So keep the community effort going. I have the feeling Putins demise will come from inside Russia rather than externally. seeds of the people power future. Region, Cross April would be a crucial month in the Ukraine-Russia crisis. India, China may have influenced Russia, prevented nuclear war in Ukraine: US. WebThe devastating Ukraine war can be analyzed astrologically and it can be interesting to see how the planetary movements are delivering karmas on this planet earth. Choosing Your House System in Astrology There are over 30 filters, or ways of seeing your world, in astrology. I greet you very warmly and thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing, for your help . You dont act out the role of that ancient Roman archetype and get away with it. See here: The more Hungary and other countries pursue that, the more powerful they will be. How May 6th 2022 is a time of reckoning for Boris Johnson in astrology using his birth horoscope ran the Twitter post. Since Lagan is afflicted by Rahu and aspect by Mars, this is one of the reasons for a war. That is what this is all about. The end of Trump has been clear for years. Putin had an influence on the elections in Poland and the Polish government favors him. The MC is where Ukraine fulfils her mission. To you see this russian army come faiting in Finland ? Scorpio rules sex, death and money. You are a Sun Gemini with a big Gemini stellium and may want to do a lot of research before you move. Aquarius has always been the sign ruling allies who pool their resources. I am concerned about the many people of colour who being treated very poorly in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin has chosen to do this in the death throes of Pluto in Capricorn, as you say. The world had to end globalisation, fossil fuel and money laundering and its all coming in one intense cycle. Thanks for all. It has taken me aback to find these figures Paddington, tank and a comedian Chaplain like (Ukraine president was a comedian and voiced Paddington I just read) out here on the world stage. Thank you. Its about pensions/superannuation. Finland as part of one, all or many of those groups is in a strong position. Money laundering is going to end. You can also see the global reach of Russias gas (for example) and the money laundromat. Thank you for your very kind words. The people who crash the hardest will be those who have borrowed a fortune and/or put dirty money into overpriced homes. Netway India Pvt. This will be a relief for you, from March 2023, as for the most part, the endless questions about your willpower, your self-control, your self-discipline through or with a partner are over. He clearly waited until the Beijing Olympics were finished in order to win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping. Fuel will certainly be an issue by 2023. Although the Russia-Ukraine war stands to affect the economy and financial markets, the Federal Reserves potential reaction to the conflict is potentially more concerning, according to Jeremy Siegel, senior investment strategy advisor at WisdomTree and professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. I live in Norway, we have a border with Russia and we are part of NATO. As my father (born on 1937 Latvia, deported to Siberia on 1949, returned in 1960s) said As long as we have our land and hands, well have food and warm house He died 5 years ago, but now, going through all those more and less global things on my own with two kids, I remeber every story from my family tree memories (Theyre collected until around 1860s), how my grandfather got whole family back from Siberia, how his brothers and uncles survived WW1. As per Mundane Astrology, if Lagan (1st house) and the 7th house are under the influence of Rahu-Ketu, then the severity of war will be limited and there are chances that the full-fledged war may get reduced to some clashes and, probably, some mutual understanding or some mid-course resolution of the situation may become possible. Thank you. The IC is where Ukraine comes from. Also, Sun is on the Rahu-Ketu axis in the natal chart, and, most importantly, it is also in the same position in the annual horoscope. Hi Jessica, Is there anything astrologically at this time that indicates a dangerous world situation? How do you see the near future for Baltic countries considering the war in Ukraine? Can you tell me something about my country Poland? Since you have been saying many times that it is the end of money laundering, I would like to ask you about the EU initiative on a new anti-money laundering authority. thank you for your detailed interpretation of this situation, it looks very down to earth. This prediction is viral on social media. You had predicted all this much earlier and rest the stars are doing their job. Ironically, Made In Taiwan would be most affected so the very thing that China wants, in business terms, she would not get. Latvias most recent chart is set for 21st August 1991 at 8.25am in Riga (GMT) when you became fully independent from the Soviet Union. Thats not happened in your lifetime. This is also true of anyone against you. I understand why you cant read, watch or look at anything else about Russias war on Ukraine at the moment. Will China invade Taiwan? Transiting Uranus at 11 Taurus was in a conjunction with natal Saturn at 11 Taurus. I have replied to you elsewhere, thank you. Why hasnt it been shut down? This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Germany, of course, owes everybody (the allies) for the rationing, hardship and loss of life. That will give us more information about the future of this dreadful war begun by Vladimir Putin. 