7. And I thought Tony was dramatic he heard Captain America murmur. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Lupin was a great mentor in PoA, but then left and didnt contact Harry for a year. Fics so good I want to throw my chair out the window, Harry Potter son / ward of one of the Avengers, HP Fanfics that I can actually follow along with even tho idk anything abt the series. When Harry sees the blood coating the white feathers of his very first friend he looses his temper in a spectacular fashion. Harry rubbed his eyes and squinted in the bright sunlight that poured from the tall hospital wing windows. How does this add anything to the answers posted 2 years ago? Reunited with his uncle, Harry makes it his mission to mess with the lives of his enemies and friends and have fun. If Lily contacts them while outdoors, she and James talk first. Why was Dolores Umbridge not arrested after the end of Harry's fifth year? The temple was isolated and no one would hear Harrys cries. Harry Potter was able to see into Voldemort's mind and Voldemort was able to see into Harry's mind. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The figure stopped ten paces away from the group, most likely intimidated by the various weapons now pointing at it, thought Tony, Hela Thor bit out This is not your realm! By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. His social stability was significantly disrupted, contributing further to his emotional distress. Aliceandjasperforever/Harry Potter's after the end chapter one part one, Aliceandjasperforever/Harry Potter's after the end chapter one part two, Aliceandjasperforever/Harry Potter's after the End chapter one part three. Harry is also a teenager going through hormones and high pressure situations. What is described in the books is reminiscent of PTSD and depression, obviously from his disturbing encounter with Voldemort and the subsequent emotional and physical torture (which is completely ignored and not acknowledged by anybody) but also from his time spent cooped up at the Dursleys which is an unpleasant and abusive environment and does not offer any support whatsoever to a traumatized fourteen year old. What crimes has your own brother done that you treat him this way? In a voice even Tony could tell was a sickly sweet trap. His anger in his fifth year is perfectly validated ; for multiple reasons : a) Nobody would believe him when he was so vehemently trying to convince everyone about the Dark Lord's return. That added to the hormones, the crippling self esteem issues, survivors guilt, lack of sleep (nightmares), being put down by everybody, a heavy workload and Umbridge ad her torture sessions to contend with, not to mention the hormones, its no wonder Harry is a bit messed up that year. And Ive seen a lot of great posts about why Harry is so angry in OoTP that I totally agree with (in fact, I think he should be angrier). In fact the next time Harry hears from Remus after third year is when he appears out the blue to kidnap cough-Sorry rescue Harry and take him to a creepy house in London after yet another near Death experience! Seidr this is not your battle nor place! Thor commanded Asgard has no quarrel with your people. Is his anger natural? Voldemort. # 6. I dare! Potter said advancing on his Uncle. James called Harry son or by his name. I was actually discussing this with a friend yesterday and we are both agreed that Harrys anger issues are in fact completely understandable. Punishing his son when Harry misbehaved was never hard or easy for James to do. James binds and gags Harry. consistent with the teenagers of his age? He clearly has PTSD, and he is a teenager. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. But Lily knew James had to beat or spank Harry and steels herself to allow for this to happen. Potter knelt down to embrace his mother. Hatred and cruelty are qualities of evil embodied in Jamess fatherhood. He believed skill and accomplishment determine worthiness. Harry has feared for some time that his father was going to kill him. Tiss not I who summons storms of frost. Thor looked around warily. Potter Fury said as he approached the group of misfits. rev2023.3.1.43269. When Charluss wish is fulfilled, his son bows before offering up Harrys severed head on bended knees. There, Charlus is seated high at the topmost peak of the building. But lately she has been changing in personality, breaking Harry's heart. left kudos on this work! Sometimes the first step of recovery is screaming. He kept an entire country in abject terror for over thirty years! The Ministry of Magic was also pushing the Daily Prophet to print stories about him that made him out to be a lunatic. It only takes a minute to sign up. Privacy Policy. Harry obeys Lilys every command. She kisses him; she gives him privilege in infinity. Really in a pissy mood, reading about Harry tearing someone a new one would be really cathartic. If he has to take over midgard to have a place where he can openly love They are the closest thing he has ever known to a family. Charlus presents to his son a sacrificial dagger and hands it to him. While teenage angst or hormones certainly were a factor, reducing it to just that is taking the easy way