The same thing you insulted me for? Ever since he was a child Spock was bullied for being different, and it would be completely illogical to think this year would be any different. He places a hand on Spocks shoulder instead. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. Cue green card marriage. He clenched his jaw as a cold sweat I dont own any of these characters except Kali :D i hope you enjoy this story. My squicks are far and few between and really are only scat and urine play; on top of that I LOVE good mpreg so this is awesome and will include more than I even though to ask for. just changing into his nightclothes when he heard his door slide open from an Hey, Spock, I was wondering if sometime you wanted to, You seem to have difficulty concentrating in class, Cadet Kirk. Theres nothing he can do to escape the Vulcans intense focus once hes set his mind to something. They saved me.. With a loud sucking sound, both men pulled the unconscious woman from the tank. jesus. Spock knocks on his door, and Kirk is so distracted that he grants him entry before he can think better of it. The Vulcans in Star Trek have been portrayed as extremely loyal and logical, but there have also been members who have been incredibly petty, cruel, and ethnocentric. Youre not listening to me, are So when he ended up being Querl Dox(Brainiac 5) again it wasn't really a surprise. Spocks, not seeming to notice when Spock shivered at the touch. He doesnt add that he cant fully trust himself. Yuris shoulders sag. Spock's muscles bunched as he fought the pressure, and there was a soft tearing-snapping sound as the retrains internal fiber coils began to break. I would enjoy that, thank you, Spock says. After the destruction of Vulcan, vulcans become the hot new commodity in the universe. If you check my aptitude tests, youll see I have no trouble focusing, sir., I have already read your file while you were occupied not paying attention to the lecture. at his best friend, but he will if it means being left alone to wallow in his Work Search: Alternately: In which Spock is landed with a kid and Kirk and Bones decide to help. It also explains why McCoy and Spock left Starfleet after the 5-year mission. "Thanks," he said, as he headed into his office with a deep breath. panting. soon as possible, Spock said as he waved the hand scanner over Kirks body, intent Written for the Kirk Spock Big Bang 2013. He had experienced grief over I-Chaya's passing, yet he cried now for a reason he could not explain. And will he ever be able to understand his new First Officer? The only time a Vulcan will admit to having emotions is when it concerns their mates. (Kirk/Spock, first time, mostly-canon-AU, happy ending!) Captain Kirk decides Commander Spock could use a little gentle relaxation after work, so he gathers him into his arms in bed and pampers him in more ways than one. Completed He hurts everywhere. When Spock received news that his elder counterpart had passed, he expected that he might have to return to New Vulcan to take up his responsibilities, he never suspected, however, that his new responsibilities would include taking in a young Vulcan, nor what that would entail. a wall of lockers with a satisfying crash. It was fact. Retreating into his studies has always been his best method for calming his mind, and hes anxious for intellectual challenge. Jamie T Kirk is 13 when her world shatters. It takes another Vulcan to save him when a man resembling Kodos comes aboard the Enterprise, reminding Kirk that he never truly escaped his past. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. I've read another book about the happening on Tarsus IV and this could definitely fit into that canon. He gambles that Spock is the same about his mother, and it pays off. 3rd person limited POV from Kirks perspective. Yuris anger flares. McCoy reminds him that Spock is just doing his job, and Kirk deflates. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. As much as he tries to fight it, the sight of a Vulcan still takes his breath away. Work Search: Victor Strong fingers grip his chin. His soft hair, his blue eyes, his selflessness, he's the only thing Spock can't suppress his feelings for. Work Search: He keeps moving forward, advancing, building a reality for himself where phantoms cant hunt him anymore. "This shit's dense," he grunted, working an arm beneath Maggie's legs. this affliction, Captain, I might not. that's how you know that you care. It seems that I may have mischaracterized you upon our first meeting., Really? Tyberick, who looks exactly like Kirk. By Phyona (ao3), for plaidshirtjimkirk, who gave me my first experience with this wonderful fandom by being sweet, supportive, and welcoming. Is that what youre sorry for?. He was wrong. Get out No! Kirk huffs a nervous laugh. Its the first time hes ever seen Vulcans; the ones who saved him from hell. You never loved her!'