The city engineers investigated and found that it was part of a tunnel system that were escape tunnels leading to a small hidden beach by the harbor. No one really knows why the tunnel is there or what it was used for. Cassandra Konz, It seems the old city of Girona has several tunnels connecting the two main churches of Sant Feliu and the Cathedral, and with a large underground passage out of the city to a place called El Polvor (The Gun Powder Depot). J. J. DeBenedictis, When I was going to Sequoia High School, the former principal once told me about a tunnel that supposedly exists under the school. The fire department shut them down due to safety concerns and fire hazard. Knowing the demons lurking in the minds of our patients, I choose not to. Boote said covering a river like the Middle Rouge wouldn't happen today. The buildings that are now the high school and the gym were built during the Franklin D. Roosevelt, New Deal era. These allowed access to almost every building. Whoa!! I get lots of compliments on how nice my whole house looks. I was fortunate enough to live in cottage 2. Some are confirmed, and others are just rumors, but its fascinating to read about what might be lurking just outside our view. I believe the children in the unlocked cottages were told the woods were evil so they would not wander and get lost. They're filled with dirt under the slabs. Something funny happened one day as Otis J. Grinsomore and and I were at the tunnels one sunny afternoon in 1986. Cottage 2 was all female. Rummor has it that the tunnels are still there and if you go in them on the day, and time exactly when she went down you can still get into the building "she comes back from the dead." The hospital shut down in 2003. Though residents of Whitmore Lake were opposed to their community being the site of a delinquent boys' facility, Maxey said there are too many institutions in Northville already. It ended up in Whitmore Lake, and was later named the Maxey Training School. After crossing what is now known as Tonquish Creek, Chief Tonquish and his men were captured. the last 4th of July before the crown burned, we blew out a security car headlight from the roof with M80's. Northville Township The site of a former state psychiatric hospital in Northville Township will be cleared and redeveloped as an "active recreation site,"after township trusteesapproved a $12 million bond sale to fund the work, the township announced Tuesday. Kristian, When attending the University of Montevallo there were stories of tunnels underneath the campus from when it was an all girls school. As you know I work out of state. they would use drugs, nurse Tovis would be called. Often, residents of cities dont even realize there are hidden subterranean spaces right beneath their feet. The upper floor of the pharmacy was a speakeasy and brothel. We had a rumpus room.. people generally laugh when I use that word but it's true. It follows a river, isolated on both sides by forest land, it is like an oasis in the city. But Wayne Countys plan was very aggressive and proposed establishing parkways along every major river course in America. Apparently, it was also used as part of an initiation for the new principals who were made to run through the pitch black tunnel before assuming their new post. I hope u are all in a better place and enjoying your life. I was having problems because my father was a drunk and my mother believed what the elementary school told her that I was a problem child. Armed with flashlights, we found tunnels tall enough to comfortably walk, two by two; dark, smelly and dangerous because we felt not enough air could get to us, we were cautious. but i never left. Is it real? Lots of wildlife dot the landscape. She told me that it was constructed as an underground means of escape from one building to the other in the event of an emergency. Carl Abbott, The Lizard People stored water and treasure in tunnels under Downtown L.A. Eric Dugdale, Old people used to tell that beneath the La Merced Temple (Mercedarian) and Guatemala Citys Catholic Cathedral there were several interconnecting tunnels, excavated to protect nuns and priests from a hostile, anti-clerical government. Northville Tunnels Northville Township Michigan 1974-1998 No Trespassing? and D.C. who had already been there before) met up with the "guys" (our guy pals they practically lived there) at 7-11, grabbed a couple of boxes of matches w/ off the counter and off we went. Hello, I was wondering what ever happened to the farm house my father rented from his boss was where I spent about 1 1/2 years. entrance to the park there is a trippy spot you walk past on the trail that will surprise you because under the leaves on the ground you'll suddenly catch glimpses of a mosaic tile floor beneath your feet. One site, the Northville Tunnels near Sheldon, Mich., drew explorers for decades until it was torn up in 1999 to build a golf course and houses. They have really worked hard all along the way and have paid attention to every detail. We found the beginnings of an old steam tunnel. We are Michigans largest 5-star certified installer with a 94% recommendation rating from all sun tunnel replacement and sun tunnel installation customers. there is a facebook group too , join it! I was 8. One leads under Second Street, one runs parallel to Second Street. We did our best to create a compassion bubble that emphasized our shared humanity as a balm for society's demonic forces of poverty, racism, violence, neglect, and tribalism. Apparently they were sealed In the 1970s. There was a series of secret passageways between the newer tower building and the adjacent buildings. "The city asked the developer, Hunter Pasteur, to daylight the river as part of its