The cell sap contains various substances in solution such as sugars, inulin, alkaloids, glucosides, organic acids and various inorganic salts. When these conditions are present, the course of the growth of a cell appears to be the following: The young cell, immediately it is cut off from its fellow, absorbs water, in consequence of the presence in it of osmotically active substances. "I know where to find one," Rhyn said, his thoughts going to the Ancient healer that had been a prisoner in Sasha.s zoo in Hell across the hall from his own cell. There were no clocks and she had no cell phone. The material and the energy go together, the decomposition of the one in the cell setting free the other, which is used at once in the vital processes of the cell, being in fact largely employed in constructing protoplasm or storing various products. The process involves the iqter-action of water also, and this, as we have seen, is always present in the cell. The nucleus was definitely recognized in the plant cell by Robert Brown in 1831, but its presence had been previously indicated by various observers and it had been seen by Fontana in some animal cells as early as 1781. The sieve tubes contain a thin lining layer of protoplasm on their walls, but no nuclei, and the cell sap contains albuminous substances which are coagulable by heat. It is from such a living and assimilating cell, performing as it does all the vital functions of a green plant, that, according to current theory, all the different cell-forms of a higher plant have been differentiated in the course of descent. The sounds of Rhyn slamming his body into his cell and snarling awoke her sometime later. Thus in the Daniell cell the dissolution of copper as well as of zinc would increase the loss in available energy. +h,r, 1)s~,~s-s Diatoms and Desmids, according to recent researches, the thickenings on the outer walls of the cells are due to the passage of protoplasm from the interior of the cell to the outside, through pores which are found perforating the wall on all sides. The strongest direct evidence seems to be that the nuclear substances are the only parts of the cells which are always equivalent in quantity, and that in the higher plants and animals the male organ or spermatozoid is composed almost entirely of the nucleus, and that the male nucleus is carried into the female cell without a particle of cytoplasm.i Since, however, the nucleus of the female cell is always accompanied by a larger or smaller quantity of cytoplasm, and that in a large majority of the power plants and animals the male cell also contains cytoplasm, it cannot yet be definitely stated that the cytoplasm does not play some part in the process. Specialized cells in pits or grooves on the head are probably smell-sensors. He didn't answer, pushing the door open to the cell block. As she opened the oven door to put the chicken in, her cell phone rang. If I had a cell phone, I could call you when I was ready. Rhyn awoke from the island dreamscape in the shadow world. I GPS tagged my cousins' cell phones and wallets. "You wouldn't happen to have a key to my cell, would you?" The protoplasm of a living cell con.sists of a semifluid granular substance, called the cytoplasm, one or more nuclei, and sometimes centrosomes and plastids. If we consider the be~aviour of a growing organ such as a root, we find that, like a cell, it shows a grand period, of growth. I have more freedom than you when I'm not in this cell. the framework of the fabric of the cell, and the construction of a continuously increasing skeleton; part is used in maintaining the normal temperature of the~plant, part in constructing various substances which are met with in the interior, which serve various purposes in the working of the vital mechanism. His cell rang before it could upload the number of voicemails and texts. After an hour-long attempt to expel his wired energy, he returned to his room to the sound of his cell phone ringing. She grabbed her cell phone from the floor and dialed 911. in diameter, to a total resistance of zoo ohms. The electromotive force of each cell is 2.14 volts, and the resistance 4. ohms. She didn't see Damian until afternoon, when he strolled into the library from sparring, ear to a cell phone. Translations of the phrase LOAD CELL from english to french and examples of the use of "LOAD CELL" in a sentence with their translations: Number of load cell intervals( n LC). The bed and the toilet were the only furnishings in the tiny, 30. Sofi had taught him to use his cell phone and Dusty had taught him the computer. He rose, uncertain what happened but recalling his urgency. We were startled by the ring of my cell phone. The whole cavity of the cell is sometimes stuffed with proteid contents. 5. 