When you speak to the Shape, you have the choice of helping him burn down the grove, which will presumably draw out the Wood Man and force him to face you, or attempt to extinguish the fire. If you find his quarters (to the north of the stairs leading to the Headmistresss Tower), loot the bookcase within, then Bash it to reveal a hidden door. After she died, Gulkaush reappeared at full health, but it was a simple matter to bring her back down to zero. In addition to mundane gold-selling, though, theyll offer you one of the four keys to Nefriss doorif you can find them a special soul. Before you leave the cave, pick up the Axe of the Bear-God from the chest nearby. For whatever reason, his plan didnt work, and he passed away before completing his necromantic rites. You find yourself in the Skein at this point; an underground dungeon filled with flooded passages and discarded hagspawn. GameSpot's Walkthrough to Mask of the Betrayer will reveal all. The consequences of taking more than your alloted souls out of the repository can bedrastic. Speaking of the Wells of Lurue, theres one last task for you to complete before you head into the Death Gods Vault. Shell give you the key to Liennas secret room in the shadow plane of Mulsantir, as well. To obtain the surrogate soul inside Bebtu, youll need to find his original soul and return it to him. On the other hand, he, like your Ravenous Incarnation ability, can periodically zap you and steal some of your spirit energy. Ok then i'll go with Longswords since at the end the base damage difference between a Longsword and a Bastard swrod is negligible. You cant avoid a fight here, it would appear, but you shouldnt have too many problems defeating Okku. Accept their quest, if only for the experience. Shes surrounded by a frightful aura that will probably cause most of your party members to flee in terror; Gann seems to be immune to this, and Kaelyn may be as well. There isnt much to see in the Bazaar area of Shadow Mulsantir, but if you proceed up the path to the northern part of town, youll see an open door in a building just to the east of the Veil Theater. Move up the passage here and head to the northeastern corern of the map, where youll find a barrow guardian. Nefris is dead, but her tower here in the school may hold some clues as to what she was up to. Both of these latter locations will give you quests. Zinoviy and his gang will set upon you if you happen to set upon them. If you buff yourself properly before the fight and summon helpers, they should go down quickly. When all of the Manifestations have been defeated, head up the hill to face the Faceless Man. When youre ready to continue on your journey, itll be time to head to Shadow Mulsantir. Gann may eventually wind up being a romantic option for female characters. Read everything here before interacting with the body; there are two books and a revenge list. If you can survive a rest and need to rebuff, you may want to do that now. Kill him to end the quest. Don't forget you can invest in UMD whenever you take a rogue level so you can use flame weapon/darkfire scrolls on your weapon which makes up for sneak attacks being lost against undead etc. MotB is one of the best games ever. Gawatha: Gawatha is an orc shaman that has come to ask the Coven about a boy in his possession, named Kepob. Gann can cast Recall Spirit, so thats taken care of. When youre ready to leave, click on the portal that heads to Shadow Mulsantir. Since youre kind of low on party members, Mordenkainens Sword will also be a good addition to the party. Suppress will shift your character to the Lawful Good alignment over time. As far as epic feats go, try to let her nab Epic Spell Penetration and Great Intelligence, alongside any of the epic spells that you find useful. If youre looking for a lot of Evil points, complete the ritual and fight the whole gang. NWN2 Cheats are console commands which can be used in the game to change some values or get some advantages. Feel free to give him a whirl if you're a particularly evil character. I also get Weapon Specialization for free at level 12 (but only for my Deity's weapon). Go ahead and rest after you do so, cast her buffs, and get going. . Luckily, you can prepare yourself for this fight and choose when to become hostile. However, she can cast Mordenkainens Sword and Create Greater Undead, both of which will probably serve your needs until you get Gann. They shouldnt be difficult for you to kill at this point in the game, but theyre a good, reliable source of spirit energy, so save them until you need them. You get more experience for running the Count off (by about 400 points), but if you kill him, hell drop a nice kukri that you can sell for 25,000 gold. If your party manages to chew through the wolves and other spirits around Okku, feel free to attack him a bit. It will also, however, aggravate Sarduris and the Knights of the Undying Dragon at the base of Myrkuls spine, so youll have to fight your way through them to move on. Had to make a new weapon. Anyway, draw back the enemies towards your summoned creatures, and hope that they split their targets a bit. Every five minutes, you'll be able to change yourself to the Ravenous Incarnation, which effectively polymorphs you to an all-devouring evil creature. To the southwest, near the exit to the Burning Grove, you can find the entrance to the Predator Den. Unfortunately, the trees in the area will begin spawning numerous elementals to attack you. unfortunately NWN2 doesn't have its own board. This fight can be tough to manage, but manage it you must. With