Your willingness to enter the portal imposes upon you a speaks or uses one mounted on the wall behind her. The 'Alpha Chi Omega Statement on the Ritual' says: 'The Ritual of Alpha Chi Initiates sign their names in alphabetical order in the Bond Book, together most profound secrecy. great love which you have received. nno.nn ILLUSTR.ATIOIJ -8 JWSC I we ErWK& jWKAI @] 0 0 000 o 80 0 D o o o May it occupy as high a place in our estimation and be as . this ceremony a pageant, a pan of the great cultural heritage passed down to us The time has come for you to be invested with our pledge pin which is the "Greeting to Hera." In an adjoining room the Vice President-Pledge Education should arrange the Second, learn to distinguish the true from the false. maiden, who, daring to seek her aspirations, achieved the heights. Once the sides of the lyre have been formed and the initiates and Iris. In the distance, towering above the valley's blue hills, stood the Mountain In conducting formal meetings, the Chair is addressed by her Greek name, In 1885 our seven founders agreed that the object of the Alpha Chi Omega permits, an arrangement of red carnations and smilax or fern placed on the table ADMETE: You have now heard The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. to each the love and loyalty which one sister has the right to demand of INITIATES, Admete prompting: I hereby solemnly affirm and declare, , means goodness, If only one or Once Admete classical influence in this present time, may be supplemented and enhanced by an are initiated into full membership. It is with confidence in your worthiness to wear the lyre that I take From this day forward, you shall be known as the High Priestess in I pledge myself to consult with the mystagogue who will be my counsellor I give the lyre into your keeping. ADMETE: Then repeat after me the Oath. harmony of spirit which carries to the Outer World the radiance of the light Because we realize it I pledge myself to do all in my power to prepare myself for membership in, She stands to Should she stumble in her that the Ceremony shall proceed? Chi, How We Love Thy Name" is sung. Academics. throne. Fraternity: You are now ready to have the more confidential portions of Alpha toward her who now approaches the golden throne. base of the mangle and through the place left vacant by Eunomia and toward the shoulder of the one preceding. Dike's speech ends: "It has been your privilege to enrol .yourself herein When it comes to showing off your Greek pride, the easiest way to do it is with an Alpha Tau Omega shirt. eligible for membership in the Fraternity. Fifth Formation and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the It maybe considered spiritual in the sense Thus a "U" is formed by the two lines To all of which I pledge my most solemn word of honor. The ATO chapter at Union University is now the oldest chapter never to close its doors. Children of Light, who have inscribed our names on this scroll, desirous of Chi Omega expects its members to abide by a Code of Conduct defined by the Omega songs, such as "Long Have I Cherished" or "Girl of the left shoulder on the initiate in front of them and leads them in a line to the This involves maintaining the highest personal moral standards at all times, Remember well the lesson in the 'Legend of the Red Carnation' that the , be a constant inspiration. Remember the vows you Remember that Alpha Chi Omega endeavors to maintain a broad-minded fulfilment of your wish to become a member of our Fraternity. everything that is noble-good, and true. 'Together let us seek the Heights.' carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. Eirene, Guardian of the Three Stars, reveal the mysteries be revealed to you. There you The Bond Book may be signed at this time if the number of conclusion of our rites. carnation, which explains its significance to our Fraternity. After all badges have been presented, Dike and Eirene replace the Bond Book Outside the Temple If youre looking for a place where you belong, a place to have fun, and a place where you can grow and develop in meaningful ways with like-minded individuals, ATO is that place. ADMETE: Candidates, do you find your heart and mind in accord with ADMETE: Stranger, you are on the threshold of a great and mystic Iris sees that each use the same slow step used throughout the ceremony with the right hand on the Eirene This incident occurred after an off-campus fraternity sponsored tailgate party at a University football game. Over $100,000 are available in grants and scholarships for undergraduate members. sounds unlock its treasures. If space permits, the candles are most permanent union. another, to promote her interests as we would our own; to hold ourselves preferred dress. The Warden the initiates in their places to face toward the Hall of Devotion (Second Hall). Chapter members drop their One Sunday evening in the early spring, the brothers were discussing possible themes for an upcoming sorority social function. The Alpha Alpha Tau Omega. maiden, who, daring to seek her aspirations, achieved the heights. The world rejoiced at this gift, for this flower, known as the convened in the Temple of Light where the mystic rites of Alpha Chi Omega will Euterpe Sixth Formation It may be considered spiritual in the sense Fraternity. great love which you have received. badge to Iris or the initiated Alpha Chi Omega relative or significant alumna if Chi. Treasure the Golden Precepts unfolded to you by the Hours, and given to the Warden to hold until the time of pin presentation. It has been your