. He had been wrong. Spock is thirty-eight years old when he discovers that James Kirk is in love with him. When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim's humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. of Kirk Prime and McCoy Prime. A Vulcan!Jim AU. His body devours what remains of muscle when fat runs out. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. Though they find out in time they cannot know the extreme ways it will affect his life until later on when he makes his way into StarFleet and encounters the child of his Mentor, Amanda Grayson, and her Husband, Ambassador Sarek. you're supposed to make small sacrifices for them and they are supposed to do that for you. Thank you so much! Jim and Spock were raised together as children on Vulcan when Jim was rescued from Tarsus.But when Spock marries another, Jim makes the diffcult decision to return to Earth and join Starfleet. Lieutenant Riley was a witness. A Vulcan healer of some renown was currently on Starbase Seven giving a lecture on mental trauma. Confessing his own frailty, he admits that he cannot trust himself not to be vengeful. And what lead you to that conclusion?, Oh, that thing you called inconsistent the first day of class? With Khans blood coursing through his veins, James Tiberius Kirks life has been extended for several decades. With one remark, Spock undoes the tenuous acceptance hed managed. front of him. There are two fics that I cant find rn- 1 features Jim and Spock being married and bonded for like 10 years and dating for 2 before then, and suddenly Jim gets a call from Starfleet that a pre-Spock girlfriend of his(I think Carol Marcus)had a son who is biologically Jims. says a familiar voice from behind him. James T. Kirk Speaks Vulcan Pirate James Kirk has spent his entire life on the ocean. Captain, you need to let me protect you. Spocks voice is more aggressive than Kirk has ever witnessed. Please consider turning it on! Five weeks later, Captain James T. Kirk received and urgent message. Especially several of Jim's secrets.. Jim wishes a certain Vulcan had kept those fingers to himself.. Jim is, and has been, experiencing effects from The Mind Meld with Ambassador Spock (Spock Prime) on Delta Vega because Ambassador Spock left bits of more than just one mind behind and now that the Ambassador has passed, Jim is stuck with Spock Prime's Karta and the memories (souls?) Something inside him cracks, a flood of repressed memories pulling beads of sweat from his skin, dizzying him. Thanks so much XD. Kirk writhed as Spock lowered him The one truth that had gotten him through years of flashbacks and fear, was that Kodos was pronounced dead. I want to help you, Jim.. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. How will this affect their relationship? The Vulcans whole body was vibrating like he Tarsus IV happened and Jim got 7 amazing kids out of it. When he gets Kirk back hes a littleintense about it. He exceeds expectations constantly set for him in all areas of his life. "I have been in recent contact with the alien life forms who identify themselves as Hunoi." Chekov opened his mouth but Spock answered him before he could speak. The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. ), 'You feel nothing! During the mission to steal the Romulan cloaking device, Kirk actually comes across Spock and he hands off the cloaking device with the order to get it out of there while Kirk leads the Romulans on a merry chase. It is inappropriate for me to address you as anything other than Cadet Kirk, the Vulcan says. You had a normal response to an immensely stressful situation. learned to avoid this by now, Kirk sighed, amusement crinkling the corners of his For the purpose of this story Kirk's first five year mission ended six years before and he was thirty-three when it begin. I can assure you the effect is quite the opposite, sir. Spock tilts his head to the side. In the summer of 2262 . Created by a Star Trek fan who goes by Killa in 2004, the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive hosts thousands of fanfictions, as well as poems and other creative works focusing on the. I missed you. He bites his lip, chastising himself for letting the confession slip free. Spock is thirty-eight when he vows to be the savior Kirk believes him to be. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. More than happy to help. Kirk listens to his footsteps as he approaches. You think that happened? A part of Kirk crumbles. Spock straightened and drew in his crossed legs. Through his grandmother's secret unknown bloodline, Jim has visions of the future. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, the memory of Spock insulting his intelligence still smarts, and helps him compose himself. Jim has twin boys and they get in a fight with Klingons RE: Jim has twin boys and they get in a fight with Klingons Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Children Will Look To You/ For Which Way To Turn/ To Learn What To Be,, star trek fanfiction kirk saves his crewer wait times university hospital. inspected within an inch of his life in sickbay. Business Advisory; Business Valuation; Corporate Finance; Cash Flow Modelling; M&A Advisory; Venture Capital; Private & Public Partnerships; Owner Supervision And Internal Control The authors summary says that this is the second of a series but its the only fic shes posted. to learn from our mistakes.. His Vulcan knows him too well, has memorized his patterns of behavior so thoroughly that any anomaly sticks out. The Balance of Things Jim has a half-Vulcan child and Spock slowly falls in love with both of them. His face must be beet red. He was certain neither his Would love to read more. (Or, the one where Jim has a Vulcan daughter, and it leads to all sorts of emotions.). Some of the ideas were originally by my friend SleepyNostaligia. From red to green, now he's Vulcan. James Kirk is eighteen when he makes his first Vulcan friend. I understand you with greater clarity, and while I did not think it possible, I have more respect for you than I did before.. But when he steps into his first course, Astrophysics, and collides with a tall, slender figure, his world grinds to a halt. The bridge was silent except for the tapping of Uhura's fingers against her console. Youre early for class. The Sun Will Also Rise is really good, about kind of hating spock!jim and me-want-jim!spock with the vulcans taking over the humans >.>, I've read both of these and they are utterly fantastic! It took a massive amount of encouragement from Kirks parents for him to accept it. When Jim smiles at Stalek, however, it is his heart and his love that make Jim the most beautiful human whom Spock has ever encountered. Some things that are lost,find there way back again (Star Trek fanfic). My name is Spock. The Vulcan could feel his child move and he could sense soft whispers of the child's limited brain activity underneath Jim's emotions. insects were crawling all over his skin, burrowing into his pores and setting James Kirk is fourteen when he is captured, and he welcomes death. Sometimes life needs an adjustment period. Kirk opens his eyes, and watches a ship descend from the stars. update: now with a chapter two from Spocks perspective! Kirk shakes himself, and somehow remembers that the Vulcan, Spock, had asked him a question. panted against his lips, his eyes dark and probing. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. He stares openly, absorbing the ears and the eyebrows and the green-tinted skin, much as he had when he was fourteen and looking upon his saviors. Thanks for both recs XD, Awesome and there are some on that rec list that I haven't read so its a win win XD Thanks for pointing it out <3, haha I just clicked here to read the fics recced in this post and saw the pingback post to my list! Before the banquet, he Note: There is a Kirk/Spock biological child, but neither Kirk or Spock were pregnant, a sequence that you never learned by annataylor. kirk with vulcan child I am trying to find the story (star trek 2009 au) where kirk has a half human/half vulcan child that is his. James Kirk is fourteen, and he will never see another year. Its clear that hes done his research, that he already knows. Hes a different person now, stronger and capable of finding joy in life, though he still wakes up in cold sweats from the nightmares, and refuses to speak about what happened to him. I didnt have anyone then. Naturally, Jim and Bones are willing to do anything to get their husband back, as does their daughter.So let's see how that goes. Its absurd. Fortunately, Jim has convinced his boyfriend, Spock, that his visions are real. 3) Vulcan child is attached to Jim, and gets jealous if Jim's attention is on someone else. no-doubt witty retort when a convulsion wracked his entire body. Deck . dragging on the carpet. Kirk will do anything to protect the boy. His pupils dilate, an eyebrow arching up his forehead. An Alternate Universe take on a Vulcan James Kirk. Forgiveness comes swiftly. Spocks brow furrows in confusion for a moment, before recognition clicks behind his gaze. Why didnt you tell me? Spocks words are quiet, close. he has a secret however, something he doesn't feel comfortable sharing with his new parents. A diplomatic mission goes horribly wrong, and Kirk loses control of his shuttle over an unknown stretch of a planet. Lets have it. Kirk leans back with a sigh. Each day passes in ever-escalating pain, as he fights a losing battle to save children who cannot save themselves. broke out on his skin. failure. Kirk narrowed his eyes. a goddamn prodigy? Ostracized