7. The increase in surface of the cell wall is thus duefirstly to the stretching caused by turgidity, and secondly to the formation and deposition of new substance upon the old. This increases the resistance of the electrolytic cell. This is fortunate as the cell is a "dirty" one to handle and is expensive to maintain. Let us take another example where we need to convert texts into a lower case. Two went to Damian's cell and opened the door. She was curled up on the bed, sobbing. Rhyn smashed his cell hard enough for the walls to shudder. Ten O'clock found her hanging over the telephone, her cell phone on her hip. If it is absent, the cell loses its power of assimilation and growth, and soon dies. He strode down the block and paused in front of Hannah's cell. When he looked at the cell across from her, he saw why. Alfonso lost the use of his cell phone for a month and Alex grounded Jonathan for the same amount of time. The basal cell has less chlorophyll than the others, and is expanded and fixed firmly to the rock on which the plant grows by the basal surface, rh, thus forming a rudimentary rhizoid. He tossed the cell on the side of the road. A large nematocyst, with everted thread, is seen in the right-hand ectodermal cell. Jared exclaimed, hanging his hands through the bars in his cell. Did you know Jonathan told our twins that Alex wants to get him a cell phone but you're being a … unreasonable about it? If such a general parasite carries its activities farther, every cell may be killed and the plant forthwith destroyed e.g. For a more detailed description of the cell see CYTOLOGY and the section on Cytology of Plants below). I fished his cell number out of my pocket and dialed. The cell where she sat measured six by six with a grey bench. The stage was designed to imitate a prison, 17. She squeezed the steering wheel then reached into her coat pocket for her cell phone. When the applied electromotive force is diminished by an infinitesimal amount, the cell produces a current in the usual direction, and the ordinary chemical changes occur. In most cases four spores are formed within the cell by free formation. cell, which is non-motile, is carried to the oosphere by means of a pollen tube. Across from them was another cell, this one darkened. In the Cyanophyceae the contents of the cell are differentiated into a central colorless region, and a peripheral layer containing the chlorophyll and other coloring matters together with granules of a reserve substance called cyanophycin. Examples of 'cell' in a sentence cell. The electromotive force of each cell is i 07 volts and the resistance 3 ohms. The spore-cell multiplies by division, while the enveloping cell is nutrient and protective. Her cell rang, and she recognized her doctor's number. In the group of the Siphoneae both these types of differentiation may exist in the single, long, branched, tube-like and multinucleate cell (coenocyte) which here forms the plant-body. The door opened. En général, on ajoute un "e" à l'adjectif. Tamer pulled out his cell phone and scowled. In series with the tube is placed a single voltaic cell and a telegraphic relay, and Marconi added certain coils placed across the spark contacts of the relay to prevent the local sparks affecting the coherer. He slammed himself against the cell walls, roaring. (scientific theory of living things) théorie cellulaire nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". Each renal organ is a sac lined with glandular epithelium (ciliated cell, with concretions) communicating with the exterior by its papilla, and by ce, Cerebral ganglia. She.d last seen him in Hell, where they shared a cell together. Rhyn considered how he might use the demon, as he had once before. Thallophyta are the most lowly organized plants and include a great variety of forms, the vegetative portion of which consists of a single cell or a number of cells forming a more or less branched thallus. Rhyn left the cell block to Toby's protests and walked with Gabe through the antechamber and into the hallway on the other side. They are prominent during cell-division, but many disappear in. As Toby watched, Ully stuck his hand out of the cell and placed it on the wall. The demons tossed Gabriel's body into a dark cell two down from Ully's before they left. Gabe's gaze was dark, his air brooding. (dead) " Radiation damages living cells. " Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Making sure she's not sneaking up behind me to kill me, Xander said and removed his cell from his jeans. Once again she tried the cell phone, with the same results. No cell phone activity on either Jessi or her cousin. As for stem cell manipulation, the good doctor suggested we check back with him in a quarter-century or so. In the Algae such a cell consists essentially of: (1) a mass of protoplasm provided with (2) a nucleus and (3) an assimilating apparatus consisting of a colored protoplasmic body, called a chromatophore, the pigment of which in the pure green forms is chlorophyll, and which may then be called a cliloroplast. That evening at home they were eating supper when Jonathan again asked Alex if he could get a cell phone. For example a blood stem cell will go on to become a red blood cell, platelet or white blood cell. A tissue mother-cell of the phloem may give rise to (i) a segment of a sieve-tube with its companion cell or cells; (2) a phloem fibre; (3) a single phloem-parenchyma (cambiform) cell, or a ve~rtical file of short parenchyma cells. Hartog has endeavoured to show that it can only he formed by a dual force, analagous to that of magnetism, the spindle-fibi es being comparable to the lines of force in a magnetic field and possibly due to electrical differences in the cell. He'd still rather be humoring Sasha and eating his oranges than sitting in the damned cell! They do not represent the opinions of Hunt worked on molecules that function like an engine for cell division. Pulling the cell phone from the holster on her side, she called Felipa. Toby looked up as the familiar demon named Jared passed his cell, trailed by two demons carrying a body with another familiar face. Vara pulled her body towards him until she cleared the cell then lifted her. another shouted as he scoured the gutters around the church. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. the group, the exceptions being met with almost entirely among the higher Brown Seaweeds, in which is found parenchyma produced by the segmentation of an apical cell of the whole shoot, or by cell division in some other type of meristem. Toby was dragging Kiki up the beach by one leg. The actual current required to work the instrument is 3.3 milliamperes (equivalent approximately to the current given by 1 Daniell cell through 3300 ohms), but in practice a current of to milliamperes is allowed. She'd lived through too much the past few days to be eaten by some boogeyman in a dark cell! English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "cell" He is vulnerable to infection because his body is not producing enough white blood cellsDoes smoking cigarettes destroy brain cells? I wish you would make an effort to be available on your cell phone when we're apart. His hands appeared through the cell bars. In addition to the cell types described, it is a very common occurrence in these bulky forms for rhizoid-like branches of the cells to grow out, mostly from the cells at the periphery of the medulla, and grow down between the cells, strengthening the whole tissue, as in the Rhodophyceae. Later that evening, Alex answered his cell phone. Thus during the six days of the week the Therapeutae "philosophized," each in his own cell, but on the Sabbath they met in a common assembly, where women also had places screened off from the men, and listened to a discourse from one who was the eldest and most skilled in their doctrines. She moved to the bars at the front of her cell, aware of the beast across the hall doing the same with a growl. The prisoners had been transferred to a different, 8. He took Jessi's arm then whipped out his cell with his free hand. Roy. "Hannah," Ully said and motioned to a cell farther down. 1. The cell is essentially an individualized mass of protoplasm containing a differentiated protoplasmic body, called a nucleus. ‘Each cell has a base station that transmits and receives signals over just a small fraction of the frequencies to which the network operator has access.’ ‘As the initiated say, in telecommunications lies not only cell and telephone issues but also broadcasting and now Internet.’ The cell theory so far as it relates to plants was established by Schleiden in 1838. He escaped by sawing through the bars of his. In the Fucaceae, on the other hand, there is a single prismatic apical cell situated at the bottom of a groove at the growing apex of the thallus, which cuts off cells from its sides to add to the peripheral, and from its base to add to the central permanent cells. Actin polymerization then propels the bacterium unidirectionally into the host cell membrane. This one guy, I was his cell mate for a few months about the middle of my stretch; he was plain different. In Monoblepliaris, one of the lower Fungi, in some Algae, in the Vascular Cryptograms, in Cycads (Zamia and Cycas), and in Ginkgo, an isolated genus of Gymnosperms, the male cell is a motile spermatozoid with two or more cilia. If the germ-cells are undifferentiated, the offspring may arise from many cells or from a single cell; the first type is (4) germinal budding, the second is (5) sporogony. The human had spent most of the evening pacing around the cell, trying to make some sense of everything, stopping only briefly to eat, in an effort to soak up all the alcohol. The formaldehyde at once undergoes a process of condensation oi- polymerization by the protoplasm of the plastid, while the hydrogen peroxide is said to be decomposed into water and free oxygen by another agency in the cell, of the nature of one of the enzymes of which we shall speak later. If, however, one electrode of this cell is connected to the earth and the other to a receiving antenna and electric waves allowed to fall on the antenna, the oscillations passing through the electrolytic cell will remove the polarization and L temporarily decrease the resistance of the cell. If the attack of a parasite is met by the formation of some substance in the protoplasm which is chemo- tactically repulsive to the invader, it may be totally incapable of penetrating the cell, even though equipped with a whole armoury of cytases, diastatic and other enzymes, and poisons which would easily overcome the more passive resistances offered by mere cell-walls and cell-contents of other plants, the protoplasm of which forms bodies chemotactically attractive to the