They’re incredibly social and hardy fish. It will be difficult to find Keyhole Cichlids in pet stores, because they’re not as popular among aquarists. Swordtails are great community fish that come in many colors and varieties, and it’s sure to jazz up your tank. Origin : South America. But are Angelfish aggressive? And now it is getting worst. To make sure you’re creating a peaceful community tank: When juveniles, Angelfish start out peaceful and docile, but as they mature, they can become a bit aggressive and territorial, so it’s best to keep them with fish that they’re compatible with off the bat. Altum Angelfish JUMBO (Tank Raised) – SPECIAL PRICE $ 179.00 $ 159.00. A really good filtration system, big enough tank, and frequent water changes are necessary to keep the discus fish healthy. Another distinctive marking on them is a pair of sharp spines just below their eyes, which rise if they feel threatened and which makes it difficult for predators to swallow them. Although relatively hardy, Kuhli loaches are partly scaleless creatures, and that can leave them vulnerable to attack by parasites and diseases. Discus fish can get sick quickly due to stress. Temperature : 24 – 26°C / 75.2–78.8 °F. Discus fish are simply beautiful and they are a great choice for any community aquarium. Kribensis Cichlids or Kribs are colorful, attractive fish that can be found in a variety of color morphs. If you keep Kribensis in small groups, you can be sure that couples will pair off and begin spawning. They are beautiful! For that reason, I recommend that you pick tank mates that are at least two inches long or larger. In a 30 gallon tank you can house 2 angelfish and 6 neon tetras. Discus fish are very sensitive and require special water parameters. The Three Spot gourami is a large gourami that’s often recommended for beginners because they are so easy to keep. I’m not sure if I should separate the goldfish. PH : 6.0 – 7.5. Bleeding Hearts tend to cruise the bottom to middle areas of the aquarium, hiding out among plants when they feel stressed. So if you don’t have the option to separate them at the moment, you can try adding new tank mates and see what happens. Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus sternicla), 14. Black Skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), 4. Mollies come from South America and have long been extremely popular aquarium fish, largely because they are so easy to keep and also because they spawn readily. Cichlids. Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii), 15. You’ll need to have a large tank for even a single angelfish… The Altum Angelfish is a slightly more demanding fish breed than the ones before. Boeseman’s Rainbow Fish starts life as a rather dull gray color with a yellow tail. Plecos for instance can … If you want to breed these fish, make sure to provide plenty of vegetation in the tank as they build bubble nests using vegetation. Like with every other fish species that isn’t a 100% match for angelfish, make sure you keep an eye on their behavior. Card-carrying fin nippers, such as tiger barbs, certain tetras, and Skunk botia should be avoided, as should any species that has a reputation for aggression. Siamese Algae eaters can become very territorial and some-times aggressive. Because they’re territorial, avoid overstocking the tank. It is the largest of the three described species of Pterophyllum and is sometimes called Orinoco angelfish or Blue angelfish. You’ll notice them sticking together most of the time. Above: These Peruvian Altum Angelfish have dark vertical bars running across their sides. They’re native to the same regions as the Angelfish, so it’s understandable that they’ll enjoy the same water conditions. Although, zebra fish can support lower temperatures, they do well in tropical temperature tanks. Although Angelfish belong to the cichlid family with most cichlids being known for their aggression, Angelfish are actually not aggressive fish. Unfortunately, that’s true; the Angelfish can be a bully if it’s kept with the wrong company. Learn how your comment data is processed. Guppy Fish. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Hello Hena! They are nearly as attractive as the stunning German rams, while being far hardier and easier to keep. For starters, these two have different water temperature preferences (Goldfish prefer colder temperatures). That’s all the best mates for your lovely Angelfish. These fish are easy to care for, they make good companions for angelfish, and they’re small. In the wild, Cardinal tetras live in huge shoals, often containing hundreds of fish. Neon tetras give a vibrant look to any community tank and are really easy fish to keep. Their peaceful nature and compatibility with non-aggressive fish makes them good tank buddies for Angelfish. These fish will get pretty big: 6 inches long and around 8 inches tall. To make sure they’re happy in their environment, keep them in schools of 6 or more. Rosy tetras are another great choice when it comes to angelfish tank mates. Freshwater angelfish can be community fish as long as they’re swimming with the right fish. Synodontis Catfish (Metynnis argenteus), 27. I’ve had good angelfish and bad angelfish. A group of 6 rosy tetras require at least a 20 gallon tank. As mentioned above, Angelfish can grow to measure six inches long and eight inches tall when fully mature. The handsome Rubbernose pleco comes from the Orinoco River in Eastern Colombia. Aggression Level : Medium (5/10) (Small fish cannot be kept with larger specimens) Recommended Tank Size : 60 Litres + Strata : Middle. For more information on what fish make good tank mates, check out our freshwater fish compatibility chart. Aug 7, 2017 - If you plan to keep Angelfish Tank Mates, take the time to learn about exactly what types can be maintained with them. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. With 3 prominent vertical black and brownish stripes, they are easily distinguishable from their close relatives. These bottom-dwellers generally do well in community tanks, and they can be kept in small groups. They do well in a community tank, provided that they are not housed with large fish. The full spectrum of fish that can be kept alongside Angelfish is too extensive for a single article. 20 Best Angelfish Tank Mates 1. The Silver Dollar makes a wonderful community fish when kept with other large, peaceful species, although very small fishes will most likely be eaten by big Silver Dollars. What to Look for in an Angelfish Tank Mate. Read more. They are beautiful, very active and peaceful fish. This section of our guide discusses what you should consider when choosing an ideal tank mate for your Angelfish. If you can provide these conditions, you can put discus and angelfish together, however make sure, that your angelfish will not harass their mates. Also, as I mentioned in some cases, it’s best to introduce smaller tank mates while your angelfish are still small and young, so they’re less likely to see other species as food. You’ll also see them under the name Orinoco angelfish or blue angelfish. Their mouths are surrounded by four pairs of barbels and their mouth points downward. The aquarium size depends on how many fish you plan to have. This will only happen, if only one fish is added to a tank or they don’t have enough food. Mollies and Angelfish are a match made in heaven. These livebearers can be golden, orange, red, black, silver, green, and rust-colored, as well as striking combinations of all of those. Some good tank mates for angelfish are: 1. If the shrimp can fit in the mouth of an Angelfish, then all bets are off, and they’ll eat your shrimp no question about it. ), angelfish can get quite aggressive if they’re not kept with compatible species. You may learn this the hard way, when your fish start being aggressive with each other. Tank mates are important. They can only be housed long term with tank mates that they just can't kill off or eat. Bettas have a tendency to attack anything that even slightly resembles them. I was told it need soft water and high temperature, like discus. Zebra danios are another great choice for community tanks and they are compatible with angelfish as well. They get along with peaceful fish like mollies, bristlenose plecos, dwarf gourami, harlequin rasboras, and if the conditions I discussed above, they can be housed with Angelfish as well. I would also suggest adding tons of live plants, to make your aquarium more pleasant, especially if you will keep it in your living room. Black Velvet Angelfish $ 25.00 $ 22.00. You can keep these loaches in groups, although they are just as happy when kept alone, spending their time foraging in the substrate and among your plants. Other fish to mix with your angelfish … hello please can you help i have just bought a 30 gallon tank and would like to put in a angelfish and a discus andsome neons can you tell me if this is possible or am i causing problems for myself also if it is possible how many of each would i be able too keep thank you dave roberts. Other physical characteristics include the black and white stripes on their fluke and their silvery body. ALTUM ANGELFISH – Habitat, Care, Breeding, Tank Mates February 14, 2020 February 26, 2020 Louisw2101 The Altum Angelfish (Pterophyllum altum) was first described by Pellegrin in 1903. Comments: This is a Premium Pet Fish, and we never see Premium Angels like these in any of the live fish stores that we visit Rummy-Nose tetras are pretty, lively little shoaling fish that make a good addition to a well-established, peaceful community tank. How to keep him under control? However, please don’t despair if you have your heart set on keeping Angelfish. Angelfish Tank Setup. Despite their angelic appearance (and name! Make sure your tank has plenty of hiding spaces like rocks, plants, driftwood, and caves. The Kuhli loach is a peaceful, wormlike loach that comes from Southeastern Asia. Angelfish spend most of their time swimming in the top part of the water column close to the surface. If the angelfish are kept in overcrowded conditions, make sure to increase the frequency of your water changes to keep the water quality high. If notice that your Rummy Nose Tetra loses its bright red marking, you can be sure it has something to do with the water quality. Despite being a species native to India and Bangladesh, which has very different conditions compared to where Angelfish originate from, they can still make good companions for these fish. German Rams and Kribensis Cichlids