If you are new to exercise, here are some important health and safety tips so you can start your walking program off on the right foot. Advice for walkers when crossing a railway line using a level crossing. 1114 Pexels Unfortunately, sexual assault and other violent crimes are prevalent on college campuses across the country. If it is dark or dim, be certain to carry a flashlight while you’re walking. If you have a fear of cows it’s better to steer clear rather than find yourself in amongst them before it’s too late to turn round. Apr 11, 2008 Last night I was heading downtown to see a friend. Avoid alleys and other poorly lit, closed spaces that might allow an attacker the advantage of surprise. You probably can walk further, quicker or higher than your normal limits. Walking isn't without risk, but statistics show it’s safer walking in the countryside than on a city street. I asked 30 other solo female travelers to give me their best safety tips for traveling alone, and this is … If you are heading out alone but no-one knows where you are, what happens if you do get into trouble? One of the many draws about walking in Britain is that you can do it as part of a group or you can do it alone. I have had to use it twice and it saved me. Here are some tips for safe walking when you are by yourself. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. If you go much quicker than you usually do, you may cause injury to muscles. Personal attacks and assaults from strangers are rare, however you should take care and follow these basic rules to keep safe. 5 Safety Tips for Walking Alone at Night (Bruce Lee) Bruce Lee’s safety tips for walking alone deals with two common-sense factors: Avoid any blind spots, as it reduces the chances of you getting caught off-guard. A key component of worker safety is to watch out for one another. However, it’s important to be aware that walking with others can be safer. He or she may require that you have a physical exam or give you special instructions based on your medical history. When you are planning your route for the day, you need to consider your own limitations. Most people hiking are friendly and safe, but if you feel uneasy, look for an escape route or latch onto other groups of people hiking – there’s safety in numbers. If you carry a physical car key, keep it in your hand when walking alone, especially in parking lots. Many crimes are opportunistic and the sight of someone ... Have Suitable Clothing. A lone worker can be anyone who works alone in a fixed facility or away from his or her typical base. In most cases, this will just involve them giving you a call on your phone to see whether you have been delayed. WalkingAcademy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Go one step further and preset one of … Keep your pace steady and head for the nearest store or restaurant to ask for directions. Stay safe by not putting yourself at risk of natural features. On the other hand, they will have a rough idea of where you might be if they cannot get in contact with you. Carry a Whistle: While many women already do this, … Preparing for adverse weather whilst walking, Walking with children: Ideas for even more fun, Minimising the ecological impact of walking. So ditch the headphones. But even so, make sure you take a map or guidebook with you. If walking by yourself, hold your cell phone and be ready to make an emergency call. It is worth noting that it should be possible to call 999 using any network, even if you do not have phone signal with your standard network provider. It’s better to start small, maybe going for just a couple of miles, on a route that you have done before, than to plan an epic journey. It is essential for all women walking alone at night to be conscious of their surrounding and not be in their own world with their headphones. Apr 06, 2016. If you walk too far you may get so far away from home before realising that you have had enough. As much as headphones can be good for motivation and entertainment, when you are hiking alone you need to have your wits around you, and that means being able to hear what’s happening around you. So make sure you take a little extra, just in case you do get stuck somehow and need to keep yourself nourished. Learn Self-Defense. Especially if we’re unfamiliar with the area. Safety whilst hiking alone: Tips for you to remember whilst walking 9 – Meeting other hikers. Especially if it’s a route you have done only once and may have gone wrong then (me and Nicky almost always go wrong first time). Tips on staying safe if you go out walking alone. You can build up confidence ready to extend those walks next time. 4. You certainly don’t want to get caught in a thunderstorm. A healthy walker will normally cover about 3 to 4 miles per hour over even ground, but distance covered per hour will reduce when going uphill or over boggy terrain. Staying safe can be easy if you prepare well at any time, but especially if you are planning to hike alone. Whenever it is possible, try to walk with a friend or a dog. This is one of the best tips for women hiking alone. If the phone has a short battery life, keep it turned off in case you need it later on. How to Stay Safe at Night When Walking Alone Walk with purpose and don’t stop.. You may not realise that storms are due in the latter part of the day – have you got waterproofs? If you are not feeling particularly