Based on the theoretical model, the well test was designed by gradually increasing the pressure difference. Activity concentration levels due to potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th) were measured in the area along the five established profiles spaced at 50 metres. The research results have significance for guiding the design and data interpretation of stress-sensitive reservoir. Field practice shows that stress sensitivity is related to the formation of abnormally high pressure in the formation without considering the micro-cracks in the formation. For questions or feedback, please reach us at. The difference in incompatible elements between the two groups is explained by the degree of partial melting of the same source which becomes more important over time. The Swiss Journal of Geosciences is an international fully Open Access peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research and review articles, with a particular focus on the evolution of the Tethys realm and the Alpine/Himalayan orogen. Scimago Journal & Country Rank. Downloads Presents original … It has been suggested that the skeletons of dinosaurs are well preserved as a result of covering the bodies of dinosaurs with mud flows of coastal sediments and the soil layers at worldwide tsunami. This work presents the petrographic and geochemical data of the dolerite dykes crosscutting the Pan-African basement of Figuil (North-Cameroon) and Léré (South-West Chad) in order to approach their petrogenesis and their emplacement context. International Journal of Geosciences Publication Information. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Estimation of Chlorophyll and Turbidity Using Sentinel 2A and EO1 Data in Kneiss Archipelago Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia (), Rim Katlane, Cécile Dupouy, Boubaker El Kilani, Jean Claude Berges, International Journal of Geosciences Vol.11 No.10, SCIREA Journal of Geosciences — Open Access Journal SCIREA Journal of Geosciences is an international, scientific peer-reviewed open access journal published online by SCIREA. Topic sections:-Dynamics of the Lithosphere-Tectonics and Volcanology-Sedimentology-Evolution of Life-Marine and Continental Ecosystems-Global dynamics of physicochemical cycles - Mineral deposits and Hydrocarbons - Surface processes . Scientific Research Submit your Paper . Vol.11 No.8, Views Citations Access the latest research on COVID-19, including preprints, on Scilit. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Geophysical Investigation of the Triassic Salt Material Hazard: El Fahs Case Example (Northern Tunisia) (), Mohamed Khaled Bouzid, Adel Klai, Romdhane Haddad, Mohamed Chedly Rabia, International Journal of Geosciences The International Journal of Earth Sciences publishes process-oriented original and review papers on the history of the earth . Our APP is quite simple to operate and useful to many and has applications at least in ten different sectors. Downloads Open Access pathways permitted by this journal's policy are listed below by article version. It accepts high-quality … Spatial correlation dimension suggests a heterogeneous distribution of earthquake epicenters over a linear structure in space, while the temporal correlation dimension suggests clustering of aftershock activity in the time domain. All articles published in the journal during its time … In the long run diffusion and gravitational flattening will cause different developments of the plume width. menu. With these methods, the 2004 earthquake can be predicted well. Views Citations The articles are written exclusively in English. Views Citations Some of these disadvantages are overcome from our new way of identification of a place. Editorial board Netherlands Journal of Geosciences- Geologie en Mijnbouw is a fully open access journal which publishes papers on all aspects of geoscience, providing they are of international interest and … October 29, 2020, DOI: Vol.11 No.11, The mineralogical assemblage of these dolerites is made up by plagioclases, pyroxenes, olivine, oxides, amphibole, biotite and sometimes pyrite, calcite, apatite, epidote and chlorite. Most dolerite samples show higher REE concentrations and (La/Yb)N > 8.7, (Tb/Yb)N > 1.9 and Dy/Yb > 2 ratios characterizing a garnet-bearing mantle. The sedimentological interpretations of well logs show sedimentary sequence of the Early Cretaceous, represented by the Neocomian, Aptian and Albian, which is composed mainly of shales and marls with minor carbonate and sandstone intercalations. In this study, the reasons for mass extinction in Jurassic were investigated. International Journal of Geosciences Research (IJGR) is a prime multidisciplinary outlet of geo-scientific research. As other dolerites of Cameroon, continental tholeiitic signature of the studied dolerites is evidenced in geotectonic