are also compatible with them, though make sure you do not overcrowd your tank and you create hiding spaces in case if there is a bully in the tank. Adult angelfish can easily target guppies as food, and it is ideal to introduce guppies when the angelfish are young. That said, there are a few easy ways you can check to see if an individual fish is a good match: Aggression: Angelfish can be aggressive, but they actually can’t compete with other fish of comparable size due to their smaller mouths. Altum angelfish is the most peaceful type of angelfish and it can even get frightened by shadow and any fast movement near the tank, especially when you bring it for the first time in your new tank. There are many different types of Cory Catfish, which makes it easy to choose one to your liking. If you’re considering picking out some tank buddies for your Angelfish, you’ve come to the right place – my guide to angelfish tank mates lists the best fish that are compatible with angelfish. Here I’ve prepared a list of angelfish tank mates for different size fish tanks with 3 examples: Angelfish are an interesting freshwater species that’s loved by all aquarists for their grace and beauty. They’ll eat live food (bloodworm, tubifex, brine shrimp), flakes with vegetable content, pellets and other artificial foods. #7 — Ghost Angelfish. Maybe you should add a sponge to the filter intake. They’re not fussy about their diet either, being omnivorous by nature. Blue Black Ninja Angelfish Currently Unavailable Read more Details. Praecox Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia praecox), 22. Your email address will not be published. Guppies are popular freshwater fish among beginners. Advanced Aquaria Discussion Forum. However, these fish are still attractive and interesting, forming monogamous couples within a shoal. The distinctive red marking on their head earned them the name “Rummy Nose”. Currently Alison has two large freshwater tanks. Also, the pH level has to be always between 4.8 and 6.2. Shoreline Aquatics 1,025 views. Three Spot Gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus). It takes some time to get comfortable and used to the tank environment. I was wondering if I can put 4 Angelfish With 4 Severam Chilids? Most Angelfish do well in community tanks with similar sized fish, there are few types of Angelfish which thrive in Blackwater Aquarium Set-up like the Peruvian Altum Angelfish. The tetras will swim around, but I guess only because they are much faster and they swim in school. Do you think these fish species can live together? These tetras come from southern Brazil and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and water conditions, making them ideal for life in Angelfish’s setup. TANK SET UP. You should not house discus fish in a 30 gallon tank. The fish you’ve mentioned can live together peacefully in the same aquarium. However, choosing the ideal tank mates becomes a daunting task. Source: Any suggestions? These lively little fish come in a huge range of colors and breed readily, so you’ll most likely never need to buy more once you introduce a small shoal of males and females. Although, angelfish can be aggressive, they do really well in community tanks that are not overcrowded. Although Angelfish belong to the cichlid family with most cichlids being known for their aggression, Angelfish are actually not aggressive fish. So, despite what anecdotes you may have heard about these two getting along with each other, do not keep them together as they’ll end up fighting and ultimately hurt or even kill each other. 29 Best Tank Mates for Angelfish 1. Mollies can adapt to a variety of water conditions and some types of mollies can even live in saltwater aquariums. Also, just like with other tetras, keep your neons in a school of 6 or more. They’re bizarre-looking with their fleshy little tentacles, which makes them appealing for many aquarists. Angelfish is one of the most popular tank mates for discus which usually requires the same water parameters. The Siamese Algae Eater fish, is one of the best algae eaters out there. These are shoaling fishes that should ideally be kept in groups. Kuhli or Coolie Loach are intriguing little characters that prefer the bottom part of the tank, where they burrow in the sand and explore hiding places. One was so mean I bought another tank just so I could separate it from the other fish. #Tankmates that provide constant motion and distraction play a huge role in the safety of your altum angels. Neon tetras will also do well in a 10 gallon aquarium. Altums are a mid to upper tank dweller but will go to the bottom for food. Black Skirt tetras are an unusual and seldom-seen member of the tetra family that makes a delightful addition to a community tank. Guppy males are brightly colored with gorgeous fins and tails, females are less interesting when it comes to physical traits. On the other hand, Angelfishes can be the victims of bullying, too. Swordtail from North and Central America is a large gourami that ’ s Rainbow fish starts as... The guppies as food, and they ’ re kept with compatible species the good news is can... Are commonly fed to freshwater tropical fish species and make them look perfect.. 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