comfortable about doing something, you should avoid doing it. There is no phone signal in many rural areas in Britain, but carrying a mobile phone with you will allow you to contact the emergency services as soon as possible if something does happen. It is important to hear and sense danger through movements and sounds. I set myself up for safety. It’s better to realise you have gone off route sooner rather than later, and you can either correct or head back to where you went wrong. Keep within your limits and save those times for when you have someone with you. Trust your gut When out alone at night, your instincts are your best friend. There are five important safety tips for women who have to walk home all alone at night. Knowing your limitations will help you to plan a route that you can do without putting yourself in danger or without getting into difficulties. This article is meant to provide you with tips and not to scare you from traveling by yourself. Try to avoid walking alone at night in places such as parks and side streets or any unfamiliar environment. Avoid being distracted by your cellphone, and avoid dark alleyways and parking lots where people can easily hide. Either way walking at night can be a daunting and nerve-wracking experience. Although there are big “rambling” associations which promote communal walking, other people prefer to enjoy the tranquillity of walking alone. Carry a can of pepper spray in your pocket and have your hand on it. You should learn how quickly you normally walk, so that you can accurately plan your route for the day. 5 Essentials For Women Walking Alone at Night. 2. Don’t over estimate your own capabilities. Before you head off, let your best friend or partner know your route, and an approximation of how long you will be. When you go out walking by yourself, it is normal to have to carry a bit more weight so that you can make sure that you have adequate provisions and all of the necessary safety equipment. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); link to Will gaiters keep my trousers clean and dry? These areas may not be safe, which means that you might actually be putting yourself in harm’s way. If you meet someone en route and they just make you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and do your utmost to get away from them. How can someone watch a colleague’s back if that colleague is working alone and out of sight? Personal safety has become an issue of importance for everyone, but especially for women Concerned about this state of affairs, Sgt. It’s better to be safe to try another day, maybe with a friend, than to stumble on getting more and more lost. We doubt this will happen, but if you do find that you have either gone drastically wrong, or that you suddenly realise you have no chance of finishing your walk safely, then it could well be easier to turn round and retrace your steps than going on. Your instincts are built on knowledge and experience, and should therefore be relied on when you are out by yourself. Before you head off on a walk, you should inform someone about where you are going and what time you expect to be back by. If you go out walking by yourself, you should always carry a mobile phone with you. You may even consider heightening your hearing through listening techniques. Children who develop road awareness in primary school are in a much better position when they make the transition to secondary school. Consider doing an easy out and back route, rather than a circular route – it’s much easier to get lost on the latter. If you meet someone en route and they just make you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts... 10 – Check your map. Stay Safe When Walking Alone at Night. The more I read up and learn about walking in different seasons, the more often I hear people say that gaiters are essential equipment for people walking or hiking. 1. If you have told your friend or partner where you are going, why not just check in with them at certain points along the way. Here are some ways to protect yourself if you’re hiking alone. For others, it’s a far less common event. Read this before you go out alone! If you are on a residential trip and walking away from home, you should tell the receptionist at your hotel so that they will be aware of your planned movements. You never know when you might need to … You should make sure that it is charged up before you head out. So keep your exhilarating walks for when you are in the company of others and can share them. 3. However, for most people, it can seem like an unnecessary risk to take. Mark your route to the nearest ranger stations. Before I get into safety advice I want to address the questions I often get… Here are seven crucial safety tips for women walking alone at night. Since then we have had hundreds of lovely walks, and I thought it would be good to share some of the things I've learned along the way. Before moving from field to field take time to look up and see if there are any wildlife present. This means that they will be able to take appropriate action if you are not back by the time that you originally expected to arrive. It is a good idea to plan the walk so that it finishes at least an hour before sunset, so that you won’t get caught out if you are delayed for whatever reason. Last night I was walking out of work and the parking lot was pretty dark as I am walking, I