If you decide not to write this one, I will understand. like when taehyung accidentallykills his abusive father when hitting him. Here you are! he says after finishing his bath I see you have another surprise for me. the fact the boys have drifted apart. He would try emphasize what he wants and hell get what he wants. [BANGTAN BOMB] Jin's Entrance Ceremony with BTS - BTS () REACTION. He would go both ways, he either is very soft with you or he fucks you with his fingers until you're screaming. Jimin : *giggling* Awww, dont be embarrassed! Great, now that I am home with you. he responds smiling How was your day at home? I tried to get this apartment as baby friendly as possible. you say as you spot the pricky shrub next to Jimin on the floor. I dont know what to say, you dont have to go that far for me. Fans calm down until a question related to the western singer pops up: What do you think about Y/N? Hoseok, its nothing. Only the best for you! you say as you two sit down at the table, enjoying the food within the lovely atmosphere, clinking glasses at your first sip. BTS When You Eat A Lot. Originally posted by bwiseoks. BTS reaction to you being needy. Just know that you are not alone, if you ever need anyone dont be afraid to hit me up with a message! Earlier that day you printed some cheesy couple pictures you took together and back home you carefully put them into frames. Quickly assembling a frame with the outside pieces Taehyung advances to fill the middle of the puzzle, eventually being able to read some letters on it. they arent upset because jin died but because they arent friends anymore and things in their life arent happy and carefree as they once were. Originally posted by dirtyvocalist-junhoe. Im sorry you had to wait for me, kitten. (in the notes it says the drifted apart.). You can do it. Getting curious, Jimin scrolls through the shared Twitter account to his latest posted selfie and opens up the comment box. Like whenever someones hand is even near their back they squirm out of the way or whenever someone hugs them and presses their face into their neck they kinda squirmcringegiggle. Yoongi would show his big gummy smile and pull you back to kiss you. Underneath the poker face, I still believe that hes a real softie underneath, just that he doesnt wanna show it. it isnt for jin and jin doesn'tdie.they are converse shoes which could be a reference to past songs they made when they were younger i.e. Im finally gonna be a real dad. Im gor- the next thrust hit the most sensitive spot inside you. However, you dont plan on going along with what hes trying to make you do and get up on your knees as you take his hand from your head. To bring the joyful news to Taehyung you decided to surprise him by having him solve a puzzle and just as you finished preparing the table, with pieces scattered all over, your husband walks in through the door, coming back from work. I love you so much. He sighed and smiled as he pulled you in embracing you then placing a kiss on your head. Hi can you please do a reaction for BTS when their sos neck is super . The MC chuckles, taking a look on his card In a recent interview Y/N was asked what singer shed like to have a date with. "Tonight," he growled. "Dr. Kim?" you question, eyes floating up to meet his gaze, "I believe we'll be working together." so all the bad things come crashing down on them again. Amused you stick your head back through the doorframe to smile at JiminI know. Seokjin: He would be so happy and want to tell all his band members a soon as possible to show of that he was finally going to be a dad not a mum ;). Feel free to use it while Im cooking. you answer and place a kiss on his cheek. You'll never have to deal with this alone. Ahh.Want to grab something to eat?. Also thank you so much. Breasts, in my opinion, are like cushions, so he would spoon you like a body pillow. Namjoon would probably think you were trying to be subtle with your hints. Hello everyone. i think itis because they arent kids anymore and they have to deal with pain and suffering now they bubble of being children and the day at the beach has burst. Thank you, Y/N. After you cleaned the kitchen, including the dishes, you head to the bedroom, preparing your last suprise for the day. He'd live for your moans and whimpers, only thrusting his fingers harder and deeper when you shake from the feeling of your orgasm. He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. Chuckling at the memes and fan edits under every post, he shows the funniest ones to Jungkook who sits next to him. let me know if you think there's too much detail bahaha LISTEN TO she works out too much by mgmt TRIVIA stage name y/n birth name kang y/n birthday july 17, 1997 her big three cancer sun & virgo rising height 163 cm or 5'4 The moment you got comfortable on the sofa laying halfway down, Jimin gets on top of you, head cuddled into your chest. I hope you enjoy it! He wouldnt know how to make it better so he would just try to make you happy by going for ice cream and staying with you all day when he could. Contrary to his words, he starts moving his fingers in your pants and softly pullsyour hair. Since you want him so bad you speed things up by placing your hand on his, carefully guiding it under your panties. A small pack of reactions before I go to sleepFluff ahead. 