There is nothing special you need to do to receive the activations. They're both beacons of light and knowledge, here to help humanity move towards the Golden Age of Transformation. Heptagram is the star form of Heptagon and symbolizes the star system and the connection among the seven chakras. XXIII: At a sance the room fills with the scent of roses and a consoling female voice. May your Divinity continue to embody within and around you.Do you feel resonant with the Pleiades?You are loved and Supported You are Divine Infinite Love and Blessings to you, magical beingMy Personal:Instagram: @ActivationVibration @ActivationCodesTikTok: @ActivationVibrationFacebook: Activations Website MusicSpotify You for Existing and Being Here with Us~ May your Ascension continue to Activate Divinely.And So It Is If youre wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals rather than regular ones, its because I have no idea how to turn off the numbering system of my word processing program, which screws up in a variety of different ways when I try to number with regular numerals. XV: A ballet master choreographing a complex ensemble. XXVI: Silently a group of people are reading poems. It represents the duality within all of us. IX: A tree heavy with apples of pure gold. Thank you for sharing. Thank you so much for this wonderful powerful masterclass. XX: A caravan of gypsies traveling across a vast prairie. This is a follow-along page of " Pleiadian Symbol Code Activation " class. Allow your body to fill up with golden light codes all resonating to the new abundant light now. The Golden Light Symbol activates your chamber of remembrance and clears the DNA of interference thus allowing for a simple line of communication of light and light frequency to be received. XVI: The volcano goddess laughing. Apart from the separation you feel around money you give your power away to something that you think is far bigger, how big is this distortion in your world at this moment. XXI: A great operatic diva is removing her costume and makeup. They say the following: "We are of a form not unlike your own. All rights reserved. IX: A mystic symbol comes to life as a multicolored serpent Seven is the number of primary chakras which ensures balance in our body. XXVII: Above a city angels waiting for humans to contact them. XVI: The spirits of gems rising out of the ground at dusk. All are powerful tools, providing a form of sound healing. Poetry Books > XIX: In the middle of the night three portraits converse with each other in whispers. XI: A holy man lecturing to a group of mountains. Pleiadeans wants balance and these symbols can help you find it. Pleiadian Symbols Here is a complete listing of the mutated Sabian Symbols which I have recently channeled. XXVI: Turned in the hand a quarts crystal glimmers with rainbows. The holders of these codes already are speaking and releasing wealth and knowledge onto the planet assisting humanity in the changes. XVII: Lava, as it flows into the sea, is creating new land. The spreading of Love and Light in order to raise the vibrations of humanity is the mission of the Starseeds from the Pleiades. XXVII: Wrinkled hands caress a piece of turquoise. EARTH has the HIGHEST LIGHT VIBRATIONS in the UNIVERSE. From Reuters, "El Salvador vows gang crackdown will go on as citizens cheer safer streets":. There are 12 codes a blueprint of your galactic DNA light body. Let your hearts be the guide, not your minds the heart has shown you the way for many years and yet you doubt this unlimited aspect of self. Due to higher works, messages are not being monitored or accepted at this time. Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as "star seeds," with a mission of bringing light and knowledge. VI: Logs of sacred trees being finished to become columns in a temple. Through your divine service I now have many exciting tools to explore so that I may continue to grow and learn. II: A mole sleeping cozily in its burrow. The energy that I am referring to is in essence, your galactic partner your galactic star codes of knowledge existing on the outer realms and held in the greatest light by the. XXV: A vast lawn with fountains and waterfall in the distance. There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. I am so looking forward becoming more of who I really am. Pleiadians are thought to exist in several dimensions including 3D (the Earth plane) through to the 9D. It is rarely ever reached. XVII: Carvings of ferocious dogs with wings at the entrance to a temple. Starseeds help the world by creating connections between all the people and healing them. VII: Fragments of an antique colossus lying on a beach. *This may translate as this \"just feeling good to listen to\"*This is a cosmically attuned, and intentionally channeled Pleiadian Transmission invoking the divine frequencies of soul aspects to bridge to current embodiment, and to amplify and activate the higher dimensional wisdom and vibration, of these infinite codes.Pleaidians are an embodiment of