Equation. Mentzer index has better sensitivity as iron deficiency anemia screening and RDW index has better sensitivity as Beta Thalassemia trit screening Keywords: Thalassemia β minor, Fe anemia, RDW Mentzer index ABSTRAK Bidasari Lubis , SpA(K) Pembimbing I . al., showed that by utilizing a complicated formula involving RDW-SD, RBC count, Retic count and Zinc Protoporphyrin levels, 90% of subjects with Iron Deficiency and Heterozygote Thalassemia can be accurately classified. It is said to be helpful in differentiating iron deficiency anemia from beta thalassemia.. RDW RDW is increased in Iron deficiency anemia. I recently got CBC done and my PCV level is 34.7, MCV is 73.4, MCH is 26.22 and WBC count is 3000. Mentzer index..? stream
They have a sensitivity of 73.5% and 81.8% and specificity of 94.8% and 95.7% respectively. The Mentzer index is calculated from the complete blood count (CBC). Result: According to data analysis, prevalence of anemia in students was 16.9% based on Hb concentrations for diagnosis anaemia based on WHO. If the MCV is divided by RBC less than 13, it is declared as Thalasemia. Cuantifica la ANISOCITOSIS (coexistencia de poblaciones de Htíes de diferentes tamaños) -ADE o RDW %. * Mentzer index is MCV divided by total number of RBC. Start studying Tratto talassemico VS carenza di ferro. Conversely, in thalassemia, which is a disorder of globin synthesis, the number of RBCs produced is normal, but the cells are smaller and more fragile. Further evaluation..? The RDW index discriminated better than Mentzer's index, discriminant function or the Shine Lal index. index > RDWI > Srivastava index > Green and King RDW index was calculated by by multiplying MCV by RDW and divided by RBC. Background. 4 0 obj
Sideroblastic anemia..? Several formulas, based on parameters from the CBC, may be used to calculate a thalassemic index and have been used to differentiate iron deficiency from thalassemia. %����
Index [7], RDW Index [8], Ricerca Index [9], Mean cell INTRODUCTION Beta Thalassemia is a genetic disorder in which hemoglobin synthesis is impaired. ... Normal RDW along with low MCV may indicate anemia due to chronic diseases, while normal RDW with high MCV may be caused by chronic kidney disease. The mean particle size corresponds to the MCV, the distribution width to the RDW, and the average refractive index to the MCHC, as discussed in Friebel and Meinke 48. [2], The index is calculated from the results of a complete blood count. PMID: Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna indeks RDW dan Mentzer antara kelompok yang mendapat terapi besi dibandingkan dengan kelompok plasebo. Kesimpulan. Anemia of chronic diseases show normal RDW. Formula. When the Mentzer index was calculated, children with microcytic anemia (%) were correctly diagnosed. Clinical Study Hematological Indices for Differential Diagnosis of Beta Thalassemia Trait and Iron Deficiency Anemia AyselVehapoglu, 1 GamzeOzgurhan, 2 Ay GegulDoganDemir, 1 SelcukUzuner, 1 MustafaAtillaNursoy, 1 SerdarTurkmen, 3 andArzuKacan 4 Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey In this study, King-Green formula was reported to have the highest sensitivity and specificity, which as a result, was the most reliable formula followed by Mentzer formula. The RDW in thalassemias is usually within or very close to the reference interval, reflecting the uniformity of red cell size (microcytes). i am beta thalassemia . Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Professor Emeritus, UCSF • helps differentiate whether microcytic anemia is caused fromiron deficiencyor from thalassemia Professor Emeritus, UCSF . Index sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative prognostic values were examined. In torrid world countries where you cannot afford to get all the relevant investigations Mentzer indie helps a lot in deciding whether it is iron deficiency anemia (index .13) and thalassemia (index <13). I have a decently healthy lifestyle. Mentzer index, England and Fraser, Shine and Lal, Srivastava and Sirdah formulae were investigated. The Mentzer index which is defined as mean corpuscular volume per red cell count. These indices were applied on 47 patients with βTT and on 289 patients with IDA, as … Youden index which tells about the overall performance of … The RDW index for patients with suspected beta-thalassemia trit was 57% and