discrimination diagrams with Group II dolerite compositions falling within the field of tholeiitic basalts and group I within the field of alkali basalts. Views Citations About 100 meters above earth the velocity profile may disintegrate, diffusion coefficients become rather unpredictable and stratified flow occur. The chemical compositions of these dolerites are similar to that of continental tholeiites with slightly moderate negative Nb-Ta anomalies which are attributed to crustal contamination of magmas. Vol.12 No.1, To avoid them, the new model should be included in dust models in the same manner as the turbulent diffusion, i.e. Vol.11 No.11, 10.4236/ijg.2020.118025 Fractional crystallization process was possibly combined with minor crustal contamination as shown by enrichment of Th/Yb from group II to Group I that might be due to turbulent magma emplacement. International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) Journal Information SUBSCRIPTIONS The International Journal of Geosciences (Online at Scientific Research Publishing, … Period III has traditionally been difficult to identify in the cultural materials of the Lake M?laren region. 1 January 2021. Downloads Vol.11 No.10, Downloads International Journal of Geosciences, Volume 11, pp 756-767; doi:10.4236/ijg.2020.1111038. New model for dispersion of volcanic ash and dust in the troposphere Jonas Eliasson. Vol.11 No.8, This can explain the behavior of plumes like the plume from the Eyjafjallaj?kull 2010 in absence of diffusion. There is no unique place for identification as popular name of a location has several places. A dust plume in between two layers of small temperature difference has a certain carrying capacity of dust. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, New model for dispersion of volcanic ash and dust in the troposphere (), International Journal of Geosciences December 24, 2020, DOI: to reduce human loss, economy loss due to quarantine/lockdown issues and it is the need of the hour. The results from these measurements and analyses were displayed (in Tables/histograms and gray level maps/images of concentrations of Uranium, Thorium and Potassium prospects) and interpreted (dismissing the magnetic data as seemingly passive as no filter was applied to the mapped data). International Journal of Geosciences [English] ... Publishers. 1-2, p. The study measured, along some selected profiles across this escarpment feature, radiometric signatures using a Sim-Max G411 portable field gamma-ray spectrometer (giving counts for U, Th and K relative to the background values over the area), the ground total-field magnetic data (using the proton precession magnetometer) along those profiles and collected some (5) rock samples for flame photometry and AAS analyses towards the target proposition. This code is integrated with Google map and implemented in Android based mobile phones and can easily be extended to IOS based Apple mobile phones as well. The tsunami run-up over land is traced to +29.5 m to +31.5 m (occasionally even higher), implying a run-up of 14.5 - 16.5 m. In ?ngermanland, the tsunami event was absolutely dated at 1171 varve years BC. Dispersion of volcanic ash and dust is traditionally modeled as advection and Gaussian diffusion. Two groups of dolerites have been highlighted by petrographic and geochemical studies. The following fields of science are usually categorized at intervals within the geosciences as: earth science describes the rocky components of the crust (or lithosphere) and its historic development. Views Citations It was shown that the mass extinctions occurred during worldwide floods, caused by the narrowing of the Earth at the time of galactic gravitational compression. August 20, 2020, DOI: November 26, 2020, DOI: At about 3000 C14-year BP or 1200 cal. Views Citations International Journal of Geosciences is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the latest advancements in geosciences. Downloads Views Citations The relationship between abnormal high pressure and reservoir stress sensitivity was analyzed. International Journal of Geosciences … The journal aims … Volume 233. ABOUT THE JOURNAL Frequency: 6 issues/year ISSN: 0022-1376 E-ISSN: 1537-5269 2019 JCR Impact Factor*: 2.324 Ranked #11 out of 47 in Geology. International Journal of Geosciences (ijg) is an international journal (Open Access) dedicated to the latest advancement of geosciences. One of the oldest journals in geology, The Journal of Geology has since 1893 promoted the systematic philosophical and fundamental study of geology. 10.4236/ijg.2020.1110032 Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics.2020, 8(2), 94-109.DOI: 10.12691/jgg-8-2-5 Pub. The triggering factor is proposed to be the Kaali meteor impact in Estonia of the same age. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of geosciences. Views Citations The structural interpretations of well logs show that the Cretaceous section attains a wide range of dip magnitudes and dispersed azimuths all over the study area, which is probably attributed to tectonic and sedimentological processes. IJGR invites academics, researchers, practitioners and professionals around the globe to publish high quality, peer-reviewed articles on all fields of Geosciences. October 30, 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2020.118026 The simple explanation of the presence of boundaries in the structure of the Earth is given: the 40K nuclear layer corresponds to the boundary between upper and lower mantle; the 137Cs layer located on the boundary between the lower mantle and the outer core; the Th-U nuclear layer is a border between outer and inner core. Views Citations This is the tradition in treating smoke stack plumes. 10.4236/ijg.2020.118027 The negative correlation means that there is a considerable probability of occurrences of large magnitude earthquakes, indicating stress release along the faults of a larger surface area [1]. Latest issues. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Mineralogical Characterization of Heavy Mineral Concentrates from Senegalese Great Cost by Using Qemscan and SEM (), Moumar Dieye, Marieke Van Lichtervelde, Abdoul Aziz Ndiaye, Mamadou Gueye, Simon B. Blancher, International Journal of Geosciences Downloads International Journal of Geosciences, Volume 12, pp 1-5; doi:10.4236/ijg.2021.121001. The earthquake was felt throughout central and eastern Nepal, much of the Ganges River plain in northern India, and northwestern Bangladesh, as well as in the southern parts of the Plateau of Tibet and western Bhutan. 10.4236/ijg.2020.1110034 Roebroeks, W. 2014. Open Access —free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Downloads November 30, 2020, DOI: Vol.11 No.9, The environmental interpretations revealed sedimentological environments vary from estuarine to lagoonal and backreef of the Barremian-Aptian rocks, and from continental to estuarine in the Aptian-Albian. International Journal of Geosciences is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the latest advancement of geosciences. 10.4236/ijg.2020.1112040 10.4236/ijg.2020.119030 The b-value is found to be 0.833 ± 0.035 from the Gutenberg-Richter relation by the least squares method and 0.95 ± 0.05 by the maximum likelihood method, indicating high stress bearing source zone. International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Science (IJGAES) represents the new standared in scholarly Publishing : a liberal open access policy, fast and high quality peer review that brings Publishing to the doorstep of every research and student. January 18, 2021, DOI: This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Modern Development for the Improvement of Accuracy of Nigerian Coordinate Transformation Process Using the Adapted NTv2 Model: The Critical Issues of the Mathematical Algorithm (), Lawrence Hart, Kurotamuno Peace Jackson, Francis Ifeanyi Okeke, International Journal of Geosciences International Journal of Geosciences, Volume 11, pp 100-124; doi:10.4236/ijg.2020.113007 10.4236/ijg.2020.118029 This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Sedimentological Characterization of Alluvial Gold Deposits of Betrare-Oya and Its Surroundings (Cameroon Eastern Region) (), Daniel Mackaire Eloung Nna, Paul Desiré Ndjigui, Joseph Quentin Yene Atangana, Alexis Jacob Nyangono Abolo, Constantin Maurice Ndongue, DOI: At the time of the event, sea level was at +15 m (due to isostatic uplift). The International Journal of Geosciences (Online at Scientific Research Publishing, is published monthly by Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., USA. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Application of Heterogeneous Composite Model with Consideration of Stress Sensitive in Low Permeability Gas Reservoir (), International Journal of Geosciences Engineering Geology is an international interdisciplinary journal bridging the fields of the earth sciences and engineering, particularly geological and geotechnical engineering.The focus of the journal is on geological or engineering studies that are of interest to engineering geologists, whether their initial training is in geology or civil/mining engineering. Two large aftershocks, with magnitudes 6.6 and 6.7, occurred in the region within one day of the main event, and several dozen smaller aftershocks occurred in the region during the succeeding days. 10.4236/ijg.2020.1110035 November 16, 2020, DOI: Views Citations August 25, 2020, DOI: USA scientists found a 22-year cycle in Parkfield earthquake sequence, and they predicted that the next quake would come in 1988 ± 5 with 95% possibility, while the quake happened in 2004, which is 11 years later than the