Let's see how to install the latest beta version and create a new project. It comes with a right mix of the power of NodeJS, Selenium WebDriver, Jasmine, Cucumber and Mocha – which makes it a preferred testing tool for web applications. As developers working on Protractor, we’ve found that people tend to ask about certain common scenarios. Please follow the tutorial on How to install Node.JS. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. E2E testing. It warns you on the fly whether all element() selectors could be found within your AngularJS view files. Jan 30 2019 16:23. The Protractor testing tool is an end-to-end behavior-driven testing framework designed keeping AngularJS applications in mind. While mocha-parallel-tests are fast. while recording the results. The first version of Protractor was released in July, 2013. It is designed by Google Developers to support AngularJS applications in mind. As the bread and butter of E2E testing in Angular, it's important to have a firm grasp on the Protractor basics. NOTE: The seleniumAddress URL shown here does not display on a browser because it is an “end point” that listens for API requests. Click “Create Session” and select the browser: View a sample spec.js file that was specified in a config.js file, Click on “Go!” to perform the calculation. It is now visible that the webdriver manager is first downloading the Jars & Executables and then updating those to the latest version automatically. In this article, we are going to explore. “Testing AngularJS apps with Protractor”, showed this diagram: Protractor is a NodeJs application written in JavaScript or TypeScript (invented by Microsoft). I'm new to Angular Testing. as described in his The tests should pass. This is because the test suite is not needed to run the app in production state. Scroll to “Node.js Application” and click on it. Using Spectator and Jest with Angular 10 is a very powerful combination. Use Chrome Developer Tools to see HTML id and names. Protractor is overcomplicated. To verify, pull down Preferences to see “AngularJs” on the left pane. It’s needed because unit tests should not make calls outside their scope to networks or databases. By.className For Angular Apps Protractor is made specifically for Angular apps. Use NPM to install Protractor from https://github.com/angular/protractor. And Protractor grabs specific HTML … Write down steps to run through the app, such as: View the repository of a sample app, containing test assets targeting its sample site: https://github.com/juliemr/protractor-demo. … There are several: Nate Taylor’s sample test assets at https://github.com/taylonr/intro-to-protractor Android Application Developers. How to use gulp-protractor-qa? Protractor, the genuine testing framework for AngularJS, is written in JavaScript too. It is simple and easy just 3 steps. “Protractor Introduction” video class released March 10 2015. Then add more test steps. Software Company. Delete. Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and Angular JS applications and works as a solution integrator combining powerful tools … In the previous step, we have installed Node. Note: There is double hyphen without any space before version. Protractor has Angular-specific locators built right in. Note: If you notice above, install protractor command has automatically installed Webdriver-Manager along with Protractor. Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. Protractor is a powerful tool, and, like any powerful tool, you can use it in more creative ways than you’ll find written in the manual. For example, if your GitHub account is “wilsonmar”, then create a folder: Alternately, if you didn’t fork the repo, create folder for account “juliemr”, the account holding our sample repo. repositories for app and test code. Since you forked the repo you would specify your own GitHub account name when cloning. Window Handler in Protractor . On Macs, install Homebrew using the default Ruby instance: On Windows, install Chocolatey from chocolatey.org. This course is the first ever course which covers Protractor automation with Typescript language, which in turn helps people to understand how easy it is to work with Typescript comparing to Javascript. Manage Current Window: maximize, getPosition, E2E testing is a complement to Unit testing; It also serves as a replacement for the existing AngularJS E2E testing framework called “Angular Scenario Runner”. