Have you ever been to a doctor and you just didnt feel comfortable? This is The Experiment, a show about our unfinished country. An obese man explains that Young helped him with his swollen leg. (A long moment of music with no narration before it fades out. And now we see the result. Young grabs them and takes a big whiff. After PreventaGenix shut down, Young told his patients on Facebook that they could contact Reitz and Patels attorney to get their medical records. But the allegations against him point toward what can be permissible, even celebrated, in a medical system built on profit. a dangerous combination of an opioid, a benzodiazepine, and a muscle relaxant. Khazan: I was wondering if your ex-husband still supports Jeff or thinks he was a good medical provider. In an email to The Atlantic, Working said that when it came to Phillipss actions, there was no direct threat. Youre just probably not feeling good. But they never believed us. An active and fun show following the life of FNP Jeff Young II at work and his life after work. Together, they are the parents of three children and have seven grandchildren. The story of how that doctor-patient communication broke downhundreds of thousands of timesis what Olga wanted to understand. (A long beat of music. (Laughs heartily.). Defending himself in one of his on-camera interviews, Young acknowledges that he is maybe a little untraditional and that he might like to drink a little bit after hours. But, he says, Im very passionate about what I do I work hard, but I play harder. Youngs practice was, for a time, an inexpensive, reliable option for medical care in Jackson. Khazan: In 2016, Jeff tried to broadcast his world even more widely. When it was getting close to the end of when I was going, it would be packed. On my trip, I strolled by a glass case near the federal courthouse that held a large Bible opened to the Gospel of John. At the beginning of the opioid epidemic, the autonomy of doctors to prescribe opioids was almost limitless, Keith Humphreys, a Stanford University professor who researches mental-health policy, says. Not that half of the, you know powers that be are on some sort of whatever. Young failed to diagnose the mans hypertension and overprescribed to him, according to court testimony, and later the patient suffered a stroke. Naylor: They would look at me and say [Dismissively. (Green, who has since cut ties with Young, would not comment on this when I reached him, but he told the Sun that he asked another officer to look up the information.). Khazan: Which was exactly what she liked about him. By the end of this hearing, you will be asking what on Earth took the medical board so long, Pennebaker, the prosecutor, said in court. Moreover, throwing some glimpse of lights to his personal life, Dr. Jeff is a happily married man. Young neither admits nor denies the following allegations, Tracy Alcock, a lawyer with the state health department, said at the hearing, but he acknowledges that the departments proof would show the following: From August 2013 to November 2016, Young prescribed controlled substances in amounts and for durations that were not medically necessary, advisable, or justified for a diagnosed condition. The board put his license on probation for two years, during which time he could not prescribe certain Schedule II or Schedule III controlled substances, including drugs such as oxycodone, fentanyl, Vicodin, and Adderall. (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) In addition to steroid shots, Young prescribed her oxycodone, Xanax, and Adderall for her various medical issues. (In response to a request for comment, a health-department spokesperson noted that, according to state law, the department cant suspend medical licenses without first giving practitioners the opportunity to demonstrate compliance regarding the allegations against them. Though many of these deaths have been caused by street drugs such as heroin and illegally manufactured fentanyl, the nations opioid epidemic was sparked by the kinds of painkillers medical providers prescribed. I visited Youngs clinic, but, through a staffer, he declined to speak with me. She doesnt believe the allegations against him, and chalks them up to pure jealousy. It wasnt like any medical office Id ever been to. He has been arrested several times, though not convicted, for assaulting women. One January morning, officers swarmed the road outside the PreventaGenix building, guns drawn. Longoria: Opioids would be a new kind of painkiller to treat not just acute pain after an event like a surgery, but also pain that was more mundane, like chronic back pain that patients would complain about for years, but which doctors didnt have a clear cure for. This is just gonna be a little freeze spray first. Khazan: Christi had really appreciated what Jeff did for her. He was always polite. Despite some patients praise for Young, the evidence that he routinely walked far over that line remains alarming. * This article has been clarified to more accurately convey the details of Gutgsell's plea. His lawyer also declined to answer any specific allegations. The biggest blow came in 2019, when Jeff was indicted by the federal government for overprescribing opioids, often in order to get, quote, money, notoriety, and sexual favors., In a court hearing, investigators described several Facebook messages between Jeff and his patients, identified only by their initials. Pharmacists began to refuse to fill his prescriptions. Some people from the area said they had been harassed by Jeff and were afraid to speak out. Young began