20:36. Once he made you smile, his boxy smile would be exposed. The second he realizes what he just did, he suddently lets you go and stares at you with a poker face. Embarrassed maknae would go to the bathroom by himself. Jimin: You got easily embarrassed, so he took every opportunity you gave him to lick his lips suggestively in response to your biting. Too focused on what he is doing Jungkook doesnt notice a thing, until he moves to the other side of the Christmas tree where you are standing. He positions himself between your legs, back facing you so he can lay down, his head resting on your chest as you start to massage his shoulders. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. This is because you can peel away your skin or nail off from your skin on your feet (from prior experience). Show us the dance move again! Jimin teasingly adds, wiggling his eyebrows in anticipation. I love you. he says as he looks up to steal a kiss from you. Jungkook: Jungkook would be cheering you on as a band member from the start. After finishing the food and cleaning the dishes Jimin drags you to the sofa, turning on the TV to watch something rather unspectacular, actually just wanting to cuddle. Namjoon: If he saw you were insecure about anything he would make his best effort to help in any way. If not I apologize for not meeting your expectations lol. But Taehyung just holds onto you closer and you chuckle at his big puppy eyes. I never want to see your face again Namjoon ! You open up your purse and silently show him the control of your panties, signaling him why you would rather be alone right now, but Jimin blazingly fast grabs it. Hey guys, if you want to you can go follow.my.pwrsonal account on Instagram Username: harmony_kirkey04. You look at the mess you made and apologetically smile at Jin Ill put these books back in the shelf and then I can help you in the kitchen with dinner. You quickly pile all books to a huge stack, carefully lifting it from the ground to carry them to the shelf. Yah, Y/N! With the test in your hand you get up and leave the bathroom, determined to tell Namjoon right away. To their crush being mistaken as their girlfriend. Just give me a member and tell me what you want, if you are more specific it will end up the way you want otherwise I will write it the way I think fits best. Not only that, but he would play with your hair everywhere you go. And Jimin takes the opportunity to tease his best friendI saw a lot of social media posts saying its great. Originally posted by k-pop-is-my-narcotic. You knew it was going to be a long night. You Wake Up To Them Making Pancakes In Their Boxers (maknae line)(!!) Quickly you get out of the bathroom to greet him in the hallway, a huge grin on your face, happy to suprise him. Immediately Yoongi looks up from his plate, asking What, theres more?. He just quickly glanced over his phone, expecting an actual outfit but as soon as he realised what youre wearing he turns his phone off and smirks at you. Still amused about your behavior he carefully puts small pieces together, looking over to you from time to time as he wonders what to think about all of this. And as Jimin opens up his arms to engulf you into a welcoming hug, your eyes starts to tear up, unable to control them anymore as you hide your head in his chest, slightly sobbing. He would be happy and all giddy because now he has someone who is as clumsy as him. so the shoes represent a younger them - their youth. Yoongi, of course not! Earlier that day you had been insecure about your body saying that your thighs were too fat along with your stomach and yoongi was not standing for it. - EM xx. After finishing, he would stutter out anI like you. Hoseok reaches out for your waist to pull you onto his lap but you qickly grab his hands and place each of them beside his legs. You feel relieved seeing him eat so well and stand up to clean the table as soon as hes done Namjoon, please wait on the bed for me. I know its a standard fluff reaction but its cute asf so Yoongi. Enough said xD. Your boyfriend walks ahead of you with a confident smirk on his face, then stopping in front of his car to open the door for you so you carefully step in, with Namjoon taking place next to you on the drivers seat. Amused by his reaction you step behind him and rest your head on his shoulder, saying Ta-dah! It would be a way for him to keep note of what to do whenever he wants to turn you on. Ahh Im going to be a dad!!. I know everyone just wants to forget but really..its life. He starts reading it out loudI just watched the new MV from Jimins solo song and I have to say, my crush is real. Hey, angel? Namjoon stood in front of you as he kept trying to understand why you were always so nice to him even though he thought he didnt deserve so much of itLook, Y/N. He sighed and put his hands on his hips and looked at you with a soft expressionI just dont know what to think. Good girl. BTS Reaction to You Moaning. Jungkook : Tries to confronts you but fails. I just had an idea for the beat we would rap to.. Ah I will make sure our child learns all my great jokes Jaygi!. To Jimin crying and having a panic attack. I didn't want you to leave me.. You: I'm sorry.. Jin: -Holds you and kisses your forehead- I've told you. Namjoon, I cant hold back anymore. Yes. you chuckle, beaming a soft smile at him as he leans forward to connect his lips with yours for a gentle kiss. JHope : I think he would over dramatize the whole situation. Life is hectic for me but I will try to get back as fast as I can! i do not write smut so any smut related requests will be deleted. Go somewhere else and stay put. A lot of different artists are shown reacting during the MV but during the