• Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), is an intergovernmental regional organization established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the Member States. The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is an intergovernmental organization involving seven Asian and three Eurasian nations, part of the South- central Asian Union. definition of family. Kyrgyz Republic-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran (KTAI) Railway Total length is around 2155 km. It is planned to start operating the route in October 2014. The major objective of the ICA is to promote and strengthen autonomous cooperative • Training Course on TIR for Afghanistan, (Mashhad, June 2012). • Capacity building activities are initiated for promoting the accession of the ECO member states to ADR. The COVID-19 crisis has hit Turkey’s people and economy hard. It provides a platform to discuss ways to improve development and promote trade and investment opportunities. • Training Course on TIR for Pakistan (Ankara, May 2013). 2020 CTI Annual Report to Ministers Download . Presentation of activities on implementation of TTFA and promotion of accession to/implementation of international legal instruments facilitating transit transport (18, 20, 22 August 2014, Pakistan). It was preceded by the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), which was established in 1964 by these same countries. company, Economic Cooperation Organization and DOCCU in a Nutshell - . ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (ECO) Presentation of activities on implementation of TTFA and promotion of accession to/implementation of international legal instruments facilitating transit transport (18, 20, 22 August 2014, Pakistan) Zukhra Abisheva, Programme Officer, Directorate of Transport and Communications Potential of the ECO region Consisting of ten member countries of the … The region lies at the heart of the main North-South and East-West corridors. ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (ECO) – MEMBER NATIONS 2. Erfahren Sie mehr. The total length of Sangan (Iran)-Herat Railway line is 191 km out of which 76 km in the Iranian territory has already been constructed. OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PPP Public-private partnership SDGs Sustainable Development Goals UN United Nations WTO World Trade Organization . The D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation together with the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (... Read more. The aim is to investigate the ways in which cooperatives can act as agents towards sustainable community development. Sie ist eine Nachfolgeorganisation der Organisation Regionale Zusammenarbeit für Entwicklung (RCD von Regional Cooperation for Development), die von 1964 bis … the organization of cooperation Traditionally, economic theory has by and large been a theory of markets or, more precisely, about market prices. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) The Purpose-The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives.Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. • More than 70 percent of the variation in per capita income can be explained by the proximity of a country to key markets. eco highlights. It succeeded Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), which was founded in 1964 to promote cooperation among the three Member States. THE EXPERIENCE WITH REGIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATIONS 3 and on selected regional experiences (Chandra and Kumar 2008 for East Asia, UNDP 2003 for reviews of East Africa, Southern Africa, Latin America, and the Gulf States). B�i�^O��"��ʌ=�4 ���,�'��C(S� m��ӃT2�L� The Global Program Director of the D-8 HSP, Dr. Die meisten Mitglieder gehören zu den Ländern mit hohem Pro-Kopf-Einkommen und gelten als entwickelte Länder. • The scope of the Project includes three subcomponents: • providing consultancy services to produce analytical reports, a priority investment plan etc. The Qazvin-Rasht-Astara-Astara Railway Project The Railway Project has three parts. The Adobe Flash plugin is needed to view this content. Presentation of activities on implementation of TTFA and promotion of accession to/implementation of international legal instruments facilitating transit transport (18, 20, 22 August 2014, Pakistan). • ECO is mandated to organize Regional Partnership Forum with participation of national, regional and international organizations and funding institutions to implement projects envisaged in the ECO Road and Rail Network Development Plans.. • The study on the customs provisions of the TTFA is the remaining component to be implemented at the second phaseof the Project with technical support of UNECE and UNCTAD. Currently, it is joined by other Die ECO hat ihren Sitz in Teheran ().Ihr derzeitiger Generalsekretär ist seit August 2018 Hadi Soleimanpour aus dem Iran. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) TTFA is ECO’s the basic document in the transport sector, providing backgrounds for a historical movement toward reduction of cost and acceleration of the transport services through harmonization and modernization of transit transport in the region TTFA is in force since 2006 with the ratification of the Parliaments of eight Member States: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Turkey • OBJECTIVES: • Facilitation of movement of goods and passengers • Ensuring the safety of goods and passengers and avoiding unnecessary delays during the transit traffic • Cooperation and coordination of the efforts to avoid the incidence of customs frauds and tax evasion • Harmonizing necessary administrative affairs dealing with transit traffic, RailwayCommittee Road Committee TTCC Customs Transit Committee Insurance Committee ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) A special mechanism and a FUND has been established to coordinate, support and monitor the implementation of the TTFA TRANSIT TRANSPORT COORDINATION COUNCIL, ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) Implementation of road and customs provisions of the TTFA being administered y Road and Customs Transit Committees of TTCC: Article 5: Customs Duties, Taxes and other Levies and Charges Article 9: Measures designed to expedite clearance of Transit Traffic Article 10 Safety of Transit Traffic Article 14 Traffic Regulations Article 15 Road Transport Permits Article 17: Temporary Admission of Means of Transport Article 20 Mutual Recognition of Driving Licenses   Article 21 Mutual Recognition of Certificate of Road Worthiness Article 24: Transit Services Article 28: Setting up Customs Transit System Article 29: Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Article 30: Consolidation and Alignment of Documentation Article 31: Notification of Change in Documentation and Procedures Article 32: Basic Documentation and Procedures Article 34: Domestic Legislation Article 35: International Conventions, ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) ANNEXES to the TTFA : ANNEX-I Prescribed road, rail and inland waterway transit routes ANNEX-II Minimum technical characteristics of transit roads ANNEX-III Minimum technical characteristics of railway transit transport ANNEX-IV Technical requirements of road vehicles ANNEX-V Motor Vehicles Third Party Insurance ANNEX-VI Rules of Carriage by Road Transport ANNEX-VII Customs Control. Übersetzung Französisch-Englisch für Organization for Economic coopération and Development im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) List of international conventions and agreements, mentioned in the TTFA and recommended by the TTCC: i.. Convention on Road Traffic, 1968 ii. funded by: federal department of economic, ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION (APEC) INFORMATION SESSION - . Agreement concerning International Carriage of Passenger (SMPS). Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. The paper is a descriptive survey, which involves the collection of data for the purpose of describing the role of cooperative societies in economic development. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Trade Organization are working on a joint initiative to help policymakers, academics and the public at large better understand trade in the 21st century. lequiller françois and derek blades, 2006, under standing national accounts, Introduction The World Trade Organization (WTO/GATT) The United Nations (UN) and UNCTAD Organization for Economic, Comparable Health Data Between Canada and the U.S. - Comparable health data between canada and the u.s. many, Economic cooperation between China and Asian developing countries in the context of innovation - Chengfeng di beijing, ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA), ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA), ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA, ECO’s projects to develop road and railway corridors, Kyrgyz Republic-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran (KTAI) Railway, Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran Railway Project, The Qazvin-Rasht-Astara-Astara Railway Project. The feasibility study for the sub-segment between Faryab and Mazare-Sharif is due to be completed in2014. focus on grassroots. • Capacity building workshops/training workshops, held in • 2012-2013: • The ECO/UNECE Workshop on Unified Railway Law (Ankara, June 2012) • The Regional Training Course on Third Party Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (ECO White Cart), Tehran, November 2012, in partnership with the International Green Card Council of Bureaux • The 2nd ECO/IRU Regional Conference on Transit Transport and the TIR System, Istanbul June- July 2012. APEC Senior Officials' Report on Economic and Technical Cooperation 2020 Download. by: alan meyer. <SPEAKER_NAME> <ORGANIZATION> <SPEAKER_EMAIL> - <project_title>. 1964 regional cooperation for development (rcd) 1985. - . Convention on the Contract for the International carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), 1956 and Protocol to this Convention , 1978 xviii. The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. 1.1.4 However, in spite of the enthusiasm for and creation of a large number of regional integration organizations, African economies continue to be constrained by political boundaries, marginalized, and remain un-integrated into the rapidly asia pacific economic cooperation. First, markets do not function properly unless suitable contracts can be formulated and enforced. ; • appear to be today of utmost importance for Governments of newly independent States who need to build their transport regulations in line with those existing in the European countries. Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (englisch Economic Cooperation Organization, ECO) wurde 1985 von Iran, Pakistan und der Türkei gegründet mit der Grundidee, eine Art Freihandelszone zu schaffen.. Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC, 1948) - European coal and steel community, 1951 france, italy, Economic Integration Among The Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation Countries - . PPT – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Global Science Forum PowerPoint presentation | free to download - id: 17f4dc-ZjYyN. Sitz der Organisation und ihrer Vorg… • The 3rd ECO/IRU Regional Conference on Transit Transport and the TIR System, Tehran, 15 September 2014. The 10th Summit Meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was held in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, on 11th March, 2009. © 2020 SlideServe | Powered By DigitalOfficePro, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E N D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. • Studies on road, rail and insurance provisions of the TTFA under the subcomponent “consultancy services” have been successfully completed and resulted in preparing: • 1. The Adobe Flash plugin is needed to view this content. Audioaussprache auf Englisch anhören. Length of railways is exceeding 52,000 km). > Information note > Brochure. National Accounts - . Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation - Harry scannell mekarim elmekki ivy chen. Field visits to the construction site (May and November 2013) noted the remarkable progress at Qazvin-Rasht segment of the Project. Economic Cooperation Organization Summit (Connectivity for Regional Prosperity) Pakistan Economic Survey 2016-17 272 Council of Ministers & Senior Officials Meetings The Summit was preceded by Council of Ministers Meeting on 28 th February 2017 which was chaired by the Adviser to Prime Minister, Mr. Sartaj Aziz. The Organization of Regional Cooperation for Development or with its acronym the RCD was founded in 1964 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey, with the aim of promoting economic integration and technical and cultural cooperation among member states, in order to raise their living standards and to conribute to their efforts of economic development. The Council reviewed progress made since its last meeting. Zukhra Abisheva, Programme Officer, ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (ECO) Presentation of activities on implementation of TTFA and promotion of accession to/implementation of international legal instruments facilitating transit transport (18, 20, 22 August 2014, Pakistan) Zukhra Abisheva, Programme Officer, Directorate of Transport and Communications. Get powerful tools for managing your contents. See all publications. iv. • The Regional Workshop on Third Party Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, Istanbul, 2nd September 2014. Well-designed support to households and firms that is aligned with a return to macroeconomic stability, and reforms to improve competition and labour laws, institutions and business would help to build a lasting recovery, according to a new OECD report. Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was established in 1985 by Iran, Turkey and Pakistan. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a regional economic forum established in 1989 to leverage the growing interdependence of the Asia-Pacific. Several explanations have been developed: Cooperation is necessary for the organization of society and production, so it is cultivated through socialization, education, experience, and/or force (i.e. vi. • Capacity building programmes being held and planned for 2014: • Capacity Building Workshop on TIR for Pakistan, Islamabad, August 2014. Only 32 km is the remaining segment in the territory of Turkmenistan. Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF). Get the plugin now 2020 APEC Economic Policy Report Download. Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. APEC's 21 members aim to create greater prosperity for the people of the region by promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure growth and by accelerating regional economic integration. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) The status of accession to/ implementation of the international conventions and agreements, mentioned in the TTFA, are being pursued by TTCC and its technical committees The international conventions and agreements are directed to: • provide the international legal and technical framework for the development of international road, rail, inland waterway and combined transport ; • address a wide array of transport issues which fall under the responsibility of Governments; • have an impact on international transport. . It provides a platform to discuss ways to improve development and promote trade, and investment opportunities. PK ! In 1895, International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), a non-governmental organization was established as umbrella organisation to promote friendly and economic relations between cooperative organizations of all types, nationally and internationally. PPT – Organisation for Economic CoOperation and Development OECD Survey of teachers, teaching and learning PowerPoint presentation | free to download - id: 9c077-NGJmM. ECO currently is engaged in energy crisis resolution and meetings are being held in Tehran. . xii. Economic Cooperation Organization, kurz ECO) wurde 1985 von Iran, Pakistan und der Türkei gegründet mit der Grundidee, eine Art Freihandelszone zu schaffen. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA The ECO Railway Network Development Plan identifies 40 regionally important projects for priority development with a total length of 12,298 km railway lines and with estimated cost $43,4billion. Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OWZE,[2] englisch Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD; französisch Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, OCDE) ist eine internationale Organisation mit 36 Mitgliedstaaten, die sich der Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft verpflichtet fühlen. The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was established in 1985, as an intergovernmental regional organization by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical, financial and cultural cooperation among the member states. However, there are at least two reasons why economic science should extend beyond price theory. European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) xv.. Convention on Transit Trade of Landlocked Countries, 1965 xvi. Current members are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, vii. In 1999, the Regional Economic Monitoring Unit, which became the Office of Regional Economic Integration in 2005, was established to drive ADB’s regional cooperation agenda. APEC Regional Trends Analysis - New Virus, Old Challenges and Rebuilding a Better Asia-Pacific; APEC amid COVID-19: Navigating Risks and Opportunities toward Resilience Download. �~��b [Content_Types].xml �(� Ę�n�0������n�"N/v�ڡ@��l&�fK��d��O>" �Z���&���L��,2ځ҅�)I�9��g"/�:%���nH� �9+���A����W�ǽ��\�dc���Tg����n�������jM%���5Ы���f��ffjd��iT�Ctϔ��*�Ji�.�M�~���E}j���S¤,���Nw�;�U�A.�me��R����ϫ2n����R?