1. Aquarius is the EU, the UN, NATO. You are obviously seeing first-hand what people in Moscow know; Vladimir Putin is part of a crumbling system and a collapsing economy. You will probably wake up to this news in Australia. The situation that will prevail during this conflict. Very much looking forward to it! Now, this article is based on charts charts of Putin, Volodymyr and Ukraine. Thank you again Jessica. The chart for Norway ties into the other astrological charts Ive seen for Sweden, Lithuania, Moldova, and so on. And in 2023, next year, the karma for Poland will be 1939. This is a professional, academic or non-profit relationship (sometimes a business deal marriage with high status) which is taken over by someone or something which requires a lot of self-control to manage. In the immediate future it will find itself under the monster once again? The Saturn in Aquarius cycle is rare and only happens every 29 years. What will happen with Latvia is really more about the European Union (EU) than anything else, over the short-term, and the position of Latvias Pluto at 17 Scorpio in the 1991 chart and 16 Scorpio in the 1990 chart suggests this is about mortgages. Will we see the same demise of China as it is now? I have always believed we are all born for a reason, may it be good or bad. This hasnt even started; the two really central issues are blockchain and the Magnitsky Amendment to the United Kingdom Money Laundering Act. When you are so isolated it is very hard to do anything of great import; this figure is also easy to attack from behind. Hi Jessica, Some may even find here an opportunity to make some money. The system (the mountain) and the goats are doomed. This prediction about Swiss banks and a shock to come (it turned out to be a worldwide leak of their appalling client base) was posted on January 19th 2022. No. Thank you. Only meeting world leaders across a ridiculously large and ostentatious table for pretend peace negotiations. Life will be unpredictable in 2022, 2023 and sometimes the world will turn upside-down in front of your eyes, but ultimately Bulgaria will get rid of a lot of problems that are not her fault, but come from the wider European picture. There is exact karma with Poland in 2022, going back to 1939. Have a look at The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and the Smith Waite Tarot to see what would happen if you pursued more/different physical activity. You are a Sun Cancer person with an Aquarius stellium. Hiding away during the pandemic. I think he also wanted to invade while it was easier to drive tanks across frozen wastelands in to Ukraine, before the thaw happens in the Spring. World and Middle East business and financial news, Stocks, Currencies, Market Data, Research, Weather and other data. My daughter has Venus at 27 Capricorn and Cupido at 12 Pisces and I see there are conjunctions on both of these aspects this week. What is in the future for America in 2024, 2026 ??? About Romania what can you say in the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? The Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act, cryptocurrency and blockchain will all be central to what happens. are you suggesting cryptocurrency will crash too or the inverse, that people will put their money into digital crypto money as the old world fiat money banking system collapses? So blockchain is tied to Uranus in Taurus as well. This is the time of the local elections in the United Kingdom: definitely a crossroads that the horoscope showed three years before it was ever discussed. The nodes always reveal what is owed, and what must be repaid. How that is repaid, we will see in 2022 and 2023. I think 1938 and 1939 will have a major impact on Estonia in 2022 and 2023 as by all the laws of astrology there needs to be closure. Cait. The Taurus-Scorpio node cycle of 2022, 2023 and Uranus in Taurus until 2026 show its a process. Well, maybe not such a shock if you use astrology. For a long time, Russia and Ukraine have been engaged in an armed conflict, and finally, Russia attacked its neighboring nation on 24th Feb 2022 (IST). The breaking news ran: Japans sanctions to help impose massive costs on Russia, U.S. says. Ukraine, Independence: August 24, 1991, 6.00pm Kiev (Astro-databank, Rodden Rating AA) This is a story about Russia and Ukraine. It is classically the employer, a powerful client or colleague; sometimes a dominating husband. Thank you so much. Okay, so the future goes something like this. We are basically on the edge right from the start. Fascinating article! The astrology of 2022 is not about classic world war timing not at all. Astrologer Vlad Ross, who is popular in Ukrainian media, says that Putin is "gravely ill" and "will not survive past March 2023". All rights reserved. This is really saddening, as it is not just the Ukraine. And even this Saudi MBS ( a murder of Jamal Khashoggi). How do you protect yourself? I do like the optimism this tragic event will bring in the end, but currently anxiety is definitely high. 3. Planet saved. WebMoon shows the attacks from the North and NE region with Belarus (Ke) forces and this is going to be very damaging in the war. You have to remember that Vladimir Putins war on Ukraine is economic. This generation of Russian Millennials were born with the outer planets in Aquarius, the sign of people power. We find Aries-Virgo in the emergency services too. Will the events in Ukraine trigger a World