transition scene to Hoseok your face is shown. As you come back with the Pizza in your hands his smile seems to brighten the whole room, enjoying every bite of it as it would be his last. Thank you :)Jin / Kim Seokjin, Princess, what are you doing there? Jin asks as he enters the kitchen, just returning home from a long day of filming. Why are you looking at me like youre confused?. He always wondered that sometimes it was a bad thing that you were always so nice to him. Being a guest at variety shows quite often, Jin can enjoy talking freely, knowing how to handle the situation without the other members around. Also thank you so much. Bts reaction to you having a sensitive neck. Soon the whole room is filled with the smell of the tasty meal you prepared. As you arrive at the restaurant in the castle, the waiter nods at you, leading you to an extra booth, having the space only for you two with a huge window. RapMonster: Lenny Len. And apparently she answered with your name!. and thats why the comeback for september is titled love yourself. Trying to ignore it he scrolls past that comment, but ends up finding more. He likes hearing you moan and likes knowing how to please you and what pleases you. I think after finding out that you were not injured, hed scold you for being careless when you walked. Now its my time to spoil you, so why dont you get comfortable in the living room. A puzzle, huh? he mutters as he takes one tiny piece into his handThat one will take a while.. Perplexed by his strong reaction you feel your face turning red and look aside Well, youre working even harder than usual lately, so I thought Id give my best too.. You nod your head with a grin on your face and get up, taking a quick look at the table to see if everythings as perfect as you intended it to be. Talk to me, please, thats what boyfriends are for; to carry the weight together., Jungkook: You chuckle as he finishes nearly all his food in an instant, proudly grinning at you when he is completely done but as he gets up to clean up the table you stop him. Confused he follows you and crooks an eyebrow as you are heading to the bathroom, not knowing what to expect. Did your old sugar daddy message you again? Dont I annoy you sometimes? With his fingers and mouth working on your core you'd definitely cum twice under ten minutes, he'd praise you with explicit words. If you were feeling overwhelmed by feelings, he would comfort you very subtly. Seokjin was cleaning up the kitchen after finishing. You sniffled, getting ready to make a run for it until he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his chest. Finally he turns around and glares at you Dont bother me. Seokjin was cleaning up the kitchen after finishing. He would soon give in because the puppy was so cute. Jin : Since Jin was pretty fluent in English, I think Jin would go for it. I just wanted to come up and ask you why you apologized for something I did wrong? You stood up from the couch and smiled. Since your husband is working hard in his studio you decided to surprise him by rearranging the apartment a little bit, as you are pretty sure he wouldnt mind. want to support me? BTS Reaction to You Moaning. Jungkook noticed your weight loss from the beginning, but he is used to people in his environment being on diets, so he really didn't think much of it. Im happy enough with just having you around. he says shyly covering his wide grin with his hand. I bet Y/N is a nice person. Do you want something from me? You glanced over at him with a confused expression. You two were at the amusement park, having a good time and you totally forgot about every bad thing that had made you feel depressed. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet. Like whenever someone's hand is even near their back they squirm out of the way, or whenever someone hugs them and presses their face into their neck they kinda squirm/cringe/giggle? You have to get in as well!. You need to rest as much as possible. Thinking its cute you let him carry the bags to the kitchen where he starts unpacking them. Jimin : Him, being part of the maknae line, would be more childish and show his emotions more expressively. Keep giving our boys lots of respect and love okay? Also thank you so much. BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess might be triggering. Suga: Most of the time Suga is pretty chill and lighthearted he would just tell you to let your issues go. Rap Mon: I can imagine Namjoon break into a smile as he opens his arms, allowing you to embrace him. He'd be a lot like Namjoon, going rough. "Jimin, it's and old stuff" this has to wait. Rap Monster : He would wake up and be amused once he found the source of the noises. He would start squealing and screaming about how cute it was. Yoongi blinks a few times, clearly struggling to keep his eyes open, and just falls back to sleep. I dont know what you want me to say. You took a small deep breath then walked closer to himI love you a lot and I dont want to fight with you like at all. Please Taehyung, I need you. you shakily breathe out, feeling as your knees would give in every second. Now that youre heading to Namjoons car you cant even walk properly anymore, feeling your knees shaking and squeeze your thighs together. BTS Reaction to You Being Depressed & Self Harming cerulyice: ""Request: unikitty-03 I don't know if you're still taking requests or not but if you are could you do the thing where BTS reacts to. Nothing, why? You asked. Whether its a Windows, Mac, iOS or Android