these preparations in place, move your main character forward and speak to Ivin. GameSpot's Game Guide to Mask of the Betrayer offers up the following exclusive features: Most of the followers from the NWN2 core campaign are lost to you, either killed in the collapse of the cave at the end of that game, or simply removed from you by the fact that you've been spirited away for thousands of miles. It seems powerful, but since our main character was a scythe weaponmaster, we didnt really have much chance to use it. The new MotB essences are dropped by monsters. Valeria adds epic-level enchantments to weapons for both herself and her party members.For my guide on playing NWN2 MotB, at Sorcerer's Place, see:http://www. When you land in Thay, youll be on the Thaymount, the mountain outside the Academy of Shapers and Binders. Still, in order to find your soul, youll need to meet up with the Scrivener. If you get rid of all the ice, then tell Imsha and Tamlith that you found no sign of the hag, then she believes that theyll stop looking for her. Siding with Yurkov is a good action; allying yourself with Ferala is bad. Hell appear on a hill off to the west when youve defeated all of the Manifestations, but he wont run towards you until he spots you. There are a number of quests here on the first floor, so start getting them. Crafted Ammo, Thrown Weapons, and Enchanted Bows v1.20. You can find a Crossbow of Murder inside, along with some bolts and cash. Uthraki: The Uthraki here are somewhat hostile to your presence, or at least they were to us, since we killed the Hill Tribe in the Wells of Lurue. When the conversation is over, however, you need to decide whether or not you wish to leave the Coven in peace or attempt to destroy them; Gann urges the latter path, and you can gain more influence with him if you agree to attack the hags. Death knights are tough individually, but three of them put together is an even tougher proposition. Summon helper creatures if you can to help in the battle. Like any other sort of addiction, being a spirit eater will let you experience normality (when youre satiated) and the throes of addiction, when the need for spirits causes you physical pain and suffering, and even death. I recently reinstalled Neverwinter Nights 2 to play while quarantined and decided to start an evil playthrough. Unless you set her AI to let her cast spells autonomously (not recommended), shell usually sit back and fling away with whatever crossbow you give her. We managed to finagle a Brilliant Spirit Essence by devouring its soul, so you may want to perform that action on it. That will let you instantly kick all of the frost giants out of your own clan and thus clear the grove. I finished OC/MotB with strengh fighter using a self made adamantite weapon with high enchantment. You'll encounter a smaller cast of supporting characters in Mask of the Betrayer and, as before, you'll be able to select three of them to journey with you. (We personally went with Weighted arms, a Galvanized torso, a Scorching Gaze head, and Swift legs, but you may not have found all of those.) First of all, you will require an item called Enchantment Focus which is sold within the Laboratory in the Lower Ward. Protect them as best you can, kill all of the manifestations, and youll have to take on a slightly more difficult version of the Faceless Man. After a bit of talking, hell reveal that you need to wait until dark in order to pass into the sunken city nearby. Keeping the Founder alive will net you a huge influence bonus with Safiya, besides, although youre likely to have maxed it out by this point if youve kept her in your party this whole time. Youll need to explore a bit to find a way to reach the Coven from here. Like Okku, One of Many cannot be levelled and cannot wear equipment, although it will take your orders. If you like, you can try using something like Dismissal to try and get yourself rid of them and let you focus on the casters. The Death Knights alone are going to be immensely tough fights, so you may want to leave this fight alone for now and come back with a fourth party member later on. Kelemvor himself will appear before you here. Its not an evil or a good act, so feel free to partake as you see fit. These commands are important from the developer's point of view as you can customize things on your own. Fentomy is here, as well, and offers you a deal. If your Influence with your teammates is high enough, you may be able to declare your love for one another and gain a special Romance feat. Theres a bottle of Pure Sanctuary Water inside that will come in handy in a bit. If you head to the Sleeper area (its near where you enter the Skein via Mistress teleportation, youll find Geiard, a half-crazy denizen of this dungeon. In terms of combat spellcasting, Kaelyn has a full suite of summoning spells at her disposal (including her racial spell Summon Planetar), and is probably a better healer than Gann, since she can cast spells like Mass Heal and Greater Restoration that he cant, although shell need to keep her Concentration score up if she intends to cast in combat. The enchantments can be performed on either a blank weapon or an already enchanted weapon. Even if he is, though, you can simply resummon him after you rest. Still, with her ability to wear heavy armor and shields, she can eventually get a pretty high armor rating, allowing her to stand in the thick of things and distract the enemies from your more potent damage dealers. When youre ready to move on, head west into the scriptorium. If you have good saves against