Fungus. Besides the internal or centripetal growth, some cell-walls are thickened on the outside, such as pollen grains, oospores of Fungi, cells of Peridineae, &c. This centrifugal growth must apparently take place by the activity of protoplasm external to the cell. The electrocytes establish a charge difference across the cellmembranes, presumably by active transport of ions. Most cellular activity occurs within the cytoplasm. In order that the current should be maintained, and the electromotive force of the cell remain constant during action, it is necessary to ensure that the changes in the cell, chemical or other, which produce the current, should neither destroy the difference between the electrodes, nor coat either electrode with a non-conducting layer through which the current cannot pass. She awoke on the lower bunk bed in a prison cell with no windows and a tiny metal toilet and sink. Cell definition is - a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent. cell. (animal, human, plant) " She was put in a jail cell. " The cell in such a division of labor cannot therefore be regarded as an independent unit. Find more ways to say cell, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It is a homogeneous mass, scarcely a cell or aggregation of cells. They walked in silence to the holding cell. These include cell walls and the various stored products found in growing cells. The definition of a cell membrane is a layer of tissue that surrounds a cell. If the chemical changes which occur in the cell were allowed to take place in a closed vessel without the performance of electrical or other work, the change in energy would be measured by the heat evolved. He showed that all the organs of plants are built up of cells, that the plant embryo originates from a single cell, and that the physiological activities of the plant are dependent upon the individual activities of these vital units. The elementary unit of plant structure, as of animal structure, is the cell. Klaproth in 1799, is obtained when pure carbon (graphite or charcoal) is oxidized by alkaline permanganate, or when carbon forms the positive pole in an electrolytic cell (Ber., 1883, 16, p. 1209). 254. Carmen had only taken a few bites before the telephone rang – a reminder that her cell phone was in her room. A warder appeared at the cell door. Pulling the cell phone from her purse, she tried calling Mr. O'Hara. "Not in the slightest. he asked. Rarely the nephridium does not communicate with the coelom; in such cases the nephridium ends in a single cell, like the "flame cell" of a Platyhelminth worm, in which there is a lumen blocked at the coelomic end by a tuft of fine cilia projecting into the lumen. Cell definition, a small room, as in a convent or prison. Plcotrachelus causes the invaded Pilobolus to swell up, and changes the whole course of its cell metabolism, and similarly with Plasmodiophora in the roots of turnips, and many other cases. The cell reproduced and the organism grew. When the zinc and copper plates are connected through a wire, a current flows, the conventionally positive electricity passing from copper to zinc in the wire and from zinc to copper in the cell. I think sometimes I moved into the cell beside yours in Hell. Definition of cells in English Dictionary; Noun BF cell. She fingered the small teal evening purse hanging around her wrist, where her cell phone was. Whether it's in a prison or in your blood (or even in the political landscape), a cell is a small room, space, or unit. The heavy, musty scent of earth was contained within a four-by-four-foot cell, not even large enough for him to lie down. Her cell rang, and she stared at it briefly through bleary eyes. Remembering her cell phone, she reached for it. Sometimes he could see out into the hallway and the empty cell across from his; sometimes he couldn't. 868. Prokaryote cell. He crossed through the glowing black portal into the one place he'd hoped never to see again: Hell. He took his time going back to the cell block. Under certain situations including impairment in the completion of the autophagy process and overdigestion of cytoplasmic contents due to excessive autophagy may lead to autophagic cell death [62 ]. She pulled up Dr. Wynn's office number on her cell, tempted to invite him to the beach this weekend instead of Logan. To obtain an absolutely pure culture with certainty it is necessary, even when the gelatin method is employed, to start from a single cell. Finally, at ten minutes after twelve, her cell phone rang. She pocketed the cell, grateful for his consideration. The Cell Theory.For a general and historical account of the cell theory see CYTOLOGY. Finally, cases occur where the invaded cell so adapts itself to the presence of the intruder that life in commonsymbiosisresults. They began beating against their cell walls, and the lights flickered again. In some cases both the nucleus and the chromatophores may be carried along in the rotating stream, but in others, such as T.Titeila, the chloroplasts may remain motionless iii a non-motile layer of the cytoplasm in direct contact with the cell wall.i Desmids, Diatoms and Oscillaria show creeping movements probably