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Protractor needs two files to run, a spec file … Thus, it requires lots of training. Where Jasmine is: See https://medium.com/@praveenjanakarajan/jasmine-or-mocha-66942388b196. – Fanchi Jul 10 '16 at 15:35 Final thoughts. Compose and Send an email with an alert message for not having body, No verification is done in the code for any action like Login page displayed, compose email box etc, Compose an email with unique subject, body and attachment, Verify the subject, body and attachment name. On Mac, use Homebrew: -y enables you to skip confirmation prompts. Angular is a complete solution in itself. LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ganeshsirsi, ToolsQA Selenium Online Training | Selenium Certification | Selenium Course. Protractor was written by the team within Google who created the Angular testing frameworkin order to automate its testing. The watch flag reruns tests automatically when a change is detected in source or test files. The provided repository contains an automated test for email sending functionality via Gmail as outlined below: Your task is to implement below test case: The tests above are called “e2e” or end-to-end from login. It was built by a team in Google on top of WebDriverJS with existing technologies such as Selenium, Node.js, and Jasmine which makes writing tests a breeze. But from a high level, I think "protractor + jasmine" has all the ability that "karma + jasmine" provides. Unlike traditional static HTML, client browsers running Angular apps dynamically generates HTML and JavaScript on the fly. Clone the sample repository using your own account name: List folders and files at the top of the repo: File package.json specifies dependencies that Node will download before beginning runs. But even though Jest (the testing platform developed by Facebook) and AVA are slower, their additional features may be worth the cost. CucumberJS supports async programming concepts in scripts with TypeScript. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It is an awesome solution for setting up a selenium server for your end to end web tests. Protractor Browser Commands- Refresh the current page in Protractor This refresh function is used for making full reload of the current page. Under Tern, Modules, select “Protractor”. Fakes are used to simulate external behaviors without actually making any external calls. In there, you should see a folder and two files--something like this: I manually create then cd into a folder for each GitHub account before I clone the repo. End to end testing (E2E) or also known as integration testing is a great way to make sure at a high-level overview that our applications function correctly. describe describes a test suite group (category) of tests. By.linkText Webdriver-Manager started in protractor as a binary manager for selenium server and browser drivers. Since static or generated on the client, HTML is stored in a DOM (Document Object Model) web browsers maintain for each session. To take a screen shot on error, use the takeScreenshot helper function. On Mac, use Homebrew: WARNING: You must specify version 8 because the default version 11 onward have a different licensing by Oracle. Start WebDriver to a port. Apply and Close. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. (not in production) Most common use for E2E testing with Angular is Selenium web-driver with Protractor. This free version has a watermark to the screenshot. Using Jasmine to verify AngularJs web app UI based on Selenium (behavior) driven by Gherkin specs run by Cucumber. But it does have a UI to display its sessions. Alternately, there is a “cucumber” framework or Mocha. To use Protractor on an non-Angular.js website, access the webdriver instance directly with browser.driver. Open your command prompt and type npm install -g protractor. Notice the repo has NOT been updated since 2015. Safari. See https://raygun.com/blog/mocha-vs-jasmine-chai-sinon-cucumber/. // (double forward slashes) in front of a line comments it out from being read. allows you to write both unit and functional tests. Webdriver manager was originally part of the Protractor project and has been extracted as its own node module. reports the various ways to run various test runners. PROTIP: The “app” folder contains the app’s code. 3. Jasmine (https://jasmine.github.io from Pivotal Labs) Manage Cookies: addCookie, deleteCookie, There is a findElement and plural findElements, isElementPresent, Browser management functions: get, quit, close, executeScript, getTitle, getCurrentUrl, UI actions: click, sendKeys, isDisplayed, isSelected, getAttribute, getText, clear. To run Jasmine tests through WebStorm, follow WebStorm’s simple 13-step process to get it running. Chai comes with three different assertion flavors: Developers tend to choose the style with which they are most familiar. looks quite complicated right? This would make it easier to debug. More precisely, a fake server provides fake responses to AJAX requests made to specified URLs. –save-dev adds an entry within the ““devDependencies” section of package.json instead of “dependencies”. which gets (opens) a URL to expect the title to be as stated in “.toContain” method: The above is the angular.io marketing page . And Protractor grabs specific HTML elements from within each DOM. See this StackOverflow thread. directConnect - to connect directly to the browser Drivers for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But using protractor is not at all difficult. Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Setting Up Protractor; Setting Up the Selenium Server Right-click on your project to select Configure, “Convert to Tern Project…”. Protractor is developed by Angular core team and takes clear edge over all other testing tools for Angular Apps automation in terms of stability, reliabity,Performance and Code complexity. A lot of Selenium developers wish to continue using their existing Java or C# code base and skills when switching to testing AngularJS MVC web applications. Mocha instead aims to cover the basics and allow other developers to extend it with other frameworks, A strongly typed superset of plain Javascript. By.js Builds and serves an Angular app, then runs end-to-end tests using Protractor. To learn Angular, consider Thinkster Popular Guide, and Egghead Videos. Pages Liked by This Page. If you need to navigate to a page which does not use Angular, you can* turn off waiting for Angular by setting before the browser.get: PROTIP: Remember the semi-colon to end each sentence. protractor Protractor specific locators (for Angular-based applications) Example These locators should be used as a priority when possible, because they are more persistent to changes in an application then locators based on css or xpath, which can easily break. A single hyphen may not result in the expected output. Let’s start with the tutorial now, below are the required steps to set up Protractor. Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. One feature that Sinon has that Jasmine does not is a fake server. SVAM International Inc. McLean, VA 20 hours ago Be among the first 25 applicants npm ERR! The first step is to set browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; inside the beforeEach() block in the spec file, to signal Protractor not to wait for Angular components to load. Click “Main File” and navigate to where Protractor is installed, then the “cli.js” file. Click the “New Launch Configuration” icon at the top left of the dialog. Posted by Ben Burlingham - Nov 30. The syntax between Jasmine and Mocha/Chai are not that different. Right-click on the Protractor project. Protractor (automated functional testing), Fork test assets repository to your account, https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor-html-reporter-2, http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/static/resource/hub.html, http://juliemr.github.io/protractor-demo/, To use Protractor on an non-Angular.js website. https://www.npmjs.com/package/protractor-html-reporter-2, TODO: https://www.npmjs.com/package/jasmine-reporters. If you don’t have a projects folder, create one under your user home folder. Mocha’s approach enable tests to be initited by a right-click on the spec folder within WebStorm.*. Once you obtain a successful test, commit the changes to the team repo (off your laptop). Angular 10 is a major release that emphasizes quality, tools, and ecosystem improvements, rather than new features. One of the arms is engagable along an engagement edge … But note Jasmine isn’t a “first class citizen”. Also passionate about writing the article, mentoring/training the people, exploring new automation tools. Protractor is an open source end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Well inline with many answers above even I had the issue where I wasn't able to create a new-app with angular cli 9.1.0 on Mac OS 10.15.3 . for Cucumber, we use Typescript, which adds additional (“object oriented programming” featuers) to JavaScript. So I'm confused that why do we need 'karma'. The Protractor site has a great tutorial we can use as a starting point. Or like a clone of an object. 1, Exit your command instance and enter it again so installations take. Load more replies. Caterer. Bonus gulp-protractor-qa. Hopefully the IT department of this organization can allow access for you. So for testing your code it is useful to use unit tests. The expect style is similar to what Jasmine provides – a style from Behavior-Driven Development. On Bash mine is: Identify a repository of sample Protractor code you want to use. Don’t include packages and additional auto generated files like node_modules. Those features include snapshot testing and test coverage. People Repo info Activity. Protractor turns out be the Hottest Automation testing tool in the market with sudden increase in demand of of Javascript Frameworks like Angular, React for Front End UI development. “Assert” is a more “classical” format rooted in traditional TDD (Test-Driven Development). You need a sample app to test against, and sample scripts that test that site. Another one is “http://www.thetestroom.com/”. It comes with a right mix of the power of NodeJS, Selenium WebDriver, Jasmine, Cucumber and Mocha – which makes it a preferred testing tool for web applications. Install Node and NPM (Node Package Manager) globally: On Windows, see on Macs, press control+C to stop the session. browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {newWindowHandle = handles[1]; To run the reporter you have to follow documentation but there is a few things that you have to remember about:. Clean Architecture inspired from Jason Taylor. How to install Tomcat and deploy Jenkins on it? Setting Up Protractor; Setting Up the Selenium Server; Setting Up the Browser; Choosing a Framework; Protractor Tests . 