But when he and his crew started getting slammed by 12-metre waves and 80km/h winds as they journeyed towards Tasmania, Oxley knew something wasnt right. Bass Straight is exposed to the Roaring 40s that blow across the southern coastline of Australia. [4] The Australian military would conduct an extensive search of the area. On July 21st, the USS Paul Hamilton again reported seeing a group of drones. The widest opening is about 350km (220mi) between Cape Portland on the northeastern tip of Tasmania and Point Hicks on the Australian mainland. The USS Kidd, another Arleigh Burke class destroyer, was also nearby, but did not report a visual sighting of the drones. Included among the documents were other images, now highly recognizable from video leaks and congressional hearings. Subsequent release of video from the Navy makes it more likely that the small dark dots in the images of the Bass Strait are part of the structure of the ship than drones. DroneSec CEO Mike Monnik told us that incidents involving multiple drones have increased significantly worldwide since 2019. Finally, a photograph of one of the drones was included with the report: While our initial investigation focused on the cluster of drone events in July described above, these new records also indicate that at least two other significant drone swarm events occurred in the waters off Southern California earlier in 2019. The Bosporus allows access from the Black Sea to the Aegean, onward to the Mediterranean, and through the Strait of Gibraltar, finally to the Atlantic. This prompted Governor King to send two vessels from Sydney to the island to establish a garrison at Hobart.[11]. . The images from the incident include these photographs of what appears to be the Bass Strait. The submarine topography of Bass Strait. This program is a FRONTLINE co-production with The New York Times and Granada Television. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The nation's most dangerous job, fishing for Alaskan . It made use of four independent engines, with the likelihood of all four engines failing at the same time being almost universally dismissed. In addition to the technical challenges posed by drones, the Department of Defense has also struggled to encourage aviators and service members to report what they see, even if they cant clearly identify it. It also states that communication was never established with the nearby pleasure craft, though a standard UAS warning script was read over the radio. These features form sills separating Bass Basin from the adjacent ocean basins. But having sailed through the passage, he confirmed it separated the two large islands of New Zealand. Victoria has several marine national parks in Bass Strait, and are all adjacent to the mainland coastline: A number of oil and gas fields exist in the eastern portion of Bass Strait, in what is known as the Gippsland Basin. The War Zone has previously created an interactive database of drone incidents reported to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), accessible here. 1.Gulf of Guinea. Read about more mysterious incidents around the world on 10 Bizarre Paranormal Encounters From Old Europe and 10 Paranormal Investigations And Encounters In Africa. Hendrich, J.H., Palmer, I.D., and Schwebel, D.A., 1992, Fortescue Field, Gippsland Basin, Offshore Australia, In Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade, 1978-1988, AAPG Memoir 54, Halbouty, M.T., editor, Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Jack Loney, Mysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle, Neptune Press, 1st ed. What can happen in Bass Strait continues to weigh on psyches and race plans even if it may technically not all be transpiring in Bass Strait. What makes Bass Strait a gnarly part of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race? And why is the Malacca Strait so important for China and the rest of Asia and the World? He made two more crossings of Bass Strait before he died attempting to cross the Tasman Sea in February 2007. Read more explainers here. The circumstances of these incidents vary widely. Drone swarms are an increasingly common occurrence, though precise statistics about the total number and severity of incidents are hard to come by. CROSSING THE BASS STRAIT. But just as smaller boats get closer to Tasmania, those winds will adjust to be south-easterly on Wednesday, which will present them with challenges as they attempt to make it down the Tasmanian coast. [30], The first crossing by paddleboard was made by Jack Bark, Brad Gaul and Zeb Walsh, leaving Wilsons Promontory in Victoria on 25 February 2014 and arriving at Cape Portland in northeastern Tasmania on 4 March 2014. Whether there is a connection or not is unclear, but in the immediate weeks before and following the Fred Valentich encounter, a wave of strange sightings broke out across the coastlines of Tasmania and Victoria.[7]. Like the Tasman Sea, the Bass Strait is heavily influenced by weather patterns and at the same time, the severity of the waves varies depending on which side of the Strait you are on. Meaning of place name. This email confirms that at least some ships were entirely without CUAS equipment, which was less common in the 2019 timeframe. Most notably the Kent Group National Park covers the Kent Group islands of Tasmania, as well as the surrounding state waters which is a dedicated marine reserve. [29], In 1971 lone rower David Bowen from Mount Martha crossed Bass Strait in a 6.1m (20ft) dory, leaving from Devonport he landed on Wilson's Promontory. The U.S. It is 22 kilometres (14 mi) wide at its narrowest point, and is considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable waters in the world. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. Though some of these incidents involved things like attempts to hack civilian light displays, many fall in the realm of more nefarious activities. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music. When the ice melted - a process estimated to have taken 6,000 years - Bass Strait formed and became . The surface of the King Island Rise also occurs in water depths of less than 50m (160ft), and includes the shallow (40m[130ft]) Tail Bank at its northern margin as well as King Island itself. It has an average depth of just 60 metres, presenting risks to less experienced sailors who are used to navigating in deep ocean waters. Bass Strait is relatively narrow, says Nichol. At times it becomes dangerous because of its narrowness and acute turns the ships have to take. The crew allegedly claimed they could hear the sound of a plane around them, and there were even several reports of an aerial machine coming toward them. However, few people know about the Bab-El-Mandeb Strait, which lies on the Red Sea between Djibouti and Yemen. Though there are relatively few details, a briefing slide describes that multiple drones were observed, with some coming as close as 200 yards (closest point of approach; CPA) to the ships bow. In congressional testimony, defense officials explained that "the triangular appearance is a result of light passing through the night vision goggles, and then being recorded by an SLR camera.". While that has been covered here before, the first two points on our list share bizarre connections to the famous case, so thats where well start. By Les Christie @CNNMoney July 27, 2012: 5:47 AM ET. The domestic sea route is serviced by two Spirit of Tasmania passenger vehicle ferries, based in Devonport, Tasmania. Jennings, J. N. (1958). As he surveyed the area, a huge bronze disc came out of the clouds and settled alongside the plane for several moments before vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.[9]. In 1978, one of the most famous UFO incidents in Australian history occurred over Bass Strait. The national park is wholly contained by the Beagle Commonwealth Marine Reserve. [16]:484 These oil fields include the Halibut Field discovered in 1967, the Cobia Field discovered in 1972, the Kingfish Field, the Mackerel Field, and the Fortescue Field discovered in 1978. A reference to both the drones and the RF data can be seen below: In addition to the USS Russell, the USS Paul Hamilton also reported observing multiple drones on July 30th. There are many reports of ships vanishing in the Bass Strait during the 19th century. The Marlin reservoir, for example, has 300m of vertical closure covering an area of 137 sq km while to the southeast the smaller Halibut reservoir has a vertical closure of approximately 160m and an areal extent of 27 sq km. Meanwhile, America's adversaries, especially China, are investing massively into drone swarm capabilities, especially for use in the maritime environment, for wartime use and for dual-role applications. Tuesday night, Steve Olin and Tim Crews, young men who pitched for the Cleveland Indians, were killed when Crews' bass boat . 3rd ed. While the Department of Defense spokesperson acknowledged our questions, they have not provided a comment at the time of writing. so a higher than normal number of incidents can only to be expected. Battlefield commanders in Syria and Afghanistan have both had to constantly contend with drone threats. These events were significantly less clear than the earlier incidents. This is in part because traditional deck logs were not available from Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) due to their use of digital records. In our initial investigation, public affairs officials from the Navy, Coast Guard, and Federal Bureau of Investigations all either declined to comment or referred our questions to the Department of Defenses spokesperson handling the unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) issue. The shipwrecks on the Tasmanian and Victorian coastlines number in the hundreds, although stronger metal ships and modern marine navigation have greatly reduced the danger. The issue of planes, ships and people having been lost in the strait over time has spawned a number of theories. Over the last few years, we have completed around $600 million of decommissioning works in Bass Strait, including successfully removing the Seahorse and Tarwhine facilities . The flinders municipality covers four groups of Bass Strait islands off the north-eastern tip of Tasmania: the Furneaux, Kent, Hogan and Curtis groups. He says that while his father had gone inside his shed after taking the picture, Jason remained outside watching the sky. After the 1998 race, organisers made changes to safety regulations, including a more detailed compulsory safety briefing. Indigenous Australians crossed into Tasmania via the Bassian Plain tens of thousands of years ago. DroneSec cited a 2020 Department of Justice audit focused on the use of drones in delivering prison contraband as an example of how swarm technology is increasingly used in practice. Bass Strait sea conditions and wind forecast. A briefing slide from the USS Russell shows that the ship observed two groups of lights over a period of about three hours. These new documents leave little doubt in that regard. Associated with the less than 50m (160ft)-deep Bassian Rise is the Furneaux Islands, the largest of which is Flinders Island (maximum elevation 760m[2,490ft]). The first windsurfer crossing was in 1982 by Mark Paul and Les Tokolyi. bangalore north university migration certificate; deborah tannen gender theory; fertility and sterility science impact factor. Similar briefings were prepared by other Navy vessels involved in the incidents. Geoscience Australias Nichol is quick to add that this is not a constant; its actually the worst-case scenario with upwelling less likely during summer but the East Australian Current is always there. Speculation has swirled around these incidents in the last year, following high-profile leaks of night vision video footage depicting objects with an apparent triangular shape overflying Navy vessels. The final hurdle for any Bass Strait crossing is the last step to the Tasmanian mainland across Banks Strait, theoretically the most dangerous part of the whole crossing. The winds get funnelled through . Youve got waves colliding with your currents, says Nichol, and thats where you get very steep, very dangerous waves forming. It is a narrow and deep strait. CTO Jared Page added that definitely in the last two years there has been a marked increase in activity related to swarms. The companys threat intelligence database has registered approximately 151 swarm incidents in that time. in the Bass Strait and off the coast of northern and eastern Australia . The timing and interaction of those winds can vary a lot depending on the nature of the front., Wild Oats XI and other yachts in a heavy swell enter the Pacific Ocean from Sydney, the point at which the race is just getting going.Credit:Getty Images, And low-pressure systems appear to have a liking for southeast Australia.
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