divine source expression- other aspects of us, in which exist and emanate from a higher dimension. XX: A young girl feeding diamonds to a flock of baby phoenixes. So, learn more about these symbols and engage with your Starseed energy. Numerous Earth languages are derived from Pleiadian. XXVII: Sanding and sanding a sculptor iscarefully modulating and refining a curve. XX: The clouds hurry: theyre late for an appointment. XXIV: Searching for a lost friend a man lands on a remote island. Balance is of utmost importance, so a mastery of the chakra system and the Kundalini energy that runs through it is central to them. XXVIII: Leaving his wealth behind, a man wanders away. XVII: A man who has the ability to transfer information simply by touching someone. You are being given an opportunity to choose a new response and change your old story. It is also essential for activating the Kundalini energy. XXVIII: Moonlight reflecting off the shiny head of an old man. If you observe and engage with these symbols, you might even activate your soul memory and understand your mission. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. XXVI: At night the fires of wanderers dot the planes. Start to draw up the energies of the earth through your feet andask to receive your earth light codes. The codes start to appear in brilliant golden light that transform your body into a golden angelic being. In order for there to be a real change there must be a point of stillness within you and the planet its a reflection of time its self to release the internal power of your freedom within the light, a journey that has taken place for many years is now coming to a point of turning within your evolution here upon earth. This may cause some discomfort in your lives or physical bodies and is a symptom of the ascension and transformation upon the earth plane. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. Multilingual Light Language Speakers. There is a lot more than you have to do, though, however, these signs can give you a good start. XXX: The planning of an angelic city. XIII: The air suddenly turns cool as winds rise. Unlocking the Light Body is a vital part of the awakening process and an important step on your spiritual journey. XIX: A child carefully carrying an immense stack of books. The tears that you may shed are only for the loss of an illusion, which has kept you in a program of limitation and negative belief patterns. The one coin to contain them all! The new children of the Earth have come in with a massive consciousness light of expanding and pushing energies to help and activate a light within your hearts. II: Trolls seeding a meadow with gold nuggets. Thank you for blessing the universe with the beauty of your true self. VII: A mans astral body travels into the sky to see the stars more closely. This universal light language in it's many forms is known throughout all of God's creation by all living beings, both physical and non-physical. Ascension Codes. As souls, we are unlimited in what we can do. XVIII: Removing a mask reveals a faceless man. The codes are transmitters of light information in quantum timing explosions of light. XXI: A mysterious piece of unusual color and shape appearing on a chess board. XXIII: A boat of wanderers arrives at an island where the Gods have their garden. Know that you are a transformational force. Its carried within the DNA as a memory and a feeling of something that you may not be able to fully tap into. THANK YOU. XIII: A flame talking to a poet. You are all a living vessel of light, all forming a large matrix of light together and if there is an imbalance in this large matrix of light, this is where the cleansing happens on a deeper level and you will all feel this, some more than others. I found everything to be illuminating and insightful. There is more to this and more will be revealed in later channellings. XXII: A Path into the forest dwindles then disappears. The two tetrahedrons represent masculine and feminine energy. There are to be changes in your environment and Earth during these light transient shifts. III: A female priestess having her head shaved. XVI: A novice mispronouncing many words in a sacred text. New to Light Language Activation Symbols? XX: As a choir sings, angelic voices join in. XVII: In the mental body a web of golden light flickers with energy. Click here for a basic overview TRUST. XV: An invisible man shrouded in clothing. Top Row: #202 Pleiadian Healing Crown, #307 The Pleiadians, #123 Pleiadian Light Matrix Bottom Row: #192 Freedom's Flight, #171 Pleiadian/Sirian Downloading Matrix, #158 Pleiadian 'Seed Crystal' Transmission XX: Men and women in feathered bird costumes dancing in a circle. In ancient times, Pleiadeans often visited for long periods. XXIV: Out of a cocoon more and more butterflies emerging. By shifting your awareness inwards to the heart, your centre of all that is, you will then be able to respond to a vibration of compassion on another level. III: Workers without any plans are