10X(360 Degree Universal Bevel Protractor Angle Measu Finder Goniometer Angular 10X(Features:Made of high strength, resistant and durable stainless steel. Protractor adds “accessors” to Angular models, bindings, ng-options, and finding elements inside ng-repeat. Each spy function replaces a function whose behavior you want to manipulate in a test The above only needs to be done once, and occassionally to update. Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework for AngularJS applications and works as a solution integrator combining powerful tools and technologies such as NodeJS, Selenium WebDriver, Jasmine, Cucumber and Mocha. Jasmine users can use Karma, also written by the Angular team, at http://karma-runner.github.io. View processes in the new Terminal session: Alternately, start in background by adding a “&” to the end of the command: Now you can continue on the same Terminal session while webdriver runs in the background. Go ahead an open up your Angular project, and navigate to the e2e folder. Testing Non-Angular Pages/Sites. Here is a list of the most common locators: https://www.protractortest.org/#/page-objects. Protractor is an all in one powerful testing tool for end-to-end testing of web applications. PWA support; Fast Unit Testing with Jest. The “tests” folder contains tests associated with the app’s source code Sinon breaks up test doubles into three different categories, each with subtle differences: npm uninstall -g @angular/cli Verify installation status with ng --version This command outputs the current version of protractor if it is installed correctly in your machine. Mocha does not have a built in assertion library. As we discussed in the Introduction of Protractor that Protractor is Node application, we can install protractor using the simple install command. An admirable Angular seed repo for short projects. runs against the sample app at https://meanjs.herokuapp.com angular protractor This article has been updated to the latest version Angular 11 and tested with Angular 10. When we run the command webdriver-manager update it downloads and updates three things namely browser drivers such as ChromeDriver, GheckoDriver, and Selenium Standalone Server. Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework for AngularJS applications and works as a solution integrator combining powerful tools and technologies such as NodeJS, Selenium Webdriver, Jasmine, Cucumber and Mocha. Protractor Testing Tutorials For Angular Testing With Examples. The sample app repo includes the MEAN.JS stack which consists of MongoDB, Node.js, Express API framework, and AngularJS. Window Handler in Protractor . PROTIP: Create a test-suites folder to hold …spec.ts (TypeScript) files. To download libraries to implement the package.json file: Older libraries may encounter deprecated dependencies. .then forces conditional execution of the console.log() so that it’s not random due to JavaScript exeuction being asynchronous. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Protractor - Free. Load more replies. One of the major advantages pointed out on https://protractor.angular.io (formerly protractortest.org) By.name For example: “local.chrome.conf.js” for chrome run locally. Hi Ben is there any chance of getting this to work on safari. Protractor is an Open Source, End-to-End test framework specifically built for AngularJS apps. If you just want to generate HTML reports without screenshots you would need to add jasmine reporter to generate xml file with results and then use protractor-html-reporter-2 to generate HTML reporter. This method assumes that the current application is angular application and it waits for angular to load before executing the next command. angular protractor This article has been updated to the latest version Angular 11 and tested with Angular 10. Once you update is done, check the status again and you will find that all of the three things mentioned above is now available within the webdriver manager package. Examples of other configuration js files include: Generate HTML report by installing Abhishek Yadav’s (formerly AngularJs.org). In Angular Karma and Jasmine framework are mostly used to write unit tests. Pages Liked by This Page. Angular Developers. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); © 2013-2020 TOOLSQA.COM | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Software Company. npm ERR! Protractor is controlled by a config.js file such as this simple example: The above specifies the use of the Jasmine JavaScript framework to run specs (short for specifications, or test case files). Additionally, Protractor is built on top of WebDriver JavaScript , which uses native events and browser-specific drivers to interact with your application. seleniumServerJar - to start a standalone Selenium Server locally. In the Previous section, we understood What is Protractor? seleniumAddress - to connect to a Selenium Server which is already running. Protractor is very useful for End-to-End testing for angular based web applications. Several repos can have the same repo name. Test different users (persona) to ensure those with different permissions can still do their job. The protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. -g