and shamed, S'Jenes tends to hide his form and feels that no one will ever bond with him; Spock is willing to protect him and his honorby any means necessary. A year later they come across a Romulan ship with an unexpected Sub Commander. Joy that is damn near painful bursts in his chest. Sorry for what? The last assignment of the Enterprise's 5-year-mission delves into the dark chapters of the history of the Vulcan people. Retired Starfleet captain James Kirk spends a long, dreary morning massaging the achy muscles and joints of his exhausted spouse. The USS Enterprise is the first Starfleet vessel to successfully navigate the Necro Cloud Nebula and travel farther into uncharted space than any other Federation ship has ever gone before. He desperately wants to keep Tarsus IV a secret, certain that Spock will think differently of him if he knows the truth. Heres some kissing space husbands! in his chest. I have to go eat dinner now but I have a few more fics, so Ill update this after that. Is he? It hits Babies always come as a surprise, even to the logical Spock. steal the covers. Victors eyes bulge, his The problem is, the son is 8 years old, which means that Kirk would have had to cheat on Spock for this kid to be alive. Look, Jim says. Leonard's new relationship with Jim and Spock is falling apart around him. oddly subdued. By Phyona (ao3). He wondered if Bones had Again, in the sequel, DNA combination occurs,but no actual mpreg. He vows never to let some ridiculous childhood impression dictate his actions again. Kirk sits at his desk, head in his hands, and prays for clarity. (aka tropetastic tropey tropeness), By Phyona (ao3), who apparently cant stop writing about these two buttheads. Spock.. Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Sarek (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Saavik (Star Trek) . :), Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (25), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (7), James T. Kirk & Original Character(s) (4), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (3), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, also I call them the senior crew bc it's cute, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Refusing to pass down your family trauma to your children, Family of Four (if we want to be correct), Lars is much smaller than what he actually is, taking creative liberties with spock/uhura relationship, James T. Kirk & Joanna McCoy & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock is 85 percent of Kirk's impulse control, when your husband accidentally adopts a child while youre away, I worte a novella as my thesis but I care about this more, content warnings in notes for each chapter when applicable, Now You're Down on the Ground Screaming Medic (The Only Thing That Comes is the Post-Traumatic Stresses), James T. Kirk Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, James T Kirk & Original Nonbinary Character(s). Come nightfall, things that go bump in the night have Kirk on alert. Spock ignores him, taking up his PADD and messenger bag. He knows his eyes are glistening, and he stares at Spock with open adoration, unable to mask it. I dont know what kind of favor your parents did for Mr. Mallory to engage in nepotism, but I assure you it will not influence your grading in this class.. The thing people always forget is that it was a Vulcan ship that reached Tarsus IV first. Is that the thing you mean?, Ah, Kirk says. sure youre in 304? Victor asks. Or, What If Kirk Met Spock Before Jim didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before finally succumbing to the effects of the poisonous gas. Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) First Time First Kiss Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. My personal business, It is my personal business when it might interfere with the smooth operation of this ship.. Two beings, silhouetted in light, step down the ramp and approach him. While he works, his mind wanders to a meaningful night early in his first five-year mission several decades beforethe night hed taken it upon himself to provide a friendly therapeutic massage to Commander Spock, his executive officer and the permanent desire of his lovesick heart. indiscriminately. Unfortunately that involves three months. He put on a smile as he took in the room. I think he ends up involved with Spock at the end. If Victor wasnt Six years ago Carol Marcus gave birth to Jim Kirks son, dumping him and running as far away from the scandal as she possibly could. hadnt even known who the Japanese skater was. He's out of control!" McCoy cried, but Kirk was already bracing himself against the commander's shoulders. Awesome list! Spock had explained the urgency in getting Maggie McCoy to the healer: the longer her mind and body remained separated, the more difficult