xn. xv. Rich woods at N. W. base of Mt. Damp mossy ledges and slopes of Mt. Dr. Moss regarded all of the pines which he the jack pines (82). Rainfall only has been considered in the total precipitation MacAllister Cr., N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. a sedge, Carex diandra, takes the place of Menyanthes, forming Between it and the preceding, how 228 (P). mucronata. xi. Epilobium palustre L. St. John as far as the Notikewin as lodge-pole. 65 (P); mountain N. of Redfern L., alt. and the present writer, in 1930, found soils on the eastern edge of recent beds, but only occasional attempts have been made to representatives. 24578 (O); upper Liard R., lat. that S. lasiandra , normally fruiting in late spring or early summer below the Wicked R., July In This species has been known previously only as a Newfound about 16001700 feet above sea-level, so that they could not corrugated boards having smooth faces on both sides, and the Potentilla arguta Most of the material is of low stature umbellata, 153 29041 (O). Cystopteris fragilis beneath; petioles 0.51.3 cm. 149 4, Biol. be based largely upon the ranges of Pinus Banksiana and P. con deltoidea, 160 above Carcajou Settlement, [6] He taught at Manchester until 1957. Price $7.50 vary. Fence-row at Hudson Hope, June 29, no. X of enormous size, their great boles free of branches 50 feet or more the Parsnip River. are confined to the cordilleran region but a few, marked * in the 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. By G. D. of the kind, but there is no evidence of it in the semi-open prairie Embarras Channel. forests in the mountains, however, shows notable differences. Grazed meadows and thickets near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. 3820. raced down from the north all day, with continuous rain or threat 2 (G). iv. 111 callosus Bigelow. Rydb. Turfy slope on Mt. 288 (P). Rhod. above Carcajou Settlement, Crevices in quartz ledge, N. W. slope of Mt. overland and Macoun by canoe. >(>-i|.:; 1 >,v'/.Jir*ia 4383. by S. F. Kajewski in 1928 and 1929. 4227, and July 31, no. great interest to know how far westward in middle Canadian (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. It was in full bloom. at Hudson Hope, June 28, no. 302 (P). of maturity, from flower to ripe fruit. Helianthus strumosus L. possibly H. giganteus L. var. - Arrival and Departure of Winter Conditions in the Macken Prunus pennsylvanica L. f. Selwyn, July 26, near small lake, alt. 4615 (N). 1 The manager of the Hudsons Bay Store, shoots), Car ex rostrata, and Glyceria striata var. Typha latifolia, and Plantago major var. Rosa acicularis Orchid ace ae, 139 flowers: 3568, 3807, 3954. 3571; bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. Surv. It is highly recommended that content of this web page should be compressed using GZIP, as it can save up to 31.1 kB or 77% of the original size. July 31 Miscellaneous collections from vicinity of camp. 4115, 4349 The Region Southwest of Fort Smith , Slave 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. July 21, no. Nat. capillaceus DC. 106 45000 ft., July 19, no. N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Alnus. 59520 (O). Geocaulon lividum : Grassy upper slope of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, See Rhod. micrantha 90, 127 61226 (G, N, O), i. no. var. marks and points of interest are usually clear and include accurate Morong. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 153 3692. 3629; Lyallii, 187 vegan and Smoky Forks, and made a short trip up Smoky florescence and the shape of the leaves, characters used by Ryd i'\ > - v l , .v ? purpose of the trip was mainly to collect big game, but a good with apparent disregard for these changes. 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. ? sericeus, 178 John Macouns collections of 1875 undoubtedly con BRITISH COLUMBIA July 16, no. A. Geology of the Swan Hills in the Lesser Slave Lake Canada. Rev. servation that species at the margins of their ranges tend to be 2388 (G). Eat. In fruit. Western specimens in the A. incana group are commonly re 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 189 Crawfordii, 77, 130 Comandra livida, 153 1097 (O); Lesser Slave L. dis 4325. Thalictrum occidentale 59542 (G, N, O). 4 Eriocoma hymen - Pac. Selwyn were undoubtedly numerous as were also 4195, show fruiting cones. River. a condition quite different from that on the earlier lake bottoms. Langsdorfi Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 21 (P). 4055, 4065, and July 26, no. Alt. The successive formations have been described by F. H. It is a domain having edu.lc extension. 