installs globally for accessibility from all folders rather than just the node_module folder of the current folder. angular-phonecat@0.0.0 protractor: protractor e2e-tests/protractor.conf.js npm ERR! The istanbul coverage reporter We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Run As, Run Configurations…. With Protractor, you can perform angular testing by utilizing BDD frameworks such as Jasmine and Mocha. End to end testing (E2E) or also known as integration testing is a great way to make sure at a high-level overview that our applications function correctly. What Makes Protractor Testing Tool a Good Fit! It is an empty package. I know that "karma + jasmine" is used for unit and integration testing, while "protractor + jasmine" is used for e2e testing. BTW, the same command is used to update to the latest version of Protractor. in the same repository. Reference: Protractor - Testing Angular and Non-Angular Sites. PROTIP: We recommend an incremental approach. While Jasmine describes itself as having “batteries included,” meaning that it attempts to provide everything a developer needs in a test framework, Sample AngularJS application testing using Protractor. WebStorm - https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/, Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/. *), where * is the locator you have chosen to locate the element. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It was initially developed by Google Developers to support angular applications and later it is released as an open source framework. Note: -g is for installing protractor globally. Install Git using a package manager. But the full URL specified in the script associated with it is no longer available. To install the required Selenium Standalone Jars and Drivers executables, we need to make use of update command on WebDriver Manager. Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS, which uses native events and browser-specific drivers to interact with your application as a user would. As the bread and butter of E2E testing in Angular, it's important to have a firm grasp on the Protractor basics. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. So it will likely encounter deprecation and security errors if built locally. The square “[ ]” brackets for specs: (notice the plural) means that a list of several spec.js files can be specified, The content is likely still applicable for all Angular 2 + versions. ?degree angle measu scale can meet your most needs. That’s the cli.js file. Run again to verify that the result is 4, which makes the test pass. It’s best to use a sample repo in GitHub that works on a sample app running in the cloud. How to use protractor-html-reporter-2 and jasmine-reporters. By.id Running the test after this command always ensures that it works fine with the latest version of the browser which we use such as Chrome Latest or Firefox Latest as the browser updates their version their relevant drivers also gets updated to support the latest feature of the browser. like actors being replaced with stunt doubles for dangerous action scenes during moviemaking. Angular 10; Angular CLI 10; Secure - with CSP and custom security headers; SignalR; SASS; Best practices for Angular code organisation. So alternatives are Chai, should.js, expect.js, and better-assert. Learning Angular is not easy for beginners. NOTE: There is no need to install Selenium and WebDrivers as it comes within the Protractor install. Protractor tests can run on both regular and headless browsers like PhantomJS 1 and emulates user actions on the application. Go ahead an open up your Angular project, and navigate to the e2e folder. Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. separated by commas. Fork the repository online in GitHub so that you can make changes. Protractor enables “find” by a combination of CSS and text (get me all the divs with class ‘pet’ and text ‘dog’). Goals of Webdriver manager: You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You can notice that by default when WebDriver Manager gets installed, it doesn’t have anything in it. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Use of libraries : React js can be packaged with other programming libraries. Scroll down to select “AngularJs Eclipse 1.2.0” to click “Install”. browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {newWindowHandle = handles[1]; The protractor is a node.js program, we need to have node binaries installed on our machine. Protractor turns out be the Hottest Automation testing tool in the market with sudden increase in demand of of Javascript Frameworks like Angular, React for Front End UI development. It was built by Google and released to open source. Protractor adds “accessors” to Angular models, bindings, ng-options, and finding elements inside ng-repeat. PhantomJS uses GhostDriver to run tests in Headless mode. During test runs, browser windows are opened and closed by Protractor. The protractor is a node.js program, we need to have node binaries installed on our machine. A “test double” library is used to replace one object with another for testing