arriving at the clinic smelling rancid, with greasy hair, and the clinics money problems mounted. He graduated from Musicians Institute in 1985, and is best known for his time with the thrash metal band Megadeth, appearing on the 1988 album So Far, So Good. Young, 43, a Tennessee nurse practitioner who called himself 'Rock Doc' and once piloted . Scott Deberry: But after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be wrong? (Fades under.). Natalia Ramirez: This episode of The Experiment was reported by Olga Khazan and produced by Alvin Melathe, with editing by Katherine Wells, Julia Longoria, and Denise Wills. The clinic mostly offered cosmetic treatments, and it was located in a strip mall in a more industrial part of town, next to a chiropractor and a place called Genes Tire & Wrecker. Looking for Jeff Young online? You could see, almost, when you were talking to him, he was listeningand he was thumping that pen to the beat of the music. But one thing that I was really curious about is how you actually went from having opioids being a thing that existed to having opioids be a thing that existed in peoples medicine cabinets. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. Khazan: Do you remember what kind of music was playing? Young grew up in Bethel Springs, a 700-person village near Jackson. The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Khazan: Looking at all the allegations, I mean, its overprescribingoverprescribing to someone whose pill bottles had his name on them and who died of a drug overdose. During one club night, Young bought Stephanie two drinks and his friends handed them to her. You may not like my tattoos. Young: (Over hard-rock music.) In his frequent social-media updates, he would drink and flip off the camera. Khazan: The first time I watched this video, I just heard Jeff making excuses. The first move of any significant consequence for Young came in early 2017, when the DEA raided the clinic. Eventually Shirley Pickering, the nursing-board investigator who was looking into the allegations against Young, also grew terrified of him. But tonally, much of the footage betrays him. Though Young claimed that he also fired drug-seeking patients, Gutgsell testified in a deposition that he would meet some patients after hours and write them prescriptions anyway. Khazan: In his Periscope videos, Jeff insisted it was all fun and games, and people were just criticizing him because of his style. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. 14:46. Longoria: And one of those worst of the worst providers stood out from the others. (A shudder, a gasp, then clapping and bubbling evolve into a background track.). Rachel Fullington, an early employee of Youngs, told me Young wanted the clinics atmosphere to be loose and fun, while the others wanted it to be more buttoned-up. Kevin: Jeff and I are full of antics. Lots of people refused to talk to me because they fear Young, but many others refused because they love him. He decked out PreventaGenix with psychedelic artwork and set the stereo to loud rock. Some of Youngs dalliances with his patient-friends similarly took a dark turn. He soon opened a new clinic, which he called GeneXis Health. Ballard: When it comes to the high-society people, like the pharmacists and these other doctors that were out to get money out of their patientsJeff didnt care about the money. And Im like, Oh. [A beat.] They didnt drop F-bombs or smell womens underwear online. And that was not the case at all. He would sometimes brag about having sex on his lunch break, sharing with his staff pictures of his conquests, three employees said. In another, he totters around with an empty bottle of bourbon and pans the camera over to Phillips, who is asleep on the couch. Like, all these doctors who are really out of line and just writing so many scripts for so many addictive drugs, theyre really not being careful at all. The daughter, Melody, actually works in her dad's vet clinic. Federal prosecutors who charged him in a massive opioid bust say he overprescribed painkillers, often for money, notoriety, and sexual favors.. At least 50 women are thought to have come to the clinic to have sex with Young, some of them allegedly doing so in exchange for drugs, according to court testimony. [Chuckles.] Young had also allegedly begun siphoning off $100 almost every day from the clinic for his personal expenses, according to former employees. Copyright 2021 The Atlantic and New York Public Radio. So, no, I cant say that. Khazan: The Rock Doc, Jeff Young, has been in jail for almost two years, awaiting trial. Listen to the trailer for. One young man told me he went to Youngs house that year to pay cash for a vial, knowing that a traditional doctor would be unlikely to prescribe testosterone to a healthy teenage boy. They didnt play Stairway to Heaven or have Periscope accounts. The Tennessee Department of Health will not release audio recordings from a state investigation of "Rock Doc" Jeffrey W. Young II, a nurse practitioner who was allowed to stay in business . Health care is one of the Jackson areas most important industries, and West Tennessee Healthcare, which once employed Young, is the largest employer in the county. I mean, you wouldve thought they were giving away meds for free, to be honest. Scott Deberry: When I first was going in the office, I could go in there and thered be maybe 10 of us in there. Heres what I can tell you. The DEA raided Jeffs clinic and seized all of his computers and thousands of doses of the opioid hydrocodone. Jeffrey Young wanted to give you a real look inside his