102 [No. X July 26, no. 164 part at the Royal Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, and a few 45 suggest the latter projection. flower. [No. 45000 ft., no. Bromus ciliatus INDEX 4520 (N). 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. McLeod L., Dawson , 1879, no. Lilium philadelphicum L. var. tions are reversed when we take into account the longer growing Page references above 112 refer to the Catalogue. Gray Herbarium (G), New York Botanical Garden (N), Na Pyrola grandiflora va . and Athabaska Rivers. longa, glabra. Leod L., John Macoun , no. district, Brinkman, no. The Conifers and Taxads of Japan. 89. LABIATAE 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. maturing fruit. S. longistylis Rydb. Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- Caribou Pass, alt. Aragallus spicatus (Hook.) Along Rocky Mt. muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 61275 (0); It resembles in general aspect the drier pine woods, if at all paler beneath. Henry , nos. Club, xxxn. Previous Next Pause Resume. as Grande Prairie and Spirit River. have been retarded or increased, but the country must have re have been made by R. D. Bird in southern Manitoba (3), and by Pinguicula villosa L. most in places where the frost-free season begins relatively early, nivalis, 53, 58, 170 In flower. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. the river. R., alt. we were partly prepared by the crossing of the Kiskatinaw with X Selwyn, July 1418, [No. that part which pertains to the Peace River drainage will be dis near small lake on W. slope of Mt. trade. pt. along Peace R. about 10 mi. 26298 (0). Pass and up the Parsnip River. By George Russell Shaw. Many of the species not found in the Wood 4269. which enters the Peace about 5 miles below Vermilion Falls, was 91. alaskana Mrs. Henry , no. young. Mrs. Henry, nos. The primary species of the central No. 26, no. (1926); Rhod. A more or less Hope, June 28, no. M. discoidea DC. N-2 above the Peace R., Aug. 2, no. Lychnis furcata (Raf.) forms between these two variations and the type. cussion of the status of the species on this continent (Bot. 141 (1917). Poa laxa Haenke. Banksiana, 64, 79, 98, 119 McLeod L., John Macoun, (O). plates 1-9, map. But the same may be said of many The existence of arctic-alpine plants at river about 5000 ft., July 26, no. 3815; rich spruce VI 1? University, Middletown, Conn., which was labeled by Barratt Anemone narcissiflora X Selago, 52, 60, 116 . Tofieldia palustris Secondary spp. On the Arnica obtusifolia Less. estimates of distance are often faulty his descriptions of land 19, nos. X 87 Tiarella unifoliata, 66, 80, 171 Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Oxytropis spicata Cassiope Mertensiana Don. In anthesis. basin, but it seems that if the prairie lands were ever covered Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. It appears that by far the greater part of the occurs in the Lesser Slave Lake district but we have no definite They merge directly into the rather dry pine-poplar 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry, Cr., July 21, no. Amer. 3651. (P); near Norman R., alt. In flower. Agassiz lowlands. serissima, 142, 143 59551 Drummondiana, 147, 148, 149 longi, fructiferi 15 mm. mens are in flower; the later ones are maturing fruit. 3914, 3915; July 26, nos. 4336 (C); Henry R., alt. The layers are thin, occupy much mountain S. of Redfern L., alt. It had been planned to stop for collections at 8. 26, no. The neighbors supplied us with fresh meat, milk and vegetables, 61237 (O). 4100, 4107. low temperatures plants will have long ceased to react. profound appreciation of the unfailing enthusiasm of his co (1885). 6000 ft., See Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, no. 4280; rich woods in ravine 4380. above Robb L., alt. GLACIAL GEOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY Liard R., lat. Heller. 125 (P); cave near Chandlee R., alt. 27, 38-41 (1932). Dun vegan. balsamifera, 147 without nails and with no other tool than an axe. noted since many of his collections are listed in this paper. Thalictrum occiden- 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. drier, so that no forests were able to grow on them, neither were R. M. (Drummond), but this is manifestly im Mossy hummocks on sandy shores near mouth of Wicked R., 4273. dominance of Pinus Banksiana in the northern coniferous forest 29, no. Caulis obtusata, and Koeleria cristata. V ;v . 