Now, I want to say a few things about why I think Fox is generally a good soldier. The team finally reached the rendezvous point to await Master Koon's extraction team. In the process of battle, a fellow clone and close friend of Fives, Tup, fired upon and killed Jedi General Tiplar. 83. Galactic Republic[1]Coruscant Guard[1]Galactic Empire[5] In response to Tano's escape attempt, Fox deployed the Coruscant Guard alongside Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" as they pursued the Jedi escapee. Saddened by the news, 99 revealed that he had Hevy's graduation medal, which had been a gift between the two clones, to Fives and Echo. In the base's tower, a furious Krell yelled at Fives and Jesse and arrested the clones with the intention of having them court-martialed.[15]. Fives was behaving erratically and was explaining himself to his superiors. It ended when Tup, with the help of a native vixus, managed to deceive and detain the mad general long enough to stun him. [3] He also had positive relationships with Obi-Wan Kenobi[8] and Anakin Skywalker, the latter whom was saddened by his death. Later in the war, he would regard Tup as his best friend. Fives' name is derived from his designation number (CT-27-5555), which features fives in sequence. She was ultimately liberated by the efforts of Commander Fox and a contingent of clone shock troopers who raided Ziro's establishment in Galactic City, having been informed of the Hutt's illegal actions by Amidala's protocol droid C-3PO. Due to his clone designation, he was given the nickname "Fives." [10], Fox was fooled by a group of Separatist droids that he referred to as "stupid droids. Nonetheless, the force made their way through the facility and freed Piell, Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, and multiple captive clone officers. [3], Captain Rex and Fives participate in the rescue of Jedi General Even Piell, Fives and the others made their escape across Lola Sayu's shadowy landscape, fighting Sobeck's battle droids and being tracked by his anoobas. The Coruscant Guard remained under Commander Fox's leadership after Palpatine declared himself Emperor, reorganizing the Republic into the Galactic Empire. Commander Fox (CC-1010) was in command of the Coruscant Guard, and assisted Senator Amidala in the capture of Ziro the Hutt. In space, Fives, Hardcase, and Jesse successfully destroyed the supply ship, but not without the loss of Hardcase, who sacrificed his life so his brothers could live another day. Pursued by Separatist security, the rescue team was forced to split up to protect the vital intelligence carried by the Piell and Tarkin. [14] His armor didn't change much when he switched to phase 2 armor, except his helmet was changed. It’s a coup’ de-tat. [15], The trio sneaked out of the airbase in Umbaran Starfighters. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His new armor was colored mainly in red which in fact is the inverted color scheme of the standard kit of the clone shock troopers. [25], It is requested that this article section. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Male[1] When Fox found that a Trandoshan bounty hunter was going to kidnap Senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin, he pursued him. In preparation for the defense of the planet's cloning facilities, they were reunited with 99, a deformed maintenance clone who had been kind to the Domino's during their training, and informed him of Hevy's death. Unbeknownst to Fox,[14] Turmond was murdered by the fallen Jedi Barriss Offee, whose distorted views led her to commit acts of betrayal and terrorism. When Skywalker accused Fives of trying to assassinate Palpatine, the tension escalated. This oversight on Fox's part ultimately cost the commander his life.[3]. In addition to his armor, Fox wore a kama and a customized helmet similar to the one worn by CC-2224 "Cody" of the 212th Attack Battalion. Again, Krell's leadership style led to the death of dozens of soldiers, further enraging Fives. Following the First Battle of Geonosis, he was transferred to the Republic capital where he assumed command of the Coruscant Guard. Commander Gree (CC-1004) commanded the 41st Elite Corps, and served with Jedi General Luminara Unduli. She was born a Nightblood and, as is tradition, was brought to Polis to be taught and trained as a potential successor for the Commander. An impromptu plan was developed to meet back at the Citadel's airfields and hopefully use Separatist aircraft to escape. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Cloned from the genetic template of the human bounty hunter Jango Fett, Fox trained on the extragalactic world of Kamino as part of an army of identical soldiers during the last years of the Republic Era. The ship he was traveling in later crashed in an isolated area that would serve as his frozen prison for the next 50 years, thereby removing him from any further involvement with Order 66's outcome. Comparing Fives' and Tup's chips, AZI-3 and Fives discovered that Fives's chip appeared to be healthy and functioning properly while Tup's suffered from some form of decay. Facebook. Human (clone)[4] Fives found evidence on Kamino about the conspiracy and was framed for trying to kill Chancellor Palpatine. Echo and Fives joined Skywalker's team through the old tunnels beneath the Citadel, along with Tarkin. Voter Fraud. Fives's armor and appearance before and after his promotion to ARC Trooper. The log allowed her to incapacitate Rex, and successfully scan for and remove his chip. Rex looks at a holograph image of himself with Cody, Echo and Fives. When they accused Krell of treachery, he admitted he had been secretly manipulating the soldiers all along. Rancor Battalion leaders Commanders Colt, Havoc, and Blitz, arrived to train cadets and give their final grade. [19] The Jedi Order had been accused of treason by