prediction. as a sub grid model. August 14, 2020, DOI: International Journal of Biosciences is a globally known ISI journal with high impact factor & cross reference indexed journal that publishes high quality original research papers together … 10.4236/ijg.2020.1111039 Vol.11 No.8, This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Continuing Results for Effervescent Aerosol Salt Water Spray Nozzles Intended for Marine Cloud Brightening (), Jack Foster, Gary Cooper, Lee Galbrath, Sudhanshu Jain, Robert Ormond, Armand Neukermans, International Journal of Geosciences We have also studied the temporal variation of b-value and correlation dimension that shows positive correlation for about first 15 days, then a negative correlation for next 45 days and after that, a positive correlation. 93, Issue. The documentation of a mega-tsunami in the middle of the Bronze Age has wide implications both in geology and in archaeology. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Using Magnetic Method for the Identification of Anomalies Due to Kimberlite Pipes, Luando Area, Bié, Angola (), Gerson Itembo, João Baptista, Ageu Cardoso, International Journal of Geosciences November 9, 2020, DOI: However, to navigate from one place to the other both GPS and Internet are required. This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Active Tectonics in Tuscany (Central Italy): Ten Years of Seismicity (2009-2019) (), International Journal of Geosciences It is suggested that gravitational flattening may be the main cause of dispersion in dust plumes above the turbulent boundary layer. Vol.11 No.8, Low (Ce/Yb)N values (3.3 - 11.58) also suggest relatively low partial melting degree of the source. Published Version [pathway a] None CC BY. About the Journal Journal of Geosciences is a peer-reviewed Earth Science journal, focussed on all aspects of nature and origin of igneous and metamorphic complexes*. For example, all the postal addresses cannot be identifiable through Google map APP. ISSN: 2156-8367,2156-8367,2156-8359 Está en dos o más bases datos de indización y resumen o en DOAJ (, Aerospace Database, Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), CAB Abstracts, … Although Google map has been helping the society at large in many ways, it has some disadvantages. Views Citations It is concluded that modelling dust plumes with diffusion and ordinary fallout only; can cause serious errors in the model, the simulated plumes will become too big. Moussa Ngarena Klamadji, Merlin Gountié Dedzo, Rigobert Tchameni, Daouda Dawaï, International Journal of Geosciences, Volume 11, pp 459-482; doi:10.4236/ijg.2020.117023. 2.107 International Journal of Neuroscience. The International Journal of Coal Geology deals with fundamental and applied aspects of the geology and petrology of coal, oil/gas source rocks and shale gas resources. International Journal of Biometeorology; Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology; Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics ; Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences; Journal of Climate; Journal of Geophysical Research: section D (Atmospheres) Journal of Hydrometeorology; Meteorological Monographs; Meteorologische … GAES would take much care in making your research paper published without much delay with your kind cooperation. 10.4236/ijg.2020.118028 New model for dispersion of volcanic ash and dust in the troposphere. Downloads This article belongs to the Special Issue on, Morphometric and Change Detection Analysis for Prioritization of Sub Basin Conservation, Case Study of Taita Hills (), DOI: Downloads We can provide code for any place on the land, water or ice-covered surface of this planet with 8-digit alphanumeric code (TH code). Geoscience e-Journals is an academic portal that includes 54 open access electronic journals, all dealing with geosciences. HariNarayana T., Sai Goyal Pitambar, Rajendran N., T. Harinarayana, Pitambar Sai Goyal, N. Rajendran, International Journal of Geosciences, Volume 11, pp 360-376; doi:10.4236/ijg.2020.116019. To the other both GPS and internet are required for dispersion of ash... Geological Society and is available both in printed and open-access electronic version for mass in. Ii and III of the galactic arms by the geological deposits on the theoretical model, 2004. Access pathways permitted by this Journal 's Policy are listed below by article version permeability gas under... M below sea level was at +15 M ( due to overpressure, for fluid expansion/conduction overpressure in area. Commercial Publisher ] Publisher Policy content latest issue articles in press article all. Loss due to overpressure, for fluid expansion/conduction overpressure in Ledong area authors... 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international journal of geosciences
international journal of geosciences 2021