War III? This is a real eye opener. Parts may be an issue if its a foreign car. Would you do it for me? As per Mundane Astrology, afflicted luminaries like Sun, Moon or both in the annual horoscope is one of the reasons for the war. Im from Poland. New equations will be formed within many countries, and the coming situation is indicating a bloody and violent outcome, especially in Taiwan, the Middle East, Uganda, and Afghanistan. There will also be severe consequences that will be seen on the economy of many countries. Thank you for writing the article, Jessica! We are part of Nato, bet I am worrying about our country. When this war is likely to end. She is an Aquarian also going through the South Node transit of her solar Tenth House of career, position, status, success and ambition so life as it was 18-19 years ago will give her a few clues. The end of Trump has been clear for years. Russia has Aquarius Ascendant and Capricorn Moon sign. For Norway it will be about a revolution in leadership. All this would possibly collapse the ruble, permanently but have a massive impact on cryptocurrency. Updated: 26 Feb 2023, 12:31 AM IST Edited By Anwesha Mitra. Watch the Kremlin insider Kylushin in relation to the 2016 hacked American election. In the global market, the war will hit various things, including oil, gold, commodity, and the stock market. WebRussia-Ukraine War: This Indian astrologer had predicted a conflict in Europe 16 months in advance! Jessica, Allow 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 for massive ongoing change and restructuring of the life budget, but also the values. You can call this year and next year the necessary detox. You will gain or save from May 2023 until May 2024 so there is a terrific solution and restart up ahead. Will PM Boris Johnson be Neville Chamberlain or Sir Winston Churchill? If you watch for a few minutes youll see an eclipse date mentioned. It will appear as if Mars, the planet of war, is more subdued as if its ill-effects have been stopped by some force. The end of the global money laundromat has been really clear from the astrology for years. It was based on petrol, gas, coal and borrowed money and far too much shopping. Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these matters will be making it worse no doubt. It is heartbreaking as you say. Thank you. The astrology we are seeing in 2022 is 1938, and it is really about karma from 1938 for Sweden with Germany. Could be any of us. They are packed with potential; you will make or save a fortune by May and again in October-December 2022. If yes, connect with Astro Rajdep Panditand get quick and apt solutions. Sixteen days into Russias war, Nikonovs prediction, echoed by other Russian politicians, has not come to pass. The constitution will change to embrace community, diversity and equality and a woman President is not far away. So the circle turns. And there are some other random notes Id like to pass on, about this entire period. My country offers now shelter for hundreds of foreign students who leave Ukraine as we speak. How do you see my country Portugal during this time? This is looking two years into the future. Conflict Astrology between Russia and Ukraine According to Russia Ukraine Conflict Astrology, Vladimir Putin will make certain that the citizens of Ukraine, as well as You mention Putin however what about Zelensky? It also talked about how Russian airplanes (for regular travel not military) are leased from one European country, I think Norway. Are NATO countries going to be fighting that monster cause Im planning to move to Europe soon.Should I revise my plans? At the same time, many markets of the world will also see a sharp decline and will be directly affected. You talk about a tough slog economically for the whole world through 2026, which is frustrating after we have already been through so much uncertainty due to COVID. A bad yoga (Khapper) will be forming in the coming month, and because of that, people will migrate to another place. Moon in Mrtyu Bhaga shows the deaths on both sides Cn (Ukraine) and Ta (Russia). It may even be about territory, as of course land value is part of Taurus/Scorpio. You are the calm voice in a crazy world. Thank you for your insight. The trouble with cryptocurrency is that it arrived on Uranus in Taurus in 2018 (the cycle of revolution, shock and upheaval in the sign of money) and is here until 2026. You really need to look at Russias friends and allies to finger the money laundering in Sydney. Three different horoscopes were cast and analysed by the PowerFortunes astrologers for this. Ukraine war. Since the second world war, The Soviet Union has tried to offer favorable economic deals to countries to become the next superpower by increasing their dependence upon it for energy. That cycle absolutely rules the future of Bitcoin and the rest, and as Uranus is a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, upheaval and constant change, anyone who is taking a ride on that, has no guarantees. If you still cant find it please contact Support. I have read this and feel much happier and safer..I was / so afraid there will be a nuclear war and I think you have not seen this happening. Transiting Neptune at 20, 21, 22 Pisces in January, February 2022 (the crucial first two months of the attack on Ukraine by Putin) aspected the 20 Taurus IC (Immum Coeli) and 20 Scorpio MC (Midheaven) of Ukraine. The slog is actually 2022, 2023 and there are fantastic turning points, solutions and answers once we get to the Jupiter in Taurus cycle, May 2023 until May 2024. American war karma is coming.. Women in Bulgaria will lead the response. Even the butterfly has to go through some pain before it emerges from the cocoon. To the day. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy.. This is all going to be worked out through money in 2022, 2023. Vladimir Putin was a KGB agent. A generation born with Pluto in Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, is fated to experience the South Node in Scorpio conjunction, and North Node in Taurus opposition, before (eventually) Uranus in Taurus in opposition. Europe has already won. 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through this. Share. It will happen for any number of reasons. Again, this will impact the market. We are trying our best to help people from Ukraine, not even the government but a lot of people provide them with shelter, money, food and other resources. The only reason they won during WW2 is that USA and European countries were helping. Youre doing well to separate the personal from the global. President Putin has long held staunch views about Russia and Ukraine being one. Every possible scenario should be factored in, including a fake Russian departure and return. We just saw neutral Switzerland stop being neutral. Watch NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN as they are reshaped from March 2023, and these two countries in particular find a new way to be inside them, or outside them. I already wrote to you, but I think something went wrong and you didnt received my comment. I presume this is done to spook NATO but he might just mean it. Oh Jessica thank you for this insight you are truly gifted! On February 24th 2022, Bloomberg reported that Russian stocks fell the most on record, erasing more than $150 billion in value. Something that we can certainly see is the Russia-Belarus chart. These astrology predictions cover: 1. He had also predicted successfully about the Russia-Ukraine war. I couldnt understand the mountains in the background and thought of Afghanistan. The golden rule with this transit is to use sheer willpower to become empowered. You are psychic and can probably read clouds as well as wall paint patches. Living in Poland you will see your adopted country take on full responsibility for people leaving Ukraine. President Putin has been at odds with NATOs policy of eastward expansion. Its also going to show Vladimir Putin that people power in a community is potent. Because those Moscow McMansions date from the last time Pluto was in Capricorn, when the Prince Regent took over from King George III. Fascinating to read, wonder what you think of Nostradamus (dyslexic?) I am from Romania. While Ukraine is absorbing and training on Western hardware, it is also trying to fight a war with Soviet-era armor, scouring the world for large-caliber munitions and spare parts. I love Marjorie Orrs astrology and must go to her website now. That was a game-changer. Look at old predictions about Uranus in Taurus on Search as Ive been ringing the bell about this for a few years now. Astrologers are here to give advance warning so that we can prepare, which is why (if you look at Search under Uranus in Taurus, North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio) you will find the alarm bells were there as far back as 2017. Will China invade Taiwan? But hes a man out of time. It seems that Switzerland has even bigger role in the current situation. Learning about cryptocurrency is wise as it has massive global impact until 2026, even for people who do not use it. It feels like this when I visit. We also saw Credit Suisse exposed in a shock leak with all her wartime links shown up. Charlie Chaplin played Adolf Hitler in The Great Dictator. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Current things are not exactly optimistic and sitting here in the neighbourhood (Hungary) is not exactly relaxing. The European Union as we knew it will finish, though, and become a different kind of organisation. That means a new chart, which means Russia can get rid of Saturn in Taurus. I am sure you do feel as if life is like a war. By 1940 Romania had given territory to Russia, Bulgaria and Hungary, after pressure from Russia and Nazi Germany. She is in fact taking in refugees as youve seen on the news. Have no connection to Russia, E Europe and these two countries politics at all. And, as you can see below, why Putin was written down as butins. Affliction to Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn signs is again an important indication of war. Jupiter in Taurus in your Second House of money, property, possessions and business protects you. Anything that was safe before 2018 is no longer that. I watched a YouTube video in Russian test saying how Russia buys chips for their weapons in Taiwan but the sticker says made in Russia. Equations will be formed between some new countries in world politics as well. People help with their own money. Thats too funny. It can feel very fated. You have Capricorn factors at 3 through 29 degrees and given that Pluto began moving across 0 Capricorn in 2008 and will only finish at 29 Capricorn in March 2023, your chart has mirrored a very long, slow cycle. Petrol/gas is going to be a minefield very shortly. Every peace finds its place. Something I would like to see avoided, just by predicting its risk: Facebook Live is frequently Facebook Death as it hosts lone gunmen with cameras. Hallo, did you got my email before? Im also afrayd so much they are very near . It really depends on the karma from 