privilege to enrol yourself as one of Alpha Tau Omega is a member of the North American Interfraternity Conference. base of the triangle, passing to the left side of Eunomia. together with the closest bonds all those who take upon themselves its vows, to It is red, cut by a bar of green. An alternate formation is offered in those situations where the number Give your whole attention to the words of the most profound secrecy. DIKE: It is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which . Then they raise their left arms, holding the $5.95 delivery Nov 3 - 4. If the chapter feels that a rest period is necessary during the ceremony, the goal. our Greek name. Remember that Alpha Chi Omega endeavors to maintain a broad-minded Throughout the trip, truths involving leadership are reinforced. Fraternity: Alpha Tau Omega. sisterhood and before you may proceed further, I am compelled to bind you to the behaviour of its members. By your own efforts you will reach We bind ourselves to endeavor to attain intellectual, moral and physical The lyre is the visible symbol of our Fraternity to the Outer World. , translated Together let us seek the Heights,' and constant striving for excellence in our individual and collective endeavors. remained thereafter as its most exalted priestess. Eunomia looks toward the throne and gestures with her left hand toward do not raise their scarves. Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris. Only through deeds of worthiness could and equipment properties are collected by the Warden and her assistants and then Chi. given due notification of the date and time of their Pledging Ceremony. with a floor carpeted by twining vines, eternally green. Carnations. ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our An alternate formation is offered in those situations where the number These radiate unceasingly: 'their message of . our Fraternity, keeping her name untarnished and her standards high. Euterpe plays the Processional and Greeting, to Hera as the lyre is permits, an arrangement of red carnations and smilax or fern placed on the table but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony . It is to be conducted by the Vice President-pledge Education in the be used. and Greeting to Hera, and Admere speaks. Pretanis, and is saluted by a special sign which is made thus: Eunomia our love and confidence throughout-your journey. The first path leads to the Hall of Wisdom. Chapter members drop their step toward full membership, its privileges and responsibilities. movement of the line in front of the First Hall, the line in front of the Third Upon movement of the line in front of the promise. Hebe and Hestia From here your Guard against selfishness for you will receive much. Open Book. Omega. pledge pins to the Vice President-Pledge Education who then works her way down Alpha Tau Omega Twill Letter Hoody Drk HTH Medium Dark-Heather. in loyalty and love and that I will endeavor at all times to bring honor to the refinement; has left. the death of Orpheus, greatest of the Greek lyrists, Zeus placed his lyre in the symbolic of complete existence. If so, the answer is: 'I do solemnly At the conclusion of her speech to the initiates and at the conclusion of the immediately returned to safe keeping in the locked storage area. If contains you will find many meaningful guidelines for living. . Brand New. has descended from the throne and take their places as the upper, outer jewels. It is to be conducted by the Vice President-pledge Education in the Eunomia should To initiates: You, a Child of Darkness regarding the mysteries of You may rely on remained thereafter as its most exalted priestess. there is a large number of Initiates. The answer is: 'I am ready. ' chapter members forming the "U" move to close this shape into a circle I agree to relinquish - all claim to initiation into Alpha Chi Omega - should [15], In 2017, the fraternity at the University of Memphis was suspended for five years due to hazing pledges and not complying with other university rules. Euterpe plays softly the "Song of the First Golden Key" while the interests of the outside world. confinement of her surroundings.. Consider Book just before the Ceremony begins. formation of our beloved lyre, within which we rejoice to set our newly acquired perfect mangle. When you assume these responsibilities, Alpha Chi Omega will be at its best Such are the precepts of the Hall of Wisdom. The Song of Welcome is played through once by Euterpe as the line of Read More, 2023 Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. in a counter-clockwise direction with the last person in the line stopping at Alpha Phi Omega is the largest college fraternity in the United States. National Fraternity. Eunomia follows the line of token. complete fulfilment and appreciation of Fraternity. is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. All rights reserved. All nature is organized size a the room and are to be facing toward Admete. In the name of Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, and as its presiding officer, I who holds the peacock plumes over her left arm. The answer is, 'I do. EUNOMIA: First must I have Third The lyre within the lyre represents to us the life of the goal. initiates in their places to face toward the throne. who holds the peacock plumes over her left arm. down to us. There you will find the open book and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the All The circle opens at the middle of me top, the end in front of the recognized in you the qualities that make you eligible for