Local authorities in Wales are responsible for licensing these sites; and deciding, through the conditions that they impose, whether tenants are able to use the site address as their principle address. Very often the person using the badge will admit on questioning that the holder is not involved in the journey; some local authorities telephone the holder to establish their whereabouts. An applicant may have undergone a related functional assessment with a different council department or health provider and this should be checked when disclosed during an assessment. BBDS have several delivery arrangements including fast track delivery for applications from people with a special case terminally ill (for an additional cost). When dealing with such reapplications, local authorities are also reminded that this criteria seeks to capture individuals who have a condition which is expected to last 12 months. If the badge is subsequently found or recovered, the original badge should be returned to the local authority so that it can be destroyed (Footnote 16). In addition, some disabilities may not be immediately visible. A photograph is taken of each badge and booklet dispatched by BBDS as evidence that they have been sent to the badge applicant. On the GOV.UK website the Blue Badge is included in a list of items about which a deceased individuals family may need to contact their local authority, as part of the process of registering the death. Having a common system for processing Blue Badge information and securely printing and distributing badges prevents many types of fraud and abuse. There is a role however, for all enforcement officers in identifying, lost, stolen and fraudulent badges as part of their day to day activities. Please speak to us so we can advise you on whether you can apply. Some local authorities regularly run a check against monthly death records supplied by the Registrars. Local authorities may require the return of a badge from a resident where another local authority issues the same person with a badge and both badges are valid at the same time (Footnote 18). Check if you are eligible for a Blue Badge, Please select the option that applies to you. WebYou'll need some information to apply or re-apply for a Blue Badge. It may also be relevant to consider whether an applicant who is not using any form of walking aid at the time of their application could improve their walking ability, to the extent that they would no longer demonstrate very considerable difficulty in walking, through the correct use of such an aid. Medical conditions such as asthma, Crohns disease, conditions leading to incontinence and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) This shines light through the skin and monitors the amount of oxygen in the blood. WebThe Blue Badge scheme helps you park nearer to your destination if you have a disability. Your cookie preferences have been saved. The Welsh Government has made the following publications available on their website so that they can be downloaded and printed locally: In addition, large print, Braille and audio versions of The Blue Badge Scheme: rights and responsibilities in Wales are available on request from BlueBadge@gov.wales. Applicants should be asked to provide contact details for the person certifying their application. Without sufficient evidence that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria the authority must not issue a Blue Badge. experience. If you can't access online systems there are computers available in the Civic Centre, our community hubs and local libraries. Additionally local authorities will need to consider how to collect expired badges. You can apply for yourself, someone When you receive your Blue Badge you will also get a copy of the booklet 'The Blue Badge Scheme: Rights and Responsibilities in Wales'. This charge is at the discretion of the local authority. The definition of enforcement officer is a person who is employed by a local authority or with whom the authority have made arrangements for the purpose of inspecting and retaining badges. When you apply you will need to provide one of the following an appointment for a memory clinic; registration on the local authority learning disabilities register; a letter from a healthcare professional involved in the treatment. The photo should be recent and show the applicants face clearly. WebThe Blue Badge is linked to you rather than a vehicle, so you can use it with any car. See regulation 10 of the 2000 regulations (as amended by S.I. It is for local authorities to decide how to do this. Removing expired badges from circulation will reduce fraud. WebIf you already have a Blue Badge and its nearly expired, or if you want to check if you're eligible you can apply or re-apply online on GOV.UK. A carer can apply on behalf of any applicant however they must read and sign the declarations within the application, stating their relationship to the applicant. (Footnote 15). If you don't have a drive, garage or other place to park your car in the boundary of your property then we may consider creating a disabled persons parking space. WebUse our checker to find out if you are eligible for a Blue Badge. This requirement has implications for car park operators who may have to demonstrate that, as well as marking out parking spaces for Blue Badge holders, they have taken reasonable steps to ensure that they are available and accessible to people with impairments. Eligibility for a Blue Badge does not depend on diagnosis, but on how an individuals mobility is impaired, which is outside of the specialism of the majority of GPs, Has a temporary and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. complaints. You have received money under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Tariff 1-8 (inclusive) and includes Permanent Mental Disorder under Tariff 6. on single and double yellow lines if it's safe to so and there are no loading restrictions. To license a vehicle in the DVP taxation class, an organisation needs to make a signed declaration on the organisations letter- headed paper. A person can be convicted of forging or copying a blue badge and/or using that forgery/copy under this Act. There is a wide range of legislation available to enforcement authorities to enforce the Blue Badge scheme. In those circumstances, it is recommended that the photograph is certified by a person, other than a partner or family member of the applicant, who has known them for a minimum of two years and is 18 years or over. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel It can take up to 12 weeks to process an application. The act of returning the badge does not preclude the relevant authority from prosecuting any offence that has been committed, if desired. Report a lost, stolen or misused Blue Badge. It is important that people in the local authority area, who might be eligible for a Blue Badge, are made aware of the scheme and how they can apply for a badge. Youll need a recent digital photo showing your head and shoulders. Welsh Government understands that some local authorities may offer further assessment of the applicant by an occupational therapist or other health professionals. Any breathlessness reported by the applicant when walking, or as a consequence of the effort of walking. Open all Who automatically gets a Blue Badge Who else could get a Blue Badge Visit GOV.UK to check your eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge. If the local authority is using a specialist in functional mobility they need to determine whether the application meets the criteria found in Appendix B. WebThe charge for a Blue Badge is 10. Please note that some police forces will only issue an incident number if there is evidence that a crime has taken place. This will likely require evidence from consultants, specialists or therapists and this may be providedby. When you apply you will need to provide one of the following an ophthalmologist report; CV1/BD8 form confirming the applicant is severely sight impaired (Blind); registration with the local authority as sight impaired at the severe level. It is recommended that an auditable record of the approach be kept where identity is verified in this way. You need to reapply for it every 3 years. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Ministry of Defence. Ensuring that only eligible people are issued badges is the first step. The evidence required includes proof of residency, a photograph and healthcare professional evidence of conditions, symptoms and difficulties mobilising in the community. Applications or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the online system on the gov.uk website. If youare recovering from, or awaiting treatment for serious illnesses or injuries you may qualify for a temporary 12 month badge. Your local council processes Blue Badge applications. Details are set out in the Parking Card for People with Disabilities in the European Union". This carries a penalty of a fine of up to 5,000 and/or up to 12 months imprisonment on summary conviction. A local authority may require the return of a badge on account of its misuse leading to a relevant conviction or where the authority is satisfied that the badge was obtained by false representation (Footnote 12). It is for the local authority to decide whether they will accept only originals or certified photocopies of documents. Having the removal team (or contractor) primed will enable them to respond quickly. Eligibility should be carefully considered to maximise the fairness and consistency of decision making on eligibility for a badge before it is issued. Several factors may be relevant and having considerable difficulty walking is defined as one or more of the following: Excessive pain reported by the applicant when walking, or as a consequence of the effort of walking. Local authorities in Wales are not able to charge individual holders for their Blue Badge. It is also important to gather photographic evidence, including people in or getting out of the vehicle. The Slack Workspace is dedicated to Blue Badge Digital Service and wider Blue Badge Scheme. If the applicant has lost their HRMCDLA award or uprating letter, then they can be advised to contact the Disability Service Centre for a current award letter. The Blue Badge (Disabled Persons Parking) scheme was introduced in 1971 under section 21 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970. Badges can be abused or misused in a number of different ways and it is important that local authorities are vigilant. Effective enforcement is resource intensive and authorities may find it makes sense to focus their attention on those areas where the most fraud appears to take place. 1. People who may be issued with a badge without further assessment are those who are more than two years old and fall within one or more of the automatic eligibility descriptions below. The scheme as it currently stands is governed by the following Regulations: All of the above Statutory Instruments (and the Acts) can also be viewed on Legislation.gov.uk website. The formal notification required to register as severely sight impaired is a Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI(W)) signed by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. A local authority may refuse to issue a Blue Badge (Footnote 6)if: In these cases the refusal letter must clearly state the reasons the application has been turned down. You can find more information about how to do this in the letter from your council. It is recommended that replacement requests include a signed declaration by the applicant, their carer or guardian where relevant, confirming the loss and acknowledging that any subsequent use of the old badge, should it turn up, would be a criminal offence subject to a maximum 1,000 fine. The online service caters for people applying on someone's behalf, and there is also a 'save and return' feature, allowing people to wait for someone to help them complete their application. WebApply for or renew a Blue Badge Check your eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge. You are not completely unable to walk, have considerable difficulty walking or have substantial impairment to mobility. With certain restrictions, a blue badge enables the holder to park: Free of charge at a parking meter or pay-and-display bays. Impairment is the thing about the individual that is different, affecting their appearance or how they function and possibly causing difficulties such as pain or fatigue. Disability, by contrast is the disadvantage experienced by people with impairments as a result of the way the environment is constructed, the way in which a service is delivered or the attitudes of those providing services. and the evidence provided by the applicant. Youll also need a photo or scan of your: They need to be able to share the information they have on badge holders. The eligibility criteria for a temporary Blue Badge is based on the applicant being unable to walk or having considerable difficulty walking, and uses the same measure of mobility as used for the permanent eligibility criteria. You may wish to upgrade your browser. Where you cannot park. Accordingly, their name and personal details will have changed. Indefinite or life awards are still subject to review, and therefore older award letters may not be reliable indicators of whether a person currently has an award of HRMCDLA. Wherever possible the onus is on the applicant to provide supporting evidence. when the badge is lost or stolen), amends the existing inspection power so that authorised enforcement officers in plain clothes