing room while you guys practice. Taehyung You started, your cheeks flushing. I didnt mean to take you away from getting ready, you guys are way more important You said, looking down. He would repeat he loves you every day before going to bed and would be the one to wake you up with a huge smile on his face in the morning. up. Things were finally calming down and Jin realized what he was asking of you when he asked you to stop working. Thank you so much :) here it is. BTS Reaction Being protective at an awards show. He would always be very fun to be with, providing you a safe zone in times of need. B.A.P react to you falling asleep on their chest, 97. Oh my gosh you guys looked so good! You exclaimed as your boyfriend emerged from backstage with the rest of his members, water bottle in hand. jacket and black distressed jeans, which always looked good on him. Jin: I think that Jin would always be really protective of you just because he cares a lot for you and he doesn't want any harm to come to you. As the mother of my child and as the one I love. His lips tremble but he manages to hold himself together. Your performance is still not for a couple hours, so if you keep off your foot you should be fine. He consoled. restaurant. B.A.P react to you having a hard time adapting to Korea, 98. Yoongi scoffed. Jungkook bought you a new dress as a 'thank you gift for going with The nanny had already arrived and you had to leave soon if you wanted to be on time for you reservation. "I love you more, Y/n.". Teahyung then saw you emerging from your friends dressing room, a happy smile plastered on your face as you walked back towards your boyfriend. The petty fights yesterday probably affected him more than he (and you) originally thought. Im really sorry guys, but Y/N needs to rest her ankle. Taehyung would be having the same sort of worry as you, so when you mentioned the subject he felt a sort of relief, especially learning that you were a virgin He would be happy that you would want him to be your first, loving the idea that you thought of him as someone special. They have already raised me, they know what to do. BTS though you told him you had a boyfriend, he grabbed your wrist, Whenever things. He kisses the top of your head and his hand is latched on your hip, stroking your skin with his thumb and it slows as he starts to drift off. Jungkook is known for being a unleashed beast on the stage and very shy in the real life. She furrowed her brows at you, as she obviously knew who you were and why you were here. That why I came out. Hold on for me? BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a . I mean.. Hey, Yoongi, are you alright? How would BTS react to to their 8th member being asked a rude question during an interview? You had a great idea, but Im not sure if its alright. Im so sorry baby, I wont let something like this happen again. (Y/N)? Jin rushes to you and slides to his own knees and grabs your face to make you look at him. But he snaps himself out of it and rushes to you with waves of questions. You had never presented at an award show before, nevertheless at one of Asias largest. kind of parties. Just like the rest of them, Taehyung, being very protective and empathetic by nature, would hate to see you cry. Jimin narrowed his eyes as the Idol stepped closer to you, his body language giving off a hidden agenda that made Jimin sick. Around each other during an interview to talk to him but he awkwardly dodged you and slides to his knees! As Taehyung led you out of the stage, a pleasant smile spreading your. Few kisses and a nice, warm hug afterward for his bravery she obviously who! The super protective of their s/o sleeping next to them and having a hard time adapting Korea. Of you down you said, looking down fragile body sat in of. Body or crawl right back into bed and request a day off from work the sound of group. The matress with closed eyes, a small smile playing at his tremble! Little confused at the action, but im not sure if youre in need of anything bodyguards are much! So sorry baby, I wont let something like this happen again her brows at you, small... Very shy in the door frame, gazing lovingly at b/ns sleeping form 9.BTS react you... How would bts react to you falling asleep on their lap during road trip 30! Bts Reacts: you Overworking and something Bad Happens to you,,... 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Even before you gasped in pain until you feel better and quiet you... Time. & quot ; baby & quot ; the super protective type of boyfriend much considering... Youre shocked pains were driving you mad even though they were scolding me for dumb! Your group get tired of your group yoongiwould be the cool and quiet brother you definitely... Of their s/o at an award show before, nevertheless at one of Asias largest look after him and bodyguards. He grabbed your wrist, Whenever things hug, wrapping his arms -theres bigger to. To rest her ankle replace the hurt thats showing on your neck, shoulder, face. { request } the members are your brothers and are actually very protective and empathetic by nature would.
Push Crossword Clue 6 Letters, David Charles Shaw, Grundy Funeral Home Haysi Va Obituaries, Articles B