immobilizing effects, then you should be able to act fairly autonomously, but if youre a fighter or another character with less than great spell saves, youre going to find yourself dazed or paralyzed for most of the fight. Can replace the 3 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. With the numerous helpers you have here (Ammon Jerro will probably cast Epic Gate if you rescued him earlier), they should be easy to defeat. Monk smashes most everything to tiny, bloody chunks with their fists and feet. Dont forget that Gann has his Chastise Spirits and Weaken Spirits powers; he can harm large groups of foes with them. Zoab is surrounded by foes, and injured, so youll need to fight your way to him and hope that he survives the fight. If you want to wrap up some of the quests that you have, though, such as The Betrayers Crusade and A Question of Faith, you can head down to the lower level, head through the unlocked door to the north, then head to the east to find the Vaults archives; thatll contain the books you need to move on in those quests. Kaelyn is a cleric, so shell be an excellent hearler if for whatever reason you dont have Gann along. Material: (Metal) Adamantine. Dont be fooled by the "lesser" part of its title; the thing is still relatively beastly. Oh, and the tee little bit that modding Unity only natively works on Windows OS (or . Take down Juraj first; shes a spellcaster and thus the weakest of the bunch. As the fight progresses, Akachi will shed parts of himself and create minions of himself. Even if you tell Dalenka of the plot against her, she wont react, so all you can do is head to the remaining berserkers and attempt to talk them into the resurrection. Reminder: debugmode 1, giveitem [item code], debugmode 0. If you like, you can speak to Vaszil at the docks and get going immediately, but there are some new side quests for you to perform. Youll want to memorize a lot of buffing spells for Safiya here. When the Keeper has been restored, it will let you open the doors in the room. That includes sleeping, so youll have to be somewhat more careful about waiting to rest now. One of the chests here will require a roll of over 40 to pick the lock, which Kaji probably cant get anywhere near, so if you dont want to bash it, come back with a Knock spell later on. The Founders Sanctum is somehow connected to the Academy, but its not nearly as pleasant. If you choose to go wholly evil and spirit-eaterly, though, you will be able to add enough new feats to your repertoire to usually top your spirit energy off, no matter how bad your craving gets. This quest sounds like it should be the name of some cheesy 70s paperback fantasy novel. Begin with the southeastern corner, which leads to. Dalenka can be quickly taken down if you focus on her, while Kozlov is a bit tougher. No matter what you say, the Mistress will teleport you to the Skein when your conversation is done. Note that the Intimidate option will cause a large decrease in influence with Okku if hes in your party. Youll definitely want to have her memorize the Stoneskin and Spiderskin spells, which can both be cast on all party members for a good amount of damage protection. - George Carlin. Again, we never used One of Many outside of a very short playtest, so we can't speak much about his abilities. Note that if you have Gann in your party here, hell engage Darovik in a long conversation about the fate of his soul. The Ice Lodge is where the berserkers of the town congregate. 4. I might sound like a complete moron but you can have 4 different classes in NWN these days?! In order to lift the curse, youll need the Pure Sanctuary Water that you obtained via the Re-Exile quest, as well as two more ingredients, including some leaves that Gnarlthorn gives to you. One is in Inarus chambers, and the other one is in the room to the southwest of the main hall, directly to the south of where the pit fiends lie. Have fun :) Do your best to wend your way through the conversation, but eventually youll have to fight off a pair of devils that attack you. If you ask him how to access the lower levels, hell tell you that only the high priest has the key. Goryen will likewise require a high conversation skill to bring him over to your side. Kaji makes an acceptable lockpicker if your main character is incapable of performing the act. Doing the former is a Good action, and will net you the Bestow Life Force ability, which should make it a lot easier to reduce your Craving level in the future. I'll have a high UMD. Okku will be able to question him and finish off the quest. If you examine the Keeper, youll find that its powered by spirits. Since Gann had accompanied us, we immediately had him cast Epic Gate to summon in an extra bit of help for the fight. If you take down Yurkov, then Ferala, you can earn a large 10-point Evil shift by selecting the "Lets see how you like having the skin flayed from your body" option when available. Bracers +10 ac. You cant kill the Scribe; hell simply disappear if you attack him. You need to find the lever for it before you can turn it on. I did a few things different, like going with the Watch and sparing Okku, so I won't be as op as you. If you enter, youll find a Lady Daniyarra threatening to remove the child of one Baumar Madatov. (We tried to enchant it with the Large Charred Branch that was found in the Burning Grove, but nothing happened.) You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. It would appear that Okkus oath to the previous spirit-eater involved taking him to the chamber where you began the game: the runes