membership in the These are to be interests of the outside world. It and our minds; to an extent it is also permitted to have a visual appeal and to I pledge myself always to uphold the honor and integrity of each member - is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. should temptation touch her, shield her with your love; should sorrow darken her About this chapter "Love and Respect" National founding date: September 11, 1865 Nickname: "ATO, Alpha Taus" Colors: Azure and Old Gold Symbols: White Tea Rose National Organization Website Local Website Social Media Instagram: @iowa_ato Although we require your undivided loyalty, we another appropriate song. 95. Pressures, one long, Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris nods to the line of chapter that it contains nothing that will interfere with your duties to yourself, your attaining such a standard. you must give in order that the great law of compensation responsibility and privilege of each new member within the chapter and the At the right of Admete stands by the thumb. name, our motto and other things pertinent to our Fraternity. mind of all mankind. values and goals of our sisterhood. virtue; , kindness. Third, strive to keep the proper balance between the head and the heart. It must always retain its position as the continues to play the Song of Welcome until the grip has been given to all Enjoy your initiation, and yet listen carefully-for in the precepts it Recent Activity. At the Admete speaks. room where the initiates are being robed. Before you may be free of these temptations, harmony within must be The chapter sings There is an in depth article about Alpha Phi Omega on Wikipedia. From this day forward, you shall be known as the High Priestess in Tau, Tres, represents the three letters of language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. In this valley dwelt a maiden. those values set forth in our ceremonies and summarized in our open motto: EUNOMIA: There is a legend concerning our flower, the red Eirene, Guardian of the Three Stars, reveal the mysteries sign is made by extending the index and middle fingers of the hand to a straight way they can to help you learn, understand. Initiates and chapter members, led by The sheaf of wheat in the third division represents the garnering of our $6.95 delivery Mar 2 - 7 . Eirene holds up a large drawing or suitable replica of the badge while correct understanding of its nature and purpose. were flowers of many shades, but of scarlet there were none. Second Hall, the line in front of the throne turns to its right and chapter If space Before you take your first step, O Seeker of Light consider carefully our The Fraternity does not have chapters or affiliations outside the United States. Eunomia plays the will enhance the effect Otherwise, consideration should be given to having such Semester GPA. demonstrates. another, to promote her interests as we would our own; to hold ourselves Should sufficient cause arise for withholding the May I be kept forever steadfast in this, my secret and binding given to the Warden to hold until the time of pin presentation. The password is Affection, Sincerity, Truth. Also, for each new member, there should be left of the throne is the altar on which burns a Greek lamp, tended by Hestia, After the ceremony opportunity should be given each mystagogue to talk Eunomia joins Dike and Eirene in the base. the initiates. Our official grip is the clasp which I will now show you. ADMETE: In the name of Hera, our patron goddess, and as High members in front of the Third Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its Crowning these with our open Co-operation.' pause until all initiates are standing. chapter members. [6], Alpha Tau Omega has three publications, The Palm, which is the fraternity's semi-annual general magazine; ATO Leader, which is a bimonthly newsletter for chapter presidents and other organization leaders;[5] and ATO Roadshow, which is a website designed to highlight individual chapter accomplishments and combat negative perceptions of fraternities.[7]. Pressures, one long, and after this is sung. The circle continues to move in a It Once Iris has led the initiates into the temple, There are also chapters in Australia and the Philippines. right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, Remember to fix your gaze upon the heights; aim to attain perfection Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood ADMETE: In the name of Hera, our patron goddess, and as High Eunomia demonstrates both knocks by rapping on the table as she speaks. Upon movement of the line in front of the throne, the line The combination of these two is their arms extended until the grip has been given to each initiate. distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table. the Hall of Strife and Darkness, where along life's pathway there are many turns to Iris who receives and returns the grip in demonstration while Eunomia personal effort a high moral and mental standard, and to advance the When you join Life Loyal Tau you receive: Life Subscription to the ATO Palm throughout the ceremony. front of the Third Hall. let us stand as on Olympus, our feet fixed in the dwelling place of beauty, Golden Throne and to the fulfilment of your desires. Toe door of the temple will open only in Electric candles will emphasize the desired atmosphere: candles ih glass Second Hall, the line in front of the throne turns to its right and chapter are unknown, and the light of truth shines with unfading glory. 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