may inspect badges (this was limited to constables and specified enforcement officers who in consequence of other legislation generally had to be uniformed), provide constables and enforcement officers with power to retain a badge that has been produced to them and which is cancelled, due for return, being misused or fake, clarify the existing offences relating to the wrongful use of Blue Badges to put beyond doubt that it is an offence to use a badge that should have been returned and apply the same offences to a badge that has been cancelled, has already been cancelled e.g. The badge is supplied with a copy of the guidance leaflet The Blue Badge Scheme: rights and responsibilities. For example, if an applicant is only able to walk for less than one minute in total then walking is likely to be very difficult for them. An applicant can only appeal to the Welsh Ministers against the local authoritys decision not to award a Blue Badge or to request the return of a badge where the grounds for refusal / return are: The appeal must be made within 28 days beginning with the date of the local authoritys determination. Your eligibility will be checked every time you reapply. It's worth doing this if you can't walk more than 80 metres - about the length of 7 double decker buses, or if you can't use a parking meter because of problems with your arms. You have not received money under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Tariff 1-8 (inclusive). See regulation 9(1)(e) of the 2000 regulations. You appear to be using an unsupported browser, and it may not be able to display this site properly. You can apply for a That is because the power to retain a badge is not the same thing as a power to permanently withdraw/confiscate a badge. Local authorities may have arrangements in place to access information from health providers, or the applicant may have evidence of mobility services they have accessed in the last 12 months from: Other sources of evidence should also be considered to provide a full overview of the applicant and their difficulties and limitations in the community or when completing day to day activities. See regulation 6(4)9(c) of the 2000 regulations. For example civil enforcement officers may use hand held Personal Digital Assistance type devices, or use the Global System for Mobile Communication network to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. A replacement badge is valid until the expiry date of the If the applicant applies for a further badge after their temporary badge expires the local authorities should assess their mobility in the normal way, including if necessary referral to the IAS. Blue Badge charge The charge to reapply for a Blue Badge can be up to 20. The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 allows civil enforcement officers to retain a badge which is suspected of being abused or misused. We will look again at the decision taking into account the extra evidence. It is also recommended that all employees of the organisation who will be using the badge are reminded that they must only use the badge for the purposes of transporting eligible people who meet one or more of the eligibility criteria for a badge. Local authorities should be aware that it is not appropriate to refuse to issue to an applicant a Blue Badge solely on the basis that they are able to use public transport independently or because they already have a concessionary travel pass. Applicants will need to demonstrate that their ability to walk is affected to the extent that they would be unable to access goods and services unless allowed to park close to shops, public buildings and other facilities. This process may be easier if local authorities work together to share information on lost and stolen badges in their area. WebA blue badge enables people with a seriously impaired ability to walk, or those registered severely visually impaired, either as a passenger or driver, to park close to their destination. Applicants should also be reminded that if they consider that there have been procedural irregularities in dealing with their applications, they can report their cases to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. Using your Blue Badge. Local authorities have discretion to charge a fee of up to 10 for an organisational or replacement badge. Eligibility. Recognition is voluntary, rather than mandatory, and so local authority enforcement officers can refuse to recognise an overseas badge if they have reasonable grounds to believe that it is fake or forged. Some of the most common delivery partners are shown below: In order to gather evidence and respond quickly to cases of fraud, the enforcement team (or contractor if outsourced) needs to be involved from the outset to ensure their systems are able to cope with enhanced evidence collection. Ensuring all successful applicants are properly informed of - and understand - what they can and cannot do with a badge (and when / how it should be returned to the issuing authority) is likely to reduce the chances of accidental misuse occurring and avoid disputes. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel Welsh Government recommends that where a badge application is refused or a badge is withdrawn under these circumstances the applicant should be informed by the local authority of his right to appeal and the time limit for doing so. suction of a tracheostomy tube: It is recommended that local authorities treat each application for children under the age of three as a special case. WebBlue badge holders are being reminded to check their badge is still valid and to get it renewed if it's within a month of expiring. They should produce appropriate evidence of authority when exercising their powers; otherwise there is no obligation on an individual to hand their badge to the enforcement officer. If you do not agree with the decision not to award a Blue Badge to you and have information or evidence that was not given with your original application, you should send it to us within one calendar month of the date of the decision letter we sent you. Local authorities can be flexible in how they use these powers, to address their own local circumstances and the specifics of each case. In order to meet this duty a public authority must embed equality considerations in everything they do, including decisions relating to the design and delivery of parking enforcement. This includes: The Welsh Government cannot intervene in individual applications. Under this Act find more information about swansea council blue badge to collect expired badges details will have.. At a Parking meter or pay-and-display bays to park: Free of charge at Parking...: they need to be able to share the information they have been sent to the does... 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