iron deficiency anemia was 43% of 1358 samples. High diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing Thalassemia with iron deficiency anemia was RDW index (88.14%), and followed by Mentzer index (86.85%). The RDW/RBC formula proved to be the most reliable index as they had 100.0% specificity and PPV and the highest efficiency (94.58%) and Youden's Index (91.18%), as well as high sensitivity (91.18%) and NPV (87.67%). Hb electrophoresis. W DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. hi, my rdw-cv is 15.6, hb 11.9, mcv 65, what do high rdw-cv and low mcv indicate? between IDA and βTT, such as Green and King Index (GKI), RDW Index (RDWI), Srivastava Index (SRI), Mentzer Index (MI), Shine and Lal Index (SLI), Ehsani Index (EI), and Sirdah Index (SI), were evaluated. The Mentzer index, described in 1973 by William C. Mentzer,[1] is the MCV divided by the RBC count. Iron deficiency anemia was defined as Hb < 12 g/dL (World Health Organization criteria), MCV < 70 fl, RDW > 16 %, Mentzer index> 13 and RDW index> 220. An index of less than 13 suggests that the patient has the thalassemia trait, and an index of more than 13 suggests that the patient has iron deficiency. You would rely on the patient symptoms, and history as well as other labs such as iron testing. Therefore, this formula could be used in initial discrimination of β-thal trait from iron deficiency in adult Thai subjects. The RDW value tells you whether enough of your red blood cells are of normal size and shape.. RDW is useful in the following conditions:. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Started in 1995, this collection now contains 6881 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 737 chapters. Mentzer index has better sensitivity as iron deficiency anemia screening and RDW index has better sensitivity as Beta Thalassemia trit screening Keywords: Thalassemia β minor, Fe anemia, RDW Mentzer index ABSTRAK I have ploaded a file wk3 a 3 to give you an idea as to what she is looking for. I’d make the child 13 to 17 years of age so head circumference would not be a factor, but it’s your choice. The population was students who were admitted to the University of Dr. Soetomo who came for complete blood count examination. None of the subjects had a combined case of IDA and β-TT. Therefore, the RBC count is normal, but the MCV is low, so the index will be less than 13. In the homozygous state, beta thalassemia (ie, thalassemia major) causes severe, transfusion-dependent anemia. 1% and that of Green and King index was 79.31%. FPnotebook.com is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. %PDF-1.5
Start studying Tratto talassemico VS carenza di ferro. Red cell distribution - coefficient variation (RDW-CV) is a new generation marker more often used in differentiating IDA from thalassemia. = -0.078; p-value = 0.631), which means that if the hba2 level value increases then the value of the Mentzer index will be reduced, and vice versa. We retrospectively evaluated the reliability of various indices for differential diagnosis of microcytosis and β-TT in the same patient groups. Mentzer index does help. tively. 3 0 obj
In line with the findings of … Indeks Mentzer untuk pasien yang diduga beta thalasemia trit adalah 5,2% dan anemia defisiensi besi adalah 94,8% dari 1358 sampel. Blood Volume Calculation Cryoprecipitate Dosing for Fibrinogen Replacement: Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) Volume Mentzer Index for Thalassemia: Predicting risk of severe complications in a child with sickle cell disease (miller et al) Sickle cell rbc exchange volume Manfaat penelitian ini, adalah untuk menjadikan pemeriksaan darah rutin biasa sebagai alat pemeriksaan skrining (pemantau) pada kelompok masyarakat luas, apakah telah terjadi anemia The two most frequent types of microcytic anemia are beta thalassemia trait (β-TT) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA). While RDW is normal in Thalassaemia minor. Though for fun let's look… A number of hematological indices are also useful (Mentzer, … If the quotient of the mean corpuscular volume (MCV, in fL) divided by the red blood cell count (RBC, in Millions per microLiter) is less than 13, thalassemia is said to be more likely. RDW, mean (SD) % Mentzer index, mean (SD) RDW index, mean (SD) 121.18 (17.88) 22 29 27.89 (6.11) 130.0 (8.39) 10.32 (1.22) 32.26 (5.05) 5.01 (3.80) 72.66 (2.77) 23.40 (2.59) 31.93 (3.13) 15.81 (2.11) 16.50 (3.02) 261.11 (64.06) 121.21 (15.49) 27 26 25.47 (5.49) 127.0 (8.19) 10.09 (1.42) 31.41 (5.05) 4.37 (0.7) 72.58 (4.10) 23.29 (2.50) 32.32 (3.16) 15.79 (2.12) 17.26 (4.63) Cut off values. If the result is greater than 13, then iron-deficiency anemia is said to be more likely.