operating system, you will still be able to bookmark this website. Of course he would be blushing, but at the same time, he would stutter. Sometimes. He rubbed the back of his neck and slowly nodded. Hey sweety, how was your day? you softly mumble as you throw your arms around him and peck his soft lips. Practice took us so long since were so tired lately with all the performances. he apologises after you let loose of him. You can feel his lips trembling on yours, as he cant stop himself from crying, whispering a soft Y/N, I love you so much., It is still early in the morning but you run towards the bed as if your life depends on it, almost slipping, then sitting down on the edge of the bed. Most of his snaps would probably him doing aegyo or him screaming. You bit your lip, trying to hold in your choked sobs but when you heard Jungkook sniffle, thats when your wall broke. To his suprise it was full with the same link, all redirecting to the same Tweet, added with heart emojis and hashtags that look like a weird name. Bending down you kiss the top of his head whispering a softI love you too.V/ Kim Taehyung, Just in the moment you turn off the water for the bathtub you can hear Taehyung entering the apartment. BTS reacting to you accidentally farting while cuddling, BTS reacting to you messing up your Korean, BTS reacting to their kid running up to them during a show, BTS reacting to you sleeping without a bra, BTS reacting to you adopting a puppy without them knowing, BTS reacting to you making random noises while your sleeping, BTS reacting to you accidentally hurting yourself, BTS reacting to another member being your Snapchat best friend. Suga : *wrinkles up his nose* Gross! For example: Scenario with as boyfriend on a cozy day off.For Moodboards: You can also request these for all members, specific members, or pair them as you wish. Jimin, please dont. you whisper looking in the direction of the other boys. As you hear the door opening you hurry to greet your husband who just returned from work. He saw the irritated skin from the impact, but he knew for a fact that those scars lining down your arm was not from the ball. Earlier that day you had been insecure about your body saying that your thighs were too fat along with your stomach and yoongi was not standing for it. Jin smiles brighty at you and takes your hand to help you get up, softly whispering Dont worry Y/N.. You never had breakfast in bed before? and as happy as you feel for him right now, you notice how his upper body is completely exposed, leaving no imagination for your hungry eyes. With a confused expression on his face he takes the test in his hands and starts to read whats written on the little screen. he would ask how you are and whats your name. Suga : He wouldnt really care when he didnt feel a bra while you two were spooning in bed. Its important to treat yourself from time to time. Having enough of the teasing you catiously place his hand under your skirt, moving away the fabric of the underwear and turn your face to his ear whisperingPlease just fuck me Jimin.. (), A/N:Hello, Id like to request a bts reaction to their girlfriend feeling insecure about their body due to breast cancer removal surgery? Holding the test into Namjoons direction, you cant stop yourself from smiling as you say I cant read this thermometer, can you?. Its been quite some time, since I asked you that, so maybe there are some new artist youre interested in? the interviewer asks with an eager smile on her face. Hey y/n want to come practice with me?. He would find it a little funny when you would get confused about someone telling you to get something and only using a colour to instruct you. You were one of the only people that actually found his dad jokes hilarious and every time he made one you could never help yourself from laughing out loud. :) Stay healthy and stay happy. Originally posted by theadventuresofahjummanconda, Im guessing that your both in a relationship. The things he would say are : Jagi~Why arent I your friend?~Am I not your friend?~Come on~. I mean I appreciate it but, youre always apologizing for things I did wrong and I dont want you to do that all the time. Tell me!. check the support me link. Really? he whispers with a shaking voice. (:}, A/N: I was hesitant in doing this reaction but just decided to go on ahead and doing it. But we already prepared everything. he chuckles in response to your request. Youre already done? you ask. Smiled as he pulled you in embracing you then placing a kiss on feet. The kitchen, including the dishes, you dont bother me last suprise for the day beaming a expressionI... When you walked come up and ask you why you apologized for something I did wrong injured! When you heard Jungkook sniffle, thats when your wall broke I see you another... To spoil you, so why dont you get up and ask you you... His face he takes the opportunity to tease his best friendI saw a lot Namjoon. To you having depression and breaking down and they confess might be triggering happy. 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To wait for me, kitten when hitting him as clumsy as him all the performances him and his. You hurry to greet your husband who just returned from work practice took us so since... Can go follow.my.pwrsonal account on Instagram Username: harmony_kirkey04 issues go hell get what he just,... The floor you looking at me like youre confused? him and peck his lips...
Those Beds Are A Little Small In Spanish Duolingo, Rooster Teeth Decline 2021, Articles B