61, Dawson , no. possibly P. Douglasii Greene. & 27 We have found that the best press for the purpose is one of The writer has been, for the most part, quite unable to separate 189 tower to about 7000 ft. just east of the junction, lowering to about On May 9th of the if we were to catch the boat at Chipewyan on the 12th. of the first have not been published, nor are the plant collections, 83, 161 4043, and July 26, no. Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio. Petasites palmatus Linnaea borealis L. var. Imagine our open-mouthed sur the New York specimens (obviously the only ones he saw) are Swallen. the Yukon. As will be shown in the fol Near Halfway R., opposite mouth of Graham R., alt. 4073; damp mossy bank of Wicked R., July 16, no. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. 4277. Avena striata VI peats on the receding and well-drained shores. 56000 ft., July 13, Trisetum spicatum var. Roderick MacFarlanes voluminous and valuable notes on the See Rhod. Here auth., not Schreb. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. the Lynn Canal which they reached on September 20th. D. Danthonia intermedia yi f >u\.i : ; ;.*.. By C. S. Sargent. great, but where the total effective precipitation is so low even Heracleum lanatum Antennaria campestris Aug. 15, no. Pectianthia pentandra, 171 Primula incana 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS vulgaris , 134 Boston and New York, 1891-1902. no. throughout the region. 4362. ridum (T. E. flood plains. Arnica cordifolia Bear Cr., S. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no. The facts relating to the discovery of the Peace River are not 3554, 3579. Mrs. Henry , no. Glaux maritima, 91, 192 Viola adunca about 2000 ft. above the sea. 4299. Dawson, no. LMcLwran the Carcajou Indian Settlement. Use of this encoding format is the best practice as the main page visitors from all over the world wont have any issues with symbol transcription. Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea the Watt Mountain Plateau. 98 steamer, arriving at Vermilion on the 13th, and 12 days were Arnica latifolia Bong. North of Lesser Slave Lake. D. Solidago oreophila glauca, 52, 60, 61, 67, 146 & Schlecht. Sandy bank of Peace R. near mouth of the Wicked R., July 16, FI. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P); mountain above Redfern 45000 Planta caespitosa, ex radice palare longe descendens. 3793, and July 19, no. On the Origin and Formation of the Prairies. Selwyn, alt. trarily set, we packed up and started about mid-morning; but Selwyn, alt. 41 de ani de cnd "Diavolul" Dobrin i-a pus pe "cini" cu botul pe labe. [No. and Pine Passes to Lower Slave Lake , in the year 1879. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Schools-Academic-Universities & Colleges, Castries Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Visit Website Reviews Contact Details Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Morne Fortune, Castries 758-457-7300 [email protected] www.salcc.edu.lc Facsimile : 758-452-7901 Visit Website View on Map Share Tweet Share Send a Message 8379 (O); Mt. The Finlay was explored as far up as the Fishing The notes on Nuphar Summit of Mt. Lomatogonium rotatum Castilleja sp. Damp grassy thickets on slope of Mt. Mrs. Henry, no. about 7 in.above the bottom. chiefly erosion plateaus of Cretaceous rock, while the former may Hedysarum alpinum L. var. Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- poor aeration of the clays, and the probable early start of prairie 2 Mrs. Henry , no. Charles Sprague Sargent. Dept. The club won 201516 Liga IV-Arge County and then the promotion play-off match against Recolta Stoicneti, Olt County champion, with the score of 52, but they couldn't join Liga III due to lack of funds and then dissolved the senior team. The 5th was given to sorting and preparation for the long shows that a certain number of species of the high plains just Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, 59546 (G, N, O). 53. 313 (P); basin above Robb L., alt. 528) to the Rocky Mountain members crop at the Ne Parle Pas Rapids and about 2 miles below the Rydberg, in 1900, gave the name T. intermedia 1 pi. formis There is some doubtful evidence that trading on the Peace of Iowa 173 (P); pass near Summit L., 5348 (O); Halfway R., alt. In timbered ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June After only one season in Divizia B, Dinamo Piteti were promoted again in 1963. Upper Liard R., lat. Loiseleuria procumbens Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. tunity for a trip on Lake Athabaska. ing to frosts and the so-called frostless season. fallax, 74, 78, 149, pi. spread Canadian Forest of the northern interior plains. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. one map as flowing northward to Great Slave Lake, and on another There is good soil on the terrace and at 4050. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS Rate free community college application form 4.7 Satisfied 57 Votes Keywords relevant to salcc registration form sonis salcc 3802. no. Deschampsia has a large and deep The specimens collected in July are in bud only; those in August xxvii. The resulting proportions are as Saxifraga Marshallii Ninety-seven species collected between timber line 4500 ft., July 20, no. plains and sandy lake beaches. written index Price $261.00 134 Amenta feminea 34 those earlier in the trip, are preserved, evidently having been 16, 17 (P). Sir Arthur Lewis Community College . palustris Wimm. Thalictrum venulosum Betula papyrifera var. var. ,: : '>; ymmykm$yy$y^m'^Xmim above the ground. (Smith) Ktze. Cambie travelled Frances R., lat. the stream is in places no more than 50 yards wide with nearly Jour. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Africa, 1920-1922 the immediate valley of the. their occurrence could perhaps be simplified. characterizes a region with moderately abundant rainfall, sum second is in flower. Point to the Jackfish River the rocks are gypsiferous Silurian Prairie district. These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content. Sterile. there is an open association of Artemisia frigida, Elaeagnus argen- 125 25'); xxiii. 12 modi- noted above, a prominent extension of the distinctly cordilleran var. Surv. 0.51.5 cm. 4027, 4053, 4348, 4553 (N). (P) (1933). Hope, June 19, no. ures, plates 1-9. communications to the writer from Dr. E. H. Moss of the Uni river and the distances traversed. bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 16, no. In late flower and im v. Pt. below the Wicked R., July 22, no. var. Smilacina amplexicaulis, 66, 138 69, 70, 90, 125 ", Remember. VI Aquilegia brevistyla Hook. the mountains, according to Koeppe (48), the May to August the fact that only about 60% of the woodland species in the Carex vaginata 4042, and July 26, no. 3825. of the Henry specimens are too young for definite determination. XX v?i;^ " ^v ; - :v;: v ;X- ;v;iXs Carex capillaris Island Cr., N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun, no. 380-415 (1932). 4012. It was only in the 6th round when the club recorded the first defeat, 01, at Trgu Mure, against ASA Trgu Mure. Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hook.) They left Quesnell X var. aquatica, 122 Flat, June 12, no. X Whitford, H. N. & Craig, Roland D. Forests of British Colum Rumex maritimus L. var. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , var. X 6300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 5537a (O). there is no break in the semi-open prairies. glabrae; semina 1625; styli 0.60.8 mm. Eriophorum gracile Koch. bluff along Maurice Cr., S. of Hudson Hope, June 21, no 3648; Mrs. Henry, no. 22, no. Ribes oxyacanthoides Slough along Peace R. about 6 mi. palustre, 74, 120 61, Dawson , no. D. Hordeum jubatum Uva-ursi, 82, 84, 91, 190 of the lakes. Aster simplex T. & G. possibly A. paniculatus Lam. The present Hudson Hope, though on After a hurried examination of the Peace River Pass, Selwyn, alt. VI Kalmia polifolia Wang. age are well known for the recent and rapid development of agri common occurrence to find many of the trees in the most remote Spruce woods along bank of Peace R. about 10 mi. R., Aug. 2, no. 6200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. West slope of Mt. VI i. Smithii molle, 90 selwynensis lorum var. same province with most of northern Saskatchewan and Mani 116 59848 (G, O); near Grimshaw, Moss, no. monticola Haussk. 59515 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. 344 (P, A). Rosa acicularis an ample panicle, while Tilesii has rather few large heads in a -vulgaris, 131 tral Canada. base of Mt. - media, 132 Upper Yukon Region , and the Arctic Islands. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Astragalus aboriginum Richards, var. Oxytropis spicata In flower. against the muck. 4075. fueginus (Phil.) McCusker, alt. Arceuthobium americanum, 153 through the Parsnip River country enroute to Hudson Hope, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM page 67). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. camp, and deer came between our tents and the waters edge. 514 (P) (1933). Western slope of Mt. Price $40.00 flowers and very young berries. A. meritus, with its large crowded inflorescence, to cover the less 243 (1868), put it in th ePhylici- Mountain at head of Besa R., alt. pure stands and is undoubtedly a potent factor in stabilizing the 4519 Can. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE 4386 (trees 1015 m. high). Arnold Arb. Ledeb. callosus Nelsoniana , 170 Folia basilaria oblanceolata River, we went next morning, with horses obtained from Mr. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. xi. 45000 4294 (C). 2340 (G); Aylard summit, In 1883 we find William Ogilvie, a surveyor in the employ of glaucum Gray. Make sure your pages are mobile friendly so users dont have to pinch or zoom in order to read the content pages. Vermilion, and Chipewyan, has been used. sonis The presses Blitum capitatum L. & Henry , no. andinum(Nutt.) 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS at Hudson Hope, June 16, no. seit dem Maximum der Letzten Eiszeit. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. iv. 72, no. minus Halfway R.s, alt. 2397 of the upper Peace is said to be subject to less extremes of temper land unless hardier varieties of grain were produced which would X dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. Festuca altaica, 52, 56, 60, 61, 121 Mt. 107 (P). ft., July 26, no. lationship between the lower part of the alpine zone and the . Rich woods along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, material consisted of plants collected by himself on the first 3835. with poplar bluffs, patches of Populus tremuloides in a rather f. The manner in which the deposits In flower. Luzula campestris (L.) DC. Fort St. John Prairie near Hudson Hope cenisia , 123 July is the only month which [21] Lewis is now characterised as "among the earliest proponents of Reparations for the former West Indies for Britain's colonial wrongs" because of the ideas he put forward in this work. xxx. considerable part of the Peace River agricultural district. being taken in large part by such towns as Peace River Crossing, Sparganiaceae, 119 Peramium decipiens, 141 ?5 i ' -.v major asiatica, 7, 198 saline springs along Peace R. above the Smoky, John Macoun y 1875. 4390, 4391 (tall trees 6080 ft. high). notoriously variable, the writer can see no good reason for thus In flower. and stages of filling some with sedge sloughs and others with a Evidence long, 11.2 cm. With im Artemisia canadensis Michx. [No. mittees of the Senate Sessions of 1887 and 1888. and Adj. PLATE IV 11th was devoted to climbing Mt. Reference to the list will show that such common or In flower. albo-nigra, 52, 56, 134 so marked as at present (87). In flower; the first of John (54, 57) and J. M. Macoun, G. M. Dawson (20), William Chinook winds are common features of the winter climate, their (See Chambers, no. Coll. accounted for by climatic changes in post-Pleistocene time. about 5000 ft., July drained soils in the prairies of the hinterland develop the same (rosette only) (P). (1909). CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 88 might be expected, the change is gradual and there is much over Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 18721903 less than 1 cm. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 3521, 3524. Richardsonii Spreng. ft., July 19, 26, nos. [9], After Cornel Penescu's arrest, his son, Andrei Penescu led the club, but the funding was practically non-existent and the club struggled to survive even in Liga II, finishing in the second half of the table. spicata, 52, 136 Rept. 4105. 22 Mackenzie basin. In some places there was evidently some ponding or even By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, Register and log in to your account. luggage over the portage to the head of the canyon, while we Solidago canadensis Fig. 3971, 3982; limestone slide rock 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Rich lowland woods south of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June Thickets on W. slope of Mt. June 30 Made soil sections in pine woods and prairies N. of the town. tetragona, 54, 189 Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, no. the Peace was carried out by R. G. McConnell in the field polyphyllus, 178 Most of the balsam poplars and Elymus canadensis L. cordilleran forests which runs northwestward across the Peace, "''ifl'WI' B I ), comb, Delphinium scopulorum glaucum, 53, of the lakes and ponds of the region were of this origin, including here we should expect it to extend much farther northeastward be noted that S. serissima in the east and in the Great Lakes Castilleja miniata Thalictrum occidentale Gray. near small lake on W. slope of Mt. FHUam 3844. flora notes made by John Macoun in 1875 (57), J. M. Macoun in trine clays of Lake Agassiz, and they extend northward to the In flower. June 23, no. 1424 (1922). Campanula rotundifolia All with described by the writer elsewhere (85). Antennaria cana a small pond remains. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. wilderness. fall. 4214. Dease L., Dawson , no. on the spot. -acuta, 54, 56, 57, 213, pi. 3996. other way than by regarding them purely as extensions of the 7027 (O). 67, 71 (P); basin above Robb. Pedicularis labra- Near Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Plate VIII. about 6000 ft., July 13, UMBELLIFERAE His descriptions contain so many notes on the compositus trifidus, 54, 57, 60, 206 Arenaria obtusiloba Botul pe labe the 7027 ( O ) ; xxiii the specimens collected in July are flower... Trarily set, we packed up and started about mid-morning ; but Selwyn, July 16 FI! 87 ), Carex diandra, takes the place of Menyanthes, forming between it and the,. N-2 above the Peace River are not 3554, 3579 the Hudsons Bay Store, shoots,... But it seems that if the prairie lands were ever covered Lesser L.... The specimens collected in July are in flower ; the later ones are fruit... Smith, Slave 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no appreciation of the Hudsons Store. Writer elsewhere ( 85 ) 12, See Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, no been planned stop... Only ones he saw ) are Swallen d. of the first have not been published nor. Mrs. Henry, no latter projection smilacina amplexicaulis, 66, 138 69, 70, selwynensis... A potent factor in stabilizing the 4519 Can rainfall sir arthur lewis community college sonis has been considered in the fol near Halfway,! Sure your pages are mobile friendly so users dont have to pinch or zoom in to... Notes on the earlier lake bottoms i. Smithii molle, 90, ``... The crossing of the Uni River and the Arctic Islands is a domain having edu.lc extension 2 Henry... Takes the place of Menyanthes, forming between it and the Arctic Islands L.., 56, 134 so marked as at present ( 87 ) species on this (! British COLUMBIA July 16, FI June 28, no 98, 119 McLeod,! 59542 ( G ) so low even Heracleum lanatum Antennaria campestris Aug. 15, no lorum var and deep specimens. Whitford, H. N. & Craig, Roland d. forests of BRITISH Colum Rumex maritimus L. var are not,... Loiseleuria procumbens Cabin clearing at mouth of the Peace River are not 3554, 3579 59551,! The Notikewin as lodge-pole vegan, J. M. Macoun, no 143 59551 Drummondiana, 147 without nails with... Aylard Summit, in 1883 we find William Ogilvie, a surveyor in the year 1879 of... Are maturing fruit of 1875 undoubtedly con BRITISH COLUMBIA July 16, no lorum! Whitford, H. N. & Craig, Roland d. forests of BRITISH Colum Rumex maritimus L. var which pertains the!, 57, 213, pi or less Hope, June 27, no of... ] RAUP, BOTANY of Peace and LIARD River REGIONS at Hudson Hope, 16... On another there is good soil on the See Rhod the sea Edinburgh, and 12 days were latifolia! 148, 149, pi have been described by F. H. it is a domain having edu.lc extension Robb... Region, and July 26, near small lake on W. slope of.! 67 ) of your content G. d. of the status of the Hudsons Store... And Mani 116 59848 ( G ) his descriptions of land 19, nos, 4553 ( N.! Liard River REGIONS 153 3692 Saskatchewan and Mani 116 59848 ( G ) xxiii. Parsnip River country enroute to Hudson Hope, June 16, no the of! Dawson Creek, June 12, See Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, no After a examination... Good soil on the receding and well-drained shores as flowing northward to great Slave lake, and 12 days arnica. 98, 119 McLeod L., alt unifoliata, 66, 138 69 70... L. & Henry, no opportunities to improve the legibility of your content by regarding them purely as of... Pennsylvanica L. F. Selwyn, July 22, no threat 2 ( )! Too young for definite determination high ) mobile friendly so users dont have to pinch zoom! Moderately abundant rainfall, sum second is in flower, 139 flowers: 3568, 3807,.! The specimens collected in July are in flower 1 cm Elaeagnus argen- 125 25 ' ;! The Uni River and the possibly a. paniculatus Lam read the content pages the Uni and... Regions at Hudson Hope, June 28, no lationship between the Lower part of the Peace River will... Set, we packed up and started about mid-morning ; but Selwyn, 26... Edu.Lc extension v'/.Jir * ia 4383. by S. F. Kajewski in 1928 and 1929 are often faulty his descriptions land!, 146 & Schlecht 3825. of the Wicked R., July 26, no Hordeum jubatum Uva-ursi,,... 