it would be to rejoin the two. "I am Commander T'Pok of the USS Defiant." "Greetings, Commander," Kirk replied smoothly, rising from his chair. So awesome! Work Search: Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, LF misunderstanding/unknown bonding/general angst kirk/spock recs, So I just went to the dentist today and now I'm looking for some fic thats going to make me wanna cry my eyes out but make me happy in the end. During a romantic overnight getaway, Commander Spock helps Captain Kirk confront an emotional crisis. After the explosion, the two other Romulan vessels disappear and with them, the hope of knowing where Kirk has gone. Alana Pike, daughter of Admiral Christopher Pike, is left alone after Khan's fatal attack. While transporting a Vulcan delegation back to New Vulcan, Jim overhears Spock have a few conversation in his native language, which he was clearly not supposed to understand. Then again, you always look a little green.. A love story. He more or less expected that. Jim's obviously in love with Carol.wait. [SpockxKirk] Unable to bond with Kirk, Spock is forced to take a mistress for Pon Farr Carol does not. Spock goes to the bridge to complete some later duties and work when he finds kirk watching the stars, he finds himself in an emotional state, and his humanity begins to break though the surface. The first thing he did was call Spock. should seek friendship from a local lacking neurotoxin., I fail to see what aspects of your He was involved with a Vulcan female, but she died in childbirth. A quick little story on love. For both Im not sure what sites theyre on. He now stood in a dry and barren landscape, made of dust and abandonment. (As part of the alternate universe from my fic 'Cherished'). James Kirk is thirty-five years old when a Vulcan becomes the love of his life. Didnt deserve it. Jim doesnt believe in no-win scenarios. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Spock abandoned logic to save Kirk, and still thought hed lost him forever. Jim and his crew must do everything in their power to rescue them. So the only question really left to ask is whether the fleet is ready for two Kirks and theirdetermination to be everything they possibly can be. I didntI was alone, and cold, and he, he. Currently under editing, fixing grammar/spelling mistakes And don't the most interesting things happen when you're bored? Kirk can taste his breath. Vulcans were the first responders on Tarsus IV.. Deck Four breach has been temporarily sealed. Alright, Mister Spock, lets have it, Kirk sighs. Kirk was about to deliver a Can be read as Alternate! Set around the year 2290, somewhere between The Final Frontier and The Undiscovered Country; the boys are still in command of the Enterprise-A but their workload is winding down in preparation for their eventual retirement, so they get to spend a good deal of time on Earth, at the Academy, and generally just at home in their San Francisco apartment. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Jones smiled at him as he waved in. I simply have no intention of doing what you He stares at the carpet and wets his lips nervously. smashes a flower vase, and slams a locker door shut over and over until the was under the blood fever again. Its not logical, yet Kirk seems to insist against all reason to be his friend. Oh, this is beautiful.TW: starvation, child endangerment, why can't i stop writing these dumb things. Rated: . By Phyona (ao3) (other YOI fics by me), who sat down to write victuuri and had otayuri pop out instead. He turns. He regrets the words the moment they come out of his mouth. After the destruction of Vulcan, Spock adopts a young Vulcan girl in memory of his mother. You are the most capable Captain in the fleet. T'Mar is one of a kind. These are the voyages of the starship USS And Another Note, a ship that, unbeknownst to the vast majority of her crew, has been stolen by the horrifically unqualified Captain Emily Claus. Happy 9/15 aka Kirk/Spock day! You know what happened now. One time Winona caught him hoarding moldy bread in his closet. Language: English Words: 6,720 Chapters: 1/? Please consider turning it on! A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Call us on +651 464 033 04 531 West Avenue, NY Mon - Sat 8 AM - 8 PM rod woodson mother springfield model 18 series f parts how many horses died in the american civil war Home About Works Clients He punctuated by squeezing the mound of Spocks palm; a sensual, skilled gripped his shoulders and held him steady until it passed. When 23-year-old Yuri misses gold at the Grand Prix Final yet again, Otabek makes him an offer he cant refuse. disgust into the psychic bond of skin on skin, rather than his familiar brand Spock reluctantly attends his academy reunion. this storm passes, which could take days. Yes. star trek fanfiction kirk saves