realize that I didn’t follow my own rule…Never walk alone with your hands full. And if there is a chance of it getting dark, ensure you have packed a head torch to help show the way. Keep Your Keys Close. Get our top tips for walking safety for children. --If you are walking alone at night, stay near well lit places of business and well lit walk ways. And having got very muddy the... Britains' Favourite Walks - Top 100 with Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba. The truth is, you already have the skills you need to stay safe when you travel. Make sure you have a lightweight mid-layer and/or waterproof jacket. You may have planned your route for weeks, and you think you know it well. I believe it's mostly because I think in terms of prevention. Read our latest update and position on coronavirus. So either pick a popular route that you know will have plenty of other people hiking, or one that you have walked before, ideally several times. You may come across some difficulties – maybe getting lost, issues with blisters or maybe running out of water. It’s important to be sensible when choosing your route when you walk alone. in Life Hacks. This inner voice acts as a companion and helps you to make important decisions about your own safety. Coronavirus: our advice for walking . Safety How to keep safe and tips for dealing with different situations that you may encounter when out and about walking. A... Update contacts. River crossings can be slippery and dangerous with tides that run faster than you think. Depending on the laws in your state, you may want to consider pepper spray or mace, a self-defense alarm or a self-defense flashlight. What is more, you may be trespassing if you walk away from the footpath in certain areas. 1) Keep Your Keys Ready While walking alone isn’t ideal, it’s a reality and one you must be prepared to deal with. They’re the same skills you use at home to stay safe. No-one will look out for you or be able to help you get over your situation. 5 Safety Tips For Walking Alone At Night These tips will help you avoid and escape an attacker. Having your key available reduces the amount of … It was about ten o’clock in the evening as I walked from the BART train station to my home four blocks away. Level crossings. University of Texas. And if you try to tackle large hills that you have never been on you may find that you struggle more than you expect. If you are planning a full days walk, you should make sure that you will get back before the sun sets. If you are going to be hiking alone for more than a few hours, you will need to ensure that you have food with you, unless you plan to stop in a village or town. General safety rules. Getting the balance right between allowing children their independence and ensuring their safety when away from home can be difficult. When you are planning your route for the day, you need to consider your own limitations. Call and tell them the landmarks you have reached – if you do experience issues later on and they come looking for you they will know to check from the last landmark that you told them about onwards. If you do decide to walk alone, it is important that you take special precautions to keep you safe. Have you got a sun hat and sun block, as well as enough water? Top 11 Tips for Pedestrian Safety: Walking Safety Rules Walking is a simple, low-impact activity that people of almost any age can do to help stay in shape, but there are still dangers. Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Before you set off, check the weather forecast for the rest of the day. Whilst it’s great to walk with others, at times it’s not always possible, and some people even prefer to walk alone. And you won’t want to slip whilst coming up or down a mountain at any time, but especially if you are all alone. True, no amount of prevention is a guarantee of safety. Walkers should always take plenty of water (or other suitable beverage) with them, as dehydration seriously affects energy levels. Walking or running alone may increase your chance of being attacked. You may not come across alligators or bears, but you may find yourself in a field of cows or maybe startled deer. By following these 15 safety tips you will be able to go hiking alone with confidence, ready to enjoy your walk whilst getting home safely ready to plan your next walk. Make sure to tell them what your name is, how long you plan on hiking, and what time and day you think you will be back. So here are 15 safety tips for when you hike alone. Don’t be afraid of asking other hikers for help – they have almost certainly had issues themselves before, and will help set you back on track, supply you with some plasters, or either give you water or tell you where you can top up your bottle. If you are worried someone is following you, turn around. Will gaiters keep my trousers clean and dry? One of the most effective ways to prepare children is to start young and practise through real experience, like walking to school, the park or the playground. Walk at a steady pace and walk facing traffic to keep yourself visible. That way you can easily refer to it regularly, to make sure you are en route. Darren Laur and his wife Beth Laur began teaching self-defense classes and safety seminars in 1993, and have since reached thousands of women. This will be a great help in the unlikely event that a search party needs to be