building a labyrinth. These Light Language codes connect across the dimensions and within each individual cells memory where the particular coded frequency holds resonance for transformation or transmutation. XX: An immense buffet of foodstuffs prepared with exotic and magical herbs. You are here to co-create with everyone and everything on Earth. As you spoke your meditation, I had a conversation with you. Each 90-120-minute transmission focuses on the Diamond Light Codes and/or DNA Upgrades and Light Body activation. V: a journal of experimental poetry. . XXIX: A long sought after formula is finally found in a rare old book. More information Light language symbol More like this Sagittarius And Cancer Pisces And Capricorn Pisces Zodiac Scorpio Symbol Pisces Fish Virgo Sign Zodiac Cancer For many there has been a feeling within of being pulled and unsettled, which may also cause you some confusion and sadness at times. You will have good days and bad days as long as you live, no matter how enlightened you are. I: Gypsies wandering across Siberia set up camp for the night. XIV: Deep in a cave on the moon a dreamer dreams of prehistoric jungles. In this tunnel you see lots of golden codes, different geometric shapes and colours. XXV: An old, twisted tree, leafless, on which flowers of many colors are blooming. XXIX: A seer receives messages from wind sounds, rock patterns, and shadows. XX: People are learning just by being in close physical proximity to a great teacher. I: A mermaid and an octopus lovingly embracing. There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. XII: A flag made of feathers comes loose and floats away. Novels > One side winning is not possible, as without both sides neither can exist. XXIX: The shifting and modulating of light frequencies creating messages in color. The message will go far deeper within the Earth and this is where the most beautiful rays of Atlantian High Consciousness will be felt for the souls who have released their fear from this lifetime on a grand scale. Just take a moment to feel your body and the shifts that have occurred. II: In a sacred cave a lingam of ice. Pleiadian Symbols Posters 14 Results Love, Peace, Wisdom and Compassion Symbols Poster By claudia-67 $23.45 Ascension Starseed Symbol Poster By Bluepress $25.13 Light Language Starseed Symbols Poster By CustomEmpire $23.04 Starseed Earth Activation spiritual seed for Lightworkers, awakening healers, Energy worker, earth warrior. And WE ARE ASCENDING even FASTER! Akashic Records are memory codes held within your light body. You have been guided here for you are ready to connect with the array of high vibrational images intuitively transmitted to assist your awakening and the collective shift across the dimensions. Always receive money as being a pure energy, very clean and clear, this is the key. You are a waterfall of wisdom, love and sweetness. XVI: A diva singing a passionate aria as the stage burns. There has only been a few chosen so far to receive these codes but the next level is being activated now. I: In mountain pines in spring the sound of rushing water. Feel the pulse of light becoming faster as you start to feel the vastness of self within the universe; this is your Wealth Creation ray. XXIII: A ghostly white figure riding a horse in the twilight. In simple truth, these symbols are high frequency codes or keys of light connecting and activating your entire being and all that is. XVI: A researcher looking through secret archives. Custom Blend DNA Templates Dimensional Navigation Attunement Individual Blends, for your Individual Needs, Aligns you to your Ascension Codes of Light Cleanses the DNA Template of all interference that stops full communication with your Ascension Codes of Light. XXI: A woman lying on a stage as she sings and dies. This includes, but is not limited to, awakening dormant DNA and transmuting DNA which no longer holds resonance to your next level of evolution. . XIII: A past life appears suddenly with crystal clarity. I would like to bring your attention to your hearts which is a great place to start. XIV: In bright sunlight an empty street and and a shadow disappearing around a corner. It is truly a joy to connect with you. Often the value of find balance is found in the looking; the journey is as important as the destination. Words cannot describe the magnificence of your work. XVIII: An immense geodesic dome. Each of you from this lifetime holds codes within your DNA that can shift a major illusion in humanity and Earth. I wish for you all to spend time in gratitude for all that you have right now and send this gratitude right around the Earth to the water, forests, jungles, animals, people and all livings things on the planet. A Pleiadian starseed is a soul whose origin is from the Pleiadian star system, right next to the Orions belt. XXX: White birds swimming on a pond seem to glow in the twilight. A silver light is entering your crown, a harmonic pulse of light you have now entered into the chambers of Pleiadean, Sirian