development plans, and they agreed," said Nancy Darga, a former member of the Northville City Council and a longtime environment advocateand member of the Alliance of Rouge Communities. Claire, There are two bridges to get onto the Cape, the Sagamore Bridge and the Bourne Bridge. Rehabilitation Services Administration, narrated by Lorne Greene, and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short. ANSWER! "I'm very optimistic," he said. I got to know those tunnels so well I would often enter the complex with NO FLASHLIGHT or matches, by myself, and walk back to the building 102 boiler room to enter day or night. i went to edgewood las sunday in search of the tunnels. These were carved out over hundreds of years of mining. It's a lot like dams, which cause the same situation for fish. Brannigan Cheney, When I was growing up in a small town in Southern Illinois there were rumors that the grade school and high school were connected by underground tunnels. The cottages housed the more trust worthy patients. and we went all the way down to the power plant from the main building nad back. found a few old sewer manholes that go nowhere and you DON'T want to go down there anyway. Boote explained projects similar to the covering of the Middle Rouge was commonplace in the United States in the first half of the 20th century when development of once rural land expanded at a furious pace. The truth is they DID exist, and were a very popular hangout with the exploring kids of the day. They disappeared, but the school closed off that branch of the tunnels and covered it up like it never happened. There is an urban legend that a crocodile fled from a circus and lived for many years in this tunnel. The full extent of the network is not known, and has never been fully mapped. Busted every window and lightbulb on floor 12. Many people have heard "something about" them, but some of the "Edgewood Fans" were not sure they actually existed. Maxey, director of the Michigan Department of Social Welfare (as it was called back then), was seeking to relocate the. When I was there in the 60s & 70s at a U.S. military base in Asmara, many locals believed that there was a tunnel from Washington DC to the base which would allow a full-scale invasion. The tunnel was said to run between the Hand Mansion and the Hand Trading Company across the street. I had one friend who lived over on 7 mile rd. They were very easy to work with and very accessible. Shannon, There is an old story that there are tunnels under the Cabbagetown/Corktown areas of Toronto. PAUL DIANNO, ON COMMACR RD, KFC? There was LOTS of sand but we burrowed through to find about three blocks worth. I was in cottage 5 if memory serves me right. If you were good once in a while the staff would take us to the vending machines in the main lobby when it was closed so we could get honeybuns and snacks, that was a big deal. They shut down in the 80s, I believe, but were bought out by someone else, who continued using the trolley cars until they closed and then the trolley cars were parked and the tunnel was closed off. I did so the following week. I grew up with edge wood and to this day it was the best of times. Thank You!! Left to rot for 25 years. 19 of the 22 buildings remain on the property on 7 Mile between Haggerty and Northville roads. __We were approaching the school from the south on the east side when we saw a group of people gathered around the small maintenance shed just outside of the schools south entrance near the arches going the theater. The place looks great so far. They installed a tunnel between the hotel and the pharmacy across the street. Seeing this made us travel on our way quickly and we NEVER took that shortcut again! The tunnels beneath the Edgewood grounds have long been a topic of discussion. The workmanship was excellent, work was done on time, and we would definitely use them again. We can also bring funding into the process. I've been all over and never saw that. The Northville Tunnels forum slowly faded away and fell out of favor. More: Hiking, biking trails to take shape at former . Ah, youth. Part 2 Unfortunately I can't remember his name. We would go up the stairways to the roof elevator room and walk across a plank that was across the top of the elevator shaft, Then we climbed a ladder to the highest roof. im in !! What You Told Us About Your Hometowns Hidden Tunnels. At this years heat prices, it would have well averaged over 270.00 dollars. Anthony Machado. They were a series of catacombs and strange spaces that captured our imaginations as young art students. IF YOU WERE EVER IN THE EAST WING YOU HAD GUTS, THE BEST PART OF EDGEWOOD IS THE ACTION IN THE LADIES LOUNGE. that was like in 77' . So. "Permitting will be on the tail end of that. The tunnels of this section were given romantic sounding street names like Beehive Place and Bacchus Street. This section of the tunnels made the news 30 years ago when one collapsed, taking a double-decker no. CHAMP in the old days there was power so no big deal to go EAST. Once in you did not see light for at least a day or more. All in all, I am very satisfied with the McGlinch Experience and would highly recommend them to anyone. And L2 is getting remodeled. Catherine Houston, There is a tunnel between the Graylyn Estate and the Reynolds Estate (founder of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco) built as an escape route from angry depression-era local workers. As many cities in the Midwest, the city produced electricity and as a byproduct, sold steam to downtown buildings. As I got to know other local kids who had horses my territory expanded. we were all true soldiers of death. The legendary Purple Gang ofJailhouse Rockfame would hole up in the only hotel in town, The