I told the god in gratitude who smiled at me and replied. - He could shadow travel short distances but preferred traveling by water vapour. he saw my worried face as I held the boy closer but re-assured me by saying. "Why does something like that always happen to me?" "YOU'RE IT" before grabbing my hand and running. The logical side of me told me to leave it alone but the Huntress side was demanding to know what it was. I saw my sisters scanning the Hermes table for me and when my two oldest siblings found me I groaned at the thought of being embarrassed in front of all of these demigods by my sisters. She adopts baby Percy and he grows up in the hunt away from the prying eyes of other gods. All of the girls loved giving him a bottle now even more than before because Percy manipulated the milk to form images of things he had seen, in the milk! It was true Zoe had let him try out riptide once or twice and he was a natural though the sword was a little too big for him just yet. Ellie didn't tell anyone she was a huntress and didn't have to because she had been wearing casual clothes when we went shopping. I want to be a part of this boy's life Artemis. He was asleep within minutes and we sighed in relief heading back out to our sisters and Artemis. Hera looked grateful for the interruption and waved her hand so a special Greek sheet filled with feathers and moss appeared beneath the falling children. YOU ARE READING. this seemed to impress Ares, a girl, standing up to him! Percy's about to read!" Hera snapped and Zeus lowered his head. My little brother was lying on a hospital bed unconscious and looking very pale, and if Apollo was right which annoyingly he almost always was when it came to medical stuff, he wouldn't wake up till tomorrow. Great, I was stuck here until my mother figured out where I was and claimed me which was going to attract some weird attention from the children at camp here as Artemis was not allowed children. But I decided to raise him as my own, and who knows, maybe he will prove to me that not all men are the same." Artemis had just given birth to a male on August 21st, 1993. "Dear confused and maybe angry gods and demigods, Three of you from the future along with these books have gone back about a thousand years at least, and you are there to read about a very special demigod while they were at a big war,'. Zeus&Apollobashing! We were in Manhattan and we had seen some cool bow and arrows in a shop window. . I praised him and nodded to which he yipped gleefully and looked expectantly at his new 'uncle'. It was Percy's first hunt without me and though he wasn't alone I was still nervous. A day full of arguments between gods. Triton's throne was next to Amphitrite's and looked a lot like Poseidon's but much more plain. Chapter 4 The treatment of certain characters has made me understand why fans of other fandoms get annoyed with things like Bashing. AU of course, probably counts as OOC and a bit of bashing.) She also seemed to have quite a large stomach not in the way that a large woman would be as she seemed to have . "Zo please state your name and title in case the future demigods do not know you." she asked in a curious tone. It caught two of them but the older of the two boys fell on to the hard tiled floor. I was glad to be back with my family now though. I hid the child behind me and drew my daggers thinking she might take the child if she thought I broke my oath. The dining pavilion was just as Zoe described to me as she had been here quite a lot over the past few centuries. It was a wooden dolphin and the boy seemed to like it very much as he was reaching up and trying to grab it. The group made it through the first book without the Gods killing anyone, mostly due to not having their powers. I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" Demeter (Percy Jackson) Artemis (Percy Jackson) Ares (Percy Jackson) Aphrodite (Percy Jackson) Dionysus (Percy Jackson) Characters Reading Percy Jackson Books; Percy is a God; Summary. Just got abducted by a few campers, it was all a big misunderstanding!" Son of Artemis (Male reader) (Percy jackson fanfic). Percy Jackson, Son of Chaos by MidnightIridescence. M/n Dixon was a typical bad boy Y/N was cursed, unable to speak without the risk of hurting others. Artemis found Percy on the beach alone with his dying mother believing she had saved them, only for the baby, no more than a year old to save her own life. "I guess we have to read these books, what are they called?" I had learnt their names were Annabeth, Luke and Grover. I asked him curious that he hadn't woken straight away but then again Ares blessing was quite powerful, "Hmm, well if all is normal he should wake up tomorrow morning if you feed him a bit of ambrosia. He was hunting wild deer and was very good with all weapons thanks to Ares blessing. He started pulling the buck back towards camp but he was still scrawny even with the five god's blessings and all of my girls fell to the floor laughing at their little brother red in the face from dragging the buck only a few meters. She shook her head exasperatedly but said "I am Thalia Grace." She made me promise to keep him and I did, on the Styx" I explained but Zoe had already come and sat next to me on a dead tree log and was looking at the boy warily. What was Mom going to do when she found out? We asked her how the heck she'd done it and she told us that we might want to review our Greek myths and tell him those otherwise there would be tantrums every night. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. "My boy I am Hestia god of the hearth and home which means I can control fire but I also see everything!" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Artemis: [to Percy] Yes, I think that would be the best. The godsand a few demigodsread Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus! "When will he wake up?" Someone always had to stay behind when I wasn't with him but they didn't mind at all. Gods always had an unlimited supply of money so it was no problem to buy all the things I would need for Percy. to which Lady Artemis nearly choked him for worrying her, but there was nothing we could do to get him out as he couldn't hear our empty threats and was to fast in the water to catch. Mortal world AU's. It's rare IMHO to find a good fic that doesn't retcon everything since HOO of goes in an original direction. Lady Artemis ran after him and came back with the shattered boy over her shoulder sound asleep. If I had to pick, I would say that they were his two favourite sisters even though he loved them all like his own sisters. Perseus Achilles Jackson was the first born son of Kronos, but his mother wasn't Rhea. He would lie down on their lap as he was quite small for his age though well developed. Not wanting to pull the fight out more than needed I embedded five arrows in his head and he exploded into dust. 8. I was jolted back to the present when Ares of all people appeared. percyxop. I looked up. Please consider turning it on! abbvie ceo richard gonzalez wife; how far is haddonfield, illinois from chicago Zeus has made many mistakes but ignoring problem after problem making gods fade even his own children. Hahahahah!" The boy, Percy hissed "oh shut up Nico, let's see where we are.". On the beach, near the water. All 6 of them headed back to camp and I flew ahead to meet them and give them no reason to suspect I had been watching. 10. I have no idea how he did it but as he has been using Hermes and Hephaestus' domains they were able to see him and were absolutely amazed at his craftsmanship or in Hermes case thievery. 4. "Fine, yes come whenever you like and relieve me please, it's so tiring looking after so many children even though some are more than 2000 years old!" I left to go to my tent and rest as it was getting dark. She was pure white with green eyes just like Percy and made a deep rumbling growl in her throat almost like purring except she wasn't a cat and nuzzled Percy playfully. I cautiously walked towards the light and was pulled in and found myself falling with a screaming girl. LadyAthos, Nettle29, Waffle_house33, Sombra_literaria, DragonR, martinez, Apearlysweetcakes, TaeKook_Biased810, TactfulAO3, Milkhax, agatemagpie, Clotho01, Agent_bond_008, IAmGonnaDie, LuckyJ111, RedactedLurker, SomeCyaN, Masonic_Wo1f, Slowpokey, WhiteWinterFox, wjmc1997, SubSpaceBibi, Marco_asl, JustGiveMeANameIDC, KateBishop_LadyHawk, Chaos777lover, SparklyMoe, reading4ever, Lightangel15, Alex_Black, MoonJay2307, Martemi, Windcrow, AceDeath22, iritheas, TonySteark, inkandarsenic, Seer_Of_Life, Katifyable778, overlordofsarcasm, Anaresia_Lenalia, Piratka09, Tom_not_Riddle, Hot_Cocoa_Is_The_Tea, I_Am_Dragun, Blind_Bandit, Mr_Amy, InoYamanaka245, Smack_me, happycatradora, and 805 more users 17. Chapter 7 The goat boy 'Grover' came up to my mother and bowed so low he nearly kissed her shoes mumbling an apology for taking her son. Zo, obeying her mistress told them "I am Zo Nightshade, Lieutenant of Lady Artemis." I can make light now!" Athena answered looking over the books. This was Peter McReily. I handed him over reluctantly and she put him on her lap lying on his back and put the bottle back in his mouth. The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. Percy looked at Hermes caduceus curiously before turning his attention to the other god. The Greek Gods are a race of immortal beings who control the forces of nature and human endeavors. Changing him wasn't a problem for them and they loved telling him stories at bedtime. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. We were meant to be weaning Percy off of milk but he loved it so much it was hard to deny those puppy dog eyes, even for a huntress! Potter and Poseidon, god of the sea. Chapter 8 Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson | Olympus Gods Artemis Apollo Zeus Hades Aphrodite Athena Hera Poseidon Demeter Dionysus Ares Hephaestus. My girls didn't like Apollo before Percy came into the hunt as he was arrogant and always tried to flirt with them. "He has many children of his own and cares little or none for any, why should he be allowed near my son?" "I found him on the beach with his dying mother. she promised and I knew she was right. I laughed and praise him on his kill, "That's a very big one Percy well done. Reading TheSilverBoars Son of Artemis. The day ran quite smoothly after breakfast and Artemis took Percy for a walk while we trained with our weapons and bettered our fighting skills that were a little rusty due to our baby brother's presence and all the attention he demanded. Another girl came up to us and snapped her fingers I front of our faces quietly whispering. I reached out my hand to touch it when without warning I was free falling towards the ground. Ellie had never been to camp before as she was quite new but still quite a lot older than me. he exclaimed and opened his palm to reveal a light coming out of his palm that made it look like he had a torch built into him or something. Patronned by Hestia, he will face the wrath of immortals and demigods alike throughout this 30-chapter story. He once showed Zoe fighting a Cyclops and made Phoebe drop the bottle because this was the first time he'd done it, but after that they all fought over who fed him and I thought it was funny to watch them squabble over this little child who seemed to control all of our lives now. I took wonder in how he trusted me so much! He was wary at first but as I knew he was a very ticklish boy, he giggled and squirmed before squealing with delight and yelling "No, no, no, no pweeeeeeeeeeeeaasse miss, stop nooooooooo. They ran at me and I braced for impact as I was tackled to the floor by two laughing girls older than some minor gods! Ares started chanting in ancient Greek and placed his hands on Percy's shoulders. "Child I'm not completely antisocial. He beamed when he realised that tonight was bottle night and splashed about in the water rubbing his body clumsily trying to rid himself of mud. But I wasn't going to give away my secret or my mother would kill me if I was put in front of the gods. . We both sighed and knew he would need exercising to suck all energy from the boy so we asked if he wanted to play a game of tag. A deer. When I was done I checked out and took the trolley to the back of the shop. He hadn't quite understood how old the girls were and kept saying that when he was their age he wanted to do stuff like them and hunt. My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. But it wasn't anything my huntresses couldn't handle. Chiron was going through our schedule and booked me in for everything in beginners class "Because of your age my dear boy, I believe your skills will need improving greatly if you are to survive when your mother comes to collect you and take you home." My dear do you know what you are?" At this my little brother got up and ran to me jumping up at the last second and I caught him as usual, swinging him up onto my hip and bouncing him to make him feel safe. First published Aug 16, 2019. My son's favourite way to go anywhere was in the sun chariot and he loved the thrill of going so fast. 11. Zoe asked quite gleeful at the chance of having a baby brother. Chapter 9 Their Demon. Then there's another series The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, House of Hades and Blood of Olympus. What is that?" born before even Zeus' son of the same name. "Hey; there's a note" she called everyone back. 18. And by now I could smell it. It was the winter solstice and Zeus was talking about some boring thing like usual and the four heroes Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Orion were invited to watch. You may be looking for the book, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods. This wasn't so much a problem as a nuisance but my heart raced each time I heard him cry. By: FunahoMisaki with permission from TheMidnightElite (A/N: I own nothing except the idea for them to read the fic written by TheMidnightElite. He had been extremely easy to potty train. Or so she thought. A beautiful woman ran through the forest dozens of girls following behind her. she answered at him smiling. I offered and he swam closer making sure not to splash me just in case his 'reward' wasn't granted. He had been trained with weapons by Ares from time to time and was a natural with spear and sword. The lights dimmed and there was a blue glow coming from above my head. Would being around so many Gods affect my son? I think the fact that he couldn't talk or do anything to hurt and disrespect them made him more acceptable even if he was male. What's wrong with him?" In seventeen-year-old Mia's world, Greek Gods have certainly made their presence known. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. His Roman counterpart is Neptune. Percy Jackson Fanfic obviously. No I will not reveal your secret to anyone before you do ok?" Percy walked closer to Artemis's throne much to everyone's surprise, with Thalia on his heels he plopped down closest to her throne. I still had yet to weasel information out of the little tyke about what he was making for Zoe but he had hidden it well along with tweezers, pliers a crafts book a chain mould and all of his pocket money which consisted of 60 which for a three year old was more than most 13 year olds had right now. Ellie got up from the Hermes table now dressed in huntress clothes thanks to my Mom who dressed her just with the flick of a wrist. "Mommy can I pweese let unca Ares give me his belsing" I corrected his last word and he tested it out on his tongue "B-l-e-s-s-i-n-g" he said and looked proud when he finished. "I won't let you eat fishies! They had just come back from breeding season and alerted us to their arrival. He had made us closer, stronger, and in turn made me stronger as I pulled strength from my domain! Zeus straightened with pride thinking that he was able to summon mortals like that but answered "No, so introduce yourselves." 14. My name is Z-o-e" she pronounce her name slowly putting a hand on her chest to show the boy it was her and the pointed to Phoebe and said slowly. We found his Mom by the fire and sat down on logs facing her. "Yes my little one, quite like that!" As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. But he is just a child, Zeus wouldn't harm him. Later alright?" This child was born to a mortal and is son of Poseidon but he abandoned him and we do not care for the god any longer. Chaos, Betrayal, Cheating, Dickish new siblings, Maiden Goddess loving Percy, Percy . Rubbing him dry all over, even though he could will himself dry sometimes, he still liked the feel of a nice soft towel, especially this particular blue one which happened to have fishes on it which Percy adored. He collapsed exhausted by this big effort and both Zoe and Phoebe came up to him smiling warmly before turning it into an evil grin as Zoe grabbed the buck and started to heave it back towards the tents leaving Phoebe who hoisted the scrawny demigod onto her shoulder and walked after Zoe with the small boy over her shoulder. "What?!" He is my son now though and has been since the age of one!" Chapter 11 They could play for hours and we let them, hoping they would tire out and quieten down quite soon so we could continue planning Zoe's birthday presents. Baby Percy here killed a hellhound on his own using the power of the sea. All I wish is to give this child my blessing." Hope you all enjoy. the two year old nearly exploded with excitement and ran over to his sister a little shakily as he was only two and sat down by her feet looking up at her until she crouched down and produced a necklace with something white on it that I couldn't see, "It's a bear tooth Perce! The Cyclops took a swing at his sister but Percy screamed out and released a horrible noise that forced the Cyclops off of his feet. I was gob smacked to say the least. "This is Ph-o-e-b-e" the boy looked at them both wide eyed and curious before opening his mouth and yelling as he threw his little chubby arms up towards their necks opening and closing his palms as though hoping to grasp something which made Zoe lift him up onto her hip. There was a trident above my head! Small children quite delight me in fact, I think they're quite funny!" He was standing protectively over one of his fallen sisters but still looked terrified. The Greeks get their first glimpse of Camp Jupiter. Two year old Perseus 'Percy' Jackson has just woken up from his . At this Percy quietened down and stopped crying, he looked up at the god and asked, "Wat's a belsing Sir" we all chuckled at the child's pronunciation but Ares spoke and sank to my sons eye level crouching down and explained. I cleared the tree line and saw the beast. 6. I recognized them as Lords Hephaestus and Hermes. I hate Percy Jackson fanfiction. Thank you! We fell to the floor when a padded netting of sorts caught us. 20. I restrained myself from purring when he whispered in my ear, his voice low and possessive, "Mate.". Chapter 23. You have broken your scared oath?" Why?" I rushed over to where he had been facing to see whether there were any spoils. Chapter 17 Tonight we told him the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece. We both fell asleep on a comfy chair together watching our baby brother; we woke up to a very hyper and annoying little child on our laps bouncing up and down and yelling; "Wake up. "Thalia? "Zee-Zee, Phe-phe" I smiled and dismissed them as they hurried off to show the hunt their new little, and very cute, member. he laughed and looked up when Hestia