High Councils and St Germian and the Violet Flame. Dont be afraid of the changes ahead there is still a lot of confusing information being circulated around. This is part of a series of Light Language Channels specifically encoded to awaken and remind you of your own Akashic Codes, Inner Divinity, Soul Purpose, past/parallel lives, and bridge you to. VI: Revellers dancing around a maypole. XXI: A group of acrobats inventing new routines. Sirius holds deep spiritual wisdom. XXX: A seer, on his back and gazing into the sky, becomes a channel for cosmic messages. If you value my contribution to your journey or years of service to the greater awakening (via my multidimensional work behind the scenes), please show your support by placing a gift of exchange. XVII: A plant thought to be extinct comes to life from a seed that chanced to fall by the wayside. XIV: At night a visionary is peering over the curver of the horizon. V: Many generations of a family speaking to each other across time. More and more dualities are becoming evident to us now that more Starseeds from the Pleiades are arriving and drawing consciousness to it. Atlantian Blue Light Anointment Oil healing and balancing your emotional bodies,while connecting you very deeply into the earth girds. XXV: The tinkling of camel bells as a caravan crosses the desert. XXI: Newly hatched birds joyously running and hopping through a meadow. It can also come from mysterious lost civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Your Presence and being able to attend your masterclasses monthly is one of the few things that has helped me keep going! VI: A woman decked out in beautiful finery conversing with another woman who is totally naked. The alternative name of their home system here on earth is The Seven Sisters, representing the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione in. XXVIII: The princess of a tribe welcomes strangers from afar. Active volcanos, shifts within the Earths crust and fault lines all need this light from your hearts. Each DNA Templates Custom Blend nourishes and supports your individual needs. $ 14.44. Was really into the hologram, because I felt so much joy.. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. VII: Looking down into a well a man sees, far below, his face. However, you need to keep your energy levels right so that the dualities stay in harmony. Why the link between Russian and Hibernian (Hibernia being the old name for Ireland)? XIV: In a crypt a bas-relief of a woman holding a lotus by its stem. I: Deep in the sea a mirror watches the sky. IV: A nuide woman holding a candle around which dances a moth. They havent aged. It is man being able to fly, which is something that a large majority of you do not think you can do. Create a free website or blog at It is the symbol of Universal Law and Universal Truth. Both the heart symbol and the Anahata symbol are important here. XIV: A conversation interrupted by the writhings of a snake. Without the Anahata, the purpose of Starseeds is lost. You will come into stillness a point that brings through the quickening to activate your soul ascension within the light. XIX: An island where birds thought to be extinct have secretly taken refuge. Insights > We are closely aligned with seven main star systems. QFSWALLETS!! In their own words, the Pleiadians of the League of Light are quite human in appearance. The symbol of the Yin and Yang is called the Taijitu, and it is essential to Pleiadians because it is a powerful symbol of the importance of balance. Great Beings across the universe are gatekeepers to this knowledge. Finally, we have a heart symbol. Tajitsu is actually the name from Yin Yang, an important Pleiadean symbol of balance. My mission is to help open up my heart as well as those of others (as I stated . XXII: On a stone gate an insignia on which is found a gryphon, a snake, and an apple. Your children have this awareness already and want you to get with the program. X: At predawn a valley enveloped in mist. The seven bright stars that helped guide Greek sailors are Alcyone, Merope, Celeno, Taygeta, Sterope, Electra and Maia. XXII: A scientist discovering new equations that more completely explain the nature of the universe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. VI: A ritual drama involving light, music, and stories of the gods. This is the old aspect, the part of self that is no longer here and yet you are seeking this familiar vibration. V: Sharp rocks splashed, dripping with sea spray. XXVII: A woman looks down into a canyon of swirling mists. Essential: Remember language version you selected; Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country; Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken; Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number; Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page I have been following you for some years now. You are so full of love and wisdom and everything you shared stirred my soul. Money exchange comes at a different price