purposes, In there, you should see a folder and two files--something like this: Safari. By default, a spy will not call the original function. Protractor, an Angular JS framework, has many Selenium locators that can be identified by using a specific By method during runtime. Description Protractor is an application that allows the user to interactively measure a sector angle of a live camera image. Alternately, in a browser view the sample app running. The 360 ? Software Company. Verify the negative test case of 5, which makes the test fail. Here, we will focus only on the e2e folder since src is related to Angular application development. Learning curve : It is easier to grasp compared Angular. No Selenium Standalone, Chromedriver, etc. Headless Chrome is a useful tool for running automated tests in environments where it isn’t practical to actually launch a browser. Protractor is an all in one powerful testing tool for end-to-end testing of web applications. PROTIP: Have a page-objects folder to define a folder for each page (login, etc.). Then specify the Main file as: $(workspace_loc:/Js1/protractor/built/cli.js). Protractor is an open-source, end-to-end test automation framework by Google, which makes it a reliable, renowned, and up-to-date framework. The dark side of E2E testing (solutions) It needs a specific running environment (node.js, protractor, web-driver) It's hard to write (use page objects) It's difficult to debug (use elementexplorer) They are fragile (rerun failed tests) Angular Developers. To install plugins for autocomplete in Eclipse*, To install plugins for autocomplete in Microsoft Visual Studio Code*. So you can move beyond CSS-selectors and test your Angular code directly! It makes calls to a WebDriver which controls a web browser such as Microsoft’s Edge, Apple’s Safari, Google’s Chrome, Mozilla’s Firefox, etc. appeared in 2011 with a different approach than Jasmine. It’s not recommended to use if the page is not angular. Chai uses a “fluent” syntax where comparison operators can be chained together: For example, if you want to write an expectation that verifies that calculator.add(1, 4) returns 5, Exit status 1 npm ERR! Please follow the tutorial on How to install Node.JS. So copy the whole protractor folder from under node_modules into the root of your test assets repository project’s folder. Tell a spy to call the original function (the function it is spying on). Caterer. A digital protractor for measuring angular displacement from a referenced surface includes a substantially congruent pair of pivotally interconnected upper and lower arms, which arms are superposable upon one another. In this tutorial we will look at How to Set up Protractor? In this Protractor tutorial, we would be learning How to handle dropdowns in protractor, how to use click method to set dropdown values, creating a custom Select class to handle dropdowns in protractor, different ways to select a option, check whether a option is selected or not in a dropdown browserstackUser/browserstackKey - to use remote Selenium Servers via BrowserStack. Tutorial; Protractor Setup . Home; Quick Start . Once you have installed the Node, it is better to verify the installation. Angular is a complete framework. NOTE: There is a WebDriver that is “headless” and does not involve iteraction on a browser UI: required by Selenium WebDriver. A special bearing on the mounting and a cylindrical hinge allows the protractor to check the relative rotation angle between movable surfaces having … Follow more steps to be able to use WebStorm’s debugger. Install Java8 using a package manager. The Protractor does not collect any data whatsoever, and only needs permission to draw itself on the page. Even if a website is not using Angular, many still prefer coding Protractor rather than Selenium alone. Understand building Angular 2 application with Angular-cli; Understanding and working with Jasmine Angular 10 is smaller than previous versions. My issue was resolved by uninstalling the angular cli, cleaning the cache and re-installing the angular cli. So test “fakes” are used to isolate a test from external dependencies. 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Factory in Selenium WebDriver common locators: protractor angular 10: //medium.com/ @ igniteram/e2e-testing-with-protractor-cucumber-using-typescript-564575814e4a Sep 14, 2016,:! Browser ; Choosing a framework ; Protractor tests takeScreenshot helper function to pause 9. Is very useful for end-to-end testing framework Selenium can be tricky when used with along Protractor! From external dependencies with many other popular tools and platforms such as GitHub, Jenkins Selenium... Your Angular project, and occassionally to update WebDriver “ plug-in ” for page! ” functions and accessors ( locators ) by button text svam International Inc. McLean, VA 20 hours be! Instance directly with browser.driver Protractor from anywhere in the same repository the above only needs to be once! “ object oriented programming ” featuers ) to ensure those with different permissions can still do their job released an! 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