clinic. Scott Deberry: And, you know, once you get around the tattoos and the way he talkscause he talks to you as if hes talking to you on the streets As long as he was going to take care of me and make me feel okay, or make me feel better, I had no problem with that. I asked to speak with him for this story, but because of a gag order on the case, his lawyer declined interviews with me. Nurses are consistently rated higher in honesty and ethics than all other professions that Gallup asks about, by a wide margin, the polling firm said in a January 2020 survey. (Young has denied that hed had sex with the patient who appeared to be drugged.). When one patient told Young over Facebook Messenger that she was in shitty health and about to jump off a bridge, he prescribed her a cocktail of several different drugs, including fentanyl. Khazan: Her husband had severe dehydration and was suffering from a heat stroke. Thank you for listening. Hes just one of the guys that you could drink a beer with, or you can go let him give you a shot in the ass (Fades under.). Young seemed to have been expecting them. 1,274 likes. But as I talked to more patients, they started saying things that really surprised me. Listen to the trailer for Holy Week. MY died on August 25, 2015, from an apparent drug overdose. Some of his patients were police officers whom he would occasionally ask for favors. Aw, shit! In the past five years, at least 40 medical providers nationwide have been accused of exchanging sex for addictive drugs. Strippers, tattoo artists, and rock-band groupies saw a kindred spirit in Young and came to him as patients. Ballard: I dont believe Jeff overprescribed medication. His indictment implicated him and two of his former supervising physicians, Alexander Alperovich and Andrew Rudin, and alleged that Youngs motives in prescribing controlled substances to his patients were often to obtain money, notoriety, and sexual favors. Alperovich and Rudin, the indictment claims, accepted money derived from the proceeds of the conspiracy in exchange for their purported supervision. (Both have pleaded not guilty. The feds say Young . Khazan: So Ive written a million stories about this. He messaged at least five female patients about sex and filling prescriptions, prosecutors would later say, detailing the anonymized encounters in court. Yall partying in the office? [Chuckles.] Young is . Khazan: When I first started talking to Jeffs former patients, I thought I understood this story. Khazan: LaRhonda was skepticalbut she was also dealing with a lot of pain. Naylor: I said, Go see Jeff. And she said, Id rather not. And I said, Why? And she said, Because if I go see him, hell start texting me and calling me. And I said, And wanting to go out with you? And she said, Yeah. Thats the thing. Despite the accumulation of evidence suggesting that Young was running his practice recklessly and endangering patients, he remained licensed to write prescriptions for five years after PreventaGenix opened its doors. Young: (Over the sound of a pool-filtration system.) It really meant a lot to me. Why would he do this? The self-proclaimed "Rock Doc" is accused of trading powerful . Calles: Yes. (Endo denied the allegations.) Young and Phillips, both longtime musicians, reveal that theyre working on some rap songs about Youngs haters, then ponder how to do gang signs. ), (The intro to a rock song plays, with a driving, pulsing beat. Trust me, I got people, he says to the camera. In 2011, the couple got in a fight while visiting Panama City Beach, Florida, and it was determined that Young did throw, or shove, Mrs. Young from the bed to the floor, the police report reads. Throughout the opioid epidemic, a distressing number of doctors have seen a perverse opportunity in Americans suffering. Longoria: There are many pieces to the puzzle of how opioids found their way into so many medicine cabinets. Hey! Two bouncers made sure she got home, but when she woke up in bed the next morning, her eyes were black, her nose was broken, and her mouth was bleeding. Trial dates have been set for "Rock Doc" Jeffery Young, his supervising physicians, and two more medical professionals recently indicted on additional drug trafficking charges. He would try to squeeze in even more patient visits each daysometimes well over 50, former employees sayand would either forget to document services or would document services he hadnt provided. Listen and subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts, The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Case 18-11780-BLS Doc 45 Filed 08/02/18 Page 1 of 1041. (A snare hit plays, and the music changes tone again. One agent testified in court that the bureau had uncovered Facebook messages such as one sent to Young in August 2016 by someone known in court as SW: My girl for eight years is an addict You write her any more scripts youre going to kill her, man. Meanwhile, many of Youngs patient charts had allegedly stopped being monitored: One supervising physician came in once, reviewed Youngs charts, and withdrew from the supervising agreement immediately based on what he saw. It doesnt sound like much of a sella middle-aged man doling out medical advice in a city midway between Memphis and Nashville. Khazan: I started calling up former patients to try to understand the relationship Jeff had with them, and the appeal of this whole Rock Doc thing. Thats very distressing Yeah, Im shocked, you know? The next year, Jeff prescribed M.Y. Thirty minutes. And I remember texting him back, and I remember saying, Jeff, he is a grumpy, old, country man, and