mobilised. For example, if you are worried about the changes in the weather, then you should trust your instincts and change your plans accordingly. If you are heading out for your first solo hike, take it easy. 1. However, lone work presents a fundamental challenge to watchfulness. To help you stay safe and to make your night-time journeys more bearable, we’ve listed seven tips for staying safe when walking at night. Always keep your keys close at hand when you are walking home alone. Did you know one crash-related pedestrian death occurs every two hours? You don’t want to choose somewhere remote, that you have never been to before. Walking Home Alone: Safety Tips. Or maybe you are wrapped up as it’s cold when you set out, but the sun is due to come out in an hour and the temperature due to rise significantly. If you get lost, don't wander aimlessly. Carry some sort of protection device. Here are several practical safety tips that can help you avoid dangerous situations on the road or trail: ... Beginner Tips for Treadmill Running and Walking. This shouldn’t be as much of an issue in the UK as if you are in the wilds of Africa or America, but be aware of the local wildlife. You should make sure that you have enough food to keep you going throughout the day, but you should also pack some high calorie emergency rations as well. What happens if you get lost and get cold as the evening draws in? Don't wear headphones: Your ears are an important piece of sensing danger. On the other hand, if you are walking as part of a group it is possible to carry necessary safety equipment (torch, bivvy bag etc) spread evenly across the group. With these tips, you can learn how to stay safe at night by equipping yourself with the right tools. In order to keep yourself safe as a pedestrian, there are a few rules of thumb you need to keep in mind. If you do have to walk, stick to busy places where is a lot of activity CCTV and good lighting. Which is why it pays … First shown in 2018, I watched Britain's Favourite Walks Top 100 today, presented by Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba. Safety tips for walking alone Know your limitations. Hiking alone is such an amazing experience that everyone should do it at least once in their lives! When you are walking on your own, you should always stick to footpaths or stay within the boundaries of open access areas. When walking at night, make sure you walk confidently and with a purpose. Written by Ci. Stay safe and learn how to fight back with these effective safety tips. Don’t ignore or avoid the situation, instead educate and prepare yourself for the situation. But there will always be people who use the darkness to their advantage, targeting those who have the misfortune to cross their path at night. Give them the phone number of your emergency contact in case you don’t return on time. Staying in these areas will make it much easier for search teams to find you if they need to come out to look for you for whatever reason. Mariessa Mesa. Reflective clothing is important too so that cars see you. link to Britains' Favourite Walks - Top 100 with Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba, Preparation: Safety Tips For Hiking Alone Before You Set Off, Safety whilst hiking alone: Tips for you to remember whilst walking, Conclusion – 15 Safety Tips For Hiking Alone, don’t want to get caught in a thunderstorm. There are a variety of precautions that you can take to ensure your safety while walking at night. Many phones now have a button on the screen to dial 911 immediately. Remember though: basic hiking training and … It can be rewarding to walk and hike alone, but you also need to do it safely. If they don;’t get a reply then they know there is a chance that you may be in danger, and that they could consider raising an alarm. Would-be attackers are looking for easy targets at night. Things happen! By Deanne Hess. --Trust your … Still, prevention is an important start and a significant aspect of these 50 tips on solo travel safety. You should never take unnecessary risks whilst you are out walking by yourself. Invest in a way you could call for help if you needed to.. Perk your senses to detect anyone following (or approaching) you Adequate provisions. And that goes for water too – don’t run out and get dehydrated way before you finish. Dr. Grace provides tips to make sure your next walk is a safe one. This site is owned and operated by Paul Gent. This made great viewing for New Year's Day 2021 - a nice way to plan some walks for... Hi I'm Paul, I have taken up walking since my partner Nicky rescued our dog, Paco, from the streets of Romania through a charity, Perrera Dogs UK. But when you are out hiking alone is not the time to test those limits. But you don’t have to take my word alone for it. Always Have Your Phone With You. That way if they haven’t heard from you by that time they can try to contact you. Safety Tips for Walking Alone. Most of the time, walking alone at night is perfectly safe. Always … We alluded to this in your preparation, but make sure that the map or guidebook that you remembered to bring with you is actually checked, rather than just being something you are carrying. Alone is such an amazing experience that everyone should do it safely think in terms of.. 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safety tips for walking alone
safety tips for walking alone 2021