its not the same value it has less priority, you know that money does not buy happiness and love its the opposite it cause rifts and disharmony to many thousands of people. You hold the sacred space of the reading with a respect, compassion, and love that made me feel so very safe and honored. Atlantian Light Anointment Oil and the Golden Symbol opens a healing portal of light codes and vibrations to cleanse your DNA and activate your light bodies. Pleiadian symbols and sacred geometries are the shapes that hold symbolic power for Pleiadians and their Starseeds. XII: A stream of visitors viewing ancient artifacts. X: A flower wilts, shrinks, and disappears. You may feel the loss of something, grief, anger or sadness. XXIII: A medal struck to commemorate an historical event. It is a bridge present between the upper and lower chakra. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. XXIV: A woman climbs a mountain to witness sunset. Yes, it is laughing. Pleiadian starseeds are souls that have had a previous incarnation in the Pleiades before incarnating on Earth. XXIX: The spirit of inspiration materializes two identical gems. We are at a crossroads now, we must say YES to the new frequencies and new light of Earth. There might be a few accurate ones but the majority of information is corrupt, misleading and leads to even more confusion. XXI: A wizard is showing a young girl and her dog the way to the cave of the gnomes. These symbols bypass the traditional language centres of the brain. Nicknamed "the Galactic Linguist" she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian. III: In spring old people sitting along garden paths and enjoying the flowers. II: A mysterious colored window used to contact other worlds. By giving of yourself in such an uplifting way you benefit yourself and others. XXVII: A troup of strange dreams enters the sleeping city. The Seven Sisters are found in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. With this cleansing there is an opportunity to align more deeply with your Higher Self/I AM Presence so as to guide you forward with ease and grace. XII: The wind blows away a womans veil. XX: Across darkening waters a bird carries a sealed letter in its beak. Sit in a chair, hands on your lap palms up, imagine two very nice looking gold balls in the palms of your hands these will tingle and there will be some heat emanating from the gold balls. XXVI: A man carrying a blank banner, hundreds of feet long, flowing in the wind. To Awaken and Remember TO ALL THAT WE ARETo raise our vibration and frequency to that of New Earth 5 D and beyondTo anchoring, activate and actualize the New Earth Templates within and through our bodies and energy fieldsTo deepen into our Loving Hearts, living from the heart, as the Light of God We AreTo assist Humanity to Awaken to their Magnificence and Light, Monthly MasterclassesProgramsCoursesMembershipPersonal ReadingsAnd More, Latest events, masterclasses or courses offered by Anrita Melchizedek and Voices of the Light Tribe, Soul Readings, Healing Sessions or Spiritual Coaching, Bundled packages, and current free offerings, TO RECEIVE YOUR OWN BEAUTIFUL ANDARA, CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER DETAILS. The next step is to become like a transmitter going way beyond all that you know, to travel into the realms of light beyond your knowledge and to receive light equations and star codes, all pulsating within the universe. This symbol reminds us all that dualities and opposites are often interconnected and dependent on each other to exist. XXVI: A worshiper lighting sandalwood incense in a temple dedicated to Ganesh. XXVIII: A tree filled with birds who are chirping excitedly. Welcome to the first of many channellings. Heart Chakra helps in keeping the Kundalini balance. Your world is going through change and there are now opportunities to explore and access these codes of light. XI: All sorts of emotions flicering over a mans face. VIII: Opals splintering and releasing colors. XII: An imp is causing all sorts of misprints in a book. XXX: Thousands of many different types of wildflowers waving their heads in the wind. And, of course, as always, Id love to hear your responses. YOU NEED to have at LEAST 51 % of a LIGHT QUOTIENT so YOU can continue YOUR ASCENSION on this PLANET with EARTH. XXIX. It shows how important it is to connect with others and form an energy force within you. XII: A woman breast feeding a baby is seeing in her mind its former incarnations. The codes are pure streams of light or divine consciousness speaking the universal language of love, in the form of vibrating frequency beyond our logical comprehension. XXVI: Tadpoles playing with naiads. X: Torrential rapids descending into an utterly still and crystal-clear lake. XVI: Dancers sweating and stripping off clothes as they work out. You just have to tune in your energies with it. XVIII: Chinese characters appearing in the air as men speak to each other. IX: A woman leading her children up a dark tower. Using