Doherty. People thought that they were fathered by priests and nuns of former times, interred there in clandestine tombs to hide their heinous proclivities. Fittingly, a few days before Halloween Northville Township officials announced the 11 creepy, graffiti-covered buildings and a tunnel remaining on the former site of the state psychiatric. Copyright 2003 - 2013,, All Rights Reserved. Faint Sounds of Twisted Sister? I was a staff member at Hawthorn for almost 3 decades. We had a part time Cook who made our meals fresh in the morning and prepped meals for lunch and dinner. Here's another mysterious odd or end: John Wagner, 35, an electrician from Dearborn, Mich . None of us had ever seen this supposed entrance in the middle of the woods, only had heard about it. This civilization dates back to the early 1980's and the underground civilization is known as the "Mullet Heads", This is just rumor, but it is said, that if you walk those tunnels you can hear the faint sounds of Twisted Sister. "ARC, which we are assisting, was formed to help restoresome of what wasdone to harm the environment and it's promoting and teaching stewardship so we don't make the same mistakes over and over.". I new dr rebinavich he was a very good person! Karsten Johansson, For years there were rumors about a tunnel, a railroad tunnel, a mile or so down that connected Los Alamos National Lab, where Americas first atomic bombs were built, to Sandia National Lab, some 90ish miles as the crow flies South in Albuquerque. Similar ancient legends suggested a tunnel leading to Jerusalem. Legend has it that Evanston had the choice to be the home of the state university or insane asylum, and for some unknown reason we picked the insane asylum. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. It is because of trespassing that the history of this institutiuon was preserved. 2023 Atlas Obscura. . In fact, by the Cowan Rd. Fucking funny I don't remember that but was at that show in 86! Rachel Woodward, I purchased the historic seven story Masonic Temple, built in 1925 in Grand Island. As of today 06-10-2021 my ward (K2-a) K2-B, L1 and L2 are all unused and unoccupiedi would do anything to walk those halls and see my room again. A few of the staff were nice, don't remember there last names but there was bill,Kathy,gary,nora,jeff white guy with an late 70s afro.just to name a few. The tunnels are realthe first time I went to edgewood was in September of 1985 - Hurricane Gloria caused a power outtage and there was no school - it was the first week of 9th grade at Frost. Austin Carpenter, I went to college at Northern Arizona University. Kelly Wells, Northville tunnels. Flat Rock, McGlinch and Sons Co. are very experienced in working with James Hardie Siding. I went to school on campus in the main hospital which is locked down. It was said that a tunnel allowed the army of Aksum to travel eastward to conquer the city then called Bur (now the archaeological site called Metera). Leon Aguilera Radford, In my city there is a main tunnel that covers the old river of the village and crosses the whole city, from the 16th century to the present day. Northville Tunnels; Personnel. We also turned on lights on just about every floor in 102 that still had intact wiring almost everything worked back then. The river will flow through the middle of that which will be expanded out. The main park entrance is on Eight Mile Road but there is another entrance along Beck Road that I recommend. Also, the University of British Columbia does have steam tunnels for dealing with the output of fume hoods, and they apparently have had a decades-long battle keeping (often drunken) students out of them. Or twelve story ledge. I also remember a few times when something crazy would happen at NSH and we would go into lockdown mode like the show OZ..I took classes in that greenhouse and learned about plant life. Tunnels that went underneath the northville psychiatric hospital and connected to out buildings. Mostly, it's probably just fungi and bacteria. ?,, yeah cause the cement filled tunnels are the only gigs they can get these days. They were lit up from end to end, and we found all sorts of crap down there. I am not law enforcement. If they find it, they may just be confused. Tjere are 2 main paved roads suitable for biking, walking kids with strollers or out for a jog. It was built in 1887 and due to the harsh winters in Wyoming, they built tunnels underground for the doctors and patients to move safe and warm from building to building. The truth is they DID exist, and were a very popular hangout with the exploring kids of the day. I have been to Edgewood more then anyone, I am 65 years old, I went 50 years ago. Kids would break in when I was a teenager and hangout in them. we used to go nuts in that place "booking" down them tunnels leaving the girls behind screaming :), We went to the tunnels to the powerhouse and to a boiler room they linked up the buildings rememember huge pipes on one side I believed that they were used to transport the dead to the morgue there were no rats just broken glass we kept a couple of those plastic gray radio shack flashlights that took the 4 D cell batteries hidden in our stash there along with a bowl,a couple of knifes, and a transistor radio.I miss and cherish those times, i had been in the tunnels many times even after the demo job havent been there in many years now but remember off the old blacktop road in the back of the site there used to be a way in was in the middle of the woods a little hard to find tho but after the demo job just went back to where the power station was and bck towards the main bldg again to bad there all gone was some good times there. 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