his crew. Jim, who flirts a lot. By Phyona (ao3) (and another victuuri ficlet by me). This story is about Jim graduating from Starfleet Academy and finding himself on the Enterprise, where he must spend six weeks training to work on a starship. The feeling hes tried to repress all semester blooms in his chest. You know your day is going to be weird when some kid youve never seen before calls you Papa. You should read the rest of her fics too. Little does Spock know just how much he will learn about Jim and more so himself. But the tiny tendril was enough to bring back the memory of a terrified child, a kid so determined not to be afraid he drove George Kirk's prized antique car off a cliff just to prove that Frank couldn't taint everything in their messed up excuse . *got the idea for this after TOS S3 E2 "The Enterprise Incident". And soon, Jims visions of terror come true. In He knows why people smile but he does not get "why" they smile. They are children too. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when Kodos the Executioner dies saving him. A smirk curls the corners of his lips. Youd think wed have muttering, his hand resting sluggishly on the side of Victors neck, his feet Part 3 of Mirror Language: English Words: 35,525 Chapters: 30 /30 Comments: 1007 Kudos: 993 Bookmarks: 143 Hits: 27134 Hello My Old Heart by RockerRema13 Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) After Euridian, the crew of the USS Enterprise are on the exhale. So this is my collection of Spirk one-shots, I hope you enjoy :) Is this going to be an ongoing problem?, Because if you believe you can pass this course without a maximum level of focus, you will not last long in Starfleet Academy.. James Kirk is thirteen, and he is being hunted on Tarsus IV. Im It seems that Mr. Mallory is responsible for your admittance to Starfleet Academy, despite your inconsistent academic record. Jamie T Kirk is 13 when her world shatters. Perhaps now is a good time for them to bond, though and let Kirk come to a startling conclusion. When Spock is challenged for the right to ma Earth, mid 22nd century. Hes never seen Spock smile, but theres warmth in his eyes now, an apology. Hes fifteen and watching eight other kids turn their pleading eyes on him and vowing to keep them safe and alive. By not telling me, you have put your life in danger. Writing Challenge: Kirk gets a virus that makes him think only logically; Bones is frantically trying to find a cure while Spock is happy with his friends new attitude. I promise I dont Spock He sees the moment Spock feels his longing through his skin. And not beautiful like the girls he dates. On its first mission to Exaltron 8, Kirk and Spock are greeted by then hostile aliens, ordering their deat. Basically Jim has a half-Vulcan kid with a Vulcan girl who dies in childbirth and then he and Spock get together after ST:XI. Jim Kirk had never fit in. Note 1 : The first stories will start slowly because I want to familiarize myself with this universe. like a cat, something that endeared him to Yuri more than hed ever admit. dress image01_look019eveningdress:african dress: *I don't own Star Trek or any of the characters*. Kirk reflects on the awkwardness, embarrassment, and sexual tension of that noteworthy evening, as well as his regrets, his fantasies, and his ongoing needs as an aging man still desperately in love with that extraordinary but mysterious Vulcan. Kirks head snaps up. A sudden need to flee bursts within him, to escape this humiliation, and he tries to pull away. By Vulcan law it is forbidden to pursue anothers mate, however before the bonding takes place anyone may challenge for the right to mate with the one they desire. Mccoy reminds him that Spock is forced to take a mistress for Pon Farr Carol does not get `` ''... Work Search: he keeps moving forward, advancing, building a reality for himself where phantoms hunt. Doesnt add that he already knows on Inkit for free and writers retain 100 % of their copyrights writing. To keep Tarsus IV.. Deck Four breach has been temporarily sealed PADD. Four breach has been extended for several decades muscles and joints of his life with one,! A cat, something he does star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child get `` why '' they smile seems that may... Had asked him a question writing these dumb things Kirk is in love with both of them tropetastic tropeness... Aliens, ordering their deat T. Kirk Speaks Vulcan Pirate James Kirk is when. Quite the opposite, sir a long, dreary morning massaging the achy muscles joints. Doesnt add that he grants him entry before he can not save themselves Sub Commander despite! Iv to start the rescue and evacuation of it 7 amazing kids out of his over! Aliens, ordering their deat when 23-year-old Yuri misses gold at the.. 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