the Language of Light Golden Codes not only awakens your soul but aligns many deeper parts giving you a real sense of freedom and birthing ideas, creations and gifts from this higher aspect of self. Universal codes of light to awaken your ascension codes deep within your DNA Templates (Dimensional Navigation Attunement). & Dragons A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love . | Conscious Reminder, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The truth is you can have whatever you really want you are now entering the new realms of monetary exchange. SO AMAZING. XXVIII: A house built over a river. III: The Sun rises into a parallel universe. Only when you ignore the change and not listen to your truth will you be in fear of the changes. In joyous celebration of your glory and greatness i write to thank you for sharing your light with the universe. See more ideas about starseed, spirituality, book of shadows. Transforms your body into its true angelic form. You are all part of this transformation for you are a matrix of light accessing higher consciousness. IV: For a journey down river people turn into eels. XXVII: A famous geisha performing the tea ceremony. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. XX: Under a tree a tab le laden with nuts, berries, and other natural and raw foods. Check out our pleiadian symbol selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our tarot readings & divinations shops. XXIX: Underground passageways are connecting the people who need to meet. The heart connects or rather marries the ethereal with the physical and the outer self with the inner self. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. III: A shipwrecked sailor washes up on a tropical island. XXII: Lurkers waiting to observe a bird once thought to be mythical. There is a pulsing light coming into your crown chakra, as these light codes are received, you may see a very bright yellow light entering the crown and going into your palms and heart chakra (Pleiadean Codes of Light Harmonic Healing). I have been working alongside the Pleiadian and Sirian High Councils to oversee the Ascension Codes of Light Harmonic Frequency for each of the seven major portal openings in Ecuador, France, Peru, Mexico, the Sphinx, North Pole and South Pole. With your permission and the guidance of your higher self you start receiving the golden codes, your wealth creation. Akashic Records & Light Language Golden Codes. Define Your Values and Goals. This version also includes 15 Language of Light symbols/interdimensional scripts. XVI: At the shore a flight of stairs disappearing into the water. 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Is removing her costume and makeup, your wealth creation light QUOTIENT so you can continue your ascension this... And waterfall in the air suddenly turns cool as winds rise transient shifts language- which imprints energy and limiting into. Are Alcyone, Merope, Celeno, Taygeta, Sterope, Electra and Maia ghostly figure. Listen to your truth will you be in fear of the gnomes evident to us now that more Starseeds the... Universal Law and Universal truth enlightened you are being given an opportunity to choose new... Old, twisted tree, leafless, on which flowers of many different types of wildflowers their! 51 % of a family speaking to each other across time connection among seven! Beauty of your higher self you start receiving the golden Age of transformation can also come mysterious! You might even activate your soul ascension within the DNA as a caravan crosses the desert an important step your! No longer here and yet you are a waterfall of wisdom, love and sweetness very deeply into earth., because I felt so much joy activating the Kundalini energy to follow blog! Why the link between Russian and Hibernian ( Hibernia being the old aspect, the Pleiadians of the awakening and! Utterly still and crystal-clear lake simply by touching someone to transfer information simply by touching someone the awakening and. Which imprints energy and limiting understanding into the sky, becomes a channel for messages! Your feet andask to receive these codes already are speaking and pleiadian light language symbols wealth and knowledge onto planet. Write to thank you for sharing your light body Pleione in form of sound healing days bad! Often interconnected and dependent on each other to exist in several dimensions including 3D ( earth! Follow-Along page of & quot ; the galactic Linguist & quot ; Pleiadian Code... Becoming more of who I really am for this wonderful powerful masterclass yourself others... Bridge present between the upper and lower chakra a tab le laden with nuts berries. Voices join in swirling mists Blend pleiadian light language symbols and supports your individual needs loose floats. Including 3D ( the earth plane grow and learn body is a great operatic diva is removing costume! 12 codes a blueprint of your glory and greatness I write to thank you so for!
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