there were intended to trap the curse inside of you. You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. When you arrive in Ashenwood, help the two barbarians here to destroy the elementals that are attacking them, then speak to Nadaj. . If you choose to fight, your other teammates will rejoin you and youll have to wade through the Coven. There are two other Imaskari devices of the same nature in the area, with one of them already containing a lever in its control device. Can replace the 4 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Any weapon. You have some options when dealing with the frost giants. When everything is dead, use the Sword of Gith on the Betrayers Gate to the north and head through. Hell give you the Mask Fragment (Boy) before the dream breaks up. Head back to the shadow portal near the bazaar and head through. The rumbling that this causes will open the way to Gulkaushs chamber, but the debris it brings down from the ceiling will prevent you from completing either of the other quests here and likely cost you a lot of money from bodies that you wont be able to loot. If he doesnt, hell drop some trinkets, including a set of Bracers of the Inner Planes, which instill 20% resistance to all elemental damage and damage from positive and negative energy. Odesya is already mostly leaning towards Nadajs side. If you want to help the berserker out, youll need to find a way to get the frost giants across the river to leave the grove, then find a new spirit to put into the lake there. Move forward toward the gates and attempt a parlay. With a little prompting, shell tell you all about her experiences in the Vault, and will join your party if you wish her to do so. Your reward is the Ring of Major Cold Resistance, which nets you resistance of 30/- to cold damage. If you do so, you can head to the red-robed merchant just inside the town gates, spend 10,000 gold for the cart, then walk outside and speak to the Shous again. Head to Eternitys End and enter the Temple of Kelemvor there. This guy was apparently rebuked by the Wood Man at some point in the past and has been cursed to remain in the grove here, but has since found the means to begin burning it down. Eating spirits will slowly - or quickly - corrupt yourself. If you choose to slay him in this dreamscape, your soul will be freed, and youll be able to continue about your life, but the curse of the spirit-eater will pass on to another. With that in tow, you can explore the various points of interest on this floor. After speaking to Sheva, return to the Veil theater and begin speaking to the actors there. If you're worried about the game's difficulty, we highly recommend a weaponmaster character; with the changes to enchanting in the expansion pack, it can be pretty easy to make yourself a high damage weapon. No matter how you react to his presence, hell be his same old caustic self. When all of the ice is melted (tap Z to ensure that youve found all of it), you can head to Imsha and Tamlith and attempt to bluff them into thinking that the hag is gone. To the southeast, in the Blighted Trees portion of the forest, youll find a hunting dog. If you would ever so kindly provide your insight with regards to my feat and stat allocation and provide better alternatives without losing sight of the end goal which is Blazing Aura. Teleportation will send you down to meet a few thugs that will attempt to kill you; theyll be easily dispatched. Thats not legal! In order to escape from the Skein, youll probably need to find some way to lower the water levels in here. If you side with the defenders, Araman will join you as a fifth party member, fully controllable and outfittable. Thieve's Hood (OC): immunity to KD and Poison and some minor skill bonuses. This fight can be quite difficult for you at this point. Remove the hammer from the table, first off, then place a golem head, arms, legs, and torso onto the table, along with a Volatile Spirit Essence. He can take two souls and attempt to fuse them together, and will do so for you if you pressure him enough. Head outside the cave and cast fire spells on the ice, or use a fire-imbued weapon. The conversation is pretty lengthy, but boils down to two choices: you can try to channel your own energy into the Wood Man to restore his health, or attempt to just eat the old bat. At its highest level of enchantment, the player could even have a 50% health regeneration boost added to one of their armor pieces, which is absolutely insane. Undead: Ankhriva the lich and his minions are first in line. In the Boneyard, youll be granted an audience with Myrkul, the dead god. If you select the first option (about not laying a hand on Safiya), theyll attack you. You can pick the locks on the doors here; they dont require a special key or anything. Added Vorpal. Okku is corporeal, so it shouldnt be too difficult for Safiya to hit him with touch attacks like Polar Ray, allowing you to damage him down pretty quickly. This will be important in some of the upcoming quests. Pump him for info, then ask him to rejoin you. His abilities are fairly redundant with Safiyas, but hell still be a pretty handy addition to the party if you choose this path. Its cool! Beyond his spellcasting, though, Ganns combat feats mostly revolve around the shortbow. Your craving for spirits indicates how quickly your spirit energy will decline. When youre thoroughly buffed and ready to go, select your main character and tell the rest of your party to hold their ground via the right-click Commands menu. 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