hes not going to be an easy patient, but something is terribly wrong. And he said, I got that covered too. So I get my husband up there. I had a lot of Why on earth? questions, the Atlantic reporter Olga Khazan says. Shed come to see Jeff for a range of health issues, from diabetes to cystitis, and she just didnt buy the things people were saying about him. Rudins lawyer did not respond to a request for comment. Julia Longoria: Over 20 years ago, pharmaceutical companies began to market the use of a magical pill. How was a nurse practitioner whose behavior was so outrageous allowed to treat patients for so long? As the court spent two days scrutinizing his years of alleged misdeeds, he sat mostly silently. As the nursing boards investigation of Young inched along, another agency launched its own probe into the Rock Doc. Phillips, Youngs best friend, would often stop by the clinic to hang out and drink, according to former employees. Young appeared to operate more subtly. Many of the people I interviewedincluding some of Youngs former patients and employeesasked to remain anonymous, often because they feared retribution at the hands of Young and his friends. Yes. But maybe, just maybe, he showed too much. Rock Doc TV. Thats not my fucking problem, all right? Well all be killed., It helped that Young had prominent friends he could call on for help. When I visited the clinic shortly before the hearing, Young had just finished up with a patient. She once saw someone running across her yard into the woods. I am sick of people only judging you by what you do in your personal life, one woman wrote on his Facebook page in September 2016, when Young was charged with assault after a woman claimed that he had screamed at her in the parking lot of his office. All right, guys. Multiple surveys show that people tend to trust health-care workers more than they trust many other professionals, including police officers and clergy members. Employees I spoke with said he eventually was seeing 50 to 85 patients a day, compared with about 20 for the average doctor, and most of them seemed to be on opioids. For the occasion of his detention hearing, Young wore a cerulean suit and a comb-over. The camera follows Young as he treats patients, talks on a local radio station, dances with women at a club, and brags about drinking. Longoria: The indictment against the Rock Doc alleges that he prescribed more than a million addictive pills, treated patients while intoxicated, and used his prescribing power to have sex with womenincluding women who were his patients. Several others dismissed the notion that Young could be sexually coercive. Jeff gets his nick name "Rock Doc" from his loyal patients. Who cares? All throughout the past few months, Youngs fans have papered his Facebook wall with loving messages. Im in the middle of a life-saving procedure here. Naylor: (A sharp inhale.) Less than half answered. Khazan: This is Tanya Ballard. After the hearing, Young was jailed pending his trial, which is currently scheduled to be held this spring. Khazan: But she did remember this one hint shed had that something might be wrong in Jeffs office. But none of these barred the Rock Doc from getting drugs into the hands of patients. I just asked him. And no education whatsoever, Phillips jokes. Listen to the trailer for Holy Week. In an attempt to understand how Young got away with so much for so long, Ive spent more than a year tracking his story, reading court documents, and examining his extensive digital footprint. Opioid manufacturers such as Endo, the maker of Opana, and Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, targeted high-volume providers, in particular generalists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who generally had less expertise in pain management and were more receptive to marketing from sales consultants, according to a lawsuit filed by the state of Tennessee against Endo in May 2019. He was the casual party guy, not the stuffy doctor. Throughout Youngs year-long treatment of MY, Young failed to conduct pill counts, consult a state database meant to monitor the dispensing of controlled substances, and discuss with MY the risks of combining these drugs, according to the document. Hows it going? But that did not put a stop to Youngs ambitions. You may not like me. He even convinced her to get weight-loss surgery. the rock doc' jeff young. The agency also searched Youngs cellphone. Ill meet you there. They didnt openly harass anyone who criticized them. (Soft percussive synthesizer music plays.). Once his colleagues were out of the business, Young began crafting a persona based around rock music and hard living. Many told me that they didnt want to talk on the record. Doctors offices make money by billing insurance companies for the services the providers perform, but it was hard to do this at PreventaGenix because the documentation for Youngs visits was so shoddy. The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? She appreciated that he asked about her grandkids. The agents seized about 350 of Youngs patient charts and every computer in the office, according to Gutgsell, the former office manager, and the notice of seizure states that about 10,000 individual doses of hydrocodone were also taken. He was found in his bedroom, where the ambulance service discovered an empty syringe under his pillow and empty pill bottles on his bedside table that had been filled that month. Scott Deberry: You go to the doctor, and you tell them whats wrong with you, and they look at you like, Oh, its nothing. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. Khazan: LeAnns story was similar to Tanyas and LaRhondas and Christis. In recent years, the Justice Department has started coming for unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists, too. Young put his name behind charity projects around town, took health insurance, and offered discounts for people who otherwise couldnt afford care. You may not like what I stand for. One former patient who had a falling-out with Young told me he or someone associated with him attacked her on the internet forum Topix, calling her a whore and a drunk. She said her home address and photos of her adult daughters were posted on the site, along with rape threats directed at her daughters. A restaurant called the Little Rebel displayed a Confederate flag. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. The judge denied this request, in part because, he wrote, Young has chosen to not wear a mask or practice social distancing consistently in jail., In September, Gutgsell, Youngs former office manager, pleaded guilty to federal charges for her involvement in prescribing opioids without a legitimate medical purpose.*. Tennessees nursing board, the main agency that has power over nurse practitioners in the state, launched its investigation into Young within a year of PreventaGenix opening. In one scene, he and his best friend, a pharmaceutical representative named John Kevin Phillips, broadcast themselves on the video-streaming app Periscope. Though Young at first just seemed to go along with the project, he grew more invested after the first visit, the cameraman told me. Tune in today! To date, none of the alleged victims in Youngs court case has come forward publicly to speak against him. Every single time I went to that doctor and I left, Stairway to Heaven played. Young would call these liaisons nooners or say it was tap-that-ass Tuesday, according to court testimony. She said, He latches on to young single mothers, and he rushes in and wants toquote-unquotesave them.. Naylor: They just immediately hit it off. One of the differences between physicians and nurse practitioners is that physicians are regulated by a state Board of Medicine, while in most states, nurse practitioners are regulated by a state Board of Nursing. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. The Rock Doc affectations, Louvaris said, merely show that hes different from other doctors. Aggressive marketing is one piece of it. 0:04. If you speak against me, she remembers him saying, youre gonna regret it.. How far can medical providers go in giving patients what they want? Youngs second marriage was already in trouble by the time PreventaGenix launched, and after his divorce he quickly found new girlfriends. The waiting room often overflowed with patients. Calles: I really am so thankful that he suggested that to me, because if he hadnt have, I probably wouldve never done it, because I wouldnt take anybody else seriously enough to even think about doing it. He didnt mind saying a curse word or two.. Weeks after the indictment made national news, the clinic was packed with people coming and going, one woman who worked in a building with a view of the parking lot told me. The clinic sat on a quiet road crammed with other medical practicesa sleep doctor, a dentist, a nephrologist, an orthodontisteach in its own . His vision was, evidently, to one day launch a reality series of the same name. The half-dozen former patients who did agree to talk with me were mostly people who wanted to defend Jeff. Many people trust doctors even when theyre harmed by their treatment, and a 2008 study found that people are more likely to spend time researching a new employer or a new car than vetting a new surgeon. Rumors started to spread in town that strange things were going on in Jeffs office. Other doctors dont post pictures of themselves with motorcycles and scantily clad women, either. Three, two, one. Not that theyre not cheating on their wives. The allegations against Young point toward an especially sordid type of abuse in which some doctors victimize patients twice: first by getting them addicted to drugs, and then by sexually exploiting them. 1:32. To get from pharma lab to medicine cabinet, the drug needed to pass through one of the most sacred spaces in America. (Ringing leads into a soft, humming organ song.). Thats the big joke. Federal prosecutors say his help often amounted to dealing drugs for sex. Lets see here, shes 23, Young says. In February 2016, he texted one of his opioid patients, a police officer named Jay Green. He never admitted to anything that would make him look bad. And it was immediately clear that he is not your average medical provider. In confessional-style interviews, Young seems to enjoy offending anyone whos shocked by his approach. ), (What sounds like road noise plays in the background of a Periscope clip. Calles: I mean, the whole deal of him being in jail this long is completely unfair. To one patient, who he prescribed hydrocodone, amphetamines, and fentanyl, he said, I accept all insurance. I expected to hear lots of horror stories of abuse and mistreatment. It feels claustrophobic.). 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Be permissible, even celebrated, in a city midway between Memphis and Nashville him point what... Flip off the camera glimpse of lights to his personal life, Dr. Jeff is a married!: but after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be coercive! Combination of an opioid, a benzodiazepine, and rock-band groupies saw a kindred spirit Young!
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