due to the secretion of slime by the cells; the swarmspores and plasmodium of the Myxomycetes exhibit amoehoid movements; and the motile spores of Fungi and Algae, the spermatozoids of mosses, ferns, &c., move by means of delicate prolongations, cilia or flagella cf the protoplast. Ex : fille - nf > On dira "la fille" ou "une fille". Dictionary ! "Where is everyone?" Read more… This may have been a sign that hydrogen was leaking from one of the cells. Any cell phone intercepts on why he's in town? The death-dealer was more unkempt than Rhyn had ever seen him. He crossed through the shadow world to the beach of the Caribbean Sanctuary. The growth of such a cell will be found to depend mainly upon five conditions: (I) There must be a supply of nutritive or plastic materials, at the expense of which the increase of its living substance can take place, and which supply the needed potential energy. The Fuller bichromate battery consists of an outer jar containing a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, in which a plate of hard carbon is immersed; in the jar there is also a porous pot containing dilute sulphuric acid and a small quantity (2 oz.) (5) There must be a supply of oxygen to the growing cell, for the protoplast is dependent upon this gas for the performance of its vital functions, and particularly for the liberation of the energy which is demanded in the constructive processes. How to use cell in a sentence. She took her time getting home, ignoring her cell phone when it rang. pit-threads and wail-threads may occur in the same cell, but more often the threads are limited to the pits. In any case the nephridia which occupy the segments of the body generally are first of all represented by paired structures, the "pronephridia," in which the funnel is composed of but one cell, which is flagellate. The cytoplasm is largely concerned in the formation of spindle fibres and centrosomes, and such structures as the cell membrane, cilia, or flagella, the coenocentrum, nematoplasl~ or vibrioids and physodes are also products of its activity. In her room, Carmen picked up her cell phone. of the cell and also its internal resistance. Roy. The term Anatomy, originally employed in biological science to denote a description of the facts of structure revealed on cutting up an organism, whether with or without the aid of lenses for the purposes of magnification, is restricted in the present article, in accordance with a common modern use, to those facts of internal structure not concerned with the constitution of the individual cell, the structural unit of which the plant is composed. Embryos grow by cell division . The prisoners had been transferred to a different, 16. "Oh, thank gods," Ully said from the cell across from Toby. The voice came from a cell down the hall. Here are some examples. Jonathan had reached puberty in full rebellion, which was one of the reasons she didn't think he should have a cell phone. He would stay in this holding cell on the outskirts of Hell until Sasha figured out some new grueling punishment. Jared stood in the cell, covered in blood. At the receiving station Marconi connected a single voltaic cell B 1 and a sensitive telegraphic relay R in series with his tube of metallic filings C, and interposed certain little coils called choking coils. Each fibre is formed by the outgrowth of a single epidermal cell of the testa or outer coat of the seed. He pulled the cell phone from its pouch on his pocket and flipped it open. This is a primal necessity of the protoplast,and every cell gives evidence of its need by adopting one of the various ways in which such need is supplied. She looked out of the front of the cell into a small corridor with equally harsh lighting. The 'holding cell' was a lavishly appointed 700 square foot room. Only it wasn't just your cell and wallet. 3. Once again he had been unable to reach her on the cell phone – for whatever reason. Ully called from the cell across the narrow hallway. Cell has several different meanings, but all of them are similar. Contrary, however, to the experience of others, he has never found that the attraction-spheres play an important part in direct cell-division, or, indeed, that they exert any influence whatever upon the mechanism of the process. On creating an electric spark or wave in the neighbourhood of the tube the resistance suddenly falls to a few ohms and the cell sends a current through it. What does cell mean? In Hydra the odcyte is a large amoeboid cell, which sends out pseudopodia amongst the odgonia and absorbs nutriment from them. The worst part was the fact that the cell phone tower in their area was out. Her cell phone rang at the exact time she was certain that her head would burst. I tried to call you on your cell phone, but I didn't get an answer. Externally is a thin cuticle; this covers the epidermis, which consists of a syncytium with no cell limits. contents of a cell excluding the nucleus. Fermentation now includes all changes in organic compounds brought about by ferments elaborated in the living animal or vegetable cell. The dry cell when new and in good condition has an open-circuit voltage of from 1.5 to 1.6 volts.