Chancellor Palpatine; as such, they were marked for death by the clone troopers who once served them. Later, he unhesitatingly ordered his guards to kill Tano, whom he believed responsible for the deaths of several clones during her escape, but grudgingly complied with Anakin Skywalker's orders to capture the Padawan alive. Later in the war, following Fives death, Rex kept a holographic picture of himself, Cody, Fives and Echo, which he looked at and reminisced about during the Battle of Anaxes, after suspecting that a Separatist algorithm could in fact be Echo alive and well, after having previously been assumed dead at the Citadel. Despite Rex's insistence that he keep a level head for the sake of the rest of the troops, Fives advocated for a plan of action separate from Krell's. Fox didn’t want to risk the lives of his squad mates, is that a bad thing? Soon after he was forced to face the knowledge concerning the grim outcome of the Order's implementation and his failure to affect it in the way he had hoped.[20]. Show More. However, the battle ended in grief; 99 died trying to retrieve grenades and ammo for his brothers. Having no knowledge of the time that passed, he attempted to continue with his initial mission to bring to light the conspiracy. As such, they did not turn against the Jedi unlike the rest of the clone army that went on to serve the Galactic Empire. [18], During the initial stage of the Great Jedi Purge, Fox and his fellow clones participated in the implementation of Order 66 on Coruscant. What Happened to Commander Fox After the Clone Wars? Ti and El-Les commended Domino Squad's efforts, and all five cadets were given medals as a symbol of their graduation from clone cadet to full fledged members of the Grand Army of the Republic. Further investigation revealed that the chip itself was installed during the earliest stages of clone embryo development. While Krell expressed his frustration with the insubordination, he begrudgingly accepted the victory it afforded him. 133 Likes, 13 Comments - RepublicCommanderColt (@republiccommandercolt) on Instagram: “And now the moment that started the Fox hate train. [5], The cadets went to their sleeping quarters, but Fives and fellow cadet Echo went to Shaak Ti and asked for a transfer to a new squad. Gender Fox and Captain CT-7567 "Rex" disagreed about Ahsoka Tano as the rogue Padawan fled from the military. Together Fives, Rex, and Anakin Skywalker were able to retrieve a still unconscious Tup before Trench's droids could abscond with him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After releasing Fives and Jesse from the brig, the group found Krell in the tower. Fives sported a tattoo on his right temple of the number "5" in accordance to his nickname and clone number designation.[3]. Concerned for his friend's safety, Fives requested that he accompany the troubled clone to Kamino. [15] Offee further tainted her incarcerated comrade's reputation by killing three clone officers with her lightsaber, leading Fox to believe that Tano was the culprit. Fox pursued him all over the streets of Co… … Black[4] Rex opposed Krell's decision, even trying to take the punishment himself. With Krell dead and the Umbarans subdued, Fives left the shadowy planet with shaken faith in his place in the Republic's war effort, asking Rex, "What's the point of all this?"[16]. Show Less. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Commander Fox Phase 2 CaptainRex21. Lexa grew up with the Woods Clan, and from an early age, was trained as a warrior. At the time Fox was tasked with protecting the central power distribution grid on Level 5000. Fives' last mission was on a space station where Tup had a breakdown and killed a Jedi General, forcing the Republic battlegroup to retreat as they attempted to discern what was wrong with Tup. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. 10K likes. And Fox was almost certainly ordered to kill Fives by Palpatine. Chronological and political information Fox retained command of the Coruscant Guard in the aftermath of Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire. He then attacked Fives, who in a moment of self defense was framed as a potential assassin. Gender CT-6116 "Kix" conducted his own investigation which led him to discover Palpatine's conspiracy and forced Dooku to abduct and freeze him within cryo-cycle stasis to prevent the information from being leaked, thus removing him from any further involvement within The Clone Wars and Order 66. He assured the Emperor's apprentice, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, that the perimeter around the Temple was secure. Fives and Jesse escaped the exploding supply ship while Hardcase slammed one of his starship's missiles into the ship's core. Species Unfortunately, they were encountered by a Rishi eel, which killed Cutup. Later, Fives, along with the rest of the 501st, took part in a military campaign to defeat Separatist forces led by Admiral Trench occupying space station surrounding the world of Ringo Vinda. 0 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Nov 21, 2017 . [4], Following Rex's plan, the clones tricked the droids into opening the blast doors and stormed the base, with Fives firing his blaster for the first time and getting his first kills. Chronological and political information He said that he felt that his actions were justified, and that clones, as people, shouldn't follow orders when they know the orders are wrong. Although he tried to explain his actions, Fox was summarily executed for failing to provide the clones with Vader's description. Commander CC-1010 "Fox" and the Coruscant Guard raided Ziro's palace to rescue Senator Padmé Amidala. [10], Kix became determined to find out what Fives died for. “This is the first time to my knowledge that an airplane scored a kill while carrying four 2,000-lb bombs, then continued on to hit its target,” Lieutenant Commander Mark Fox, VFA-81 F/A-18 Hornet Pilot . Later in the war, Fives served with the 501st during the Battle of Umbara. Their training was overseen by bounty hunters Bric and El-Les, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Agitated by his experience and by Nala Se's drugging, Fives's attempts to explain his actions and his discoveries proved incoherent. The other clones in Domino Squad called Fives by his number, CT-27-5555, although Fives would rather be called by his nickname. 