���|c{�5]$ڋ(4�m��8�n^��3�ض4ї'+�V���O�QT����c��δ��o5�^$(o����lG��#���E�:�WB�s{{���o�xL�9�}q�N��UN%{��#�:����V�#�� $8zC0v�|NBc����A$��P�`�9��Ԑ� �#39b���' ~d���خl�=�)�~&{Ϗ�#3��\y�r?�]���/�32'8� • Regional Capacity Building Workshop on the UN Agreement ADR, Ankara, 2014. The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is an intergovernmental regional organization which was established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. Cooperatives are an almost universal form of organization today found in practically all countries and used by people in many ways. ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT 00_first.book Page 1 Tuesday, May 25, 1999 10:15 AM. Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). ECO Road Network Development Plan • 3. Economic Cooperation Organization Bedeutung, Definition Economic Cooperation Organization: → ECO. Schiff and Winters (2002) provide a use-ful overview of some key factors that help generate cooperative solutions, especially trust and external assistance, … The International Green Card System on MVTPL Policy. OECD-WTO joint database economic cooperation as integral building blocks for continental cooperation and economic development. x. a social group characterized by . sergio beraldo (university of naples “federico ii” & icer). The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is an intergovernmental organization involving seven Asian and three Eurasian nations, part of the South- central Asian Union. The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. Length of asphalted roads is exceeding 550,000 km. Wie man Economic Cooperation Organization ausspricht. promoting regional cooperation and development in central, INDIA-NEPAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION PROGRAMME - . • The ECO Road Network Development Plan outlines 47 regionally important infrastructure projects on road for priority development with a total length of approximately 11,450 km and estimated cost $21 billion. • The Project anticipated assisting ECO to make plans for the implementation of TTFA where eight out of ten member states are the Contracting Parties to TTFA. 7 The • ECO is the successor organization of Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) which remained in existence from 1964 up to 1979. • The report on the insurance component represents the comprehensive information on the status of MVTPL insurance scheme in the member states, including information and recommendations for implementation of the White Card Scheme. This paper examines the role of cooperative societies in economic development. The United States is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is an international organization composed of 36 member states with market-based economies.. �WJ����� ��u���%L�Q4C��. ECO’s projects to develop road and railway corridors • High Level Working Groups established under the aegis of ECO • to operationalize the ECO corridors: • ECO Container Train on Istanbul – Almaty route • ECO Container Train on Bandar Abbas - Almaty; route • ECO Container train on Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul route; • Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul (ITI) Road Transport Corridor; • Kyrgyz Republic-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran (KTAI) Road Transport Corridor • Infrastructure projects of regional significance being pursued • under the aegis of ECO: • Construction of railway with standard gauge from China to Europe through the Kyrgyz Republic-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran (KTAI) • Construction of Railway between Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran • Qazvin-Rasht-Astara (Iran)-Astara (Azerbaijan) Railway Construction Project. The Economic Cooperation Organization or ECO is an Asian political and economic intergovernmental organization which was founded in 1985 in Tehran by the leaders of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. The idea of cooperation is not new to man. Convention on road signs and signals, 1968. iii. Economic Cooperation Organization Aussprache. Potential of the ECO region Consisting of ten member countries of the central and western Asia:, the ECO region occupies 5.3% of total world land area and with 430 million population (2011), enjoys 6.2 % of total world population, has the high potential of mass movement of cargo/passeng.er. which includes coherent international infrastructure networks, uniform and simplified border-crossing procedures and uniform rules and regulations aimed at ensuring a high level of efficiency, safety and environmental protection in transport. Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (engl. A presentation on the ECO activities Transport facilitation for landlocked countries ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION April 2009 Directorate of Transport and Communications • Nine of the world’s twenty poorest countries are landlocked. the stakes for russia. in the late 1990s, indian economic cooperation in, Cooperation - . apec –, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program (CAREC) - . Regulations concerning International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). Economic Cooperation Organization: neighbors, yet strangers! The Economic Theory of Social Institutions - . compiled & researched by prgmea. We work with governments to understand what drives economic, social and … The OEEC was created in 1948 to administer the Marshall Plan and supervise Europe’s post-war recovery. The significance of the Project is to make up the missing link along the internationally recognized “North-South” Corridor. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA • Technical Assistance Agreement (Grant) was signed between ECO and IDB (2009 ) to prepare a Regional Program for the implementation of TTFA with the total amount US$512,000. The ECO intergovernmental machinery and institutional arrangements, as one of the most prominent regional economic groups in the world, are vividly interacting with the emerging and trending global issues, particularly the UN-sponsored global agendas. • Training Course on TIR for Afghanistan (Ankara, 2012). Economic cooperation is not only increasingly present in policy documents of donor countries, but also both the objectives and the conditions of international cooperation have gradually evolved towards a type of cooperation that is increasingly linked to the economic field. Agreement on International Carriage of Goods (SMGS). The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was established in 1985, as an intergovernmental regional organization by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical, financial and cultural cooperation among the member states. ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (ECO). Pakistan’s Role in ECO. Get the plugin now The cooperatives are formed to secure low cost credit, to purchase supplies and equipment for farming and household needs, to market products, even to secure many services, like electric … In 1992, the Organization welcomed in … . no man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main – john, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Maintaining Cyber Security in the Central Asia and Beyond - . readings. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, international organization founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. • . The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC; / eɪ p ɛ k / AY-pek) is an inter-governmental forum for 21 member economies in the Pacific Rim that promotes free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran Railway Project Total length is 900 km The Iranian segment (90 Km) and the segment in Kazakhstan (146 km) were completed and INAUGURATED in May 2013. ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (ECO). Contract for International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV). v. Agreement governing the exchange and use of coaches in international traffic (RIC). ix . xiii. Two parts, namely, Qazvin-Rasht and Rasht-Astara with a total length of about 369 km are located in Iran, and the 3rd part (less than 10 km) is located in Azerbaijan. ITU regulations for inland Waterway Navigation. Out of this 215 km is in China, 194 km in Kyrgyzstan, 496 km in Tajikistan, 1250 km (from Sherkhan Bandar to Herat is in Afghanistan. ; • organizing training workshops • establishing Project Management Unit (PMU). introduction. Currently, it is joined by other . The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. common residence economic. presented by: dato’ n.vasudevan senior director asia, Shanghai Cooperation Organization - . ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA • Under the Subcomponent ”organizing training workshops” ECO is designing and organizing capacity building programmes on transport in partnership with relevant international organizations and institutions. In recognition of the interconnectedness and the zeal of the D-8 member countries to work cooperatively and co... Read more. of cooperative organization, the inclusion of operational assumptions implies an explicit accounting of the impacts of the system of resource property rights to ownership and control of a firm which makes cooperative enterprise unique from other forms of organizing economic activity. The ECO is an ad hoc organisation under the United Nations Charter. The RCD remained in operation till 1979. xi. The feasibility study in Tajik segment has been already completed. ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Pursuant to Article 1 of the Convention signed in Paris on 14th December 1960, Economic cooperation organization (eco) – member nations 1. oleg demidov, cscap, Switzerland’s Intellectual Property cooperation with Vietnam and Lao PDR - . Data and research on test guidelines including chemical testing and assessment, chemical safety, animal welfare, endocrine disrupters, good laboratory practice (GLP), Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD)., Read the countries' response to address the challenges posed by COVID-19 to GLP test facilities. Report on the status of Motor Vehicle Third Party Liability (MVTPL) insurance scheme. Economic Cooperation Organization is an inter-governmental regional organization established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the member states. It is as old as man himself. 60% progress has been achieved in construction of the sub-segment between Chah-e-Sorkh (border with Iran) to Rozanak area of Herat province. Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under coverage of TIR Carnets, (TIR Convention), 1975. xiv. ECO Transit Trade Agreement xvii. origins of sco: shanghai five 1996. demarcation of borders, Baku 2012 - Republic of azerbaijan ministry of economic development institute for scientific research on economic, China's economic cooperation in East Asia - The fifth apisa congress regional integration in asia and europe in the 21st, Kinship and Social Organization - . ECO Railway Network Development Plan • 2. Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM). ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) ECO plays an active role in promoting and facilitating the accession of its member states to important international conventions and agreements in the field of transport , in close cooperation with the relevant international organizations and institutions Examples of ECO’s activities in this field in 2012-2013: • Reactivation of the TIR Convention in Afghanistan is finalized in coordination with ECO and IRU and official ceremony was held on 4 September 2013 in Kabul • Membership of the Afghanistan Rail Authority (AfRA) to the International Union of Railway (UIC) as December 2013 • Internal procedures for Pakistan’s accession to the TIR Convention started by the Government of Pakistan, in coordination with ECO and IRU • Pakistan’s accession to COTIF is successfully completed, in close coordination with ECO/OTIF in 2013 • The Republic of Azerbaijan’s accession to COTIF at final stages. 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