[3]. None of these different formulations are superior to RBC value obtained from automated analyzers in adult cases with IDA and beta-TT. Youden s index showed the following ranking with respect to the indices ability to distinguish between -TT and IDA: Mentzer index > Ehsani et al. Indices examined were red blood cell (RBC) count, RBC distribution width (RDW), Mentzer index (MI), Shine and Lal index (S&L), England and Fraser index (E&F), Srivastava index (S), Green and King index (G&K), RDW index (RDWI), and Ricerca index (R). The subjects were students with MCV <80 fl, MCH <27 pq. x��=]s㶵���Kg��K|d'���l�M7��lo�}�mZ�ʖ}%��;���| $@4����,���p�������^ח��w߽:?�˛�j��O��x���y��^�����o_��xq�����ٝ�-^�}�x���o^��j����o�"��Ģ4�����M���Ow��O?��z��7�bM�J��O�~���o�S�lVfyw���G�r�R�z?�S���,>���o���pJ?��U��p�_�O8~�||L�2yV�p�"��b������AEV� �>9�ʄ�q�VW�SK���S#�!~�.�h�2+��/m��_p������.Z�Ň ���D�:- �ÿW����-��ӂ�^������Iٗ:��������ӊ���uq'��h06߯N�rO��qO>��*d&U��'}����8�'! “Mentzer Index” William Mentzer, M.D. RDW index has highest positive predictive value (90.91%), while Green value (98.87%). Sometimes, expensive or invasive investigations are necessary for their distinction. endobj
ERITROCITOS (ADE / RDW) -Nos permite saber la uniformidad de tamaño de los hematíes. The Mentzer index, described in 1973 by William C. Mentzer, is the MCV divided by the RBC count. Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Besi Terhadap Perubahan Nilai Indeks Mentzer Dan Indeks RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Usia 9-12 Tahun Yang Menderita Anemia Defisiensi Besi dc.contributor.advisor METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on 202 subjects. Telah disetujui dan disyahkan . Prevalence of suspected beta thalassemia minor was 0% based on Mentzer index and 4,6% based on RDW index. Indeks RDW untuk pasien yang diduga beta thalasemia trit adalah 57% dan anemia defisiensi besi adalah 43% dari 1358 sampel. I have ploaded a file wk3 a 3 to give you an idea as to what she is looking for. The principle involved is as follows: In iron deficiency, the marrow cannot produce as many RBCs and they are small (microcytic), so the RBC count and the MCV will both be low, and as a result, the index will be greater than 13. mathematical discriminant functions: Mentzer Index, MI, Shine and Lal (S & L) Index, England and Fraser (E & F) Index, Green and King (G & K) Index, RDW, Index (RDWI), Srivastava Index (SI), Ricerca Index (RI) The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, negative predictive values and … FPnotebook.com is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. In Tunisia, Results: Srivastava Index, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, thalassemia and sickle cell disease represent the most red blood cell, Mentzer Index (MI) and mean corpuscular prevalent monogenic hemoglobin disorders with 2.21% hemoglobin concentration show the highest reliability in and 1.89% of carriers, respectively [1]. Results: The highest sensitivity rate (100%) was shown by RDW index but with a low specificity rate, (79.3 1%) followed by Mentzer as well as Green and King indices with a sensitivity=95.24% for each, while the specificity rate of Mentzer index was 93. And the thalassaemia trait is the MCV is divided by RBC and beta-TT test for the deficiency... Pasien yang diduga beta thalasemia trit adalah 57 % dan anemia defisiensi adalah... A new generation marker more often used in initial discrimination of β-thal trait from iron anemia. Cbc and no smear 79.31 % formula could be used in differentiating between thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia index England. Index was 79.31 % ANISOCITOSIS ( coexistencia de poblaciones de Htíes de diferentes tamaños ) -ADE o %! Rbc value obtained from automated analyzers in adult Thai subjects CBC done and my PCV level 34.7... Sirdah formulae were investigated poblaciones de Htíes de diferentes tamaños ) -ADE o RDW % ) vs 16,20 ( )! 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mentzer index vs rdw
mentzer index vs rdw 2021