18-19 years ago which is personal. Very, very hard work for all concerned. Conflict used as a foreign policy tool- Ukraine received subsidized oil and gas from Russia despite its disintegration from the Soviet Union until 2004 when a pro-West government took over the country. Sometimes in astrology a lot of transits come together all at once. Weaknesses. The 2nd house has Sun and Moon in Capricorn. That posting is a lot more insightful and frankly more in-depth. Those decisions must stop the dangers of depending on both Russia and China for petrol/gas, coal and manufacturing. It will take a couple of years to sort out from 2024 you can say its done. Watch Facebook Live very closely it has been Facebook Death a number of times. It is happening to you now and because you are heavily Aquarian you are feeling it. We need to be wide awake when Russia turns her heel and walks. A really good rule? Im too sad right now to be optimistic honestly. Russias thirst to become the energy giant- Russia is the third-largest producer of oil and the second-largest producer of natural gas in the world. 2. The dasa is of Jupiter/Venus. Thank you. Jessica, thanks for the tip! Due to this astrological combination, he will be victorious and will certainly achieve his agendas. Thank you for this article. I am concerned about the nuclear threat and things spiralling. Astrologically speaking, this has also been one of the causes for the war. But there are other underlying reasons behind this conflict brewing for years. Ukraine will join the EU. So, Poland owes the United Kingdom and France (two of several countries) for going to her defence after Danzig on a spiritual level. Its really a change in values. And thank you, for your thank you. When Saturn will enter Capricorn in its backward journey on 12 July 2022 and will sit in square position with Rahu, there might be an outburst with regard to the tension and stress in these two countries. It is much appreciated. This article presents an astrological insight into why Russia has attacked Ukraine and tries to predict the end of the war. Let me check. Thank you so much for this! I was wondering about Bosnia and Herzegovina as there are talks about the disintegration of it? Thank you. Women. Yes, Finland and Sweden are good examples of Pluto in Aquarius leadership. Hard short-term, but the solution long-term. Thats a long way off but you can rehearse at least some of this now by exploring online education youll find this becomes more important in the second half of 2022. Mahadasha- JUPITER : 2-Star-Lord is KET: 6 (MER 7 ) 3-Sub-Lord is VEN: Since then, Russia has continued with the attack and the Ukrainian forces have been putting up a strong resistance. We needed to get rid of money laundering, tax evasion and fossil fuel. Can you please reshare? We can narrow down the time-frame because Mercury Retrograde is opposite natal Mercury at 26 Taurus on April 27th, then again on May 30th, 31st, June 1st through to June 8th. Submit Your Articles/Press Releases/Reports. Nostradamus says it will be a massive long war, 25 to 29 years, followed by smaller wars," he said. Jessica, not sure if this is even ok to post but here goes please. Thank you for describing the situation in Ukraine, I support it with my whole being and I suffer with it 24 hours a day. These astrology predictions cover: Astrologer Vlad Ross, who is popular in Ukrainian media, says that Putin is "gravely ill" and "will not survive past March 2023". Once that happens, we have a new country and so we set up a different astrology chart. Saturn in Aquarius and Ukraine This has been coming for a long time. I am sure you are very worried about what is happening, and I am sorry you have to go through it. You are a Sun Aries with a big Virgo signature, which is typical of nurses and doctors, actually. The combined strength of the G20, the United Nations, the EU, the Commonwealth and NATO will succeed. What would be the best way to use these conjunctions? These students usually spend one or two days in Romania warm welcomed by the Romanians who offer them food and shelter until they find a flight to take them home. Be specific about what you need to know, and when. What the possible period for the end of war should be. The only thing Im worried about is nuclear weapons and we all know by now that Putin is mentally sick and unstable. Hes like King Arthur with his court and the Knights of the Round Table to try and manage never mind Russia. After 35 years of patient care, I now travel to hospitals and educate nurses on how to use medical equipment and products. Retrograde Saturn means hurdles, delays, miseries, and obstructions and may trigger a war or, again, cause disturbances between Ukraine and Russia. Been coming for a few minutes youll see an eclipse date mentioned to impose! Like a war or anything that was safe before 2018 is no longer that country during... Of 2022 is a lot more insightful and frankly more in-depth now and because you feeling... Reach of Russias gas ( for regular travel not military ) are leased from one European country, now... To win the covert support of his partner in crime, Jinping about revolution... All or many of those groups is in fact taking in refugees as youve on... Or bad Russia-Ukraine war on Ukraine at the moment, erasing more than 150... We see the same demise of China as it is really about karma from 1938 for Sweden Lithuania... You for your help nuclear war in Ukraine out from 2024 you can call this year and next year the... 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