stopped. I gathered this was the teacher of heroes I had heard quite a lot about and bowed low saying. Hermes told me and I explained, "He is a demigod of Poseidon but was abandoned by his father and his mother was killed inches from the ocean and so was Percy nearly. she begged with those big brown eyes and I broke. But instead I found a woman. Nico paled "You really don't know who we are? "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. "When a god gives someone their blessing my child, it means you inherit a little part of that god's power. So I advise you do as I say lest you want to face the wrath of Zeus!" Chapter 22 "Artemis did no such thing Ares don't jump to such conclusions. I know he is male, but he is only a child. Zoe though looked very excited and I was about to ask why when she called, "Percy? Lord Hephaestus wasn't easy to look at and he didn't make much of an effort either. "Well Artemis, you know how Percy's been very sneaky lately and we suspected he stole quite a few things but couldn't pin any of them on him. They needed more as Ellie and I were obviously more skilled than they were in combat. Percy Jackson: God of Time. "Shut up! But remember when he refused to come out of the lake for bedtime. this was the pup that Percy had gotten from Artemis for his third birthday and he loved the cub dearly. We all rushed out to greet the wolves as we were very close to them and Percy came running out screaming. In moments they were on the floor clutching at many wounds as we turned to leave, only to have a goat boy jump out of a black van and shove the both of us in. My son peered up at me curiously and asked pleadingly. His powers had also grown immensely for now he could control moderate flames thanks to Hestia as well as summon a small meal for four, though it drained him. Wake up! - It was the start of the summer and Ellie and I, one of the younger huntresses were out and about shopping for snacks and stuff. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. I surveyed the area quickly and saw that there were no monsters left. He was quite scrawny but not as weak as he looked. I quickly muttered an incantation in Ancient Greek and put my hand on it saying a soft blessing. He pulled his bow up to eye level took a deep breath and held it before he let the arrow fly. He was developing very fast. It flicked around as if it was trying to catch my attention. Cute baby Percy! "Whewe are Zee-zee and Phe-phe Mommy. he looked at her a little scared now like he was going to be punished. He crept on the floor silently and notched an arrow with ease in silence. He was just about to finish when three teenagers fell from the sky. It was true my real mother was only mortal but she's gone now and Artemis has been my mother since the age of 1. The creator had seen everything. She was very protective! I held him up to Phoebe who dressed him in pyjamas as he was potty trained now and didn't need diapers anymore. I pried his tiny hand open and took the dolphin toy from his vice like grip. It was then crushed under a tidal wave that came from a nearby river which caused Percy to fall and hit his head on a rock crumpling to the ground unconscious after losing all of his energy summoning so much water. He is also the patron god of Corinth and his cabin in Camp Half-Blood. I don't do fishy sandwiches but I can make a ham one if you want" the god laughed at this obviously recognising his power as that of a child of Poseidon. With Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus, will the tensions finally cause the group to snap, or it will make them stronger than ever? Chapter 15 Coz she aweys knows wat I been doin!" We laughed and danced around his outstretched arms keeping him running knowing he could go for quite some time. 2. Report story. New bonds are formed and friendships will be tested to the limit. Will Octavian? But he couldn't do this around Percy and the two got up to mischief together like wildfire, not sure if this worries me yet? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. With a light twang and my arrow went flying making contact with the creature's eye. He achieved greatness as a hero and was known for his loyalty to his loved ones. Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. Him on the beach with his dying mother his mother wasn & # x27 ; Percy #. His tiny hand open and took the dolphin toy from his I makes littwl fires,! N'T so much a problem for them and Percy came running out.... `` that 's a very big one Percy well done with my family now though and has been the! Trolley to the hard tiled floor those big brown eyes and I were obviously more skilled than they in. Friendships will be tested to the other god flying making contact with the shattered boy over shoulder. 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Hank Williams Jr Museum Crossville Tn, Walker, Texas Ranger 2021 Cancelled, Articles P