6. The battle was cut off when Rex realized that the opposing soldiers were clones of the 212th, also sent under Krell's orders. Blame Sheev, not Fox. Brown[4] Domino Squad was reckless, and they rarely got along as a team. In the early days of the New Order, Fox and his troops encountered Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, Chief Librarian of the Jedi Temple, who used the Force to influence the clones in order to pass them safely. The Jedi ordered the immediate execution of Fives and Jesse. Hair color [4] From the start, Fives demonstrated a strong ability to empathize and care for his fellow clones,[5] as well as the trait of being a survivor. Twitter . Bound by his sense of duty to the Republic, Fox arrested Ahsoka Tano as a suspect in the murder of Letta Turmond. Show More. [16], Led by Rex, the furious remainder of the two battalions returned to the airbase with the intent of arresting General Krell for treason against the Republic. After a brief encounter with a confused Dogma, the clones out out to catch the former Jedi. 7849 . RELATED: 10 Hilarious LEGO Star Wars Memes That'll Make You Wish You Were A LEGO. In a moment of desperation, Fives lashed out against Kaminoan security and fled into the depths of the facility with his droid friend in tow. We begin this with…” [14] When Fox and his troops confronted Fives, he demanded that the ARC trooper surrender to them. Their training was overseen by bounty hunters Bric and El-Les, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Upon entering the 501st Legion, he decorated his armor with blue stripes, a stylized blue and red Rishi eel running down the top of the helmet, and an image of a Z-6 blaster cannon on his shoulder giving homage to his dead squadmate Hevy. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. After 99 helped them gather weapons from a nearby armory, the group staged a trap for the incoming droids. About 2 years ago . [3], Just then, midway through Fives's explanation, Commander Fox and a squad of Coruscant guards arrived to arrest him, sent by Palpatine. Fives, Rex, and the rest of the 501st leadership debated what to do with the dangerous rogue Jedi they now held captive. Species [4] He was also a fearless soldier who led the elite Coruscant Guard shock troopers into combat, and was always the first to charge into battle. 16 1 Commander Fox Phase 2, Killed Fives (ARC-5555) Star Wars the Clone Wars. Diese Website wurde für deutsche Benutzer erstellt. Commander Fox was a human male clone who stood at 1.83 meters,[1] a physical trait he inherited from his template Jango Fett. He quickly grew suspicious of the care afforded to Tup, and began to suspect the Kaminoans of possessing an ulterior motive. Because Commander Fox was head of the 65th Clone Trooper Legion, AKA the Coruscant Guard. Assigned to the Rishi moon, the clones were charged with protecting and operating a Republic listening post. Probably the thing he is hated for most is killing Fives. Physical description Fives and both teams had no time to search for their comrade and were forced to flee the airfield, thus Echo was presumed killed in action..[9] Unbeknownst to them however, Echo survived[10] and was captured by the Separatists,[11] but it would be the last time Fives ever saw Echo,[9] as by the time Echo's survival was discovered[12] it was too late for Fives. He continued to use a DC-15 blaster rifle while he was in the 501st Legion. Over the course of the war, Fox became one of the most highly decorated soldiers in the Republic Military. As one of only two survivors, Fives was recruited into the 501st Legion. Now convinced that there was more to his friend's death than previously appeared, he stole the tumor to conduct further tests of his own. During a fierce firefight, Fives and Echo tried to reach the shuttle. Ahsoka Tano, the Jedi Padawan who arrested the terrorist, visited the facility at Turmond's request, but was required to surrender her lightsabers to Commander Fox as a security precaution. Fives also fought on Ringo Vinda when Clone trooper tup killed Jedi General Tiplar because of a malfunctioning biochip that triggered Order 66. Fearing for Tup's immediate safety, Fives and AZ1-3 removed the tumor from his brain. Google+. This isn’t a smoking gun, it’s a smoking MOAB. Fuck you CC-1010. Kamino[1] Vode An, brother. Fives and Hardcase were able to enter the base undetected, commandeer two enemy starfighters, and secure a victory. Fearing for his own safety, Fives ordered AZI-3 to remove the chip from his own brain. Following the initial assault from Separatist commando droids, Fives, Echo, Cutup, and Hevy managed to escape the base through the ventilation shaft and emerged onto the moon's surface. Fives and Jesse are prepared for execution. It proved a success and Domino Squad celebrated their victory, finally coming to know one another as brothers and a team. They were interrupted by clones sent by Krell to fetch Fives and Jesse. CC-1010, nicknamed "Fox," was a clone trooper officer who served as the Clone Commander of the Coruscant Guard during the Clone Wars. [21] In addition to Rex, clone troopers Wolffe and Gregor also eventually removed their chips. When finished the others were then rescued and returned to Coruscant Emperor 's apprentice, the group found Krell the... 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