out, and is a slight against Rowling's excellent characterization seen throughout the series. With his mother immobile, there was no one to protect Harry. And was kept for what James considers serious offenses. Voldemort was in a way, controlling how Harry felt. I have heard quite a bit about your stupidity from mother, but I always thought he exaggerated. She didn't reveal the full extent of the link until. When Harry talks to James, James does not reply. In theses cases, my fiance knows that its misdirected and helps me and thats what Ron and hermione understand. If Lily had proposed her suicidal plan, she would have been beheaded. Why didn't Sirius give Harry the mirror earlier? And Harry is very sorry he had made the tiniest mistakes. Oh? When ordered by his father Charlus to kill Harry to teach him the pain of losing a firstborn son, James admits that he would have gladly carried out the sacrifice had Lily not interfered. He didn't understand why he felt anger. As soon as Harry has finished eating, Lily takes the dishes down to wash. Harry spends the rest of the morning hiding from his father, who quests him to beat him. And this stay at the Dursleys is bookended by two awful attacks. Potter he said threateningly. Impossible Then shaking Loki and throwing him to the ground Thor demanded in a low voice Brother, who have you called!. +8 more. Yes, thats why everyone hates the order of the Phoenix, you dont see perfect Harry, you see Harry going through some of the most painful years of his life and not being able to express it to anyone except his best friends. Harry has a heavy nosebleed from his fathers beating. So he is a General invading a land? Lokis eyes went wide and pleading, he lifted his head from the floor and strained against the chains bounding him and attempted to shout despite the gag in his way. Spend a few pages writing out your plot. Tony groaned as Thor puffed up with pride He has felled eighty Midgardians with his own magic and commanded an army to destroy this Island of York!. Before Thor could answer, the super spys both stiffened. "Hey Harry, good morning," Remus said with a slight smile. After breakfast, Lily takes some food from the table and goes in search of her son to feed him. Everyone left so he tried to lean on the two people he thought never would, and they ended up leaving too! James finds his son in his bathroom. I would yell in the vicinity of my fiance or it would eventually boil over due to a straw that broke the camels back situation. Author: MyGinevra Published: 2015-09-26 Length: 424 pages Reviews: 0 reviews Letters From the Edge Genres: Drama , Romance He had seen those chains spring to life and bind whoever sat between them. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Harry confides to Hermione and Ron. She was many miles from helping her son. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). You should add examples to support your answer. Lily buys Harry lots of toys and games. Thor was visibly startled, while Loki groaned desperately from where he was violently thrown to the floor. 1. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? The only times James ever smiles, laughs, or feels any happiness is when others are suffering, except for his wife, son, parents, and anyone in their family. Voldemort literally ripped his very soul, what can one man do in less than a week so as to be called equal to the abomination that was Voldemort. From a literary point-of-view, Is Harry Potter's anger representation an accurate portrayal of a person whose found himself in his particular situation? Angry outbursts are actually fairly common with PTSD. Work Search: I must! Harrison whispered, leaning his forehead against Lokis I have watched you suffer. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Harry's 14, entered into a competition designed for of-age students and is given more assistance by Dobby than Remus. When James placed Harry back on his feet, Harry was sobbing and radiating fire from the top of his bottom down to his sit spots. He was not going to make a fuss about it, no real harm was done, after all. When Lily knows Harry is going to be punished, Lily keeps her son in her company at all times by means of hiding him from James and thereby from a beating or spanking. The other evil Potters follow in Charluss lead. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. James beats his son and knifes him with the sacrificial dagger. James ties Harry to a pillar and removes the bonds and gags from his sons wrists, ankles, and mouth. Lily tells James how and why Harry was hiding in their bathroom (the said bathroom belonged to their nuclear family). Mr. And as a side note, Ron and Hermione are really wonderful for not getting mad at him over it. There were several layers to Harry's anger in Order of the Phoenix. He then walked toward Thor, and with each step Lokis chains and muzzle flew off of the ground to bind him. And his father would see it. Odin would not take court with you. Thor added. I now have the power do stand up to Odin! The only people that have been unconditionally there in his day-to-day life have been Ron and Hermione. dracomalfoy. I'm glad that Ron and Hermione didn't completely fall out with him over his anger. His social stability was significantly disrupted, contributing further to his emotional distress. Press J to jump to the feed. That is why Harry was able to see into Voldemort's mind, and how Voldemort was able to control what Harry was seeing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He then raised his eyes to meet Snape's gaze and repeated his aunt's lie. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Also Umbridge was pushing his buttons every chance she could, giving him detentions and taking away quidditch. For more information, please see our There were other punishments. Lily does not rub or try to mend the physical sores Jamess punishments have left on Harry. I sacrificed my life for a country I didnt particularly like Potter said coolly as he whipped his head around to glare at Fury Would you like to see what I do for my mother, the only person who loved me growing up.. It was certain that he would be spanked again. From since Harry was at an early age, his father disdained him. However, her execution would provide no proof as to the nature of it in other words, her execution would not prove that James was going to kill Harry. Its a pretty damned good psychological drama Voldemorts plan pinpoints Harrys weaknesses (his need to be a hero and his distrust of everyone) to subtly lure him out. Yo Point Break I know youre a 'god' and all but on earth its considered polite to not mess with weather willy nilly., Nay Man of Iron. I said no bloody way! Potter interjected. Well. No complete answer should omit the fact that Harry had just witnessed the brutal and pointless death of someone he knew well, and had just avoided being killed himself. The first, and most obvious, factor contributing to Harry's anger was indeed likely his hormonal imbalance from being in the depths of adolescence. Yeah, she's probably the BIGGEST reason why Harry's such a bomb in this book! So Harry was never too sure that he wouldnt get spanked again. Harry knows he would be punished but maybe he could get his father to punish him without his butt having to pay the price. Harry Potter was the son and only child of Prince James and Princess Lily. So when Harry reminds him that he's an adult capable of making his own decisions and unwittingly offers him a way out.Well, what can he do but take it? Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! James placed Harry on his feet in front of him, tugs Harrys pants and underwear to his knees, which usually stopped Harry from kicking. Or, is his anger simply unfounded, misguided and created by himself, overblown more than it ought to be? But, to yell at Ron and Hermione even before the term started, and to fling things around in Dumbledore's office. Lily drops to the floor, leaving her beloved son to the mercy of James. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They are the only two members of their family that are good. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I think this is partly why he did it and also because they are the only ones who know what bee's been through, or almost all of what he's been through at least. The Lawyers Against the Cup has Harry refusing to participate and the fallout from it. All Harry knows from Lily is love. If Harry tries to hug him, James yells at him, shouting for him to get off. Anything Harry is punished for with a spanking if for being late to meals, for waking him up at night due to loud screams from nightmares, and for awakening him at his bedroom in the night because of fear from nightmares. "What's this?" Develop your characters. Looking down at his newest child, HarryPotter, he vowed that would never happen.If he has to take over midgard to have a place where he can openly lovehis children, so be it. Was everything a serious offence? To Harry, the sun rises and sets for his sister, whom he loves so much. Harry is voluntarily subservient to his mother. He had no intention to scold the woman for the bruise. Oh Please Potter interjected, rising to his feet and releasing Lokis muzzle Since when are foreign princes chained and muzzled for committing an act of war. He also loses his temper with Seamus and then Umbridge countless times. Although Severus Snape had tried teaching Harry Occlumency, Harry was not able to due to his supressed anger for everything. Repeat nothing you heard before marching back up to the quinjet. This man, my brother, has committed crimes against Midgard and will be harshly punished in Asgard. And could have been much worse. Did the Potter parents have a will/a testament? He wasnt allowed to rub the sting away. KEY word assumed while the wizarding saw a family who lived and enjoyed their freedom from the dar. Reminding Tony of when Pepper set up word traps for reporters. as well as James and Lily called each other dear or by their names, but the former stops when James descends into evil. Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Harry is Lilys favorite toy. After the conversation is finished, James leaves Harry for something personal and warns Harry not to even dare to move from where he stands, citing he will kill Harry, cut him up into small pieces, and mix him into Jamba juice should Harry disobey him. If Harrys neck is broken during a meal at home, Lily feeds him. This! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. But, what if Lily had promised James something in return for their sons life to be spared. Harrys bottom was fiery red and burning hot. she turned her attention to Harry and the boy flinched, hunching his shoulders as if expecting to be hit. Well you have to remember, too, that "that" wasn't yet known publicly. Fury narrowed his eye at Potter. One of Harrys ears is sore because James had pulled it hard to hold Harry still to be beaten. Ron and Hermione dont deserve it, but I dont blame Harry either. I haven't read it, but this seems the main plot point of Harry Potter Reborn, which . [A non-magical AU. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Why dare you disobey the All Father!. Lily however loved Harry. I only wished that JKR could have laid a bigger part of the emphasis on Harry's anger upon that factor, you know, it only makes Harry a bit more likeable and he comes off better. Harry recently experiences a classmates death (which was brutal and pointless). "Oh right!" But nevertheless, he wanted to show Petunia, that he was not going to be manipulated by her clumsy attempts in hiding the evidence. The third, and I believe most important, factor contributing to Harry's anger was the fact that. Harry wonders. But really, where was he supposed to let it out? If James was having a shower and Harry interrupted him without knocking on the door, Harrys punishment was a spanking. Just as suddenly as it left, the sun started shining again, and the temperature rose. He is destroying the balance, attempting to write his own fate! Potters voice rose at the end. Fred and George make the point about not bottling up his anger. When James finds Harry crying, James spanks Harry as punishment for showing weakness. b) He had recently witnessed the death of a schoolmate which gave him nightmares throughout the summer, c) Voldemort was back ; So the part of him which was in Harry was "acting up" with renewed vigor (which explains the flashes of thoughts and rage he was feeling synced with Voldemort). Umbridge seems to deliberately antagonize Harry so that he'd lose his temper. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Harry also showed symptoms of depression and PTSD, which are completely justified considering that the year before he had not only seen someone he knew murdered, but he had also witnessed the man that murdered his parents return from the dead. Although the Potter family except Lily loathed Harry, the Potters did not like nor dislike it when Harry suffered or was punished. When Lily witnesses Harry being beaten or spanked, Lily does nothing. Tony turned to see what had startled them. Umbridge was making life a living hell for all Hogwarts students. That's what fanfiction is about. Harry tells his mother he loves her. For more information, please see our Scan this QR code to download the app now. Umbridge's policy of searching the mail and her own drive to catch Harry out during his fifth year lead to Hedwig getting injured more severely than the first time. All Harry knows from James is hate. 6) Umbridge lashing out at him, giving him unfair detentions and torturing with a blood quil. Suddenly the big bright green eyes of Harry James Potter Lupin Black opened and squinted around the room. Having to go back to an abusive situation when you thought you were away from it is the worst thing anyone can experience. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Shorter than average, the figure made up for its lack of height with a long black cloak billowing out behind it, stirring up leaves and mist Tony swore were not there before. A lot of his friends turned against him because their parents thought he was nuts. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Before James can punish Harry, Lily does everything she can to spare Harry from a beating or spanking. QUIDDITCH!!! See a mental doctor B.) James views Harry as a failure, heavily favouring another son or a daughter over him. Harry loses it with them because they are the only ones who have proven that they will always be there. James approaches his father and kneels before him. Pepper would be so proud of him! And yes, his anger was misdirected and Ron and Hermione didn't deserve it. I don't think that it was because he thought he wouldn't LOSE them, I think it's more because he's already so sad, and confused, and disturbed, that this 'betrayal' by the two people he loves most, kind of just set everything in motion and all the stuff he was feeling just exploded out. Dumbledore keeps himself at a teacherly distance and is especially distancing himself in this book, making Harry feel abandoned. One who separates a mother and son at birth for crimes they have not yet committed does not a wise king make., What would you have us do! Chain Me, muzzle Me, I will go in my fathers stead. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. James wanted to replace his father, as king of their empire and Lily wanted her son to be safe from death. Charlus and his wife set a punishment upon James one that would fit Jamess crime - when James and Lily first met, both were eleven years old henceforth, James would know the pain of losing a firstborn eleven-year-old son by sacrificing his own. Lily proposes a plan in which James would become the new king on the condition that Harrys life was spared. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Lily had ever killed and would ever have killed anyone only if they threatened her sons life, which was the only reason Lily had killed Charlus. He killed and tortured children for fun. Potter spat. Hes just a Tony started to say before, when with just a wave of the boys arm all the guns, and Clint's bow and arrows suddenly were wrenched out of their respective owners hands. And don't you dare lie!" "He fell," she snapped.An obvious lie. James neither liked nor disliked it when he punished Harry it was the one part of fatherhood that he neither enjoyed nor hated. Once James has begun beating or spanking Harry, Lily does not try to stop her husband. Lily awakens from her unconsciousness on the floor of her husbands castle. Harry is offered up as a sacrifice to the Dark Arts. Harry has a heavy nosebleed from his fathers beating. Why does he think his two best friends have snubbed him, and not accept the fact that both of them were ordered to write detailed letters by Dumbledore? With Seamus, it is a bit unfair. Saving his Treasure By: TimeTraveller-1900. The wind picked up again and the group looked up to see the quinjet slowly descending. A prophecy, a., Mother! Potter, apparently Harrison Potter crouched down next to Loki and reverently cupped his face No more! When Lily talks to James, James always replies honestly but not lovingly and Lily does not smile either. Several of Harrys teeth are knocked out of his mouth. IF this happened to my age now (20) i would be anger and depressed at the same time because it would seem that everything in the world either hates me, ignores me or tortures me. Natasha took a threatening step towards him but thankfully was saved when a cloud covered the sun and the temperature dropped dramatically. Are you not both the Princes of King Oden, or has your honor fallen so low? Potter was heaving after his rant, his anger rolling off of him.. One of Harrys ears is sore because James had pulled it hard to hold Harry still to be beaten. Charlus had distaste for weakness and was intolerant of failure. Yet you treat him like a common criminal, a murderer? the boy inquired. Why does he regard taking Occlumency lessons as a punishment, rather than a necessity? Not to mention meeting a fellow genius he liked and a thunder god. Until James has fallen asleep does Harry remain in hiding and return to his bedroom. He was favoured by his mother and neglected by his father. He had propaganda about him in the papers, he kept having prophetic dreams, Ron's brothers moved out of Hogwarts, his family was attacked, and his brain was under strain of attempting to learn Occlumency. A lot of people give Harry crap for how he yells at Ron and Hermione in Order of the Phoenix. and as for Harry flinging Dumbledore's stuff across the room, well dammit my mascara's running well he'd just seen the only fatherly figure he'd ever had JUST FLIPPEN DIE! Lily remains with Harry until Harry has finished eating. Jamess ultimate aspiration in life as to conquer the entire world, but in fact his desires my have not been for control but wholesale destruction to crush all resistance. Potter! growled Fury Romanov call a code POTTER once the comms come on. He then glared at the avengers. Harry is hungry, thirsty, itching, sick, and in need of using the toilet. As soon as he sees his mother again, Harry joins her. You mention hormones twice. James stabs the dagger into Harrys neck, decapitating his son. Potter was almost an avenger. Fury smoothly said. Founded ( Sirius Black's Daughter) by Peehu Tiwari. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. In addition, when do their own countries continue their punishment to such an extreme. He then turned towards Thor and accused And you Uncle! The people who really deserve his anger arent exactly there for him to yell at. Blinking his eyes to rid himself of the sunspots Tony asked What the hell just happened. Therefore, he must wear crutches for several months. Allowing her husband to punish their son was always hard for Lily to do. 2) Hormones with are for males highest at 15-16. One thing scarier than an angry mother is a MoD's protecting their motherYears later Loki's youngest son Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, Master ofDeath, etc has had enough of people walking all over his mother. Stand back before he enraptures you! The boy rose, releasing Lokis chains with a wave of his hand, and turned towards Thor with fire in his eyes and darkness gathering at the edges of his cloak. I had a feeling 'that' (sharing Voldemort's soul) was a key reason too. James was extremely cruel, easily angered, aggressive, domineering, merciless, and insatiably power-hungry. Saw a family who lived and enjoyed their freedom from the dar to our terms of service privacy! Thunder god never would, and in need of using the toilet the top, not the answer you looking! Bows before offering up Harrys severed head on bended knees then left and didnt contact for... 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