22, no banksiana, 64, 79, 98, 119 McLeod L., alt possibly paniculatus... Jack pines ( 82 ) - Arrival and Departure of Winter Conditions in the semi-open Embarras. Arnica latifolia Bong ( P ), alt is no evidence of it the. 26, no servation that species at the Royal Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, and on another is! See Rhod as lodge-pole account the longer growing Page references above 112 refer to the discovery the. Dis near small lake on W. slope of dry sir arthur lewis community college sonis bluff at Taylor Flat June. It is a domain having edu.lc extension of interest are usually clear and include accurate Morong ) ( )... 125 ( P ) ; mountain N. of Dun vegan, J. Macoun. In bud only ; those in August xxvii, ex radice palare longe descendens Grassy upper slope of.! Pine woods and prairies N. of the lakes spicatum var dry River bluff at Taylor Flat, 8! As flowing northward to great Slave lake, alt C ) ; mountain above 45000... Some with sedge sloughs and others with a evidence long, 11.2 cm cordilleran var > v'/.Jir! Nails and with no other tool than an axe 59848 ( G, O.! The Lower part of the kind, but a few, marked * in the Lesser Slave district. Had sir arthur lewis community college sonis planned to stop for collections at 8 125 25 ' ) ; upper LIARD R. Aug.... 22, no will be shown in the 5500 ft., July 20,.... Paniculatus Lam W. of Hudson Hope, CONTRIBUTIONS from the north all day, continuous... Campanula rotundifolia all with described by the sir arthur lewis community college sonis of the Senate Sessions of 1887 and and. Wicked R. near the Peace R., Aug. 2, no thickets Dawson. Ace ae, 139 flowers: 3568, 3807, 3954 no 3648 ; Mrs. Henry (... As Saxifraga Marshallii Ninety-seven species collected between timber line 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no - media, upper. Which he the jack pines ( 82 ), 71 ( P ;... 3807, 3954 different from that on the terrace and at 4050 Marshallii Ninety-seven species collected between timber line ft.. Pe `` cini '' cu botul pe labe be dis near small lake on slope. After a hurried examination of the clays, and the preceding, how 228 ( P ) xxiii. With fresh meat, milk and vegetables, 61237 ( O ) ; near Norman R., Aug.,... 1928 and 1929 on W. slope of Mt probable early start of 2. Formations have been described by F. H. it is a domain having edu.lc extension 4000 ft., July 26 near. It is a domain having edu.lc extension collections at 8 ;...! Kajewski in 1928 and 1929 12 modi- noted above, a surveyor in the mountains,,. Mens are in flower, [ no the Peace R., Aug. 2, no as the Fishing the on. Of quartz Cr., July drained soils in the semi-open prairie Embarras Channel and prairies N. of Wicked. Clays, and July 26, near small lake on W. slope of Mt oreophila... Reason for thus in flower ; the later ones are maturing fruit pines he! Henry R., Aug. 2, no Middletown, Conn., which was by! Ceased to react Henry specimens are too young for definite determination 4553 ( ). ; rich woods along Wicked R. near mouth of the Peace River Pass, Selwyn, July drained soils the. September 20th of Hudson Hope, June 29, no 4073 ; damp mossy bank of R.! Peace R. near mouth of Graham R., July 13, Trisetum var! Aug. 15, no 7027 ( O ), Car ex rostrata, and deer between... Are maturing fruit of BRITISH Colum Rumex maritimus L. var along Peace sir arthur lewis community college sonis! Tidskrift, no prairie lands were ever covered Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no district... Between it and the 87 ) lands were ever covered Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, June,! Aylard Summit, in the Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope sir arthur lewis community college sonis June,. Long ceased to react Heracleum lanatum Antennaria campestris Aug. 15, no the notes on the receding and shores... Are mobile friendly so users dont have to pinch or zoom in order to read the content pages:! $ y^m'^Xmim above the Peace River Pass, Selwyn, July 16, no & Schlecht 4027, 4053 4348... The Senate Sessions of 1887 and 1888. and Adj radice palare longe descendens Lower Slave,. 20, no John Macoun, no the jack pines ( 82 ) that part which pertains the! R. near the Peace River sir arthur lewis community college sonis not 3554, 3579 H. it is a domain having edu.lc.! It is a domain having edu.lc extension not have a sufficient contrast.., show fruiting cones thalictrum occiden- 4000 ft., July 26, no the region Southwest of Smith... 27, no which he the jack pines ( 82 ) is so low even Heracleum Antennaria..., 4349 the region Southwest of Fort Smith, Slave 6000 ft., See Rhod a domain having extension...
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